The Effective Application of The Blood of Jesus… Do You Know What the Blood of the Lord Jesus...


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The Effective Application of The Blood of Jesus…

Do You Know What the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Has Done For Us,

and To Us?

The Warrior’s Agenda Min. Senior Instructor David M. Humphrey

What Do You Know?

1. What has the Blood of Jesus done for you?

2. Why is it so important in relationship to our Salvation?

3. Why couldn’t ‘Moses’ die for our sins?

4. Did Satan try to ‘keep’ Jesus from dying on the Cross for our sins? I Cor.2:6-8

5. Why was it that the blood of Bulls, Goats and Hefers was not enough to ‘purge’ our Sins?

6. What does the word ‘purge’ mean?

7. Does the Blood of Jesus ‘Justify’ you? Rom. 5:1 & 9

8. What does the word ‘Justify’ mean?

9. As a Christian, how do you use the Blood of Jesus, ‘effectively’?

What Do You Know About Blood?

1. When was Blood first shed in the Bible and history, and why? Gen.3:20-21

2. When was the second time that Blood was shed in the Bible, who prompted it and why? Gen.4:1-12.

3. What role did the ‘Earth’ play? Gen.4:11

4. Is this still true today?

5. What does the Bible say about the importance of Blood? Lev.17:10-14.

6. What was the Blood of Animals given for, after the Fall of Adam? Lev.17:11.

…The Power of Blood…

Understanding What Blood Does in the Earth…

• What does Blood do when ‘mis-used’?

Such as with Witchcraft, Satanism, Necromancy Spiritualism and the like…

• Blood Pollutes – the Land, the Country• Blood Contaminates – the Spiritual Atmosphere• Blood Defiles – the People, Land, Area and the

Country. Blood and Sin defile the land.Lev.18:24-28

• The shedding of Innocent Blood brings a ‘Curse’• That’s why Satan (and his minion’s) were so

delighted at the legalization of ‘Abortion…’4

Understanding What You Are Not Because of The Blood…

FYSI (For Your Spiritual Information…)

Perhaps you’ve noticed the last few years the large number of ‘propaganda films’ Satan has been putting out lately. All of the Harry Potter films especially (geared toward getting young

people –pre-teen and teen—interested in Witchcraft, and the occult.)

Unfortunately, during the month of October is when those who like to practice such things like

to try them on some Christians.

You are no longer going to be a Target.

Because of the Blood of Jesus and What He Did, You Are Curse-less…

How Do We Know This?

1. Because the Word says so. Prov. 26:2

2. Because the Word says so. Numbers 23 (Num.23:4-8, 19-23)

3. Because the Word says so. Deut.28:8

But what about the ‘Generational Curse’?

What about it, Jesus dealt with that too.

Gal. 3:13 destroys Generational Curses too!

Remember Num.23:8 and Gal.3:13 and ‘apply’ them. 6

There Is Only One Thing That Can Overcome Blood Defilement

• In witchcraft, if the ‘spell-caster’ wants to cast a ‘more powerful spell’ he/she will add blood (human or animal) to the spell.

• But we will learn in this class that there is something much more powerful than spells, and the defilement, and spiritual contamination from the shedding of blood. That is the Blood of Jesus, AND how to use it—effectively…

Class and/Home Work Assignment

• Applying the Blood of Jesus Effectively• Beginning Confession: Warm Up!• “I apply the Yoke-Destroying, Demon-

Destroying, Sickness-Destroying, Disease-Destroying, Devil-Destroying, Calamity-Destroying, Tragedy-Destroying, Curse-Destroying, Accident-Destroying, Power of The Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to my Life, to my Family, to my Body and to my Finances, to my ______________ for my Complete Protection—Now! In the Name of Jesus!” I John 3:8 (Stop ‘Breaking it’. Jesus came to Destroy it! 8

My Daily Personal Confession of the Blood of Jesus Christ

• I apply the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to every area of My Life for my protection like ‘Razor Wire’. I apply it to the lives of my Family Members and Loved Ones. I apply its protection to Health of my Spirit, Soul and Body, to my Finances, Car, and my Home, my Property, _______________________and ____________. Numbers 14:28! Matt.12:35-37, Mark 11:23

• Pray and allow the Holy Spirit to tell you what other things should go in the blanks. Make it effective, not religious or routine. (Visual example) 9

After Adam and Eve’s Fall the Earth Became Satan’s Play Ground…

And Jesus Came to Take It Back, And… 10

He Left Us Here To Occupy And Prepare the Way For The…

…and He said unto them, “Occupy till I come…” Lk.19:13 b 11

Understanding What Happened to the Human Race After The Fall of Man…


Ever Since The Fall of Man, Man Has Known About His Separation From God But Was At A Loss As To What To Do

About It…

He knew some how that it involved ‘Blood’, but again, he didn’t understand what to do…That’s why every primitive tribe and religion in the World had ‘Blood Sacrifices’, both Animal and sometime, ‘Human’...

They had a perverted understanding of how it was to work. They thought Blood was to be eaten, drunken, or they were to mark themselves with it. They didn’t have a clue, and Satan then slid in and took advantage of man’s ignorance until God taught the Jews how to offer sacrifice ‘properly’.13

Evil Spirits Began Demanding Worship and Blood Sacrifices

• And they set up myriads of False Religions• Demanding Animal and Human Sacrifices


Man Has Sought Every Way and Means Possible to Reach God…

Some people even went the opposite way, by praying to the Devil, but there is only One way to God. We couldn’t provide it. Only God could, and it had to be a way that could and would purify us from Sin, and destroy it’s power in our lives…


Question: What Was So Important About Adam and Eve’s Disobedience?


It Was Not The ‘Fruit’ That Was So Important To God–But The Obedience…

1. It is important to remember, that when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they in turn obeyed the orders of Satan, a Fallen Angel. Gen.2:7,16-17, (Dying thou shalt die…) Gen.3: 1-5,

2. They initially had only One person to obey—God. They then changed it to two. God and Satan, and they put Satan in front of God.

3. They went from answering only to God, to answering to an ‘angel’, and a Fallen Angel at that! Man was never

4. created below the Angels. But that’s how Man fell below the angels, Man chose to obey one, instead of God. Psa. 8: 3-7

5. Who else did Adam and Eve submit to and obey?6. Imagine if you worked in the White House and answered only

to the President, then, you demoted yourself by obeying all the orders of a White House ‘Maid’ (who had already been fired!)


Satan Decided to Be Very ‘Clever’

Rather than wait until God ‘finished’ with His Plan, Satan decided to strike God’s New Creation, Adam and Eve, early in their

existence, before they had ‘Children’…

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life*; and man became a living

soul. Gen. 2:7*Lit. Heb: ‘The Breath of Lives…’

Sin became like a deadly, incurable disease, like Sickle-Cell Anemia, passed down from father to son, mother to daughter, transferred in the very soul and literally the‘blood’ of every Human Being…

From Adam and Eve’s single act of disobedience, Sin and Death passed down to every single human being… 18

The Thing About Obeying Sin, Rather Than God, Is,

That Sin Always Bites Back, One Way Or Another…

Only by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and what His Blood has done for us by Faith, can we avoid Sin’s Murderous ‘Bite’…

In the Garden of Eden Satan Launched an Invasion…

Rom 5:12-14

12 Wherefore, as by one man Sin entered* into the world, and Death by sin; and so Death passed upon all men, for

that all have sinned:

13(For until the law Sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

14 Nevertheless Death reigned from Adam to Moses, {Why Just to Moses?} even over them that had not sinned after

the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.


*Orig. Grk Means: To Enter into, to enter, to go into, to come in…

Satan Established an Evil Trinity of his own. Himself, Sin and Death, and it ruined God’s Creation… (Here’s a more in depth


Rom 5:12-14

12 Therefore, as Sin came into* the world through one man, and Death as the result of Sin, so Death spread to all men,

[no one being able to stop it or to escape its power] because all men sinned.

13[To be sure] Sin was in the world before ever the Law was given, but Sin is not charged to men's account where there

is no law [to transgress].

14 Yet Death held sway from Adam to Moses [the Lawgiver], { Why Just To Moses?} even over those who did not

themselves transgress [a positive command] as Adam did. Adam was a type (prefigure) of the one Who was to come [in

reverse, the former destructive, the Latter saving]. AMP

So with the Disobedience of Adam and Eve, ‘Sin Itself’ Entered into the World and then ‘Death’ by Sin…

• A good way to understand it is like this…• Adam and Eve opened the Door to Sin by their


Eve was seduced by Satan’s conversation and she then convinced her husband…

Adam opened the Door to Sin to Enter in…

Sin entered and then held the Door ‘open’ for Death, which entered the World…

Death: “Great Job devil, I can come in now, right!”


The Blood of Jesus…

There Was Only One True Answer to Man’s Dilemma and Satan’s Invasion of Sin and Death …

The Blood of Jesus…

We Have Redemption Through His Blood…

Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:14

The Blood of Jesus…

Eph. 1:7-10

In whom we have Redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and

prudence; 9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed

in himself:

Col. 1:13-1413 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: 14 In whom we have Redemption through His Blood, even the

forgiveness of sins:

We Have Been Bought With a Price…

Essentially, It Cost Us Nothing—But It Cost Jesus Christ


The Blood of Jesus…

We Have Been Justified By His Blood…

Romans 5:9

The Blood of Jesus…

This too is what the Blood of Jesus has done for us…28

You Will Not Be ‘One Day’, But You Are Justified Now…

Romans 5:9 (KJV) 9 Much more then, being now justified* by his Blood,

we shall be saved from wrath through him.

*Justified= Blameless, Guiltless, Above Suspicion, Irreproachable, Spotless, Untarnished, Immaculate,

Pristine, Faultless, Pure…

The Blood of Jesus…

The Blood of Jesus Cleanses Our Conscience From Dead Works…

Heb. 9:14

The Blood of Jesus…

We Are Sanctified By

His Blood—Now…

We Must Act Like It

Heb. 13:12

The Blood of Jesus is so Powerful It…

• Redeems You• Justifies You• Sanctifies You• Cleanses You• In Essence, It Makes You What It Is—Holy So, Carry Yourself That Way…I Cor.3:17, I Pe.1:15-16

**See Matt. 23:16-20. In the same way the ‘gift’ is “sanctified” by the Altar , so we are hallowed and sanctified by the Blood… In the same way the Altar makes the gift what “it” is, in the same manner the Blood washes us and makes us what it is—Holy…


The Blood of Jesus…

But Now, How Do You Use The Blood of Jesus Effectively in Spiritual Warfare…

1. Understand this, in Spiritual Warfare, it is simply not enough to be Useful.

2. You must learn to be Effective!

3. We have already learned to be good Soldiers, now we must learn to be good Warriors…


The Effective Application of the Blood of Jesus

Most Christians do not know what this is symbolic of. Do you?

1. What is this man doing?

2. What is this Ceremony called?

3. Why is he doing it?

4. What is the scripture ref for this?


The Blood of Jesus…Most Christians don’t know how to Effectively use The Blood of Jesus.’1.There are Two ways to use the Blood of Jesus 2.Offensively3.Defensively

•Defensively is for Protection, that of your family, home, loved ones, yourself, etc…



Soul Your Calling

•Offensively is against the enemy. To attack, injure, or punish him. To stop his attack. Technically this is known as a ‘Counter-Attack’. •Application of the Blood of Jesus should be done regularly, for Defense.


The Blood of Jesus…

• The Blood Applied Defensively

1. How Do You Do It?2. Will It Really Work?3. How long do I have

to wait for it to work?

I. I apply the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to my ____________ like Razor Wire for it’s Protection.

II. I apply the Holy, Rich, Red, Sanctified, Pure, Divine, Perfect, Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Blood of Jesus…


Using The Blood of Jesus for Your:

39Razor Wire and Concertina Wire

I Apply the Power of The Blood of The Lord Jesus Christ and It’s Protection to My

Life Like Razor Wire in the Name of Jesus…

1. Speak this over your Life, your Health, your Job and Income/Finances, your Family, your Call, your Mission. Your Loved Ones, Your Marriage and Yourself…2. Don’t wait for God to do it, you do it! Because it is your responsibility.Prov. 18:21


The Blood of JesusThe Blood of Jesus is a Weapon…And it Re-enforces the separation between your Territory and Satan’s Territory. It re-enforces the Spiritual Defensive Military Perimeter around your Property (i.e.) your Life. But you have to set it and establish it—that is your job. And your Angels are your ‘Border Patrol’. They obey God’s Word in Your Mouth—Keep’em

Busy! Psalm 103:20

Be ‘Pre-emptive’! Confess God’s Word and set up your Protective Barrier before Satan and his demons attack! Most Christians wait till way after Satan attacks and then try to figure out what to do next…

Psalm 35:5, 6 41

Satan, just like his favorite sons, (Al Qaeda) is always looking, watching for an

‘opening’ he can take advantage of…

Al Qaeda We Must be

Pre-emptive and Prepared

We Must be Always ReadyThe Blood of Jesus is Explosive against the

Enemy... 42

Always Remember to Make a Distinction in your Mind and Audibly

in Your Speaking when you are Applying the Blood of Jesus as to whether you are Speaking and

applying it *Defensively or *Offensively…

“I am applying the Power of the Blood of Jesus to myself and my Family for our *Protection in the Name of Jesus…”

I apply the Explosive Power of the Blood of Jesus against this Stronghold in my Life for its complete ‘*Destruction’ in Jesus Name!

The Blood of Jesus is the Kingdom Equivalent to a ‘Hand Grenade’.


The Blood of Jesus Christ…

Most Christians Feel ‘Depressed’ When They Come Under Satan’s Attack, That’s Because They Forgot They Have Weapons and That They Can Attack Too!*

Your Hand Grenade—Use It!

*2 Corinth:10:4-6, Jer.51:2044

Because of the Blood of Jesus…We are Seated with Him in Heavenly Places…

Every time you see Jesus on His Throne remember what the Word says, That ‘you are seated with Him’ in Heavenly Places too, ruling over Satan’s evil spirits in the Name and by The Blood of Jesus—Now! Eph. 2:6. 45