The Future of Blogs Will Richardson


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The Future of Blogs

Will Richardson

Blogs are no longer about the technology…

It’s now about imagination.

The State of the Blogosphere

Blogs are blooming…

40+ million blogs

Doubles each 5.5 months

A new blog each second

Over 20 million active blogs3 months later


1.2 million posts a day



There are voices of transformation…

"A student came to me this morning carrying a globe and a look of complete amazement on his face. I know, sounds like the intro to a joke. . . but seriously, he pointed at the globe and said "Shanghai is in

CHINA! Someone read my blog in CHINA!" As if this wasn't perfect enough a student looked up from his blog and said, "Mr. Showers already told you, we are world wide!" and then calmly went back to

entering his blog."

Clarence Fisher

“It is about communication. It is about the light it gives them into the lives of others and their ideas. This changes how we use technology with kids. The user friendliness of these tools has

democratized who uses them, who has a voice, and who we get to hear. When computers were hard to use and the tools were complex, we heard from geeks and hackers, now we hear the voices of

teenage girls. Wait until technology penetrates into places it isn't right now. When we hear from more African girls, and the voices of young boys in South East Asia, I'll know that we are getting somewhere. It will be their lives, their stories, and their hopes spilling into blogs, podcasts, and wikis. They are the next line of early adopters.”

Anne Davis

“It is empowering to students that they can voice their thoughts and immediately see

them published on the web. Then the anticipation they feel when they open

their own blogs and knowing that someone cared enough to comment and care about what they wrote. It really gives them

ownership in a way we could never provide within our classroom walls.”

Darren Kuroptawa

“When a student is scribe they take particularly good class notes and think deeply about what they learned that day. The process of writing their scribe (we've created a new use for that noun) forces

them to reflect on their learning and work to articulate the lesson as though they were teaching it. The paradigm in medical school is ‘watch it, do it, teach it.’ My students have brought that paradigm into

our classes.”

Konrad Glogowski

“When I think of blogs, I think primarily of what this

technology enables my students to accomplish. When I look forward to reading their entries and comments I am really looking forward to thoughts made visible.”

Blogging Benefits:


Writing Skills

Reading Skills


Connective Learning

Learning by Network Building

Learning by Community Building


Math Blog

Class and Student Blog

Audio Blogs

Project Blog

Student video blog…

Staff Development blog


Blogs are…


Communication Tool

Collaboration Space


Learning Space


Is the blog future bright?


Fear (of Technology)

Solution:Better teacher training

(new and old)

Fear (Safety)

MySpace would be the 15th most populous country in the world.

Solution:Education specific tools

BlogmeisterNovember Learning Communities


Fear (of Change)

Solution:Small Steps(Read blogs)



Lack of Research


Lack of Support

Solution:Easy ToolsHosting

So, what is the future of blogs?

Web Publishing is not going away

“We are at a turning point in the technology industry, and

perhaps even in the history of the world.”

–Tim O’Reilly (May 14, 2006)

If you have access, you can take charge of your own learning.

Convergence of the tools

Audio Commenting“Hyperlinked Radio”

Personal Learning Environments(PLEs)


Small Pieces Loosely Joined

Blogs might go away…

But in a world that is “ubiquitously connected and

pervasively proximate…”

…the idea behind blogs will not
