The Gamer Gazette #8



A monthly eMagazine all about games and entertainment.

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In This Issue!:

Tazer News:

100 YouTube Subscribers: This

month marks a mini milestone for us

as our “TazerCG” YouTube channel

breaks into triple figures, not much in

comparison to a lot of channels but

still an achievement we are proud of.

We also want to say thank you to all

of you on Facebook and Twitter too.

Our Facebook is nearing 900 likes and

our Twitter, which has been

amazingly active recently, is nearing

200. You guys are brilliant and we

thank you so much for your

continued support!

No More Sign Ups: We have

decided to open our website up to

all! Up until now we have had a

members system integrated to the

website so that member get certain

benefits over everyday visitors to the

site, however, even though this is still

a system we would like in the future,

right now we don’t get enough

visitors on the site to warrant it.

What do you think of this decision?

Good or Bad, let us know by sending

your feedback to our email:

New Look: As you may have noticed

already, the magazine looks a little

different this month. We’re trying out

a slightly new look. What do you

think? Let us know via the email

mentioned above.

Wolfenstein: The New Order.

By Kim Gustafsson

I'm just going to let that sink in for a while,

that will hopefully give me enough time to

think of a way to write this review without

stepping on someone's toes, or just pissing

people off in plain English. I don’t even

know where to start, so I'm going to do this

as categorized as I can and hopefully it will

help me to stay on topic, at least for a while

I will.


So let's start with the characters, our

playable man goes by the name of William

Blazkowicz sometimes referred to as BJ (I

will just use William from this point on

mostly because of the horrible things that

last name does to my dyslectic brain).

Although he is a new acquaintance for me,

fans of the series should recognize the

name as he has been in all of the previous

games in the series as well. He’s a nice

character I don’t mean nice as in flowers

and unicorn nice, I just mean I find him to

my liking. He has a long past fighting the

Nazi war machine and it’s shown in some of

the dialogue he continuously has with

himself throughout the game. He talks to

himself a lot in other words, and it does not

disturb me at all...

He is a strong character that they just did a

good job with and being voiced by Brian

Keith Bloom helps a lot as well. He's not my

favourite actor in the world, but he does a

good job as William and I love the character

even more for it. And it shows that they put

in a lot of time on making a character, or a

hero as they say, that people can relate to

and in their minds become, as one plays

through the game.

Another name that comes up in abundance

is Anya Oliwa, a nurse that takes care of

William's injuries after his accident (more

on that later). They develop a strong bond

during the game and I have to say I was not

surprised as they fall in love with one

another quite quickly. And after having

both her parents killed by the Nazi’s I do

however question how fast and "simply"

she leaves that behind her to help the

resistance. But as I play the game she does

actually feel their loss more heavily then I

first presumed. She does a few backwards


through the

game when

she reads or


notes of



her family.

At first I

found this

to be annoying because I believed that she

would become the snivelling sort that never

lets go, but they kept it on a level that I did

not get bothered with. Another fine line

that they make you walk in this game that

they just succeed in, not making her too

much nor making her forget her past


There are a

lot more


in the game,

but there

are so many

I could fill in

pages on

them alone,

but these

two are the

main ones, and they are as solid as game

characters go. They are interesting, but

don't take away from your interest in the

game. Anya, voiced by Alicja Bachleda-

Curu´s, a new name for me, is just as well

made as William himself. This goes for all

the characters in the game all having

something interesting to bring to the table

as the story goes on and how different

people react

to Williams

presence is a

great fun to

see even if

the game


allow you to

get to know

them as well

as you might

like in some respects. While on the subject

of praise, all the characters in the game are

properly voiced, it's nice to play a game and

not get angry at the fake accent of the

English actor playing a man pretending to

be a German or anything like that. Some

might find the dialects to be wrong but for

me who does not speak German at all I find


wrong whit

it as one

usually does

when voice

acting is



The game

begins as William and his company makes

an attempt to storm the weapon facility

where all the Nazi super weapons come

from but they are captured. After a while

they manage to find a way out but in the

resulting explosion William takes a hit on

the head and lands unconscious in the

ocean below to be found by a Polish fish-

trolley that pulls him up. He is later


to a hospital

and ends up

in a


asylum in

Poland to

recover but

ends up


trapped in

his own

body as a result of the injury. And there he

remains for the duration of 14 years before

finally being able to move again as his life is

threatened. This is also where we get to

know Anya as she is taking care of him

during his time at the clinic. Astonishingly

he makes a

full recovery

almost the

instant he

can move

again (I

would think

that after

being a


for 14 years

the muscles

would have taken some damage or at least

grown out of use) and is in a minute or so

back to his old self again, plus the new scars

on his head.

After getting help to escape Poland and

making his way back to what used to be

London he soon joins the resistance and the

story takes on for real. Not only do you get

to see a lot

of new

faces but

also get to

know how

the Nazi’s

took over

the world.

Both from

the main


and also

from a lot (yes a lot) of small paper

clippings being posted around the wall of

almost every room in the resistance hide

out, as well in many of the levels you go


By reading one of these and with the help

of Anya

you learn

that the


used by

the Nazi’s

has a


that can

only be



sabotage. In order to find the person

responsible you have to go into a prison to

find the source, and break him out. After

this the story goes on a bit fast in my

opinion and I wanted it to be more

gameplay-orientated before the final


After you find the man responsible for the

Nazi concrete you soon find a weapon to

use against them, this however is nothing I

will take up here, I must leave something

for you to learn on your own right. Besides I

do try to keep from revealing too much of

the ending in games as I feel it’s the players

right to get there on their own, without any

spoilers from me.


The game is an

FPS with some




going for it as

well. But the

main genre is FPS.

And even if the story is

very linear it still offers good replay

value as enemies become stronger but also

more alert. It also uses a variety of different

weapons with a limited crafting and

upgrading ability, mostly for finding pieces

in the world maps to augment your

weapons. It also enables you to dual wield

some of the weapons, which is a cool way

of gaining more damage potential.

The game also says "There’s a cover

function that will give you the advantage

while fighting from cover", but it does not.

If anything I find I die faster if I use it. It

allows you to lean out or indeed lay down

while you fight in order to get a better shot

off while staying in cover. So let me ask you,

how many times have you as a player shot

an AI controlled opponent as they lean out

from cover to take a look at you, that’s

what you are doing, leaning out with your

torso, to allow your opponent to take

better shots at you. It would have been

better to just let us lay down by holding the

button in as in Battlefield or CoD then to

have us hold another button and moving

backwards. It’s a slow way of getting down

and you won't use it unless the game tells

you that you have to. And as the AI gets

better if you up the

difficulty I don’t see it

being used much

as they just

get better

hits on you

as you lean

out to take a

look at them, a

completely useless

system that they could

have left out.

As far as the game itself runs it’s a smooth

ride, and only a handful of people have

reported to have had any type of problems

with it as far as performance goes. There

are a few hiccups here and there such as for

my part a floating body and a front half of a

ghost dog. But after reloading, the game

seems to have mended itself and no more

problems occurred as I played it.

The game is good in all aspects but I would

have liked to have more of it, it feels a bit

compressed at times. It goes by way too

fast and I feel like its half a game. They

should not extend it with cut scenes as

many developers do, but just more game

play would have been nice.

As a final word I would like to say take your

time with the game, even if the game play

is not that long there a lot of little things

that builds up the game from inside it.

Listen to when people talk when you can

overhear them, try to find all the

collectibles, as many of now famous songs

have been made to German versions and it

does make it feel more real somehow. They

spent a lot of time in putting it in there so

make sure you take part in the whole game

and not just the shooty bits. Read all the

little paperclips and just immerse yourself

in the game and it will feel totally different

from when you do it just by running

through it.

Among the Sleep:

By Nathan Scullard

Hello peeps, and welcome to another

edition of The Gamer Gazette! For those of

you who have been following our YouTube

channels, you will already know a bit about

this game.

We were given a copy of this game by the

developers "Krillbite Studio" and I just want

to say a big thank you to them as it is that

kind of

generosity that

helps us to

grow as a


Among the

Sleep is a


Horror" game

where you play

as a 2-year old

boy accompanied by his teddy bear flung

into a frightening world or monsters and

puzzles. The game starts on your birthday

when you receive a new teddy bear as a

present. But this is no ordinary bear and

shows right away that it can walk and talk!

During the night, you are woken when your

bear gets lifted by unseen hands and taken

from your room. Then the cot begins to

move and is tipped over and you're thrown

onto the floor and have to find your teddy

by searching through the darkened

cluttered hallways of you house.

After finding your teddy in the washing

machine it becomes apparent that things

are not right. As you venture downstairs,

when the baby gate magically opens on its

own, the house

is a mess and



When you find

your mother’s

room she’s not

there and as

far as you can

tell is nowhere

to be seen.

You eventually find a strange portal under

the stairs and are plunged into a dark

creepy world in search of your mother. You

have to find keys, puzzle pieces and other

things to navigate through the creepy world

in search of memory fragments which we

assume will help you find your mother.

This game is incredible! I don't care if this

sounds bias. All of you should get this game

and experience it for yourself. Being a

toddler in this

dark world

makes it so

surreal and

scary. You have

no way of


yourself from

the nightmare


around you

and the fact

that everything is so much larger than you

adds a constantly over-bearing feeling of

being watched that is incredibly


I don't want

to disclose

too much of

the story as it

really is


you need to


yourself, but

it has a really

good ending,

even though I had kind of guessed what

was going to happen before the end.

This game also supports the Oculus

headset, which is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS!

Purely because anyone who wants to make

this game MORE immersive and MORE

scary is clearly insane and needs


I love this game (as if you couldn't tell) it

truly deserves all the support and praise

that you guys can give it.

Now I know a

lot of



gamers will

not be as

keen on it as I

am because it

doesn't have

lots of


and it's not a gory game but what it does

have is the incredible ability to build

atmosphere and an over-powering sense of

vulnerability that other games do not. And

the decision to have a child as a main

character is a

stroke of


because you


"care" about


happens to

them. This is

followed by

the feeling of

having let him down when you do actually

die. This coupled with the really cute

gurgles and other little noises he make

throughout the game, really give you a

sense of wanting to help him get back to his

mum...which is ironic (#spoiler).

The controls in-game are very simple, it

supports a controller and the Oculus

headset as I have already mentioned, which

in my mind is a plus, not just because I

prefer to use a controller for gaming, but

because it allows you to concentrate on the

game and not worry about what buttons

you're pressing, helping you to immerse

yourself in the gameplay.

There were one or two glitches I found

playing the game, but nothing major. I have

heard rumours of people’s save files getting

corrupted and a couple of other similar

issues, but I personally had no ‘game-

breaking’ bugs.

The game is a little short, but I think that

the quality of the content meant that it was

a case of quality over quantity, which in

retrospect is probably a good thing,

because if the game had been any longer

and I had to wait any longer to find out

what happened...I would have burst with


So to sum things up, by the time this goes

out the steam summer sale will be over, so

if you haven't already bought it then keep

an eye out for when it's next on sale and

grab yourself a bargain, and if you can't

wait that long it anyway! You

won't be disappointed whether it's on sale

or not.

Thanks for reading my review guys and I

hope to see you all again next month!

Hello people I'm back with another one of

our Magic Tips articles.

This one is about the Sliver deck you can

find in Magic 2014 and before we go down

into the cards, this is a bit of a special deck

as most creature cards confers a bonus to

other creature cards that share a creature

type with it. So a sliver will get a bonus to

all slivers on the board. This is huge and if

you get your cards out even the smallest of

your creatures has a chance to snowball out

of control very fast indeed.

This deck can be made as a fast deck but

really wins out in the middle game I think

because you need to get all of those

creatures out ‘in order’ to get the buffs

from them. There's also a bunch of

Enchantment cards in this deck not as many

as in others but they are still there, but I'm

not going to take them all up cause many I

have been over before in other decks and in

order to keep it short I'm hoping to save

both yours and my time by not repeating

myself. So on to the cards then.

Striking Sliver is a

seemingly weak card

with just a 1/1 for 1

cost in mana. But it also

has first strike and it will

share this with all other

Sliver creatures as long

as it is on the board.

Weak on its own but it will still kill most

other 1/1 without getting killed, a good way

of starting your game.

Predatory Sliver is

another 1/1 but this

one gives a nice +1/+1

to all Slivers making

itself a 2/2 as soon as

its deployed on the

table, and this is what

the deck is all about, all

creatures supporting one another. There

are many Slivers that give a stat boost, like

the Steelskin Sliver that gives a 0/+1 to all

Slivers. Or the Battle Sliver that gives them

a +2/0 buff instead. And let's not forget

about the Megantic Sliver that confers a

very nice +3/+3 bonus to all other Slivers.

Add to this that since you are not limited to

just one of these creatures but can have up

to 3 or even 4 depending on the creature,

should all be out your deck can have a lot of

power in it.

Blur Sliver this creature

simply gives all your

creatures Haste,

allowing them to attack

on the first turn they

are played. Removing

there summoning

sickness rule as long as

it's in play.

Bonescynth Sliver is a

personal favourite of

mine. Instead of

adding more numbers

to the creatures it will

give them all double

strike, doubling the

damage output of

every card on the board that shares the

Sliver name.

Thorncaster Sliver is a

bit more special as it

does not give your

creatures any more

power in that regard

but instead gives them

the ability to do 1

damage to any

creature or player any time it attacks. This

allows them to pick off specific targets and

combining this with the double strike ability

they will each be able to do two damage to

target creature or player. It’s a good card to

have in your deck and will give you more

options in the attack phase of your turn.

Groundshaker Sliver

fixes one of the

problems you might

have after making your

creatures so powerful

is that they can simply

be blocked all the time.

Then you play this card

giving them all Trample as well. This will

make all your damage spill over as it is

blocked allowing you to still do damage

even though it might be less damage, it is

still damage that your opponent can ill


Titanic Ultimatum is

one of the few spells

you have in this deck,

but it can make a huge

difference at the right

time. Not only does it

give your creatures a

+5/+5 that can be huge

on its own, but on top

of that it also gives them Lifelink, Trample

and First Strike. This is huge and if you have

a couple of creatures on the board, it's an

absolute monster to play.

Shared Animosity is an

Enchantment and it

causes any attacking

creature to gain a +1/0

for every attacking

creature that shares a

creature type with it. It

sounds very good but in

my opinion it's not. You will have a lot of

creatures out in order to make this work

and even then you have to attack with all

creatures to maximize it. This means

attacking and outing, and risk creatures that

you would want to hold back in order to

keep them from being blocked and killed.

But it can have a moment if you play it


As I said this one is kept short, not because

it lack cards or is not very interesting. It’s a

super deck but many of the cards have the

same type of effects, as for example buffing

the creature’s strength. This is why it looks

so short. But as I told you before it also has

a few Enchantment's that I did not take up

because I have done so in the past. But they

include the ability to make some creatures

indestructible and others to lock down your

opponents creatures. It’s a nice deck but

you needed to go thru the cards properly in

order to use it well.

See You Next Month for More Tips!

Non-Stop Movie Review:

By Nathan Scullard

Another action-packed Liam Neeson

instalment, but are they getting boring?

Well...yes and no. Not very helpful, am I?

This latest movie is one in a long line of

recent movies where Liam Neeson has once

again been


and stuck to

the "safe"

movie genre

rather than





happened to

Qui-Gon Jinn

from Star

Wars: The

Phantom Menace? It’s almost as if Neeson

himself is having a ‘mid-life crisis’ and

doesn’t want to do the “serious” and “more

respectable” character roles, but instead

wants to be the ‘all-star action badass’ who

defies the odds and kills entire armies with

his bare hands!

Well here is a tip for you “Mr

Neeson”...STOP! You are a far better actor

as a less energetic mentor style character

and while I appreciate you want to try new

stuff, (which I am all for by the way) but I

seriously believe that another actor would

have suited this role much better than you.

That being said, the movie itself wasn’t all

that bad and I was glad to see Julianne

Moore back on the big screen, and not just

for her acting ability...if you catch my drift...


The movie’s

plot is


around Bill



an alcoholic

air marshal


receives an



message while in-flight, supposedly from

one of the other passengers onboard

threatening to kill someone every twenty

minutes unless they are paid the sum of


As time goes on Marks tries his hardest,

aided by a flight attendant and another

passenger called Jen Summers (Moore) who

was seated next to him, to track down and

catch the anonymous texter. But as people

start dying, including Marks’ own partner,

another undercover air marshal on the

flight, people start to point the finger

towards Marks himself.

His situation worsens as his behaviour

becomes more erratic as he desperately

tries to find



by any


Marks is

filmed by

one of the


with their



“roughing-up” one of the other passengers

and is uploaded to the internet. Later his

superiors contact him to inform him that

the bank account in which the murderer

has asked for the money to be paid into is

in Marks’ own name.

It starts to become very apparent that the

killer is trying their hardest to frame Marks

for the incident and he is doing so very


Soon after he is officially “tarred” as the

hijacker on the news, which is viewed by

some of the passengers and is now in a race

against time to discover the truth and clear

his name on a plane full of people who

think HE is the hijacker.

A very complex and interesting story, which

is also well executed. There were parts

when the plot began to stretch into the

realms of fantasy and it started to lose me,

but it managed to reign me back in a bit

before unfortunately losing lose me again

with a pretty weak ending.

The story itself held my interest more than

the acting. Even with the weak ending, and I

felt a little let down, as I think with a few


changes it

could have

been quite

a good film.

As I have



Neeson was

not the

right actor

for the role,

and that is not to say that I don’t like him as

an actor, because I do...just not in action

roles. Mark Walberg would have been a

good replacement, but I guess he is pretty

busy with Transformers at the moment.

If they took out one or two sections of the

movie that dragged on a bit for no reason

except to extend the length and attempt

and fail to add suspense, then it would have

been a pretty decent film.

But all of this is just theoretical because

Walberg wasn’t in the film and it does have

bits that drag out for no reason. All in all,

it’s an “OK” film maybe worth a watch

especially if you like Julianne Moore!


Thanks for reading my review guys and I

hope to see you again next month.

Dark Souls II: The Lost Crowns





Bandai Namco Games

July 22, 2014

[First Chapter Release]





July 23, 2014

Making History: The Great War



Muzzy Lane

July 28, 2014

Saints Row IV -- National Treasure




Deep Silver

July 2014

Over 9000 Zombies!




July 2014

Quad – Core Edition #2

(August 2014)

It’s that time again! The Quad-Core

Edition is back! And we have another

great Mini-Magazine and Giveaway

for you guys...Out Next Month!

Giveaway Details from the

Website Page:


“As some of you may know, every 4 months

we release a new "Quad-Core Edition" of

The Gamer Gazette. Simply put, it is a

bumper pack of the last four issues of The

Gamer Gazette that include a couple of

extra review in a Mini-Magazine and a


Although we are telling you about it on this

page and in a few other places, to actually

ENTER the Giveaway you will need to

download a FREE copy of the Quad-Core

Magazine when it's released on the 2nd

August 2014. Inside the magazine will be a

special code which will only be available

inside magazine. Then you will have to take

that code and place it into the chat box

below, along with an active email address

that we can contact you on.

Please don't spam the chat box, as you will

only get one entry no matter how many

times you write on it.

The competition will end on the 31st August

2014 @ 23.59pm GMT and the draw will be

done and posted in a YouTube Video by the

3rd September 2014.

Good Luck!”

OUT NEXT MONTH: 2/8/2014!

See Our Website for more
