The Growth of Nationalism, 1815-1840 Libertyville HS


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The Growth of Nationalism, 1815-1840

Libertyville HS

1815: New Leaders Emerging• Speaker of the House

Henry Clay• KY, represents the W

• John Calhoun• SC, represents the S

• Daniel Webster• MA, represents the NE

Clay’s “American System”• Create “a self sufficient

national economy”• Goals – prevent disunion,

strengthen national gov’t• Avoid foreign (British)


• Methods• Protective tariff (NE)• National bank (NE)• High land prices (Fed)• Build roads & canals (W,


The American System• Protective Tariff of 1816

• 20-25% increase on all imported goods

• Purpose: buy American!

• The Second Bank of the United States (BUS) – created in 1816• Private bank• Paid $1.5 million to gov’t for

special license (charter)• Gov’t deposited its money

with BUS• BUS promoted single


The American System• Transportation

• National (Cumberland) Road begun in 1811 at federal expense

• Canals• Bonus Bill

• Calhoun: create road to link the S & W to the E, from charter $ (“Bonus”)

• New E. feared it would drain population, create competing states in LA

• Calhoun argued its constitutional under general welfare, post road clauses

• Vetoed by Madison under strict interp of Constitution

CumberlandRoad, 1811-1838

Supreme Court and Nationalism

• Chief Justice John Marshall• Marbury v. Madison (1803)• Dartmouth v. Woodward

(1819)• MD wanted to turn private U.

into a public U, breaking K from decades ago

• SC: Federal law protects contracts

• “Magna Carta of the Corporation”

Daniel Webster arguing Dartmouth case

USSC and Nationalism• McCulloch v. Maryland

(1819)• MD taxed 2d BUS• Question: state tax feds?• SC: BUS is legal• Federal law is supreme over

states• “Power to tax is the power to


• Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)• Steamboat coastal ferries • Only the Fed gov’t may

regulate interstate commerce (NY invalid)McCulloch text, in 1819

Minute book

Nationalism & Foreign Affairs

• Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819• Spain gives FL to US • US-Spanish border set• US assumes $5 million

in debt• Spain gives up claims to

Oregon• US gives up claims to

TX, W of river• Irony? (Think MO

Compromise …)

Nationalism & Foreign Policy

• Monroe Doctrine emerges, 1823• Latin American

revolutions, 1815-1820s

• Spain was losing its overseas empire!

• What did the powers of Europe do?!

What does this cartoon represent?(discuss with neighbor to L / frnt)

Monroe Doctrine Emerges

• “Holy Alliance”• Austria, Russia,

Prussia• Anti-democratic, anti

revolution, anti-secular; pro- monarchy

• Rumors of possible attack by HA on Americas, to restore Spain

Monroe Doctrine Emerges

• European nations with involvement in Western Hemisphere, 1800s• Spain

• Mexico, Central America, W. South America

• Great Britain• Canada, Caribbean, N. coast

of South America

• Russia• Occupied Alaska, W coast of

Canada• Pushing S toward CA

Monroe Doctrine Emerges

• Holy Alliance invited UK to join, 1822

• UK (PM Canning): rejection!• UK was pro democracy• UK was pro free trade

w/ Latin America

Monroe Doctrine Emerges

• PM Canning invited US into alliance against Holy Alliance• SoS JQ Adams to

Monroe: remember GW’s advice (what was it?)

• Already fought two wars vs. British…

• Equality of alliance?

PM Canning

J.Q. Adams Monroe

Monroe Doctrine• Monroe laid out doctrine

• W. Hemisphere was closed to further colonization

• No US interference in existing colonies

• No US interference in European affairs

• No European interference “dangerous to US peace & safety”

• True enforcer of Doctrine = British navy
