The Guy Was Cool



This novel is Guiyeoni's

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The Guy was Muhshesuh

The Guy was Muhshesuh (The Guy was Gorgeous)

# 1

Summer break is almost over and school is edging nearer. Because its near the end summer my friends have all gone away on trips with their boyfriends. At the blossoming age of 18, the only thing I can do is go on my computer. And Ive gone on almost every site in the world. So I have nothing to do on the computer either.

Oh! A school board.Since there was nothing else to do.. I clicked into the boards. For the most part, I go to a nerdy school so there arent that many topics or conversations. There werent any girls in the chat room, I clicked on the comments topic.

Oh yeah~! A topic~!

It read, Doils Girls school~ Click~!

So I did..

Ji Eunsung

If my senses are right, this should be a guy. HEHEHE..

Wait... but what the hell is this?

You girls~ Dont go out in the city.. You girls dress like crap~ Get that?? Are you pissed yet? Reply~~ Kekekek

Okay fine, my school is rumored to be one of the best in Kwachun. So most of the girls dressed in our ugly plaid skirts with their hair cut up to their chin with the bangs tucked behind their ears..

70% wear glasses...
