The influences of Imperialism and Colonization on …...The influences of Imperialism and...


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The influences of Imperialism and Colonization on Joseph Conrad's novella

Heart of DarknessMrs. Loux

AP Literature and Composition PHS 2013-2014

ImperialismDefinition: Imperialism is the extension of one nation’s

power over other lands. !

• European imperialism existed before the 1880’s, but the 1880’s saw a great scramble for land.

• Some claim that the “new” imperialism was more rapid and more dominating.

Causes of Modern Imperialism

1. Economic

2. Political

3. Religious/Philosophical

4. Humanitarian

Economic Motives Nations needed raw materials and market.


Scarcity! Limited Resources

Industrial Revolution – reliance on the production of machine made goods

Free Market (capitalism) system gave wealthy nations an advantage especially Great Britain

Wealthy nations created colonies

Political Motives!

• Spheres of influence • Area or region of control • Nationalism – pride in one’s nation increased the desire for gaining wealth for that nation by any means necessary

Religious/Philosophical Motives

Religious values – missionary spirit

Duty to spread Christianity

Social Darwinism – applying Charles Darwin’s theories to social and global relations.


“Survival of the Fittest”

However, Darwin believed that violence was uncivilized.

Humanitarian MotivesEducation (sometimes)


Culture - Civilization

“We happen to be the best people in the world, with the highest ideals of decency and justice and liberty and peace, and the more of the world that we inhabit the better.” - Cecil Rhodes

Effects of ImperialismColonization – European control of land and peoples in Africa, Asia and Latin America cause conflicts between tribes, classes

Economic disparity – Europeans reliance on cash-crops and control of trade in colonies cause unequal levels of wealth between the imperialists and the colonists

Christendom – Christianity spreads around the globe

What were the negative effects of imperialism?

Africa lost control of land & independence

Many died due to disease & resistance

Famines due to cash/single crop emphasis

Breakdown of African culture & families

African wealth & resources looted

Division of continent into unnatural, artificial boundaries

What were the positive effects of imperialism?

Reduction of warfare amongst tribes

Improved sanitation & education

Lifespan & literacy rates increased

Infrastructure built (roads, railroads, telephone/telegraph lines)

Economic expansion of African goods

IMPORTANT: The above benefitted European interests more than Africans


After his journey down the African Congo, author Joseph Conrad recalls what he has seen as:


“The vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience.”


—Joseph Conrad.
