The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 3 A RKC


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Welcome back to the kingdom of Avonlea. King Finrod Forester prefers to hold court upon the deck of his ship Nargothrand to sitting in the royal great hall. The old elven king often requests the presence of Ocean Shahan the long time servant of house Capp as he trusts the old man’s opinion. And Lord Favian is in no place to deny the king.

Queen Idril and the king are once again expecting a child. This will be the last time the two have children.

Their first born Princess Eowyn had grown up beautifully. She seemed to adore her father and spent many hours with him upon the floor of her nursery.

Part of this was out of necessity as the Queen found herself confined to her bed for much of the last pregnancy. Finrod did not mind spending all the time with his precious little girl, and loved passing on his knowledge to her, however the servants were not keeping the palace in the proper order. Something needed to be done until his Queen could get back on her feet.

“I cannot thank Lady Capp enough for sending you to us Isabella. Your service has been most valuable. The palace affairs have not run smoothly these past few months. Drea says you are a most patient tutor.”

“It is my pleasure my king.”

Through the remainder of the queen’s pregnancy Isabella Greaves came to the rescue at the royal palace. She could not work days with 2 small children at the Capp estate, however the evenings were free. Isabella came each evening and oversaw the cleaning, cooking, putting the young princess to bed, and would serve the early morning tea to the first lords and ladies to arrive at the palace.

Caius Roth came to court the minute he heard the announcement from Renaud. The queen had gone into labor. The last of the royal line was on it’s way.

The queen was blessed with twins. The first another daughter they named Galadriel.

And the second, their son and heir Thorin was born. He had inherited his father’s coloring and hair, however he was the only child to inherit his mother’s eyes.

The kingdom rejoiced with their beloved King and Queen at the arrival of the future king of Avonlea.

Well almost everyone…..

At the Roth house Lady Roth began to personally oversee the grooming of her young daughter in earnest. With a prince in line to throne, there was an opportunity to bring glory to her husband’s house. Seeing their daughter become a queen would be the greatest of honors. And she most certainly did not want the honor to go to Adrianna Capp. Ryia was a kind woman, but her husband was without honor. No they could not have a Capp for queen. It should be a Roth….

“Milday I do not think it wise or appropriate for me to speak ill of my Lord.”

Yeah hey…don’t get my sweet Isabella into trouble. Lady Roth here is a complete gossip. And a snoop. She’s always snooping on the neighbors through the windows or her telescope.

“Hey lady can you hurry it up. I’ve got a massive complaint for this King Finrod guy. No one goes to school with me!”

Ahem so the Royal Court is now a level 5 business. It always takes me soooooooo long to level up the venues. And this was the result of Caius wishing for friends…he got Marsha in the well drop which I thought was HILARIOUS.

The Roth family soon welcomed their own heir Erec Roth to the family.

“Thank-you for your assistance Madam Isabella. I shall take your lessons to heart.”

“I certainly hope that you do Renaud. Honestly I don’t know why you suddenly became so incompetent.”

Awkward huh Izzie? (Yeah I had to have Isabella start stopping in this house too. Thank goodness for Influence points)

Yes quite. Apologies for not speaking sooner Mystery.

Oh no I quite understand. They would likely think you mad talking to invisible people and all that.

Yes Isabella can break the 4th wall, but I figure she’s been around long enough she can do that sort of thing. I know not much happened in the Roth house. They are being rather dull.

Anyway Favian here is trying to work the causal look, however, Favian annoys me. Guess he’s trying to make sure his help can keep up with her duties considering his wife’s been lending her to the other noble houses and such.

Nothing to worry about though, Isabella is good at multi-tasking. She takes care of her own son Gardiner who is absolutely adorable, and her duties to the Capp family with no problem.

She’s got lots of help from Ocean though. I love this guy.

See Ocean is a great help. He gives young Adrianna baths every night before putting her to bed.

Izzie and Gardiner spend a lot of time together. I’m sort of sad he’s going to be their only one, but it seemed nuts to give Isabella a full adult life span again and the Capps don’t have their heir yet.

The young lady Adrianna and Gardiner are inseparable. I’m always finding them on the activity table.

Just a close up of Adrianna Capp. And I can even forgive her for looking so much like Favian.

As I said last time Ryia was pregnant again, and pregnancy is not kind to her. She eventually gave birth to another daughter Francisca which means she will be having to have more children.

Isabella had kept up with making sure Adrianna learned her toddler skills though.

Isabella still finds time to enjoy herself from time to time even with all her other responsibilities.

Technically Gardiner is the oldest child in Avonela. He soon ages up into a handsome little boy.

And Ryia is soon with child again. She truly hopes this one shall be the heir her husband so desperately needs to carry on the family name.

Over to the Gable house where Gilbert here has managed to become my first natural werewolf. I’ve always had to cheat using a modded picture before. Sweet!

So then I decided they could have a family of wolves. They adopted a female dog so I built a pen hoping to have the Head of the pack and she dog befriend each other for some awesome wolf pups. Only I never could get it to happen. Stupid clan wolf kept refusing to have puppies. *sigh*

Little Charlie grew up while we were away, and he’s cute. But with the red hair I have a bit of a hard time telling he and Gardiner apart.

Isabella and Anne are still great friends.

“I fear Lord Capp may refuse Gilbert’s request to join him on ship. He is most displeased at the lack of a son and heir.”

“Harvest was good; and Gilbert has earned the skills Lord Capp required. Perhaps that will be enough.”

“But that is good news husband. Lord Capp granted you permission to fish.”

“Yes but I was hoping to serve in the navy not simply be allowed to pay part of our taxes in fish.”

“I understand my love, but perhaps after Lord Capp has a son you might ask again to apply to serve on the Lord’s ship.”

Anne was right he should be glad for any time on the sea that he loved. Besides with his wife again with child perhaps it was best he only go out in the morning.

For now he would dedicate his time to his fields and his growing family.

“It won’t be much longer now will it?”

“No Gil, our new son or daughter will be here any day.”

Sure enough the next evening Gilbert returned home from the fields to find a new little girl Diana Gable waiting for him.

“I would love to introduce Diana and Gardiner to one another when they get older. It would be wonderful to unite our houses Isabella. Don’t you think?”

“I would be honored to call you family Anne. But I of course would need to speak with Ocean on the matter.”

“Ah yes I am getting ahead of myself. I would of course need to speak with Gilbert as well.”

While his mother is off plotting his sister’s future, Charlie finds himself on his first day of childhood staring at words. He didn’t see much use in this whole reading thing; he truly did wish it wasn’t mid winter. He’d rather be in the field with father or better yet down at the pond or ocean with father.

Upon the deck of The Nargothrand Queen Idril joined her husband in the elder years of her life. As with so many of her kin she glimpsed into the future at the time of her aging…..

See you all soon. Thanks for reading!