The Maghrebian Immigrant Experience in France Students’ command of global and African regional...


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Slide 2 The Maghrebian Immigrant Experience in France Students command of global and African regional geography in French Sociopolitical and socioeconomic relations and the ways they shape the immigrant experience The creative arts as a source of geographical research questions, data, and information Slide 3 Pr-activit : Voyager incognito TIME: 10 Minutes Ask the class the question : Avez-vous jamais voulu tre quelquun dautre ? Expliquez. (In English : Have you ever wanted to be someone else ? Explain. ) Note their answers in a manner (Word, flip-chart , overhead ) allowing you to send them a file of the results of the whole class as an e-mail attachment Show students a map situating the Maghreb region in relation to France and to Canada Ask students to share their ideas and experiences of the Maghreb and of France Ask the class to imagine the story of a maghrbien(ne) in France, either a lone person or a member of a group a couple or a family an author as opposed to someone of other vocations Slide 4 Activit : Lecture et texte TIME: 20 Minutes Distribute a true/false comprehension test as well as Les masques de labsent in Mme Karine Chevalier, Nabile Fars au miroir de labsent , LVIe Congrs de lAssociation, Cahiers de lAssociation internationale des tudes franaises 57:57 (2005), pp. 365-368 [text is in the public domain : ] Let students read the handouts, then read the selected passage Students may check the answers they think are correct in the test After you finish reading aloud, let students silently check the accuracy of their answers by re-reading the photocopied passage Discuss the questions, the correct answers, and other possible interpretations to the extent that these remain valid in the context of the entire passage Administered in the same way, the second test will apply to the summaries of the content of the two Fars novels cited occidental versus oriental and their synonyms relations of opposition, of difference, of intensity, of scale, and of similarity or comparison with respect to the adjectives and other terms in the text Slide 5 Post-activit : coute et correction en groupe TIME: 17 Minutes Divide the class into groups of three to five in order to fill gaps in their geographic and French understanding Have groups prepare at least three French questions each to ask the class for the groups own better understanding, not to test the class Log all class discussion on the large Mediterranean area map with digital or paper stickies Slide 6 Accommodations Differentiated Instruction Students would have some control over the media (visuals, computer projections and sound or music, text, speech) used in the mini-presentations They also would have the opportunity to reinforce their learning by peer instruction Slide 7 The French Perspective TIME: 8 Minutes Follow with targeted instruction construction of meaning in highlighted cases of formal French differences between English and French in these cases key French geographical vocabulary and phraseology Review techniques of extracting supplementary geographical information from exemplars of the arts through spatial and social-scientific interpretative frameworks and observations as seen throughout the course of the lesson Slide 8 Solitary Practice / Homework Electronic Mail Asynchronous Collaboration and Review Record the whole in, for example, a Word document Send to the class an e-mail message asking the students to read an attached file of this (Word) document in order to make clarifications or ask questions in French in Replies All Allow the omission of accents in these messages A correctly completed e-mail Reply All can count as a potential choice of case study for International Baccalaureate External Assessments 1, 2, or 3 Slide 9 Related Resources ESRI Canada On-Line Maps and Educational Resources (French): p%C3%A9dagogiques p%C3%A9dagogiques March du travail et migration de main doeuvre au Maghreb (UN): /turin/Turin_Statements/MUSETTE.pdf /turin/Turin_Statements/MUSETTE.pdf International Migrant Stock: The 2008 Revision (UN):
