The Many Disguises of PEEP: Case Presentations Bradley J. Phillips, MD Burn-Trauma-ICU Adults &...


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The Many Disguises of PEEP:Case Presentations

Bradley J. Phillips, MD

Burn-Trauma-ICUAdults & Pediatrics


Positive End Expiratory Pressure Equilibrium pressure reached at end of expiration is

some small amount of pressure greater than atmospheric

PEEP = 5 mmHg considered to be physiologic

Disquises of PEEP

• Improves O2

• Increases cardiac output

• Increases lung compliance

• Worsens O2

• Decreases cardiac output

• Barotrauma• Fluid retention• Intracranial HTN

• CO2 clearance

Gas Exchange


PEEP I:E alterations Positioning

• * Prone/Lateral

Rate Tidal volume I:E alternations

Intubation Criteria

Airway protection RR > 35-40 breaths/min PaCO2 > 55 mmHg ( acute)

PaO2< 70 mmHg on 100% O2 nonrebreather

A-a gradient> 400 mmHg on 100% O2 FM High spinal injury, closed head injury, ARDS, metabolic

acidosis with clinical deterioration

Benefits of PEEP?

There is no evidence that routine use of PEEP is

beneficial in all patients!

Case #2CO2 Retention

67 yom s/p radical neck dissection for tumor of posterior pharynx

PMH: COPD - steroid x 3 yearsCAD s/p IWMI 8yrs ago

PSH: CABG x3 5 years ago

SH: Beer - 4-5/daySmoker - 1.5 ppd

Case #2

Uncomplicated procedure, admitted to ICU for mechanical ventilation

PE: elderly appearing, surgical wound on neck, JP x1old scar on sternum, S2 loud breath sound quietscaphoid abdomen

LAB: WBC 14.2, Hct 25%

CXR: Hyperinflated lung o/w clear

Case #2

Initial tx : ABX per ENT (clindamycin)Albuterol inhalerIV steroids

POD2 : ExtubatedTube feedings started

POD3: Dyspnea, RR 30/minCrackles at right base, wheezing bilaterallyABG:pH 7.21, PaCO2 74, PaO2 48 @ FiO2 0.6

Case #2

ABC’s - Intubated

CXR - right sided infiltrate in lower and apical fields

Diagnosis: ?

Initial vent setting: SIMV 12/TV 650ml/FiO2 1.0/Peep 5Agitated, BP 220/120, HR 120, RR 40Peak airway pressures 60 - 65 cmH2O

Diagnosis and tx: ?

Case #2

Sedated with midazolam (Versed) drip

1 hr later : unresponsiverapid breathing, out of phase with ventilatorPAP = 70 mmH2O

Therapy : ?

1 hr later: PAP 35 cm H2OFiO2 decreased to 0.6 with O2 sats 96%ABG: 7.36/50/94

Case #2

Evening: Desats 90%Wheezing in all fields, crackles r baseCXR: new left patchy infiltrateABG: 7.34/56/68 - Vent setting changed ???90mins: ABG PaCO2 decreased, PaO2 increased

3 hrs later: Desat 93%, no ABGVent setting changed ???ABG: 7.34/58/64Vent setting changed ???ABG: 7.30/62/63, PAP 50 mmH2O

Case #2

Vent changed - FiO2 1.0, PEEP 20 cm H2OABG 7.24/68/61

Vent changed- ??? ParameterBP 132/80 to 94/54Arterial sats 80’sCXR/EKG orderedDopamine startedABG 7.10/84/52VT - CPR started

Case #2

Trap: PEEP applied to the ventilatorauto-PEEP developed by increased RRResults: Difficulty with CO2 elimination

Trick: Limit PEEP and assess for auto-PEEPReduce RR Treat reversible component of COPD

Consider I:E manipulations

PEEP effects on pulmonary physiology and gas


PEEP effects on oxygenation frequently considered PEEP effects on ventilation often neglected Physiological dead space

• Anatomic dead space• Shunt factor• V/Q mismatch• Haldane effect

PEEP effects on pulmonary physiology and gas


Factors affected by acute lung injury and chronic airflow obstruction

PEEP low levels (5-10 cm)• reduces dead space by reducing shunt

PEEP high levels (=>15)• variable and unpredictable

• V/Q mismatched • Ventilate high V/Q regions

• Reduce CO2 elimination

• Etiology ? decreased cardiac output or directcompression of alveolar capillaries

PEEP effects on pulmonary physiology and gas



Impaired CO2 Removal

Haldene effect

Impaired Oxygenation

Increased anatomic dead space

Alterations of V/Q

Alterations of V/Q

(Direct compression)

Case #1

75 yof s/p colostomy for perforated diverticulum

PMH: Asthma - inhalers Meds: AlbuterolDM - 10 years Atrovent

PSH: none

SH: no EtOH or Tobacco use

Case #1Hypotension

Transferred to ICU for sepsis and ventilator management

PE: ill appearing, pale, obese female mild dyspneaT 39 HR 120, SBP 90, RR 30, sats 92%, wt 80kg

Lungs: few wheezes bilateralCV: normal S1,S2Abd: distended, open skin, mild tenderness

Ext: mild edema, slight mottled distally

LABS: WBC 18K, Hct 27 Na 131, K 3.1, Bun 15, Cr 1.6, BS 220

Case #1

Initial Tx (ABC’s) : Intubate Vent AC 12/800/80%/PEEP5

NPO/IVF/NGT/ABXInhalers tx.Dopamine qttReplete K

After intubation: SBP 80’s briefly then 95ABG: 7.32/48/70/96%

Case #1

Vent changes: Increased vent rateABG: 7.36/42/65/94%

2 hrs later: Agitated, RR 25, sats 88%ABG 7.46/32/58

? Vent changes or therapeutic interventions

Case #1

Vent changes: Increased PEEP 10ABG 7.50/28/60/90%

? Vent changes or therapeutic maneuvers?

4 hrs post op : VS: HR 130’s, BP 85/60, RR30, sats 85%

What’s happening???

PEEP effects on cardiovascular output

Positive pressure ventilation • increased intrathoraci pressure• reduced venous return• decreased Cardiac output (CO)• fluid resuscitation prior to intubation

PEEP effects on cardiovascular output

High PEEP• Increased intrathoracic pressure• Barotrauma - tension PTX

Auto-PEEP (Hyperinflation)• Increased FRC with or without PEEP set• Insufficient expiratory time to expel TV• Diseases @ risk

• Emphysema - loss of elastic recoil • Asthma - increased airway resistance


Measurement technique• Occlusion of expiratory port• Immediately before delivery of next breath• Any increase in airway pressure above end-

expiratory level represents auto-PEEP• Timing is important, too early and falsely elevated



Treat underlying disease• Bronchospasm• Sepsis

Sedation and paralytics Adjust ventilator mode Consider “permissive hypercapnia”

Case #3Difficult Oxygenation

54 yom s/partial gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma

PMH: HTN Meds: CardiazemGERD Axid

PSH: RIH repairLipoma excision

SH: ETOH: 1/2 case qdSmoker 1 ppd


POD 0: Admitted to ICUUnremarkable eventsExtubated POD1 and transferred to floor

POD 3: Acute onset of dyspnea, RR25Diaphoretic, mild cyanosis, tachycardiaTransferred to ICU

Initial work-up: ????

Case #3

Initial workup: EKG - normalCXR - RLL infilrateABG 7.50/32/50IntubatedVent SIMV 16/750 ml/100%/PS5

1 hr. later: Sedated, RR 16, SBP 110, HR 110ABG 7.38/42/56/86%

?? Vent changes ??

Case #3

Vent changes: PEEP 5.0 added, no changePEEP 10, drop in COABG 7.32/50/58/88%

What is his diagnosis?

What interventions are available to improve oxgenation?

Unilateral Lung Injury

Increased PEEP• Paradoxically increased shunting• Increased V/Q ratio

• increased in overdistended lung units• increased in ratio of deadspace to tidal volume

Therapeutics for Oxygenation

Unilateral• PEEP appropriately• Sedation• Paralytics

• reduce chest wall tone

• reduces O2 demand

• Lateral position• Differential lung

ventilation (DVL)

Bilateral (ARDS) Same as Unilateral except:

• Prone positioning• No indication for DVL• Consider Jet ventilation• Consider extracorporal

membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

