The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1857-02-12 [p ]. › lccn › sn83045160 › ...OSce In...


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    fiTCIiANAHAH, HUTTON &'CO.,Te WHOM UL Letters om Business, oil other-


    Daily, is adraaee, per aaaem $10 00" " " 6 00

    weekly, ' ' ' a ooIJ-T- he Weekly paper trill be furnished to Clubs of Ten

    and uader Twenty, at $ 60 tick; to Cinbs of Twentyaad apwards, al J2 each payable inrasliUy la adjance,and every dob to be nude up at ece olBee.

    3 AO old subscriber and a ew see will be taken to-gether at $2 SO each.J3 In ao cite wUl the paper be seat to new subscri-

    ber, uakfc the order for the taae is altesded with thecah.

    S3 All DaHy BbKriptlOBt wilt be eeoiidered dee aajpayWe ba'f-year- la advaee.

    C3-- The foregoing terms will be strictly sad rigidlyadhered to.

    DAILY RATES FOR ADVERTISING.Adopted fry the Appeal and Eafle end Enquirer.

    Fer oae seaare of tea Uses or lets, oae iasertiB...$l 00Fer each additieaal insertion e( sane 60

    &. A u o ,3 K B J! IS H

    - . o sja 3 a& : : : : r :" f :" :1. 300 4605006088 OeJlO 6jr2 63 15 00 3 002. 450 600 760 9 00 12 06; 15 00 IS 7 22. 60 30 00

    3. 6 00 8 00 10 09 12 0 16 6w-- 0 eejsi eV 30 6j 40 60f ;

    4. 7 60 10 0M2 69 (4 00 SO OA 26 00 31 26 37 50 50 00p ! ,6. 9 0 K 00 15 00113 00)30 M 7 60 46 00, 60 00q i T iC. MM 14 0017 Kf2l 89128 00135 00 43 76 02 60' 70 00

    7. 12 ee'so eofet eoo 00 60 oofas 50' 60 eolL4 ZP .8. 11 50tS 0122 60 Bl6 00,45 00 66 26 67 60 90 009. 15 BoilToVaS 40 Ool&O 00 62 OQ'76 oo'ieo 00

    E3-- Ooe sqaare, reaewaHe weekly, per aanam, $10 00" " " iwioe a week, " 60 00

    J3 Ts saares, renewable weekly, per aaaaai, 60 00" twice a wek, " 80 003 All adrertisesMnts reqaired to be kept seosnd

    pace, charged as kew each DAT, aad oa third page,an a4raare onr stated late .

    XjT AdrertfeeaMats directed to be displayed, or set inlaraetype. ckaiged bocble rates.

    E3" Yearly adrertiers wi 1 be charged extra far oeca--pylag space oTercoMract, aad waea earse ttfe ito be used, or the adrcrtisesMat kept oa lirfWe ofpapr.

    S3T Tearly adwtleers will be ckaig' extra at regularrates for Waau, Ben's, BeawraU. Oopartaanhip Xo- -tiee. To uoBiKaees, &c

    iest Advektisixc must be paid TO&IX ABTAJICE.

    XjT ifo adrertlsfraeat will appear fas the Teel ly paperaatees r spec al contract.

    63" Advertisement! to be ineerted la the "Weekly papereaty, or at irrego ar intervals ta ettaer of tae papers, willbe catarced SI per faaare for every las erMoo.

    X3 AaaoaBCine: candidates for Stale, Coaaty aad 11a- -ainpal Ofliees, 85 each, to be paid is advance la everyatane.X3 AU advertienteBts for CiarlUb Instltatiens,

    Fire Goaapaalee, 'Ward, Towa, aad othor Pabttc Heetiags,to a caarged Half price.

    t3T Marriages aad Deaths are paaHeaed as sew? ; butOMtaarks. Tnbete- - of Repect aad Foaeral IavitaHoasas otaer advertisements.

    J3-- AH Legal and Transient Adrcrtieeaseats wiH be2sfed by the iaertkw.

    E3 Editorial Xotices in Local Cotuma win be charged0 ernt per line

    Xo dedactiea or rartaUoa win be raade from thefeiCtag rates.


    professional (kariis.or. war. HEWITT

    JILL practice awdicioe, oa the prtaeipt that there isiMod la an seslcais, aad soae ail saatctoat. umce

    oa JtCwsoa street, in the Post OMce Botldtag, seconddoor from tee Post Oflce. Kesideuce oa the earner efHoraaade. aad Elliott streets.

    KEFBKESCKS :Ooi. J. B. Staaton. X. Adss, Eaywred esaaty.Ker. P. B Biaad, Dr. J. B. Madia. Fayette osaaty.B. Ssasuil le. Ki., P r Maclia, Esq , Tipton coaatyJ. L VTehb, J. B. Asae, Messpais.le4-d- a

    IZ. S. PARHA3I,LAK YKR, Mtmefet . oOoe ox Main street, eap-iort-Markie Block, up stairs, above Joaaoa'sd rag store. jaa30-- daw2w

    J. S. 1T11ITE, 31. D.,of KarderAaa coaatv. baviag ratoved la MemLATE otera M profeesiooal services to the citizens.

    Oate oa Oawt Sfaara, oa door west or 'VTallaoe's Aec-H-oaboom. KesideDee oa Poatoloc street, sonth side,

    besweea St P.trKk aad 8t. Martin. aa96 tf

    R. F. LOOXEY,A TTORXBT AT LAW. Uce lrr C. W. Cherry &

    --iLV 0.' Jaa6-t-fL.. O. RITES,

    AXB OOON5ELOK AT LAW, Memphis,ATTOKXET ia the Post OOcc Boildisg.AH baeeaes eatrasled te his care will receive prompt

    aad laKbtal attention. Oiilectioas p'oasptiy niado in thesarroaadiae conn ties of West Tennessee, Mississippi andArkansas.

    aa!3-sw- ly


    Memphis. Teaa. OSce InBaildiBg, ovir Maasfleid's Drag Store,

    Mala street. JanlP-l- y

    BEXJA3IIX HOTVCOTT, Dentist.II AVINO prepared svsrlf well to practice

    ncatlsttyia Memphis I respectf ally solicitI .be ratronaae of all wao may my ser--' rices in toe lio- -, and bind myself to

    perform all operations on the Teeth, and invert Arll'.clalTeeth la the stoat approved style as well as it can bedone in tbi or any other country.

    OOoe oa Maia street, opposite Worsaam House.dec9-- ai

    a. . xesrx'. r. m. aceee.G. W. & H. M. ACREE,

    DKHTisra. una union iocr, uounstrM-t-, between Main and Front Bow,

    i Memphis, Tennessee.All Dintal Operations performed wim

    tee least possible pain. Diseases of the Alveolar Processaad Oasts treated in the most skinful winner. Foil orpartial Sets of Teeth set on Gatta Percha or Gold, withthe latest improvements, and ouabaktied.


    JA51ES M. MURPHY,Grcnora.1 Tinnd goiit.

    JACKSONPORT, AKI,LL attend personally to the locating of Swamp LandScrip aad Warraata in the Jacksonport and Helena

    KotrieU, selllsg Land aad paying Taxs.Heferences.

    B Grahan.Msmphis.Te-n-.; A. S. Ileey. Little Bock;K. O BriaUey, " MaJ T. Mail. Miss.;W. M. For-e- U, " J. Xortoa Co., X. O.;F. Laae . Co , " J. A. Kossseau, LaGraags,H. P. Ooeltdie. Heiena. ; :Myrtle Moore, w . atis, iwrenceviue,Aaea Park, " P !G. W. Board, Jackseaport; Paul bWatsonJacksonpart

    de27-l- y

    B. C. BROWJV,AT LAW, Marion, Atk., practices 1ATTOBXETCrittenden, Mississippi, Green, Randolph,

    Lawrence, Independence, Jackson, Poinsett, St. Francisaad Hear Counties, la ArkaBsas. oet7-d6- m

    0 Card.SAMUEL GILBEBT, SB., has returned to his oldDB. near Memphli, and reopened bis Infirm-

    ary, sBd wjil remain permiaentiy. He treats the Diseases: Cancers, Scroffala, Whl e Swelling,

    Twasrs sad W as, without Surgical operations. He alsotreats alt Chronic Female diseases. Sores of long standing,TeMeJiheaautism, Syphfili, and all forms of Mercurial

    Br G. 4eems it annecess try te say more, as he has llv-a- gwitnesses of his success from Maine to Oregon,

    teeltJ . ED. A. BEECnEK.

    WICKERSHAM & BEECIIER,A TTOBXETS AT LAW, Memphis, Tennessee. Office,

    Xa. Xe 21 JrSVrson street. anl-- tf

    SMITH P. BAXKHEAD,AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn. Offlce In theATTOBXEr Stock, over Aydiett & Co., third story.


    Dr. R. la. LASBLIyStaff Physician and ef several HosplUJJLATEGermany, member ef diBereat Medical SoclerrH

    la Xew Tork has located in the city ef Memphis, and of-fers his services to the public as Physician, Accoucher,and fer all operatic ia Sirgery.43 O&ce on Washington street, between Main and' Second. oct30

    B. T. W. WIIEATLET..M. A.IU00S.Richardson, TFlicatley & Higgs,

    TTOBXETS AT LAW OSce en the corner of SecondA . aad Ooart streets, Memphis, Trnn. ocll-l- yHASKELiT & SEARCY,

    AT LAW, Memphis, Tennessee. To. T.ATTOBXET Bobert have associated them-selves together in the practice ot Law. Offlc-- . in theWalker istock. ov2S-d(- m

    BEXSHERROD,AT LAW, Covingtea, Tenn. All buslnei nATTOBXET to hia care will receive prompt attentics.

    lalylD-t- f

    L.EROY POPE,AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn., win practiceATTOBXET Courts of Memphis and the Westers Dis-

    trict ef Teanestee.S3 Offlce south ef Court Square, adjoining that of the

    Chancery Court CVeri. carH-l- y

    EGBERT II. OSBORNETTTTLL practice Law In the Courts ef Hardeman, Fay-V-Y

    ette, Tipton and Shelby, also in McXelry and Har-d- lrcounties, aad in the Supreme Oan r Jackson. AE

    business entrusted to hlrr receive prompt and falth-t- alatteatioa. H1' ute ia in the Ohancery Clerk's offlce.

    BjHv' Hrueman county, Tenn. nov22

    JOHN' P. FARRE L.L. Y,AXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KempU,ATTOBXET corner of Main and Jefferson streets,

    over Ltn Go.'s.Refer to Hobs. Henry Plrtle, W. F. Bullock andMessrs.A. L. Shotwii & Son, LtttsTiUe, Ey.; Hen. James Pryor,CsrroHton, Ey.; McGregor, AHoway & Co., and MosesOreonwood, Xew Orleans; K. M. Apperson & Co., Mem-phis. B0T14-- U

    usixm CartaOFFICE OF

    CANDEE, MIX & CO.,J.cfcary" 1st, 1857.

    offering our card to the public we tender onr ac-knowledgments, lor the Very liberal patronage extend

    ed as during the past year, and promise for the future tofurnish our customers the LAKOEsT, CHEAPEST andBEST SELECTED STOCK oh1 orvnnin y.e Sonthemruns try.

    Oar Senior partaer will be constantly in the Easternmarket, and will keep as luuy supplied witn every aesira.ble style of

    Staple end Fancy Dry Goods, &c."We are Agents for tome of the best brands of DO-

    MESTICS, USXAUCBGS, &c, 'Which we offer at Factoryprices. jaaa-Kawj-

    CAIVDEE, M5X & CO.,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


    MIL.L.IXBRY GOODS, &C,JanS-dawl- m 225 MAIX-ST- ., MEMPHIS. TEKX.

    J. Co JAOOBI & CO.(X. 323 Main, bet. Tnion and Qsyoio-sts.- ,)

    Importers and manufacturers otHAVANA & DOMESriC

    OIGAIISAIfDTOEACCO"10XSTANTLT on hand, a large assortment ef the most

    favorite brands, at moceraie pilots.JanJG-l-y

    A. J. "WALT & CO.,WHOLEfAIX AXD retail

    6? M O B M S ,asd dealess is all zihds or

    UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE,Sostheast Corner of Main and Union StsM

    MEMPHIS, TEXX.,always on hand a well and carefully selectedHAVE ef articles in their line, which they will sell at

    the lewst current prices.J3" Orders promptly filled with dispatch.jan!2-datw-- ly


    Watclies, Clocks, and Jewelry,COBXEB. OF MAIX AXD ADAMS-ST3- .,

    TaKUS this method of Informing his friends.and the pnblle generally, that he has moved fromhis old stand to the corner ef Main and A darns'streets, where he win take pleasure in exhibiting

    a new and cboio! lot of JEWELRY, to those who mayfavor him with a call, and will be pleased to execute allorders for repairs in his line. He hopes, by honesty, In-tegrity, aad his efierts to please, to gain the confidenceaad bberal patronage ot all who may find It convenient tovisit his establishment.

    E- - AH orders for repairing In every branch of my bnjsHwss promptly attenaea to. aggti-i- y


    TOBACCO FACTOR,So. 25 ifadlton-tt- -, between Front Rene end Main,

    MEMPHIS. TEXX..0DLD respectf ally inform the merchants ot Men-nhi-s

    and sarroaa-ia- g country, that he has last re- -tnrned from the cities of Vluinia, where he establisheda permanent AFeecy f r the sale of all grades of Ylrg jila Tobacco, and inteads to keep constantly on handsstock equal ta the demand, at msnnracturers prices.

    Being tally able to compete with the Xew Tork, Balti-more, Cincinnati and Xew Orleans markets, he invitesthe attention of all dealers in the above article to hitstock before parehaslng elsewhere.

    cc2!-d- w tf J- - B. SnABPE


    (Successors to Whent Ax Taylor,)FORYFAKDKVG AND COMMISSION

    MESCHANTS,Duvall's Bluffs, Arkansas,

    At the crettinf ef the Memphis end little Rock Itail--roea on it auc juprr.

    constantly on hand Sarar, CoSeo, Salt,THETkerp and all other articles usuaHy keptIn a Grocery, which they will sell low far cash or ex-change for H'des, Furs and Peltries, or any other articlesbrsncbt to the market.

    ra-- Gond destined for Little Bock or the adjacentcounties shipped to Duvall's Dlaffs, wH be forwardedtramedutely. as there are always s aim leams iureadiBess to haul to any point.

    sep28-dawt- f

    VJB W G o o&s :We are Bow receiving and opening our

    Fall and WinterSTOCK OP

    DRY GOODS,every variety oi atapie ana rmcjuijf10SSI3nGuf keat in this market. Superfine Blackand Bioe Cloths, Casslmeres, Doeskins, Cloaks. Mantillas,Moire Antieue, Velvet Shawls, latest style; Ladles'nrece G. or a saserior anality; Crape Shawls, alante M of Blankets. Xegro Cloth, Erogans, Beady Madedotting. Boots aa4 Shoes, Hats, aad a variety oi articles,too nam ereua to mention.

    All I ask Is. "Come one, come all," and examine mystock. Vefere mskingyourpurchasea. I bought on thevery best terms, and am determined that none shall un-d- ti

    sell me. I shall adopt the Cash System, etapt tepunctual dealers. A. 0. BLAIB,

    octl3.JtwawS. Old Stand of Ferguson St XclU.

    D. PANTE & CO.,Lard Oil. Soap and Candle

    3LiVlJFACTURERS,41 Main street, Memphis. Tcnn.

    highest market prices paid for rough and renderedTHE Lard and Soap Grease. nov2-l- y


    General elgentsoe23-- tf MEMPHIS, TENX.

    JOHN B. B0TT0,

    BOOT AND SHOE31 F AGTT 13 11 IS 11 ,

    Hio. GG Front Row,GAT OF THE BIG SOOT,

    3VToioXls, Term.,.db, KEEPSeonsUntlyonhand. BOOTS .11--

    SHOES, of his own make, also of other4t JV KJ manufacture! s.neke-ps- alto. Leather, B&J

    uSolesni Upper, Calf Skias. French andAmerican Shoe Findings, Trnnks, Carpet Bags and Va-lises, all of which ha wi 1 sell as cheap as any In thismarket. Give hua a call before purthaiing eliewhere.




    Poplar, lietween Main and Second Street.,augll MEMPHIS, TENS.



    ry Csooas, Uoots fc SViocs,aj jaolosnlo axidl,

    To. 79 Pront How.Wa have just received one hundred cases of

    Clothing, expressly manufactured fer this market, and are opening the best selected stocks of'all kinds ot Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, evtr

    brought here, which we.Ser at the lowest possible prices,being enabled to compete with any house through thefacilities of our house in Philadelphia.

    We weald especially Invite the attention ot countrymerchants, knowitg that ! an and will suit all sivery -- re O'' arfl see. aeglG- -'


    GRO CERIBS,Foreign and Domestic Liquors,

    Wines, Cigars, Fruits, &c,NO. 298 MAIN-S- T., MEMPHIS, TENN.0C13I

    CHANDLER & CO.,Druggists and Apothecaries,

    AToin ifrf, next door to Odd JVBoict Hall,MEMPHIS, TEXX.


    Surgical Instruments, Fancy Goods,CHEMICALS, Window Glass, Patent and BotanicMedicines, Garden Seeds, Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars,Brandies anl Wines.

    J3 Every article sold by ns warranted as represented,subject tii be returned at our expense. July8-l-y

    LAW NOTICE.Esq., has removed bis Law OfficeHVOLLIXTINE, Commission Iloose ot Fowlkes,

    Mount Co., on Jefferson street, between the Post OSceiad Main street. spe-- tf

    Pittsburgh Ale.TTJST lecelreJ, 300 bbls. Smith's superior PittsburghJ Ale. H. H. POTTER,

    declS ' Kslo-s- t, 3d door Xorth Wcranam Hoqh.

    (Lottou rJaciorSe


    Commission and Grocer Merchants,lec30-Uw3- m XO. FBOXT BOW.

    jamej T. taylob d. bossTAYLOR & ROSS,


    WHOLESALE GROCERS,IVo. G Monroe Street, Memphis,TXTILL make liberal c ish advances on all consignmentsV V of Produce or Merchandise.

    Refcreuca Henderson, Terry & Co., S. O. Nelson &Co., New Orleans; Speed & Strange, E. M. Apperson 4sCo., Jlemphis. novis-j-

    PATTERSON, MARSHAL - &.CO.Grocers, Cotton Factors,


    COMMISSION MERCHANTS,A'e. 49 Front Reir, Memphis, Tenn.

    OUR charges for selling Cotton on arrival are FiftyncrJSale : for storing and selling Seventy-Fiv- eCents. All Cotton insured unless otherwise instructed,

    feb!7-daw- ly


    WUolcsalc Grocers,Forwarding & Commission Merchants,

    (Maiby 4- - Hunt's A'etr Buildlngt,)

    No. IS Front Row, Memphis,TTAVK now on hand a Sue aisortrreat of Bagging andXX Rope of tLe best brands, together wttn a compicicand well selected stock ot the various articles usuallykept in our business, to which we invite the attention onnrch.aera

    Agents for the sale of "Pike's celebrated MagncllsWhisky," and Jones, Lioyu at uo.'s soumera iac. . . . . , ,0 1 TTT 1 1 1, I 1 TT I If L IV!tureuaus. miiu, auauuaa w,

    aug27-6- m

    J. P. KILL.. ...J. T. HATLET,


    Cottoti FactorsjPvTo. SS 35-oa- a. ow,


    TnOB Seillnz. 60 cents per bale. For Storing and Sell- -JP lng, 75 cents jwr bale. All Cotton Shipped to orbtored by us will be covered by Insurance, unless olhtrwise Instructed.

    j-- Bagging, Rope and Plantation Supplies furnishedto customers. sepiu-aawo-

    A. A. SM1THW1CX.....J. B. WHAT. A. W. SMITnMemphis. Memphis. Hernando.



    Coimulssion ilcrcbimts,So. I Mcditon-tt-., Itateen Front Row end JSain-tt-.,

    Up Steirt, MEMPHIS, TESS.attention given to Selling ,ahd Storing CottonSTRICT consigned to ns.

    X. B. Orders for Bagging, Bope and Plantation Supplies CUed with care and d spatch. Charges for Sellingand Storing Cotton, fifty cents per bale. aug2l-6- m

    A. itt. HOPKINS & CO.,( Successors fo Powell 4-- Co.,)


    NO. 41 UNION STREET,sep!7-l- y XEW ORLEANS, LA.

    S. WILDS TERXOB, I J W. A. BRYAN,C. WILLIAMS, S J M. N. BRTAX,Late of Panola, Miss. Late of La Grange, Tenn.

    7EB1.0N, BRTAI & CO.ttou Factors, Conimxssion antlForwardingIVIERCHANTS,

    So. 6 Front Row, ever Meachnm k Galbralth's,MEMPHIS. TEXX.

    attention paid to Storing, Shipping aadPARTICULAR Charges 60 cents per bale.S3" All cotton sent to us will bo covered J injurs" ce,

    unless otherwise Instructed. an' t

    T. B. NORMENT,


    MOSBY & HUNT'S NEW BLOCS,Up Stairs, 17 1-- 2 Front Row,

    MEMPHIS, TESS.A LARGE stock ot Bagging and Bope always on baud.

    IX. JuIyS-dawl- y

    rXLIX WALKER, X. C. SXIDER,Xew Orleans, La. Coffeevllle, Miss.


    Cotton FactorsAXDCoinuiission Merchants,

    No. 123 Canal Street,JulylS-dawl- y XEW ORLEANS, LA.

    m. noRTOX, n. c. noRTOX,Late Xlorton & nunter. Late of MonthaUa, Miss.

    C. M. HORTON & CO.,

    COTTON FACTORS,Commission & Forwarding Merchants,

    So. 3 MadUon-St- ., opposite J. B. Klrtlcnd't Qffite,MEMPHIS, TEXX.

    TITE will continue as heretofore, siring special atten--YUon to the Sale and Storage of Cotton, at fifty cents

    per bale, and to the selection and purchase of any articlein market. Office removed frr n Xo. 3 Front Row to Xo.

    Madison street, nearly oppo..e Union Bank, antra)

    . M. OATES.. ...........A. M. WOOD

    GATES & WOOD,COTTON FACTORS, GROCERS,roduce and Gcn.ral Commission

    VE 10 --NT-So. 3 Union Street, between Main end Front Ro

    MEMPHIS, active application to bmlness, for overAFTER years, we, for the first time, solicit the pa-

    tronage of our friends in the capacity ot Cotton Factors.We feel confident of our ability to please such as mayconfide their business te our charge. Our stock of Bagging, Bope and General Supplies win not be excelled inthe city. Cash advances, or acceptances, will only bemade on consignments in store. Insurance on Cotton orother Produce, in store, will only be effected upon actualinstructisns, or wnca unaer advance. nipmenu oiCotton by steamers will, at all times, be Insured while. intransit, with open policy, unless otherwise Instructed onthe face of bills lading.

    To all our friends who have so liberally patronized usduring years past, wa shall offer the same Inducements asheretofore for a continuance ot their patronage.

    unl3-daw- lr GATES It WOOD.WARD LAW nO WARD WM. T. HOWARD.

    W. HOWARD & CO.,Cotton Factors, Commission andorwarumg merciianig,

    NO. 4 HOWARD'S ROW, MEMPHIS,DEALEBS in BxjElng, Bope, Twine. Sugar, Coffee,Bice, Flour, Lard, Bacon, MsckerrI, Salt,London roner. Ale, wme, wntssy, vinegar, uuano.Lime, Land-Plaste- r, and Groceries generally. A goodstock now on hand, and for ssle at reasonable prices.

    3Cah advances made on Cottons in store for sale orshipment. All Cottons insured unless otherwise instruct-ed. Our Open Policy of Insurance covers all Cotton con-signed to us by water; alo, ths rlskot Fire while Instore, unless otherwise Instructed. Our pticea for storingand selling Cottons, the same as wt have charged forytarspast fifty cents per bale. Inly I


    Cotton FactorsAXD

    Commission Merchants,XO. 33 FBOXT BOW. MEMPHIS, TEXX.

    ALL Cotton sent to our address insured, unlessto the contrary are received. Plantationoroera rilled with care. Store and Sell Cottsn at fiftycents per bale.

    T r. ATDLETT J. C. DOCOT1ERTY,Ana Meant. Memphis







    make cash advances on all Cotton or otherWILL shipped to T. P. Aydiett & Co., Xew Orleans.ocS-l-y

    CARRIXOTOX MASOX,. L. C. "JORVEILHolly Springs, Miss. Bipley, Miss.

    MASON & NORVELL,Cotton F&ctorss

    Car 32. Q O 33 "STAXD


    MEMPHIS, TENN.GONSTANTLT on band, Bagging, Bope andmajtl-l- y


    (touon factors- -

    nT.T.T,T. BROWN & CO..


    Commission merchants,it; fillip STttEST. XKW ORLEANS.

    --1ASH sdvanee. made en all Cotton or other Produceconsigned as shore, uy u

    Jsnll-t- f. t rimnN J. B. ELLIS.. A. C. BLAIB' ninnsnv FJJ.IS & BLAIR.yuiiv.i -

    COTTON FACTORS. GROCERS,!!- -. Atiil f! sirs nvrt 1rorwruiuK uuu u

    COMMISSION MERCHANT S,A",. 2,9 Main MtLS endies aiwsjs osTJOPE, Bagging .uu jnCfx.wtXL hand. -

    i si PITRICK & CO..

    COTTON PAOTOIISCommission Merchants


    give strict attention to all Cotton sent ns fersale

    wtr-n-s!ti. v.vieaiioa u . ' .r..c,in. Rope ami

    omerwis. "-";,.-

    HraSrt J.M.PATBIC-&C- OB. MERRnilu


    nTivTissiO?; MERCHANT,Xo. 5 Monroe Street, beU Front Row &Main

    (SOUTH SIDE.). 1 ; rnnnri riRctrn.

    attention pt toPABTICULAB Proce fnri.ed atBagging, Bope aim Mlowest market prices.

    'jl'Wj terser 3Cotton Factor & Commission merchant,

    Xr. TTimt's Now Block,Up Stairs, No. 17 1-- 2 Front Row, Memphis.

    1 - Mill.. nnlMt ftlT WILL pay partlCOIr attention iuA uroceries, suggiu; and Bope,

    cJuljt-dawl- y

    . J,I,SRllln.f. tn. ORIFFING & UU.,

    Commission Merchants,n fstroct. Memphis, Tenn.

    E wlU furnish supplies te our friends as heretofore,and rake advance on shipments to our friends In


    Tvr t Ivlnmin "i.""w w - .T V,.x. . TiiEonATJi.J. C. OBirruu..!..Frankfort, Ky. Memphis, Tenn. rraosron,

    THEOBALD, GRIFFIAU J ",Cotton 3T".ct "Gonoral Commission Merchants,

    KO. 71 CAS1P STREET,IcIytSrdawtf SEW 0 RLEASS LA.

    t tintr rr .s..A. w.i.otwwliEASLEY & EOVING,

    Cotton Factors, Commission JlerchantsAXD

    Gonoral erooorS)NO. 12 FRONT BOW, MEMPHIS.LARGE stock of Rope and Bagging lwf:A Charges fifty cents per bale, all

    usual raees. Instructions strictly obeyed, ipJtAU r.oduce insured, unless

    iructcd. '


    Tor the Sale, Sterag and Shipment of


    orders for Baxglog, Bale Bope, groceries,ALL and Plantation Supplies, filled carefully andpTnmCt'f- - mt the lowest rojrrpntjrates. auel-w-





    XO. 70 FEONT BOW, MEMPHIS,.... tn.i .u A4herwlse lastruct- -Al " COTTONAgents tor GBISWOLD'S celebratedG1X.

    We continue to Store and Sell Cotton at t it i a .a icbale. ,

    . . i v v riiTn .nd India Ba- -UB DIN, a 11 - ' ' - ; -glng. Machine adlUndR'pe, together with a heavy s tockof Groceries ana oiuer oin., ",will furnish to.onr customers at thelowest market pi Ices.

    augl2w6m ?Ji.'

    iron CASH.WORTH of new and seasonableiiOjUUU CLOTHING and FUBX1SHIXG

    GOODS, at actual cost for cash.. . ,n I.. Wln.ll nfb, t n 1UWiag io a cuaK in uul wui., -- wcost for caii and cash only, oar entire stock of Clothingand Furnishing Goods. As tee business must be closedup, and to do so the stock most ba sold, persons In wantof Goods in our line, win and it to th'lr advantage togive ns a call. KELLER JOnNSOM,

    iu. a i;iar juaiviv tv..,j,nl-3- m 2T. Main street.J3 Enquirer copy three months.


    FRAKSIOLI & WILLIAMSON,Importers, Wholesale

    and Betail Dealers InCbms.GIitssaud Earth-enware, French andGerman Vases, Silver,Silver Plated, GermanSilver and BriianlaWare, Fine Table Cut-lery, &c,

    1S3 Main Street,MEMPHIS.

    Also Looi lng Glow,Looking Glass Pistes,Tea Trays, ParlorLimps,Girondoles, &.C, &c.


    G. B. liOCKE,Auctioneer and General Agent,



    MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.attention to sales ef City or CountryPABTICULAB Merchandise, ef every description.

    Furniture, Land Scrip and Warrants, Stocks, Renting andLeasing Property, c.

    Storage and Consignments solicited.HaviDg engaged the services of Mr. J. If, Caldwell,

    an old and experienced Auctioneer, late of Hnntsville, Ala-bama, I am folly prepared to attend to consignments andsales of every description. Liberal Cash Adtaxcesmade ox Consignments.

    J3"Storage and consignments solicited,p. S. I am Agent for The Adams Express Company,maris

    Gentlemen's Mats!THE NEW STYLE FOR


    WHEATON,Fashionahle Hatter, 75 Front Rott,



    W ir i I I A TOlxTS !octlO-l-y Xo. 75 Front Row.

    DR. THOS. KELLER,ot Tuscumbla tAlabatna, has located permanent- -'

    lylnMemphi?, nd offers his services to the publicIn all the branches of bis profession He has taken theoSlce heretofore occupied by Dr. Bryan, comer of Shelbyand Union streets. Having recently made a careful andgeneral selection of Surgical Instruments, he Is preparedfor all the operations of Surgery. Residence on Shelbystreet, between Hlng and Trczevant streets.

    my-I- y

    D t. DOBOSE,A TTOBXBT AT .AW, Memphis, Tenn. Offlce on east

    CX side of Main street, between Jeflsrson and Adams.Refer to F. Titus, McEwen, Harris & McXeill. J. D.

    Williams, W. B. Miller and Miles Owen, Memphis, Tenn.;Mo in. Titm fc Co., Xew Orleans. Janlt-t- f

    JOHN A. NOOE,A TTOBXET AT LAW. Offlce in the Post OSce Build,rt. lng, Memphis, Tenn. nor2I-- tf

    Just Received,1for sale low to the tradeAXD hhds. Brown Sugar;100 sacks Bio Coffee;IS bales Dundee Bagging ;

    100 halt colls Bepe.DOUGHERTT &, ATDLETT,

    nert 23 Vront Row.

    Fresh. Feathers.1 PCnfi PQUNDS new Feathers, fresh from, the

    country, for sale at;snl7 McKIXNET & CO;'S.

    3jTJKr"0 3E3C2j.Trr j. scnwooBfc."C fcifftS. HEBE MAN,' T,II.TG IUVUVUVI IVUllVIU IHV fUJnaGpr lie teat mey nave twir

    ji un Adams street, opposite Worsbam House,as a LAGER BEER SALOON", in which they will com-mni-

    oo Monday, the 2d of February, to give a pp:e:,d.!LUNCn, (with a las of Lag--r Ber 1 at the low rale MriTTEEX cexts. Good SObP will be served od at each I

    xJtvSi-Si- lBENNETT HOUSE,

    Corner Main and Jaclison-sts- .,BROWNSVILLE, TENN.

    THIS writ known Hotel, having changed hands,and b-- n thoroughly repairtd, and provided withnew Furniture, is now open for the accommoda-tion cf Boarders and Travelers.

    Ths public may rest assurd that every exertion wiHbe made on the part of the Proprietor to ren der thisHouseiecond to none tn West Tennessee, flavin activeand attentive Hrvaats, and a taWe always fornlsbed withthe best the country aaords, he cenadeetly relies upongiving entire satisfaction to all wbo may favor hlra'wtththeir patronage. TO. . BENNETT,

    Proprietor.E3 Enquirer copy.

    Corner of Main and Adams street.MEMPHIS, TEXX.

    THIS House Is situated In the centre of baslaess,flnlsbedand in complete enter. The Pioprietorpledges hinsself it shall not be surpassed by aay House inthe Soul I west.

    Being grateful for the very liberal aatnaage beslovcvon him for the last two years, he hopes by a street atten-tion t business to merit a continuance of the same

    oC7-- lt J. J. WQggHAM, PrbprteUrCOMMERCIAL HOTEL.


    TIIlS establishment has Just undergone thoroughIn every ddrtment. Rooms newly pala'edand papered : beddine: thoroughly renovated : there is neteven a mattress that Is net new er equal to new ; carpetmostly new, &c. in one word the house is new in decidedly better oner than It has ever been since it wasbuilt. Very grateful for the liberal patronage to theHouse since I have occupied It, aod having renewed twoleases, one on the House, toe ether opes my 4ge, I hepeto te aoie to give mere attention isan Heretofore. 1 apdetermined U make my guests comfortable.

    0C7-- tf 1). COCK BELL, Propritter

    Tune Changed?j

    3a!W -3i---'-?-a. s TsxrcOX UXIOX STREET.qinE subscribers respectfully iatonn their old frieads sad

    I all lue panic, mat lq y nave uu u a nrw atcub-ra- nton Union street, wJi-- re they are prepared te tarnishthe bnt braads that can be found in the market, servedin the best Parisian styles, Oysters. Crane. Steaks, Saltaad Fresh Water Fish, Birds In fact, everytbtag sailedto the flaest aad most delicate epicurean taste.

    Give as a call We have six utv-ren- t rooms for the ac--cemraodaUoa ef Private Parlies. We wfll sot be oatdecein aay branch connected wiia oar baies.

    janlG-t- f DEM PER WOLF & GITTRR.


    Plain and Fancy Candies,Adams Street, under the VTor--

    sliam House,constantly on hanl a large assortment of GreenKEKP3Dry Fruits, Fruits la their lwu Juioe, Jellies,

    Preberv4, Serdtaes, I.obters, Spiced aad Flak led Oys-ters, Pickles, Cordials, Syrups, fine Wines, Brandies, ankinds Nuts, &c.

    rr ty In eoaaectioa with this estab-,JS-53t. fcff' ,lUbmentIhaveaitedapanOysterVj ri V,Saieon, and will ni FKBSH

    uxsT-Ks- ey every pacaet.novlS-dl- y S P. BRICHETTO.




    TjTEE? constantly on hand a larg variety of PLAINand FANCT OAXDIBS CAKBS, rratts. Preserves,

    tic, wholesale and retail. Wears also prepurtdte tarnish parties at tlx shortest nonce.

    IX connection with this weour LADIES' and

    KNTLKMEKS OTsTBR SALOOK from 9 o'clock a . M.. to 12

    o'clock p. M., aad are rrceiving daring the whale seasoa,FRESH OTSTBRSty every st- - am. r. We solicit a shareof the . uMrc patronage. Bovg-d6- m

    GENERAL C03nilSSI0X MERCHANTS,Itlain Street, Louisville, ay.,

    JI rANCFACTTRER'S Agents for Machie Bope, JLsing, J. ans, Ltn.eys. Jrc JanS3-l-y

    A. O. SMITH...... r. Ol'THBlE....QEO. J. aOWLASQ.SMITH, GUTHRIE & CO.,

    Commission lcvcii.itsAND


    Foreign and Domestic Liquors,AND AGENTS TOR THE SALE Or

    Virginia and Kentucky Tobacco,No. SQt Maiu Street, between Second and Third,

    janl3-l- y LOCISVILLB, KY.


    OHMISSION MERCHANTS,No. 23 Levee, and 56 Commercial Street,

    ST. LOUIS, MO.ORDERS for Bagging, Rope, ITemp, Provisioos, Pieur,c, "elicited and proptly executed.

    teui'-i- y



    OUR personal attentionwill be given fo the Sale erFerwardlBS of (rootsPredaos eeasicned te oar1

    L address. We wUl coutreet Freight on theabove far either by sail or steam vessels, atlowest rates.

    We hare had several years' experience ia our marketIn the parthasitig ot Rtapies and asserted MereaamH.

    Rei-e- r TO Cook & Co., J. O. GtiOag &. Bee , SpeedStraage, Hannah & Shanks. dec) 1 y




    PAPERS OP ALL KINDS,Pt.W,-3- ' 7., .See,

    r?Iain-Stree- t, Louisville, Iy.decSO-daw-


    (Successors to Part, Simpson Co.,)Grocers, Produce Dealers,




    Clerk's Sale of Real Estate.William V. And-reu- n, ) Petltiea to sell RealAdm'r ot Thes. S. Simp- - V Bstate.sen. dee'd. aad others. ) In Clrtuit Court ef Shelby Co.

    PURSUANT to a Dtcree of the Oitcait Oeatt ot Shelbyon the 221 day of Jaaaary, 1857, inthe above cause, I will, on the first MONDAT, being the2d day of March next, in front ot the Coart House doer inRaMgb, Tennessee, proceed to sell to the highest bidder,at public auction,

    20C3 ACRES OF LAND,lling in the Ulh Surveyor's District of Shelby County,in Range 6, Sections 1 and 2, on the sooth side ot Wolfriver, btlng the same Land of which Thomas S. Simpson,dee'd, seized and possessed.

    Terms Oue half cash; the residue en a credit of sixmonths, with bond aad security lor the deferred payment.

    M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk.Wm. K. Posto.v, Att'y for Petition rs.Janao-td- s

    Chancery gale of Two ValuableNegroes.PURSUANT to a Drecree of the Chancery Court strendered November Terra, 1856, in lhease of Joseph and Archibald Wright, Adm'rs ofAlbert G. Underwood, dee'd, and others, rt t petitionto sell Slaves, &c, I will on

    Tuesday, 24th Pebruary, 1856,in front cf my offlce. in the city of Memphis, proceed tostll to the hlghett bidder for cash,

    Two Valuablo Negroes,belonging tothe Estate of said A. O Underwood, dee'dvis: Xegro Man .named nENRT, a Xo. 1 Plasterer, andhis wife AGNES, an excellent House or Kitchen Servant.

    Sale at II o'clock a. St.Jan21-dawt- JOHN 0. LANIER, C. & M.

    Administrator's Notice.A LL persons indebted to th estate ef D. U Jehnson.

    XX. dee'd, are requested to come forward Immediatelyand make payment; and tnose. bavin; claims againstsaid es tat? are hereby notifled,to present them within theinns prcscnuvu uy law, ana as ine law atrscts.

    W. Ai TURNER, Etq.wlll represent us at LaGrange.i '- -. ' t i-- t JAS. M. WHITE,

    !0s, , . j i , W. B, WALDRAX,, , Administrators of D, B. Johnsendecfd,'MraphUyFebniary'lOtb; 1S57. w2n '

    S3. B. WlfiLflilAAISOJN,(Successor to IfiBlamson Hancock,)



    "WINES, BRANDIES,Mavana Cigars &c.


    Received this Day,r)BBL3MessPmj

    - VJ60 kegs Xo. I Lett Lard;25 tierces Sugar-Cur- Haas:20 kegs Shot, assorted t lies :

    100 tt'.s Whisky.AH of which we wUl seU chsaj fer cash at Xe.Pront Bow, Memphis.J"1 S. B. WILLIAMSON.

    DAT1DS0X, ELLIS Iz EL1IR,Wholesale and Betail Dealers In


    PLANTATION SUPPLIES.1 rPkf PIECES Bagging, hand and power-loo- mXtJUKJ Brands; 11S0 coUs Bope, best brands:

    n suns, II.UiUWU.UgjriJ600 sacks Coffee ; 50 hhds Bacon ;

    103 boxes Chewing Tobacco, extra quality;COO bUs best brand Boston Nails ;ICO bUs. and half bbis Mackeid ;

    CO kits Mackerel Xo. 1 ;tmshed Sugar; 25 boxes beat Loaf Sagar'Sslt; 6 bbfc. Melses ;5tt halt tbis de;100 ben brand Flour;

    109 bbls. bet Drxter aod Dean Whisky;10--) reams Wrapping ?ap r ;

    And a general assortment of prime Brandies and Wines ;'0' Teas, Pepper, Spice. Ginger, Soda, Shot, Lead, aadaU articles kept in our line ef business, which we willseil on the very best terms to oar customers and thetrad generally. rI.

    For Sale.WK.J?Jnst,rtc""d tbu da-- "xi offer fer sale, low,

    Jeans aad Lindsey, fr Xe.gro Clotbinr, of various colors aad prices ;100 deiea Old Brandy, bottled is 1817 ;160 boxes aad half boxes Star Candles.

    BAVIDSOX, ELLIS BLAIB,anglf. Xo. 19 Main street.

    GROCERIES, &c.THE subscribers keep on hand the following articles,they warrant ta be of first quality, aad fertale lew rur cash;

    Wheat Fans aad Threshers ;E. Carver . Oa.'s Improved CetteaGlas;Wagees , Xort hern aad Seat beta aaastact re ;Baeea, heg-rea- ;Ploar, Salt, Whisky and Teeaees;Sojur, Co--ee, Tea and Molasses ;Gtadles, Powder, Shot aad Lead ;Braadtes aad Wines, taper lor article ;Liate, Cement and Plaster Paris ;

    Together with a gi ncral assortment ef an artides usu-ally kept In a Grocery store.GWTXXE GIBSOX,

    1"W Nos. 1 aad 2 Bicbame Buildiag.

    SJilliiitnr gooi)s



    EMPOEIUM OP PASHION,AndLatlics' General Furnishing, Cloak

    auu iiianuna EsiaDiisnmtnt,299 aVIAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN.

    WE are now receiving and opening oaeot r--Jthe largest and most magaiacrnt stocks of Lft ,11Preach Millinery and Fancr Drv Gmd. P

    ever to this oity. Also, a very select assort-ment of Rich Dress Goods, enurely new. Silks, Cash-meres, Marenos, and a large variety of altstyles for Street, Traveling aad Evening Dresce.

    We call aartlcuiar attentioa ts oar Millinery Bepirt-men- t,coasistiBg ef Cbeniiie, Meet and Uncut Velvet,

    Satin. Silk, GrscUn, Italian and English Boanets ; Plew.ers, Feathers, Ribbons, Bridal Veils and Wreaths, $5,000worth of fine French Embroideries, Real Thread, Malteseaad Gimpure Laces; all styles efEmbroidered, Velvet and ClothCLOAKS,Ladies' Cleth and Velvet for Cloaks, Dress Caps, Heed.Dresses, Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, Corsets, Kid Gloves,Furs, Trimmings of all descriptions fer Cloaks aad Dress,es. fee, fte.

    X. B. Embroidering and Stamping done. Cloaks anfDresses made to order in a few hears at cheapest prices.

    Ladies, please call before purchasing elsewhere.Orders from the country promptly attended te.

    tl N. STU LKAX &. CO.

    ftouit ffirws Jni-b- c rg- -

    FORMERLT of the firm ef Moesey &Green, won d Yes pectraUy say ta his

    and easterners that he is sltllai'the old stand, with a good sspair of Fruit

    arm, vuos isimg orApples,



    Apricots,Nectarines, &c.

    Also, Strawberry and Grape Vines, ia va-rieties, with a good supply of Evergreens, Green MeasePleats, BarbeBS Roots, Rhubarb and Asparagus.

    Cnters from a dittanee, seegnpaaied with draft er orderon a respectable merchant at Memphis, will be pnactnaHyattended to, and all plants gaaraaticdto order and de-livered any pai t of the city, free of charge.

    Xursery on Main street. South Mrmphls.PAUL GREEN,

    octU-df- tg Receiver of Mnmey Green.


    I would reepeetfaUy remind the citizensof Memphis aad eesstry thatthe season for ant loc Pralt aad Or-namental tree, is fastappreachlag. Greatadditions have been wade in everr dmrt--

    XReui. nwtn particularly araerg PraMs. A mere selectand varied collection has never bwn efikrl far sale inthe Soutkwi-st- , cet-Ut-ing in part of over cue hundredvarieties of

    Poach.osfjPItirtta,Oi0-X.OE- 3 ,

    CJtawbi, Isabella, Ohte, ScupperaoBg, Csltternla. etc.Grape Vines, Flits, Bapberri", Strawberries, Currants,Gooseberries, etc.; English Walnuts and Filberts, TexasPecans, Chesnuts,etc., etc.

    Green-heu- se plant.. Bulbous Flower Roots, (Imported.)Evergreen of every desirable variety, among which arenearly 2,000 Magnolia Grand Flora.

    In a dittoa o the above, I am now receiving a large lotof Bulbs, cf all kinds. In eoaseqaeBee ef having tomore most of my stock en hand, I will Mil it very low.

    Purchasers may rely on everything being what It Is.represented, and sales may be rffected on very favorableterms, by applying at the Garden and Xursery, near theRiilrnadDebot, or addressing

    ocll-ds- S. M. WHEATON.P. S. During my abvnce from the city, all orders will

    meet with prompt attention it left at the store of J.WDdberger. S. M. W.


    SITUATED In Fort Pickering, on the SJi norn Lake Road, bare on hand a das Bi

    soriment or suKUBtiaur, in every ae-r- Rpartment, consisting In part st -

    APPLES, PEACHES, PLUMS,Poars, C3.o-.-.ojs- .Apricots, --Scctariucs, &c. J

    Also, aaspoerry, atrawberry and Grape Vines, In va-rieties, with a good supply ot Evergreens, Green HousePlants, Bulbous Boots, Rubarb and Asvaragus.

    Orders from a distance, accompanies1 with draft or or-der on a respectable merchant at Memphis, wUl be runc-tna'l- y

    attended to, aud all Plants guarantied to orderand delivered to any part of the city, free of charge.

    We attend to arranging and laying off Gardens in townor country, at the shortest notice.

    octl7-l- m ETOHAVRNR BBO.

    fo9OT2CF.I HAVE three HOUSES and LOTS to rent fer

    the present year, sitae In the Northeasternpart of the city, in what Is known as Winches-ter Avenue. It being the property upon which I

    now live. For a more particu ar description, and forclosing the contract of rent, call on Majer William Bnf-C- n,

    at the Gas Offlce. BOB PRICE.JanS-dl- f

    Profitable and Honorable EmploymentFOR THE WINTER.

    In town or country in search of employmentPERSONS ot Income, or to All up their leisure hours,may hear of such by enclosing two stamps, to pay postage, to rroteswr J isii--j T. uut, box No. 4,531 XewTork Post efflce. The employment Is Otted to either sex

    station In life immaterial. It Is an article of dallyconsumption, and can be manufactured In any person'sdwelling; secured by copyright; ssles as permanent asflour. An agent Is wanted In every town In the Union.

    JanSl-I- m



    MEMPHIS, TEXX.,WHERE can be found all description of Grave Work,will be furnished as cheap as It can be gotIn sny maiket West. Also, Building Work done at shortnotice.

    It Is tothe Interest of all persons Winting such work topurchase from the yards st .Memphis Instead of purchas-ing from Agc-t- s, ss the Manutactors bars to add thetwenty per cent, that Is paid Agents to the work sold bythem. Soutberners,Iook to your Interest.

    m C. C. M ATP WELL.

    Garden Seeds, Crop of 1S5G,DIRECT from D. Landreih, for sie by the paper, dozen,and Lushcl, wholesale and retail by

    anJl-dawS- WARD k J0NE3."

    TO THE



    !?M JS. I JL M OWESTERN DIVISION,OPEN TO CORINTH.f N aod after Sov. 15. 183S. TUROHGir UAir.Tn.iMJ wUl leave Memphis, DA1LT. al 7:00 a. ji., arrivingiwvu t aiou t. as., at Bomerviue at 10:00 a. miutarniag Leaves Corinth at 1 r. m. ; Somerrllle, 3P. sr. Arrives atMemphU at 7.00 p. st.ZThis Train connects at Corinth with a double DallyLine of first das Post Coaches tothe terminus of theEastern Division of the Memphis and Charleston Ra- -rau. anence oy oauway direct, and connections surewlthaH Eastern dtles.

    SUglsg reduced to forta miles, and track-lavi-

    THROUGH TICECTS sold to the following points :CHARLESTON,





    GRENADAThis Train also connects with the Misalsaitml Central

    iiiiu.u w aioor oorirtKS. uxzon l.renaa. rnin.Alsoceasectt at Grand JuncUea Station with Tennes

    see Central Baiiroad to Boilvar. Jacksaa. Hriniinrdonand other places.

    Also connects at Pocahontas with Line ofieacnes to Jupiey, fontotoc, Aberdeen and Columbus.

    '1IIKOUGII TO NASHVILLE IX 31 HOURS.VI. IK fmrf .nif K. ... V". -- 1 I . .. -

    raoeca Railroads only -- ,- mes of Stagini. azalnstJJtiU cy any outer route.The ACCOMMODATION WATTBAIX runs daUr fexcept Sasdays) between Memphis and the Junction withthe Mississippi Central Railroad:

    Leaves Junction 7.00 a. si. t arrives at Memphis 11:00A. ax.

    Leaves Memphis 2:00 r. at. : arrives at the Trains lerve Memphis fer Pocahontas DAILYat7A.u. lioors close at 4 p. ax.

    Threagh Tickets only, on the above Routes, can be obtained at the Commercial Hotel, as well as Informationconnected with the Boad.

    Passengers are requested to Durchase Tickets before en.tering the cars, and save payment ot extra fare.

    Baggage checked to all stations on the Rallreid. andao Basga wUl be received without beiag checked.

    Xacfc passenger win be allowed seventy-liv- e pounds otbaraje by Railroad, and sixty pounds by Stage ; bat noarticle win be carried as baggage that is not Incident tothe person ef the passenger. In case of less the Osm-pa-

    wiH boM themselves responsible for as amount notexceedlag $100.

    Negroes, when traveling alone, must have apermlt, na-ming the point to which they are to go, and specifyingthat they are to travel br railroad, or thev will notcarried.

    B. ATE S,epSI Superintendent ot Transportation.

    For Daltimore, Washington, NeivYork, Philadelphia, &c.

    Direct Through Lino for the East!

    Baltimore and OhioRAILROAD.

    THIS Boad runs from Wheeling to Baltimore, (379and to Washington. MOO miles.) and nreaentathe fullest advantages both as a freight and passengeiline. It runs through wild and romantic regions of the

    aad being solidly constructed. comoletHvequipped and carefully managed. Is oae ot the nio.t at-tractive and safest Railroads la the United States. TheCentral Ohio Railroad, trum Columbus and Zanesrille teWheeling, unites this road with all portions ot the Westand Soathwest.

    The only Thro con Tickets Memphis,LorisviLLE and St. Louis to the Xatiohal M-etropolis, are sold by this read, which runs direct teWashington without the delay of passing through Balti-more. It is also the only line by which baggage can bechecked to Washington from the Ohio river.

    Jj-B- y the hail route from .Memphis, take the usteamers, rannlu; dally for LoaliviBe, connecting therewith ua steamers or Jefftrsonville Railroad for Cincin-nati, where they arrive so as to connect wfth the cars ofLittle Miami Railroad far Columbus, eonaeet-- g therewith Central Ohio BaUroad, thru'-g- h Newark and Zan-vth- e,

    to Wheeling. By the express train of this route,the time from Cincinnati to Baltimore and te Washingtonis less than 27 hours.

    13" 15 aura to ask for tickets by the Baltimore aad OhioRatlread Route.

    K"Paseengers from Memphis going East threagh StLuais, can buy Through Tickets by the Baltimore aad OalaRailroad. This rente lays through Vlncennes, Terra Haute,Indianapolis, etc., to Wheeling, ever the newOhleaadMississippi and coanaecting Roads. These Connect Kinsare all direct, aad the time from St. Louis ta iuitiaur.w Washington is but about i3 hears. Through Ticketsby this route may ba had of the Agent, uadt r the Planters House, at the following rates : Prom St. Louis tobaiii tore 520; to Washington $26.

    At Wheeling the passenger takes the superior cars olthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which leave three timesdaily fer Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and XewTork. Through in IS or 17 hours, including stoppages.For safety, speed, regularity, beauty of lhe country, andgrBeral comfort, this road Is second to none In th Union.

    FREIGHTS. This company possesses the largestequipment ot any Railroad In the United States, and isprepared to do an Immense business in transpo-tatio- n.The read makes Immediate connection at the warvea amila the stre.ts ot Baltimore with the Railroad to Phlladd--paia ana .aew ion, steamers ef Ericsson and Bali IMORE STEAaisniP Lines, by Canal and Sea to XewTerk, and by aew Merchants' and Miners' Line to Boston,steamers to Xorfelk, Charleston, Savinmh, he. Farparticular!, see freight tarHT, copies of which may be hadef the Forwarding Ueases in the West, or o' J. B. Ford.Recetving and ForwsnB Agent at Wheeling.

    WM. 3. WOODSIDE,Master of Transportation, Baltimore.

    A. T. LAVA LLBTTE,laaes-l- y Agent, 61 Front Bow, Memphis.


    To the North and East!Through in Three Days and a Half to


    M 1 2L M O niFrom Cairo to Chicago Direct in Eighteen HoursBagqaae.

    AT Chicago, connecting with Michigan Central Carsleaving the same Depot, for Detroit, Niagara Fallsuvuio,Ki,Aiuj, ivi., Dvaiga, ana ail icasternand Atlantic Cities. Only two change of Cars fromCairo to Niagara, and three from Cairo to Albany, andfour from Cairo to Xew Tork. Time from Cairo to XewTork, forty-ni- ne hours. Fare as low, and comfort great-er, than by any other route. Passengers through artKOT subjected to the delays consequent to the fnannichanges by short lines ot Ballroads through Indiana andunio, 10 uc asi aau riorin.

    Also, connecting at Chicago with Mich I ran nt,.rrTrains, fer Cleveland, Dunkirk, and the East, with Lakeanurc Aaunuu man o wain era iur lucine, AtllwaukeeSheboygan, &, aad with a splendid Line of First ClassSteamers for Sault Ste Marie, Lake Superior, Collingwood. Toronto, &c.

    "rains leave Cairo Every Morning and EveningUrati

    6.05 a. St., Chicago and Dunlelth Express. Sundaysexcepted.

    This Train connects st Chicago with Xew Tork Light-ning Express, over Michigan Central, Great Western andXew York Central Railroads, in thlrty-oo- e hours

    This Train also connects at Sandoval with Ohio andMississippi Ballroad lor St. Louis and Vlncennes; atPana, with Trains cf the Terra Haute, Alton and StLouis Ballroad, for Indianapolis, Louisville and Cinci-nnati; at Decatur, with Main Line Express for GalenaDunlelth; the latter connecting with Trains to Spring-Sri- d,

    Naples, Bock Island, Burlington and Qulncy6:10 p. ai., Xew Tork Express, Saturdays excepted.SUpping only at important Stations, except on Slma!connecting with Main Line Day Express from Decatur UDunleith, and arriving at Chicago at 2 p. mPassengers tor the Upper Mississippi, will nnd at Dun-

    lelth, steamers of the Dunleith and Minnesota PacketCompany, ready to leave on the arrival of either CairoTrain for Le Crosse, Redwing, St. Paul, 4e. Passenger,for Janesville, and Central and Eastern Wisconsin, con-nect at Freeport with Trains to Belolt and Janesvllle. ancfrom thence to Madison and Central and Eastern Wis-consin.

    The Maps and Charts indicating ths Great CentralRoute Jethe Xorth and East are an ofColton'sMapof the United States, and passengei arerequested to examine this roate as wen 1. th.Ulnae cards of the connecting Roads, and Judge for them- -

    w mtoKrauHiot ute above statements Theopening of the Illinois Central Ballroad from Cairo toChicago, and thus forming a speedy and direct means ofcommunication between the Upper Lakes and Elvers, andthe Lower Mississippi, afibrds tothe pleasure traveler,a well as the business man, attractions and facilitiesfor reaching the Xorth and East, which surpass those ofsny other route whatever. The accommodations fur-nished by the Company far the convenience of the trav-eling public, the permanency of the road and structure,the strength and eieganceof the Engines and Cars, com-mend themselves to those who desire in traveling need.cossorfand safety.

    TICKETS GOOD FOB OXK TEAR, with the prlvUeg eof laying over at any point, can be had at Memphis,Cairo, and at the principal Railroad Offlces on the line.



    THE subscriber begs leave to offer bis services to theas Land Agent, Surveyor, Draftsman, andDealer In Land Warrants

    ne will attend promptly to buying and selling RealEstate, collecting debts, paying taxes, buying, selling andlocating Land Warrints, and to all business pertainingto a General Land Agencv.

    BErEREXCES. Col, E. C. JfcCarty, Col. J. J. Clark-so- nand J. D. Henderson, Leavenworth City; J. C.Dougherty and B. B. Hawley, Memphis, Tenn ; J BConnelly, Hernando, Miss. novl9-w3- mScotch and Irish Whisky,

    TUST received, by n. H. POTTER,eJ declS or Xorth Worsham House.

    Extension Dining Tables.MAUuuAar, oak and Walnut Extenston TaKes,tourteea feet long. Just received and forMIC MJW VJ

    w18 XcXNXT&C0,


    RAILROAD.0-VlY- tb

    Memphis at I p ar.x- - "ies al

    Thu Train connects at Coma JCo.'. daily line of pft LJTM5,r kand Staging red5 "riZn ilTphis and Grenaji-thre- agh ia hlpablie a ay rely on x JhLrt.?L, 3? lriT,1B'to Gienada. Cantoa jZZFL lZ? "? cheaper leateother. iw-r- g taaa aay

    The FREIGHT TRAINexcepted.) m atUr JtonJay; thT utbZ' g00"1te Cone. It will be exoecll7V, ?.kriaagements ... . . "ive.

    arrival, a. thTHeS,vl " Ut"nmeats for taking care KflKSKL m"srWe fer th. iw, er damage to lie .L .ttht tare reu., ...passenger wt be ?Vrk" Aciiroad, and 60 poaad, by stage! bot ll, L llrWasbargagethatis rJt ',ZJ?."kepasseagers. persca ef thespawiMe fsr aa asmst rTT. nrws re- -

    whea trsv.a, ,sT loB: .namiag the pjtat to which s."' .""T 1 Te - f'"that theyare to travel by RaTtreLl t,carried. they wflt Qet uJaalO K- - M. PATRICK.

    aupermeadentFARE RmFa-i7a- T

    Prom Memphis to .Trtr.-e-- - e.oFrom Memphis to A'ashriHo ' c7o

    O and Ohio TbIiw aVtTaithnessee and Alabama Rajij 5?P!ta IHh 'bTv- -nalns or - r"We. Thech;Srs;.,d,,rni-On- rHo.

    . rORTUXE.

    Including Omnibas Ticket to Hoik Spri

    GrenadaIs now presented to th,

    Memphis and Charfo.- ,-Mississippi Centra! n-- :.POR tijket, or Inferm,, .prtolnun . '.,-- LZ?2LA"U- - Commercial Betel.

    B. FOBEStT""

    i0 SHAs4,as?,USr Mem"", Ten.,CjCdesires to caU VLJ !' '"ehae&O--JSHe wtu b, n ,li J!1?'10" at. aoretesersVirwm Xorth and pl ofgro Depot is on 'J er"y month. HiaN- e-7I " cemeeeeashi. reg-a- t;.. . " wMy, asd

    ss, aeat- -eaferced.

    Q'W hands, sooS VrfecHTL'L? 1 ",U-a- niroesUkeoon,mu.i7l.

    sndmiad. Ne.Iaa2tT RA2kl?? CONTiIc5RT

    CIEALED PBnrrvQ ..' "-- . jaaaarv 18. lMnO nntu March i ,T-.rM- h stMeMlaarHle.Brtdslaget ,ty uZ"', 'TZ ' Masewy.rfeemmenciug .t ItiUr"d.taaaire North tSrw' ti, aod.

    The eharaetrr ik. JT : . ",,,T- -amount of rock ,,Tgamaary aod .rlZTL t Seers eo.-

    Preposalsftfrthaa,v . .mile oae each, er for thirty J tCI T! dT f"' oCeluding ken, raektoy0!f "'T to

    i ,f. tks ay be en.See after Maiea l.! BMieerby addresstae m- - erbelere thattisaj . tner a ef the Mebilo"-..-.u, BOBT. STERLING,

    Baateeer hi ebarr--ESTIIaV

    new saddle andaequireoi v t B. L.Jaal7 tf WINX.Ne. 731 Maia-e- Lar. C. GAYOE & SON.

    COJIflHSSION MERCHANTS? 'General Agents & Real Estate BrokersNo. 25 Madison Street,

    Memphis, Tenn.i BTICULAB attention will be glvra fe a sate,'ity or coaatry, oroue purrmure. Land Scrip, Steele jnkiw:iugand Leasingmeets sol iciied from ill sections Sa Oseelg- n-n'?rBlf oor Crater nl ackaowledrneats fer thepatronage h.retefere "Zselves, having determined oa makbai MraB,V3manenteme, to double oar Wlge-e- T ixf retaant wT?e ' we t" hxVegeae.alsatlsfaet .

    BEriRExcES A. O 'Harris &. Co P A Park..- - i rrLamb Co., W. 'Howard, U.riaherty Bro. I. h. ri'rtll- -s 'Ti..?J' U"- -Graha,Eiq.,C;. R. (Uit u'JZ'phis; Baldwin Starr, jT'r. BsS" isTt.' L--V!t F--Bruce Co.. Clarlrmali r tdyjLoulsviUe; Messrs. Duncan, Rawlleg,.

    B. Winston, Xew Orleans klL.SrtI Clrl-Ji-

    LOOK HERE. EVERYBOTJV!The Uladison Street Sash, Door 4; Blind

    TnE underslgaed has taken the stacd rereatly Moere , Habwad n- - in..i ,,T .Whipple, McCallagh it Co., and is teM.BM-der- sfar Ss.h, Doers, Bdads, Frames. Caslaas BawMouldlags. e. All orders f r.m the countir HMU ...with ptomptnei s axd diipatch.jaj-w-a R. TIRGESOX.


    TO who shall see these Presents Greeting :Whereas, It has been made kaewn to rr v.. .certain "

    THOMAS D. HOPFIiER.charged with having eemmrtted a nal aad utroclea-Murd- er,on the 7th day of October, HS66, upon theboeVof Ed. M. Brown, late of our eeaaty o." Tlptcn, has fledrrca ja'uce, ana is now rmsaasg at large.

    laid Thomas D. ll.aar Is a beat forty or ferty-Sr- ayears stage; about Ave feet six or eight lbehtgh:straight buut ; very dark ; dark bah- - and eyes:downcast look; Urge meata aad very waUeteethtoconverses very freely at times, and w.ea pleased in con-versation has a peculiar whiae.

    Xow, therrfor., I, Amsew Johxsox, Girar asafortsaM. by vinue of tar power and aatherity ia auvested, tie hereby or a rewud of Three Hundred Dot.lars to any person or ptrsoas whe way apprehend thissaid Thomas P. Hi Her. and deliver him fo the ih.ri.Tnr- -JaUvref ear county of Tiptoe, la order that Jastice in thatDenait may oe aaa sbu executea

    . in testimony whereef, I have hereuntol,',nlf nd 13,1 thecw a a-- great seal ctSI.. -- Ii ibe state to be affixed at NaibviMe, on ths' 30th day of December, 18SS.By the Governor: " ANDREW JOHXSOX.

    F N. W. Bcrtox, Secretary of state.Jaa29-w- Jt

    REWARD!I WILL glTB Vt for tbe Utmvry of my two Boy!

    r uouse, w u --y Jn. so last 1 can get them,left my premises, (Bear Germaatewn,) on th It Janaarv. One ef them. JOHN, is .bast t

    years old, a low, stout. Mack boy, with a scar on bis lp. weighing about ISO pounds. SIMOX is about thsame age. black and sum batlt, about 5 feet 8 or 9 incheshigh, and weighs about 160 pounds, one of his nr per frontteeth gene. When they left, they both were the usualJeans and Kersey plantation suit.

    Any Information concerning them M be thankfnRrreceived by A R CARTWRIGHT. or

    feb4!3tw GOODLKTT XABRRS CO.


    At Manufacturer'a Prioes.which may be foundAMONG Cremptoa'a ovlebrated brands, Lynchburzt

    Henderson and Uolcombe brands,Dr. James Saunders ' Harry of the West, ie. 'O. Ford's Anna Bice, ha., u 'R. J. Wade's brands, tfJas. Thomas, Jr.'s Crescent City Psrsgon, Richmond;Cosby it Wlnfree's Star oLElchm'd Pride of Va.A. aim . r is, Jtajnewer, c uColeman Wortbam's " C. W. Iris, "nardgroves Indispensable. &e., "C M. Cosby, (C. M. Cosby brand) DanviBe;Withers Jt Ayres Toung America, 'W. T. Southerllns' brand, .B. P. Blchardson Old Caswell, " eedriHe.X.. . C.Xtnth ii mm a..iniu.iiMumi ngi oranas toasumero isto mention, allot which win be seW at IXVOICE'PBI-CE-S,

    to close coulgnxnents.E ver article warranted fresh, and genuine, and direct

    from the factory.J. B. SHABPE, Wholesale Tobacco Factor,

    No. 55 Madison street.

    In the Law Side of the CommonLaw and Chancery Court of theCity of Memphis.Rebecca Klnnaman, )

    Petition for Dlvarce.Andrew J. Klnnaman )

    r' appearing to the Clerk and Master la vacation, froathe petition in this behalf, that the defendant, An-drew J. Klnnaman, is a ct the State ot

    ssee. It is ordered that publication be made focfour, saocesslve weeks in tte Memphis Appeal, a newspaper pub-lished in the city of Memphis, Tenn., commanding hfta taappear at the next term ot this Court, on the first Mon-day In March next, at the Gourt nouse, in lb. city ofMemphis, and plead, answer, or demur to complainant'spetition In this behalf, or the" same wfft be taken for confessed. and set for hearing

    fcbt-wlt JIABCSJ J. WRIGIIT, Clertr.
