The Political System Under Strain Chapter 21. 1869 Prohibition Party founded Significant Events...


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The Political System Under Strain

Chapter 21

1869 Prohibition Party founded

Significant Events

Chapter 21

1875 First Farmers’ Alliance founded

1881 President James A. Garfield assassinated

1887 Interstate Commerce Commission created 1889 First Pan-American Congress 1890 Wyoming enters Union as first state to give

women the right to vote

1892 Populist Party formed 1896 William McKinley elected president 1898 War with Spain 1909 NAACP founded

Showing the World

Chapter 21

Columbian Exposition, 1893 Library of Congress

The Politics of Paralysis

Political Stalemate

Chapter 21

The Politics of Paralysis

The Parties Ethnic and religious factors

Chapter 21

The Politics of Paralysis

The Issues Pendleton Act McKinley Tariff Bland-Allison Act

Chapter 21

Origins of the Welfare State

Chapter 21

counter pointcounter

The Politics of Paralysis

The White House from Hayes to Harrison The dirty election of 1884 Political activism

Chapter 21

The Politics of Paralysis

Ferment in the States and Cities State commissions National Municipal League

Chapter 21

The Revolt of the Farmers

The Harvest of Discontent Targets of farm anger Hardships in the South

Chapter 21

The Revolt of the Farmers

The Origins of the Farmers’ Alliance Granger cases Southern Alliance

Chapter 21

The Revolt of the Farmers

The Alliance Peaks Mary E. Lease The People’s Party

Chapter 21

The Revolt of the Farmers

The Election of 1892 Longer-term weaknesses of the Populists

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The Depression of 1893 Facing unemployment Attitudes towards the suffering

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The Rumblings of Unrest Coxey’s Army The fall of Cleveland

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The Battle of Standards Free Silver Cross of Gold Speech Republican coalition

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The Battle of Standards

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The Battle of Standards

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The Rise of Jim Crow Politics Disfranchisement

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

The African American Response Ida B. Welles Booker T. Washington W.E.B. Du Bois NAACP

Chapter 21

The New Realignment

McKinley in the White House McKinley’s character Early successes

Chapter 21

Visions of Empire

European Expansion Worldwide

Ecological factorsForces encouraging American


Chapter 21

Visions of Empire

European Expansion Worldwide

Chapter 21

Visions of Empire

The Shapers of American Imperialism Mahan calls for a strong navy Missionaries Social Darwinism Commercial factors

Chapter 21

Visions of Empire

The Shapers of American Imperialism

Chapter 21

Daily Lives

Time and Travel

The New Navy

Chapter 21

Pathfinder Fleet Library of Congress

Visions of Empire

Dreams of Commercial Empire William Henry Seward Acquisition of Midway and Alaska Blaine’s Pan-American Union The Venezuelan Boundary Dispute

Chapter 21

Visions of Empire

Prelude in the Pacific

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

Mounting Tensions The de Lôme Letter Sinking of the Maine Teller Amendment

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

The Imperial War Dewey at Manila

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

War in Cuba Racial tensions The Rough Riders

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

War in Cuba

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

Peace and Debate over Empire Annexing Hawaii Aguinaldo Anti-imperialists The role of racism

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

Peace and Debate over Empire

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

America’s First Asian War The Philippines Puerto Rico

Chapter 21

The Imperial Moment

An Open Door in China The open-door notes Boxer Rebellion Sense of mission

Chapter 21
