THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDEJune 22, 2006 Visitor Guide Page 1 Reservations: 501-226-2012 Fax:...


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Visitor Guide Page 1June 22, 2006

Reservations: 501-226-2012Fax: 501-226-2338Email:



The Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperThe Island NewspaperAmberAmberAmberAmberAmbergris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belizegris Caye, Belize

Central AmericaCentral AmericaCentral AmericaCentral AmericaCentral America

June 22, 2006June 22, 2006June 22, 2006June 22, 2006June 22, 2006


The Airline of Belize

Exploring Belize By Air & By Land:

Astrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum Helicopters - Enjoybreathtaking aerial views

of the island and the country!By Land: Five Blues LakeBy Land: Five Blues LakeBy Land: Five Blues LakeBy Land: Five Blues LakeBy Land: Five Blues Lake -

Discover a National Parkfull of natural, verdant glory!

Page 2 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

Where did you read yourSan Pedro Sun?

Photos taken in unique and unusual places arePhotos taken in unique and unusual places arePhotos taken in unique and unusual places arePhotos taken in unique and unusual places arePhotos taken in unique and unusual places arepreferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photopreferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photopreferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photopreferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photopreferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photoand where the photo was taken. Don’t forget toand where the photo was taken. Don’t forget toand where the photo was taken. Don’t forget toand where the photo was taken. Don’t forget toand where the photo was taken. Don’t forget toinclude your names and what you were doing.include your names and what you were doing.include your names and what you were doing.include your names and what you were doing.include your names and what you were doing.

Where did you take your San Pedro Sun & Visitor Guide?Take a photo of you and the paper and send it to us at:

Angie and Rene Angie and Rene Angie and Rene Angie and Rene Angie and Rene read The San Pedro Sun at the Statueof Liberty on Liberty Island, New York, June 9th, 2006

The couple decided to enjoy some more San Pedro newswhile in Times Square as well!

On behalf of the people ofSan Pedro Town, I extend awarm welcome to all visitorsarriving to our shores. I assureyou that your trip to “La IslaBonita” will be no ordinary va-cation. Our island is famous forits rich cultural diversity, whereMestizos, Creole and Garinagublend to form a unique encoun-ter. While here, I encourageyou to explore the CaribbeanSea and find Belize’s abundanttreasures. Hol Chan Marine Re-serve and Shark-Ray Alley arejust two of the many spotswhere you can enjoy our coralreef formation and abundantand breathtaking sea life. SanPedro is also home to world-class fishing and scuba diving. For the more adventurous,“La Isla Bonita” offers a widearray of water sports and forthose looking to get a glimpseof the mystical world of theMaya, these historical ruins arejust a short expedition away.You will also be able to dis-cover Belize’s vast cave systems

Greetings to my visiting friendsGreetings to my visiting friendsGreetings to my visiting friendsGreetings to my visiting friendsGreetings to my visiting friends

and many natural sanctuariesthat are home to our country’sunique flora and fauna. Whether you are spendingyour honeymoon at an exclu-sive resort or looking for anadventurous, yet romantic es-cape, San Pedro is surely theplace to be. I invite you to ex-plore our home and see themany wonders it has to offer. We welcome you with openarms. Bienvenidos a San Pedro!

Elsa Paz, Mayor,San Pedro Town

Publisher The San Pedro Sun Ltd.Editor Ron Sniffin ron@sanpedrosun.netEditor Tamara Sniffin tamara@sanpedrosun.netAssociate Editor Kainie Manuel kainie@sanpedrosun.netStaff Writer Maria Novelo maria@sanpedrosun.netStaff Writer/ Mary Gonzalez mary@sanpedrosun.netGraphic DesignOffice Assistant Nathalie Manuel nathalie@sanpedrosun.netMail The San Pedro Sun,

P.O. Box 35,San Pedro TownAmbergris Caye, Belize

Telephone 011-501-226-2070US Telephone (307) 460-4456Fax 011-501-226-2905E-Mail spsun@sanpedrosun.netInternet/WEB www.sanpedrosun.netMain Office #63 Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro

Receive Receive Receive Receive Receive The San PedrThe San PedrThe San PedrThe San PedrThe San Pedro Sun & Visitor Guideo Sun & Visitor Guideo Sun & Visitor Guideo Sun & Visitor Guideo Sun & Visitor Guide weekly in weekly in weekly in weekly in weekly inyour mailbox. your mailbox. your mailbox. your mailbox. your mailbox. 26 ISSUES (six months) US, Canada: $50 U.S.26 ISSUES (six months) US, Canada: $50 U.S.26 ISSUES (six months) US, Canada: $50 U.S.26 ISSUES (six months) US, Canada: $50 U.S.26 ISSUES (six months) US, Canada: $50 U.S.Domestic: $50 BZ. 52 ISSUES (one year) US, Canada: $90 U.S.Domestic: $50 BZ. 52 ISSUES (one year) US, Canada: $90 U.S.Domestic: $50 BZ. 52 ISSUES (one year) US, Canada: $90 U.S.Domestic: $50 BZ. 52 ISSUES (one year) US, Canada: $90 U.S.Domestic: $50 BZ. 52 ISSUES (one year) US, Canada: $90 U.S.Domestic: $90 BZ.(OtherDomestic: $90 BZ.(OtherDomestic: $90 BZ.(OtherDomestic: $90 BZ.(OtherDomestic: $90 BZ.(Other locations vary.)

The San PedrThe San PedrThe San PedrThe San PedrThe San Pedro Sun o Sun o Sun o Sun o Sun isisisisis mailed mailed mailed mailed mailed everywhereverywhereverywhereverywhereverywhereeeee.....

More foreign subscribers than any newspaper in Belize!



City State




Visitor Guide Page 3June 22, 2006

“Seeing the sunrise with one of my kids and watching my other two excel atsnorkeling.” G. Morgan TaylorG. Morgan TaylorG. Morgan TaylorG. Morgan TaylorG. Morgan Taylor (son of WOTB), his daughter Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley and twinsons Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson and HunterHunterHunterHunterHunter spent a week at The Villas @ Del Rio and plan toreturn next year. Morgan works for FedEx as well as a real estate broker andthey live in Livermore, California.

QUESTION: What memory will you take with you?

WOTB will be traveling and will be back in October.WOTB will be traveling and will be back in October.WOTB will be traveling and will be back in October.WOTB will be traveling and will be back in October.WOTB will be traveling and will be back in October.We’ll miss her, but wish her well in her travels!!!We’ll miss her, but wish her well in her travels!!!We’ll miss her, but wish her well in her travels!!!We’ll miss her, but wish her well in her travels!!!We’ll miss her, but wish her well in her travels!!!

How do you know you are on anisland? How do you know that to theeast of our caye the Barrier Reef bor-ders and protects us? How do youknow that to the west our caye is em-braced by channels of deep greenmangroves and lazy, dark water-ways? How do you know that to thenorth of San Pedro the jungle meetsthe water…with vast stretches of co-conut trees and white sandy beacheslining the shore? Have you eversoared above the crystal clear wa-ters, swooping down so low you can

almost see the spots on the eagle raysthat glide beneath the shallow trans-parent water? Once you see all of thisfrom the sky, you affirm what youalready know in your heart…you arein paradise, you are surrounded by apainter’s palette of tropical colors,smudged and blended into rich tex-tures, and you are sharing the sameview that our feather-winged patronsof “La Isla Bonita” experience eachday. Although airplane travel is no

You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.— Amelia Earhart

Astrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum Helicopters- Experience a bird’s eye view of Belize!

Continued on Page 6Continued on Page 6Continued on Page 6Continued on Page 6Continued on Page 6

It’s amazing the view from the top, and seeing “La Isla Bonita” from this per-spective makes one appreciate the island even more.

Page 4 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

Summer is a time for family vaca-tions, a time to see new sights along withgoing to favorite places. But most of all,it’s a time to enjoy time with each otherespecially since children are out ofschool. Getting to your many destina-tions can be half the fun, enjoyable reststops or detours to check out that inter-esting looking spot can create memo-ries that will last as long as the finaldestination.. But, where do you take your family?Why not explore your very own back-yard and take a trip somewhere withinyour country; somewhere neither younor your kids have been to before. Bel-ize is an adventurer’s paradise, a placethat tourists pay countless amounts ofmoney year round to visit. From theMayan temples that tower aboverainforest canopies to the fantastic col-orful marine life on the Barrier Reef,Belize certainly has something for ev-ery family to enjoy. Join us as we ex-plore the beauty of Mother Nature’s BestKept Secret and see what everyone istalking about. For the following weeks,join us as we venture into the wild andpresent to you Summer in your back-Summer in your back-Summer in your back-Summer in your back-Summer in your back-yardyardyardyardyard – this week we take you to FiveFiveFiveFiveFiveBlues Lake National ParkBlues Lake National ParkBlues Lake National ParkBlues Lake National ParkBlues Lake National Park.

Summer in your backyardSummer in your backyardSummer in your backyardSummer in your backyardSummer in your backyardFive Blues Lake National ParkFive Blues Lake National ParkFive Blues Lake National ParkFive Blues Lake National ParkFive Blues Lake National Park

Continued on Page 5Continued on Page 5Continued on Page 5Continued on Page 5Continued on Page 5

Five Blues Lake is a 10-acre naturalwonder of earth and water surroundedby over 4,000 acres of limestone hillsand tropical forests. The park is cen-tered on an intensely blue lake, still un-

explored but so far thought to be 200 feetdeep. Generally understood to be a largesinkhole, varying water depths some-times create numerous shades of blue,giving the lake its name. A shallow ledge

on the eastern edge of the lake will al-low you to wade to a small, forestedspot of land that grows a profusion ofwild orchids, aptly named Orchid Island. Almost 200 species of bird have beenrecorded here, including various waterbirds, among them the Sun grebe. FiveBlues also boast caves, many with spec-tacular rock formations and Mayan ar-tifacts, which are not to be touched.Many are used for bat roosts. Ecolo-gists have found over 20 different spe-

Enjoy the gorgeous view of the lake, andbe sure to wade up to Orchid Island for abreathtaking view of the lovely orchidsin bloom!

Visitor Guide Page 5June 22, 2006

Five Blues Lake Five Blues Lake Five Blues Lake Five Blues Lake Five Blues Lake Continued from Page 4Continued from Page 4Continued from Page 4Continued from Page 4Continued from Page 4

cies of these tiny mammals, some vital for eating thou-sands and thousands of insects every night, and others forpollinating forest plants and, commercial fruit trees as well.One of the easiest to see is the oddly named Lesser Dog-like Bat. It roosts in caves near the entrance where there’sstill light. All five of Belize’s wildcats are known to maketheir homes within Five Blues’ boundaries. Inside the tangleof broadleaf trees, howler monkeys, tapir, gibnut, pec-cary and armadillo roam in a kaleidoscope of liana, bro-meliads and orchids. The turn off to Five Blues is at Mile 32 on the Hum-mingbird Highway, about 22 miles from Belmopan. Youcan get the bus this far, either from Dangriga or Belmopan,but it leaves a walk of a few miles to the park. You canhire mountain bikes here at the headquarters near the turnoff. It’s about six (6) miles north along a winding trackthrough acres of new citrus plantations. Exploring the sitefully can take 2-3 days, but the highlights can be seen inhalf a day.

Five Blues has a comprehensive trail networkwith gentle and more rugged options. There is anexcellent self-guided trial with accompanyingleaflet, a small basic visitor center, and moun-tain bikes and Kayaks for hire. The park is managed by Friends of Five BluesLake, and there is a range of local accommoda-

tions available, from a Bed and Breakfast coop tonearby lodges at St. Margaret’s village. St. Margaret’s(Santa Martha) Village is centered on the intersectionof the Hummingbird Highway and Lagoon Road atMile 32, but it stretches north along the highway forabout two (2) miles and towards the park for anothertwo (2) miles.

(Left) Five Blues Lake offers avariety of exciting sightseeing

activities, including wading in thelake up to Orchid Island.

(Below) Follow the map to a richadventure in the west!

CONTACT INFO:CONTACT INFO:CONTACT INFO:CONTACT INFO:CONTACT INFO:Park Management can be reachedthrough several channels. You areencouraged to communicate the oldfashioned way - pen and paper - as

this is the most reliable and oft-checked source of communication.One reason to contact them is to

pledge your financial support. FiveBlues Lake National Park needs

sponsors.Write (or send donations!) to:

Five Blues Lake National Park,Five Blues Lake National Park,Five Blues Lake National Park,Five Blues Lake National Park,Five Blues Lake National Park,P.O. Box 439,P.O. Box 439,P.O. Box 439,P.O. Box 439,P.O. Box 439,

Belmopan,Belmopan,Belmopan,Belmopan,Belmopan,Belize, Central America.Belize, Central America.Belize, Central America.Belize, Central America.Belize, Central America.

Email is less frequently available, butyou may write to:

fiveblues@hotmail.comor the Sibun Watershed Association

swa@btl.netAdditionally, faxes (and other commu-nication) will reach Five Blues LakeNational Park through the office of

PACT (Protected Areas ConservationTrust). Fax: 501-822-3759

EMAIL: Nanche Street,Belmopan, Belize

Tel: 501-822-3637

Page 6 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006



Reservations Required. Call 226-2207Reservations Required. Call 226-2207Reservations Required. Call 226-2207Reservations Required. Call 226-2207Reservations Required. Call 226-2207Located just 3 1/2 miles north of San Pedro.Located just 3 1/2 miles north of San Pedro.Located just 3 1/2 miles north of San Pedro.Located just 3 1/2 miles north of San Pedro.Located just 3 1/2 miles north of San Pedro.

Large Buffet Featuring Ribs, Shrimp Pasta, ChickenLarge Buffet Featuring Ribs, Shrimp Pasta, ChickenLarge Buffet Featuring Ribs, Shrimp Pasta, ChickenLarge Buffet Featuring Ribs, Shrimp Pasta, ChickenLarge Buffet Featuring Ribs, Shrimp Pasta, Chickenand a Variety of Side Dishes, Plus Live Local Band.and a Variety of Side Dishes, Plus Live Local Band.and a Variety of Side Dishes, Plus Live Local Band.and a Variety of Side Dishes, Plus Live Local Band.and a Variety of Side Dishes, Plus Live Local Band.

longer a novel experience, there are few of us whocan say we travel by helicopter. It is a thrill to expe-rience the flight of this mechanical, bug-eyed drag-onfly that seems to hover and maneuver so muchlike the insect. The sensation is completely differ-ent from airplane flight, especially when taking offvertically. Inside the spacious and comfortable cabinyou experience every tilt and dip as you soar effort-lessly above the land and sea. Based out of Belize City, Astrum Helicopters, athird-generation family business, offers helicoptertours, VIP transfers and chartered flights that aretailored to meet your specific needs. They special-ize in transfers from Belize City to San Pedro, Am-bergris Caye, Placencia or other destinations in Be-lize. Their custom tours include trips to the BlueHole, Glovers Reef, Turneffe Islands, VictoriaPeak, 1,000 ft. Falls, Altun Ha,Caracol and Lamanai to name a few.They also provide specialized ser-vices such as Search and Rescue,aerial surveys, external load, aerialphotography and aerial filming. Al-though they are not an emergency air-craft they can also provide Medivacand Evacuation services. Astrum He-licopters also possess an AOC (AirOperator Certificate) that permitsthem to cross border airspace andland in other countries like Mexicoand Guatemala. It all began many, many years ago,when Gustavo A. Giron became a pi-lot. After learning how to fly DC-3’s,T-6’s, T-11’s and WACO aircrafts,he continued his life long love for fly-

Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11

Astrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersContinued from Page 3Continued from Page 3Continued from Page 3Continued from Page 3Continued from Page 3

ing when he started his own crop-sprayingbusiness, treating cotton fields and bananaplantations with pesticides. His passion alsoincluded acrobatic flying. His son, GustavoJr., shared the same passion for flight andlaughs that at the age of 16 he was allowed tofly a plane but was not allowed to drive acar. While working in the family business,Gustavo Jr. flew a variety of planes. Now, a

It’s three generations of helicopter pilots: GustavoJr. at age three (center) helps his father (right)out on the runway. Now a grown man, he and hisfather pilot Astrum Helicopters and bring amaz-ing bird’s eye view memories to many!

Gustavo Jr. and Sr.

Visitor Guide Page 7June 22, 2006

Page 8 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

Church ServicesSan Pedro Roman Catholic ChurchSan Pedro Roman Catholic ChurchSan Pedro Roman Catholic ChurchSan Pedro Roman Catholic ChurchSan Pedro Roman Catholic ChurchSun. Mass: 9 a.m. English; 11 a.m.Children’s; 7:30 p.m. Spanish; Sat.:Confessions 5-7 p.m; Mass or Com-munion Service every night at 7:30 p.m.Living Word Church Living Word Church Living Word Church Living Word Church Living Word Church Service Sun.10:45 a.m. Bible study Mon. 7:30 p.m.We do Christian charity work. 226-2950.Assembly of God ChurchAssembly of God ChurchAssembly of God ChurchAssembly of God ChurchAssembly of God Church onAngel Coral St. T-W-Sat.-Sun. at 7:30p.m.Lighthouse Christian RadioLighthouse Christian RadioLighthouse Christian RadioLighthouse Christian RadioLighthouse Christian Radio - 101.3FM. 226-4673, Cor. Buccaneer &Pescador Drive.

The Lions Club of San PedroThe Lions Club of San PedroThe Lions Club of San PedroThe Lions Club of San PedroThe Lions Club of San Pedrorelies on income from its Friday andSaturday Night BBQ to support theneedy community. Help a great cause-have dinner with us!

Green Reef Green Reef Green Reef Green Reef Green Reef A non-profit organiza-tion dedicated to the promotion of sus-tainable use and conservation ofBelize’s marine and coastal re-sources.

San Pedro AA San Pedro AA San Pedro AA San Pedro AA San Pedro AA - 226-4464, 600-9061

Saga Society Saga Society Saga Society Saga Society Saga Society A non-profit “humanesociety” to address the stray cat anddog population in San Pedro. Phone226-3266.

Tourist Information


Map Sponsored byMonchos

Golf Cart Rental226-3262 or 226-4490

EmergencyEmergencyEmergencyEmergencyEmergency 911CrimestoppersCrimestoppersCrimestoppersCrimestoppersCrimestoppers 800 922-TIPSPolicePolicePolicePolicePolice 226-2022FireFireFireFireFire 226-2372Wings of HopeWings of HopeWings of HopeWings of HopeWings of Hope - Medical emergencyair ambulance. Phone: 223-3292.Lions Health Clinic Lions Health Clinic Lions Health Clinic Lions Health Clinic Lions Health Clinic - 226-4052; emer-gencies 600-9071 or Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8am to 8pm; Sat., 8am - noon.Los Pinos ClinicLos Pinos ClinicLos Pinos ClinicLos Pinos ClinicLos Pinos Clinic 602-6383 and 226-2686.Dr. Lerida Rodriguez:Dr. Lerida Rodriguez:Dr. Lerida Rodriguez:Dr. Lerida Rodriguez:Dr. Lerida Rodriguez: 226-2197 orcell 620-1974San Pedro Chiropractic ClinicSan Pedro Chiropractic ClinicSan Pedro Chiropractic ClinicSan Pedro Chiropractic ClinicSan Pedro Chiropractic Clinic 226-4695Hyperbaric ChamberHyperbaric ChamberHyperbaric ChamberHyperbaric ChamberHyperbaric Chamber - 226-2851, Dr.Otto Rodriguez - 600-0287 or 226-2854.Antonia Guerrero - 600-5475 or 206-2152. Eleazar Portillo - 610-4560 or226-3195.San Pedro Polyclinic II - San Pedro Polyclinic II - San Pedro Polyclinic II - San Pedro Polyclinic II - San Pedro Polyclinic II - 226-2536.8-12 and 2-5, Mon. to Fri. Emergen-cies 226-2555/2918 or 606-3864.Ambergris Hopes ClinicAmbergris Hopes ClinicAmbergris Hopes ClinicAmbergris Hopes ClinicAmbergris Hopes Clinic - 226-2660,Emergencies: 606-2316US Embassy US Embassy US Embassy US Embassy US Embassy - 227-7161Canadian ConsulateCanadian ConsulateCanadian ConsulateCanadian ConsulateCanadian Consulate - 223-1060Mexican Embassy - Mexican Embassy - Mexican Embassy - Mexican Embassy - Mexican Embassy - 223-0193Guatemalan Embassy - Guatemalan Embassy - Guatemalan Embassy - Guatemalan Embassy - Guatemalan Embassy - 223-3150Honduran Embassy - Honduran Embassy - Honduran Embassy - Honduran Embassy - Honduran Embassy - 224-5889


Journey’s End

Papi’s Diner

Travel North of the cut to:


Capt. Sharks


Victoria House


Casa Picasso

Isla Bonita Art Gallery & Frame Shop


Belize Tourism BoardBelize Tourism BoardBelize Tourism BoardBelize Tourism BoardBelize Tourism Board - 223-1910.Belize Tourism IndustryBelize Tourism IndustryBelize Tourism IndustryBelize Tourism IndustryBelize Tourism IndustryAssociationAssociationAssociationAssociationAssociation (BTIA) - 227-5717.San Pedro Tourist GuideSan Pedro Tourist GuideSan Pedro Tourist GuideSan Pedro Tourist GuideSan Pedro Tourist GuideAssociationAssociationAssociationAssociationAssociation 226-2391.

Paradise Found Belize


THE HOLIDAY HOTEL - Every Wednesday, live music anda fabulous Beach Barbeque 6:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Barrier ReefDr. 226-2014.PIER LOUNGE - Home of the “World Famous Chicken Drop”every Wednesday night. Daily drink specials and two-for-onehappy hour. Located beachfront in the Spindrift Hotel. Phone226-2002.THE TACKLE BOX - come rock da box out over the water!Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (starting @9:00PM) we have amazing live bands ranging from Reggae toPunta to old school Rock-n-Roll. We’ll have prizes, specialsand always that breath-taking Tackle Box ocean view! Locatedoff the San Pedro Water Taxi Pier at the end of Black Coral St.226-4313.FIDO’S RESTAURANT & BAR - Dine under the largestPalapa in San Pedro! Enjoy a full lunch & dinner menu withlive beachfront entertainment all night.

SEASIDE REAL ESTATE – Many listings, from raw landto beautiful beachfront homes. We can help you own a pieceof paradise. Call 226-4545 or E-mail ambergris@btl.netSUNRISE REALTY - Land, homes, businesses, condos andinvestment properties. Call 226-3737, fax 226-3379 or E-mail:info@SunriseBelize.comSOUTHWIND PROPERTIES - For all your Real Estateneeds. Call 226-2005 or 226-2060 for information or for current listings.PELICAN PROPERTIES LTD. - Fine properties on Amber-gris Caye. E-mail: or phone 226-3234.BELIZE REALTY & BUILDING SERVICES - From rawland to dream home - we’re there every step of the way!PARADISE FOUND BELIZE LTD. REALTY - Land,Homes, Business, Investment. List your property with us.Office at CocoNet Internet. 607-9667 or

ISLAND FERRY SERVICE & WATER TAXI – Scheduledferry service & water taxi for Ambergris Caye. Phone 226-3231.MONCHO’S GOLF CART RENTALS - Four & Six seatergolf carts available. Open daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. We deliver toyour room. 226-3262 or 226-4490.CRYSTAL AUTO RENTAL – Largest fleet in Belize. Of-fices at International Airport and Belize City. 223-1600, 0-800-777-7777.

SEARIOUS ADVENTURES Are You Ready? Lamanai,Altun Ha,CaveTubing with either Belize Zoo, Ziplining,orXunantunich Mayan Ruin, Manatee Watch and Beach BBQ,half day snorkeling and more. We are located ON THEBEACH straight down from the airstrip. Call #226 - 4202/4206 or Cell #662-8818.SAILSPORTS BELIZE – Windsurfing, kite sailing and sail-ing. The latest equipment and expert instruction makes iteasy to learn. 226-4488 – River cave tubing, manatee watch, RoblesBeach BBQ, Mayan ruins and more adventures. 226-2254.SEADUCTION SAILING – First class Day Cruises toCaye Caulker or Mexico Rocks. Beach BBQ or SunsetCruise. Charters also available. Phone Seaduced at 226-2254.

Water, Sports & Tours

KRYSTAL SHIPPING CO./MASH CO. - We deliver con-struction supplies all the way to Robles Point! Phone 226-2089or E-mail: mashco@btl.netCASTILLO’S HARDWARE - Storm supplies, electronics,household appliances, tools, home repair items and a wide va-riety of paints, stains and varnishes. Pescador Drive. Phone226-2302.

Real Estate...




Sundiver Beach Resort

The SanPedro Sun

Asian Garden

Wet Willy’s





GoFish Belize

The Pier Lounge

BRIDGE toBRIDGE toBRIDGE toBRIDGE toBRIDGE toNorth AmbergrisNorth AmbergrisNorth AmbergrisNorth AmbergrisNorth Ambergris


BC’s South

Sew What!


Visitor Guide Page 9June 22, 2006

SAN PEDRO FITNESS CLUB – A/C Gym at Be-lize Yacht Club, Fully-equipped. Open to the pub-lic. Tennis Courts, Lap and Family pools, AquaFitness and Toning Classes.Open 7am Daily, 8amSundays. 226-2683.

CAYE COFFEE – Take a taste of our locallyroasted fresh coffee back home. A wonderful cupof coffee makes such a great difference in yourday. Try it and ask for more. 226-3568.

BIG TREE PRODUCE – Fresh Local & ImportedFruits & Vegetables. Seafood, meats, juices &milk shakes. Pescador Dr. 226-2322.

THE GREENHOUSE - Fresh Produce & Seafood.Belizean and imported speciality. Fresh herbs,cold cuts, chilled goods plus an exciting selectionof groceries. A/C local on Barrier Reef Dr. 226-2084.

THE SAUSAGE FACTORY - Largest selectionof smoked meats and sausage on the island. Onemile south of town. 226-2655.

CAYE INTERNATIONAL BANK - Offering De-mand Deposit Accounts, Loans, Savings Ac-counts, etc. or phone 226-2388.

PROVIDENT BANK & TRUST - Offering a fullrange of International Banking Services. phone223-5698 services@prov

GRANIEL’S DREAMLAND - Locally made fur-niture & accessories from all Belizean exotic hard-woods & Mahogany. On Pescador Drive, oppo-site Rock’s, Call 226-2632, ext. 18 or 226-2938.Open Mon-Sat 8:30-12:00 noon & 1:00 to 9:00 p.m.& Sun 10-12 noon.


MATA CHICA - Mambo Cuisine - for food lov-ers. Homemade pasta, shrimp paté, bruschetta,charbroiled seafood and much more! Call 220-5010/5011.ROJO LOUNGE - Enjoy tropical lounge cuisine inone of the most beautiful beachfront settings in allof Belize - Azul Resort. 226-4012.ELVI’S KITCHEN - serving the finest food since1977. Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials. CaribbeanNight on Thursday. Mayan Fiesta every Friday -come try our Maya Buffet. Open Monday – Satur-day. Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Dinner: 5:30p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Call us for group reservations.Ph 226-2404/2176 “Where something good is al-ways cooking!”CELI’S RESTAURANT ON THE BEACH at theSan Pedro Holiday Hotel, serves Great Fajitas, sal-ads and local dishes for LUNCH. DELECTABLE


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The San Pedro Sun

Visitor Guide

Contact the San Pedro Sun for more


EVERY WEEK we print a new editioncovering the “good news” about

San Pedro and Belize!

you like ice cream, you will Love DandE’s Fro-zen Custard! Delicious cones, shakes, sundaes andsplits. Located on Pescador Drive next to CarambaRestaurant. Closed Wednesday. Phone 608-9100.

ISLA BONITA ART GALLERY & CUSTOMFRAMING - art and crafts from Belizean and Car-ibbean artists + contemporary abstract paintings. Custom framing available 226-4650.

SUNDANCER + MOONDANCER - Unique bou-tiques featuring beautiful, quality clothing, jew-elry and gorgeous gift items for both men(Sundancer) and women (Moondancer). Phone:226-3126.

CORAL REEF ECOLOGY, Dr. Ken Mattes,TREC Topical Research & Education Center. Lec-ture every Thursday 7:30 PM. Details 226-3389Taxi transport 623-8385.

ASIAN GARDEN DAY SPA - Certified Thera-peutic and Thai Massage practitioners; Hot & ColdStone Therapy, Body Scrubs, Facials and more ina tranquil Asian courtyard. San Pedro Town,across from Ramon’s. Ask about specials. 226-4072.

BUTTERFLY JUNGLE – Experience our en-chanted butterfly-filled jungle, observe the miracleof metamorphosis, get plants for your own butter-fly garden. 4 Miles North. 610-4026 610-1561.Daily 10:00 - 5:00.

LAUREN DUTY FREE – The ultimate in duty andtax free shopping. Choose from a variety of name brandliquors, designer fragrances, world-renowned confec-tionery and exquisite gift items. Located in the PS WGoldson International Airport Departure Lounge. Tel.205-2344 or 223-2157.

SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES for dinner. OUTDOOR& INDOOR DINING 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 5:30p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Beach barbeque every Wednes-day night with live music.LILY’S TREASURE CHEST RESTAURANT - Onthe beach behind Lily’s Hotel. Join us for a coolbreeze and the best seafood or USDA beef on ourveranda by the sea. 226-2650.RAMON’S VILLAGE - Enjoy breakfast, lunch anddinner in a Mayan atmosphere or on the verandaoverlooking the Caribbean Sea. Coconut Drive.Phone 226-2071.LUNA at Journey’s End Resort - Experience finedining on the beach north of San Pedro. Visit ourtropical bar featuring karaoke, dance and fun mu-sic. Phone 226-2173.RICO’S SURFSIDE RESTAURANT – A trulyunique dining experience on the beach at Banyan

Bay. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.Phone 226-3739 ext. 135.PAPI’S DINER – The place for fine food at dinerprices. Taste the Caribbean. Call 226-2047.MICKEY’S PLACE - Open daily 6:30 a.m. - 10a.m. for breakfast, 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for lunchand 6 - 10 p.m. for dinner. Burritos on Wednes-days. Pescador Drive. Call 226-2223.BLUE WATER GRILL – Island cuisine with a twist!Wood-fired Oven Pizzas, Sushi & more! Opendaily. Happy Hour 4 to 6 p.m. 226-3347.EL DIVINO RESTAURANT at BANANA BEACH- Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner from 6 a.m -10 p.m. Book your party or banquet today! Phone226-2444.RENDEZVOUS RESTAURANT AND BAR - Themost romantic spot in town featuring award win-ning chefs. Thai and French cuisine blended to makeparadise taste like heaven, or so our customers say.Free Rendezvous Wine tasting from 11:30 a.m. to4:00 p.m. Fermented, blended and bottled here onthe property. Open for lunch and dinner. Call 2263426 for reservations and transport options.VICTORIA HOUSE - International and Island-Stylecuisine. Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Res-ervations recommended, call 226-2067.CASA PICASSO TAPAS + MARTINIS - Smallplates, big pastas and fantastic desserts! “Hippestmartini spot”-Frommer’s. Nightly 5:30pm, closedSundays. reservations 226-4507.THE TACKLE BOX BAR & GRILL - whether it’sa little break from the beach or a whole night out,the Tackle Box is just the place. The kitchen servesa wide array of affordable fresh comfort foodsranging from our big Tackle Box Burgers, specialfried chicken, to some of our more local fare andseafoods. And what a better place to enjoy ourdishes, than our back porch out over the water.THE STAINED GLASS PUB - located in the heartof Town featuring homestyle cooking with a gour-met flair; dine alfresco streetside or enjoy the airconditioned quaint European atmosphere in theunique Pub room. The Best Burger in town and sev-eral wines by the glass, full liquor bar...friendly &informative for visitors—A Must While in SanPedro ! Visa/MC 226-4147.CARAMBA! RESTAURANT - Local Mexican-Caribbean Cuisine. We cater to large groups! Ca-pacity, 90 total. Opening Hours: Lunch: 11am - 2pm, Dinner: 5pm - 10pm. Closed Wednesdays. 226-4321 or 226-3850. Caramba!: “Is where the foodalways speaks for itself!”HACAL KIIK - Delectable breads, jams, butters,soups, olive oils, village wines, homebaked pastries& desserts, coffees and teas. Open Daily, 7am to8pm. 226-3115.

Page 10 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

At Island Vibes, one can find a wide array of souvenirs to choose from. Take ashirt, towel, cap, mug, shot glass, or even samples of the fine Belizean liquorback home. They also have a wide array of women’s apparel should in case youneed a new dress, blouse, skirt or even shoes.

Ah, the souvenir shopping experi-ence! Several thousands of visitors flockto our little island every year for a nicegetaway, and always, there’s thedreaded souvenir shopping day, a dayreserved solely for buying little gift itemsfor friends back home. To make mat-ters more complicated, gone are thosedays when a simple Belize t-shirt woulddo. Now, everyone is a connoisseur offine art and native artifacts. A t-shirt?Forget it!

Shopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part III Thus, visitors now have to reserve aspecial day for shopping. With the newrules of souvenir shopping, stores andgift shops have had to overhaul theirproducts they offer, and as The SanPedro Sun found out, the variety isamazing! From exotic hard woods,Belizean cookbooks, fanciful house ac-cessories to Belizean sauces, rums andspices, the products boggle the mind! Barrier Reef and Pescador Drivesare the main shopping streets, and it

is only obvious that the shopping ex-perience starts there. Strolling downthese street, it is clear that there is noshortage of stores to choose from.Once within the actual stores, choos-ing products from the wide arrayavailable is perhaps the only hardwork you’ll have to do. Everyone’stastes are different, and for each dis-criminating consumer, there is some-thing new. Other than the usual mag-nets, picture frames and yes, t-shirts,one can find books, purses, clay figu-rines and food products. Several

stores also offer fantastic personalfinds that have nothing to do with sou-venirs. Many people need to quicklypick up some new clothing items whilewaiting for their baggage to be flownover; there are stores that offer beau-tiful items to tide you over! So, follow us through our strollaround the various stores in San PedroTown as we present to you our new-est series, A San Pedro Shopping Ex-perience. Remember, if all else fails,there’s no shortage of San Pedro T-Shirts!

We at Southwind PropertiesSouthwind PropertiesSouthwind PropertiesSouthwind PropertiesSouthwind Properties specialize in the listing & sale of fine islandproperties - Homes, Condos, Hotels, Commercial, Income-ProducingProperties & Land for homes or large parcels for development. Be sure tomeet with Marianne or Claudio to discuss your particular needs. SouthwindSouthwindSouthwindSouthwindSouthwindPropertiesPropertiesPropertiesPropertiesProperties prides itself in being there full-time for full service and fulldisclosure for all your real estate needs. Call 226-2005/2060 orE-mail for more information.

Serving San PServing San PServing San PServing San PServing San Pedredredredredrooooosince 1980!since 1980!since 1980!since 1980!since 1980!

Condos/Homes & Commercial PropertyExclusive opportunity at Palm Bay Club! We can offer you three side by side properties each witha beach frontage of 60 feet and a depth of 130 feet, with beautiful coconut palms and a shared dock.(E08) The house measures 20’x 20’, is a solid wooden construction and comes well equipped with septic and a 4000 gallon cistern. Excellent buy at only $97,000 US. (V17) Vacant but cleared lot that connects the other two available properties. Excellent buy at only $59,000 US.(M47) The very well maintained wooden house measures 16’x 20’ and has both septic system and cisterns – ready to occupy! Excellent buy at only $97,000 US. The three properties can either be purchased separately or buy all three together at a reduced price.Buena Vista Residential: (W24) Two storey house with 2B/2B on large beautifully landscapedproperty. Only 2.5 miles north of town center with easy dock and road access. Only $218,000 US.Residential and Rental property in San Juan! (A21) 50’ x 75’ lot, two story concrete housewith (7) rental rooms and two bedrooms/one bath owners apartment. Very fairly priced at only$350,000 BZ or $175,000 US.

Raw LandAmbergris Bay (E10) Large beach front parcel on the west coast of Ambergris Caye. 140’of beachfrontage & 184’ of depth. Price only $110,000 US.Alta Mar (S45) – 100’ x 100’ nice parcel in residential area. Priced at $85,000 US.Habaneros Beachfront: Beautiful beach front lots with high elevation and lush vegetation.(H30) 150’ of beach frontage and a depth of 435’. $345,000 US.(Z02) 90’ of beach frontage with a depth of 400’. $225,000 US.Paradise Coves (B36) good sized lot 3.5 miles north of San Pedro – great location- 121’ x 98’.$25,000 US.Club Caribbean - off the beach lots starting at $15,000 US.Holiday Lands (M53) Parcel 2615 – measures approximately 78’ x 72’, only two rows off thebeach. Asking price $60,000 US.Robles (S54) Lot #14a–Drive your boat up to your doorstep to this beautiful beachfront lot, lush withvegetation. Lot measures 80’ x 204’ & is priced to sell at $160,000 US.Robles (D19) Lot #23a measuring 100’ of beach front x 360’. Asking $119,000 US.Robles (D20) Lot #44 measuring 50’ of beach y front x 270’. Asking $74,900 US.Corozal Town Center (R31) 7 ½ Acres of prime real-estate, road accessible on 3 sides, beautifulmature trees, cleared & ready to develop all amenities available.$110,000 US.

At Central Park, vendors line up to sell you the best in hand crafted jewelry;necklaces, bracelets, anklets line up the various stalls. You can find amongthem wood carvings, sea shells, and other special knickknacks.

Mambo Chill has exquisite jewelry, beautiful sandals and glorious sundresses.Visit them today to purchase a special gift for that special someone or just comein and pamper yourself. Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11Continued on Page 11

Visitor Guide Page 11June 22, 2006

Shopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIShopping in San Pedro, Part IIIContinued from Page 10Continued from Page 10Continued from Page 10Continued from Page 10Continued from Page 10

Step out in style with lovely sandals courtesy of Mambo Chill Boutique...besure to check out the wide array of shoes and clothing available for everyoccasion!

For details about greatproperties in Belize,please contact our office:

Barrier Reef Drive Phone: 011-501-226-4545San Pedro Town E-mail ambergris@btl.netAmbergris Caye




BeachfrBeachfrBeachfrBeachfrBeachfrontontontontontCondosCondosCondosCondosCondos HomesHomesHomesHomesHomes

soft spoken gentleman with a shysmile, Gustavo Jr. has logged 10,176flight hours in helicopters, with abroad range of helicopter civilianwork, charters, tours, film and pho-tography tours, external load, VIPtransportation and corporate transpor-tation. Like his father, his career hasalways been in the aviation industry.Now that his father has passed away,Gustavo Jr. is regarded as GustavoSr., and his son is now consideredGustavo Jr. (technically “the 3rd”.)In keeping with tradition, Gustavo Jr.has followed in the family business

footsteps. An energetic man, Gustavo Jr.manages their new business, AstrumHelicopters. Gustavo Jr. explainedthat when he was faced with the taskof naming the business he wanted touse something different and meaning-ful. He purchased a Latin dictionaryand started reading the meaning ofdifferent words. He finally found aword from the dictionary that heliked; astrum -i n. [a star, or con-stellation]. Before moving to Belize,Gustavo Jr. lived in the US for eight

Astrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum Helicopters Continued from Page 6 Continued from Page 6 Continued from Page 6 Continued from Page 6 Continued from Page 6

Continued on Page 13Continued on Page 13Continued on Page 13Continued on Page 13Continued on Page 13

Page 12 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

Anti-wrinkle CreamAnti-wrinkle CreamAnti-wrinkle CreamAnti-wrinkle CreamAnti-wrinkle CreamHomemade anti-wrinklecream for reducing, removingwrinkles (1) Apply coconut oil onthe portions of skin and facewhere wrinkles set in and gen-tly massage every night at bed-time. (2) Banana is wonderful asan anti-wrinkle treatment.Mash 1/4 banana until verycreamy. Spread all over faceand leave for 15-20 minutesbefore rinsing off with warmwater followed by a dash ofcold. Gently pat dry.

Home remedies are made at home & work out less expensive than otheralternative forms of medicines. Generally, homemade remedies are harmlesswhen compared to other forms of modern medicines and rarely cause reactionsor side effects. Since ages, herbal remedies and home made medicines havebeen used by our ancestors to cure common ailments.

Basic Home RemediesBasic Home RemediesBasic Home RemediesBasic Home RemediesBasic Home Remedies

~On Coconut Drive ~San Pedro South~226-4066

and more!






Mayan carvings

slate carvings


wood turningswood turningswood turningswood turningswood turnings





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San Pedro’s Largest Gift Shopplease visit us at

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Ingredients:Ingredients:Ingredients:Ingredients:Ingredients:*4 (6 ounce) raw lobster tails, shelled*2 cups crushed buttery round crack-ers*1/2 cup chopped cooked shrimp*1/2 cup butter, melted*1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed creamof shrimp soup*1 cup milk*8 ounces processed cheese food,cubed

Directions:Directions:Directions:Directions:Directions: *Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F(165 degrees C). *In a medium bowl, combine thecrackers and shrimp. Stir in the melted

Cheesy Stuffed LobsterCheesy Stuffed LobsterCheesy Stuffed LobsterCheesy Stuffed LobsterCheesy Stuffed Lobster “Stuffed lobster tails smothered in cheese sauce....stop drooling!”

The San Pedro Sun Virtual Taste TripThe San Pedro Sun Virtual Taste TripThe San Pedro Sun Virtual Taste TripThe San Pedro Sun Virtual Taste TripThe San Pedro Sun Virtual Taste Trip

butter to form a stuffing. Spread on topof the lobster tails and roll from oneend of the tail to the other. If the tailsare too thick, slice them in half hori-zontally to make them thinner. Securethe rolls with toothpicks and place in agreased eight-inch square baking dish. *In a saucepan over medium heat,combine the cream of shrimp soup,milk and cheese. Cook and stir untilcheese has melted. Pour over thestuffed lobster tails. Top with any stuff-ing mixture that you may have left over. *Bake for 25 minutes in the pre-heated oven, or until sauce is hot andlobster meat is opaque.



! !


Visitor Guide Page 13June 22, 2006

years where he earned a Master’sDegree in Industrial Engineering andOperations Research. He worked asa Strategy Consultant in New York,and then as a Trader/Manager in NewYork City. When asked what inspired the fam-ily to start such a business in Belize,Gustavo Jr. explained, “My father’shelicopter company was hired in 2002to bring a group of individuals fromEurope to do a documentary aboutBelize. They spent one week flyingwith the helicopter all over Belizegathering film and photographic foot-age. They flew close to 20 hours gath-ering footage for the project. My fa-ther was amazed by the beauty of

the safest, most reliable aircraft ofany kind flying throughout the world.It holds four passengers with an av-erage cruise speed of 100 mph. All helicopters are equipped withthe latest avionics, communicationdevices (all helicopters carry a sat-ellite phone) and with an emergencyflotation device to land the helicopterin water in case of an emergency.Their pilots must have 3000 hours offlight time and 500 of those hoursmust be model specific to the BellHelicopter 206. They have gone togreat lengths to establish a mainte-nance facility in Belize City with allthe necessary tools and parts to main-tain their helicopters, and in the fu-ture they plan to offer helicoptermaintenance services to visiting he-licopters and/or private helicoptersregistered in Belize. “Our Directorof Maintenance has extensive expe-rience in the helicopter industry (20+years) and has worked in both com-mercial helicopter companies andcivil aviation authorities performingdifferent roles, both as an operatorof helicopters and a regulating en-tity,” explained Gustavo Jr. “Locally,we have hired personnel with the po-tential to become helicopter mechan-ics, and currently we have an appren-tice working with us. Based on hisperformance he could become a he-licopter mechanic in two to threeyears. As we grow and bring morehelicopters to Belize, we will com-bine hiring people with extensive ex-pertise in the helicopter industry (bothpilots and mechanics) and local can-didates that can work with us anddevelop the skills needed to becomehelicopter pilots and mechanics over

Astrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum HelicoptersAstrum Helicopters Continued from Page 11 Continued from Page 11 Continued from Page 11 Continued from Page 11 Continued from Page 11

Continued on Page 14Continued on Page 14Continued on Page 14Continued on Page 14Continued on Page 14

From an aerial view, quaint, small islands take on an even more impressivebeauty, and one can truly appreciate the wonders of nature.

Belize, and was amazed by the manyareas he saw from the air. At thispoint the idea started to evolve, andin late 2003 we started discussing thepossibility of opening a helicoptercompany in Belize. After two yearsof planning, research and permit ap-plication processes we brought ourfirst helicopter to Belize in October2005 and in June 2006 we got the fi-nal permits to endeavor in a commer-cial helicopter operation in Belize.” Gustavo Jr. emphasized thatsafety and professionalism is theirnumber one priority. Their Bell 206B3 Jet Ranger helicopter is a worldrenowned turbine powered rotarywing aircraft and is considered to be

Page 14 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

Outside the reefOutside the reefOutside the reefOutside the reefOutside the reef: Plenty of mahimahi are still being caught along withyellow eyed red snapper and grou-per. I’ve seen large schools of tunafeeding outside the reefs now.Inside the reefInside the reefInside the reefInside the reefInside the reef: Horseyed jack arespawning this month and are caughteasily in passes. I’ve been catchingboth mutton and grey snapper in cutsin the reef.FlatsFlatsFlatsFlatsFlats: Silky snapper, permit, barra-cuda and bone fish have provided an-glers with action this week.

The Horse Eyed JackThe Horse Eyed JackThe Horse Eyed JackThe Horse Eyed JackThe Horse Eyed Jack Horse eyed jack-similar in sizeand appearance to his cousin the jackcreville, horse eyed jacks have a

more curved head and larger eyes.These fish are known as real brawl-ers to sports fishing anglers. I usu-ally catch them in fast moving schoolsfrom the surface to depths of 60 feet.Lone horse eyed jacks can be caughtas deep as 400 feet. They can becaught on mullet, sardines, jigging,spoons and even flys. When I am grouper fishing, I willtypically see schools of 10 to 20 pass-ing right under the boat. If I am quickenough I and can get baits down totheir depth in time, I can get at leasttwo on before they move on. Throw-ing a dozen live sardines in the wateras soon as I see them sometimes cankeep them around the boat longer. Bydoing this I’ve been able to land doz-ens of these fast hard fighters in ago. Like their cousins, the jackcreville, amberjack and black jack,horseyed jack are always back break-ing fighters that grow to a size of upto 38 inches. Fish of 20 inches aremore common. No matter what sizethey are, these fish are packed with100 percent pure fight. And theymake a nice complement to anybarbeque grill at the end of hard day’sfishing.

Big John happily reels in his catch, a great Horse-eyed Jack, perfect for the grill!

the years.” As the businessgrows they plan to es-tablish regional heli-pads on AmbergrisCaye to service dif-ferent parts of the is-land. By the end of theyear their second he-licopter will be in Be-lize, a Bell 206 L4Long Ranger, pur-chased new from BellHelicopter, whichholds six passengersand has an averagecruise speed of 110mph. Astrum Heli-copters, is in the pro-cess of finalizing newcontracts that might

AstrumAstrumAstrumAstrumAstrumHelicoptersHelicoptersHelicoptersHelicoptersHelicoptersContinued from Page 13Continued from Page 13Continued from Page 13Continued from Page 13Continued from Page 13

increase its fleet of helicopters before the end of year. Soaring through the sky in a helicopter is a thrilling adventure that willnever be forgotten. If you want to REALLY see this country, see it from thesky. For more information you may contact Astrum Helicopters at 501-222-9462, by e-mail at or go to their website

Gustavo Sr., a softspoken gentleman, took us on amost delightful helicopter ride over the island.

Visitor Guide Page 15June 22, 2006

Trivia Tidbits


NEW** Buena Vista Beach Condo project. Pre-constructionpricing. Inquire!Banana Beach Resort: Condos and Suites with 2 Pools, beach,restaurant and bar.Banana Beach properties have guaranteedrental incomes!

3 bed beach condos $240,000.2 bed beach condos $215,000.1 bed beach condos $155,00 -195,000.1 bed courtyard suites $123,500.1 bed balcony suites $57,500.

Villa del Mar – new custom built beachfront home, 1 ac, pier, 3bedroom $945,000.Spacious rental beach home south of town. Sleeps 10 plus guestcottage. Pool, mature landscaping, large pier. Inquire.Caye Villas – Beach villas with pool.

2 Bed 3 bath fully furnished $394,000.2 bed 3 bath fully furnished $395,000.

San Pablo canal home w/ 200ft water frontage, 2 boat slips, ramp,fully fenced, 2 storey duplex 2bed/1bath up 1bed/1bath down.$295,000.Mi Casa. Rental suites with spacious top floor owner’s quarters andloft apt. $650,000.The Castle 10 apt complex: $400,000.NEW** Caye Casa – beachfront condo in town location. Inquire!Coming soon – Luxurious bay front homes – 4 bedrooms.


In town beach lot! Commercial or residential. $490,000. Under-contractMexico Rocks area 178 ft beach $ 765,000. Under-contractRobles beachfront 100 ft beach $200,000Robles beachfront 200 ft beach $400,000Palmero Point 80 ft of beach $297,000Playa Blanca beach lot 60 x 105 ft w/dock $210,000. SoldPlaya Blanca beach lot 52 X 120 ft $225,000. SoldBoca Ciega 4.5 acres 170ft beach front. $350,000.Buena Vista Point ocean view 75ft x 150ft $79,000 each.Buena Vista Point ocean view 75ft x 150ft $89,000 each.Laguna Estates ocean view lots from $30,000.Laguna Estates commercial tracts & islands Inquire!Caribbean Coves 200ft ocean front west side $ 125,000. GREATPRICESan Marcos 2 adjoining 50’ X 100’ lots - $35,000 each.Alta Mar 100ft x 100ft lot $65,000.

www.SunriseBelize.comTEL 501-226-3737 / FAX 501-226-3379





*The Swedes drink more coffee than any other people in the world. *Sight accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all sensory perceptions. *An average man on an average day excretes two and a half quarts of sweat. *A fly can react to something it sees and change direction in 30 milliseconds. *About 24 newborn opossums can fit in a teaspoon. They are about .07ounce at birth. *An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. *Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings byosmosis. *At any given time, there are 1,800 thunderstorms in progress over theEarth’s atmosphere. Lightning strikes the Earth 100 times every second. *The largest known egg ever laid by a creature was that of the extinctAepyornis of Madagascar. The egg was 9.5 inches long. It had a volume of2.35 gallons. *Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protectivecarpet under them as they travel along. The discharge is so effective thatsnails can crawl along the edge of a razor without cutting themselves. *Half a billion people – about one of every eight – are suffering chronicmalnutrition today. *A collector who attempts to collect an example of every item in aparticular field is called a completist.


byDennis Wolfe

Wolfe’s Woofers


“You write an awful lot of stories about Norman Evanko,” Drummer Dansaid. “Are you two really good friends?”

“I think so,” I told him. “But sometimes I’m not really sure. Sometimes Isuspect he got the best of me at one time.”

“What happened?”

“It all goes back to when I first came to Ambergris Caye, nineteen yearsago,” I said. “This is long before I met Dulce and Norm met Pam. Norm usedto have a pest control business here called Roachbusters.”

“I didn’t know that,” Dan said.

“Well, he did. I even used to sing a song for him that went, ‘Mama’s don’tlet your babies grow up to be Roachbusters.’ I had a girlfriend back then whowas staying at my house. One day I came home in the middle of the day and Ihear a bunch of running around and when I come in my girlfriend is in thebathroom.”

“Was she sick or something?”

“No. She said she was taking a shower so I went on into the bedroom. Iopened up the closet door and there was Norman standing there as naked asthe day he was born.”

“What was he doing there?”

“That’s what I asked him. He was as cool as a block of ice about it. He saidmy girlfriend had called him in an emergency because we had a swarm ofmoths. She was worried that they would get into the closet and eat up theclothes so he was checking the closet.”

“H-m-m,” Dan said.

“That’s about what I thought too, so I said, ‘Moths huh? And would you liketo explain where your clothes are? He looked down in surprise and said, ‘Myclothes? Oh, my God! That moth infestation is even worse than I thought.”

All prices are in US dollars and subject to change withoutnotice. For further details on these properties and much more


Page 16 Visitor Guide June 22, 2006

At Journey’s End ResortReservations: 226-2173

, Ambergris Caye’s latest trendy restaurant, is now open.Serving Palm Tree Cuisine, a fusion of Central American and

Caribbean delicacies, offers a selection of fresh local seafood,tender meats and exotic vegetables prepared by

our renowned chef.

Menu selections include: Jerk Seared Sea Scallop Crouton,Smoked Oyster Bruschetta, Spinach Pesto Goat Cheese Salad,

Rib-Eye Steak Argentino, Almond Nut Crusted Grouper,White Chocolate Pudding laced with a cardamom anglaise sauce,

Strawberry & Mango Ice Parfait.

boasts an atmosphere of relaxed elegance and style,with inventive cuisine in an enchanting setting.

Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner…
