THE SPIRIT FRUIT FAITHFULNESS Faithfulness= “trustworthiness” or “steadfast adherence to a...


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Faithfulness= “trustworthiness” or

“steadfast adherence to a person or thing to which one is loyal.”

Have you had someone in your life who has been faithful

to you?

God is the ultimate example of


Psalm 100:5 “The Lord is good and

His love endures forever; His

faithfulness continues through all


There are some great biblical examples of

faithfulness of people to one another.

There are a lot of great biblical examples of

people’s faithfulness to God.

One of my favorite examples of

faithfulness to God is Paul and Silas singing

in the jail cell at midnight!

How could they do that?

Because they had the information about the

Jesus’ promises to help them overcome bad times AND they had

personal revelations of those promises too.

If information alone could change

Christians, then our generation of church goers today would have the greatest

impact of any church of any generation.

The problem is that many followers of

Christ don’t have any personal revelation of the promises of Jesus

in their lives.


Hebrews 10:23 “Let's hold on to the

confession of our hope without wavering,

because the one who made the promises is


Is that information or revelation in your life?

There is a lack of commitment in our

present day society in ALL areas of life, but

especially in our relationship with God.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul book ends 19 characteristics of

people living in the last days with “lovers of

themselves” and “lovers of pleasure

rather than lovers of God.”

In the end faithfulness to God or anyone else

is ALL about love.

One author has said that faithfulness is

“love hanging on.”

“Peter do you love me?”

How do we develop faithfulness?

We will produce the fruit of the Spirit WHEN

we are led by the Spirit.

If we surrender daily to the Spirit then He will lead us to draw close

to Jesus through prayer and Bible study.

That will grow our love for Jesus stronger,

which will in turn grow our commitment


Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, founder of DTS

gave three reasons why we should

surrender our lives to the control of God.

He is all-wise and knows better than

anyone else what is best for my life.

He is almighty and has the power to

accomplish that which is best for me.

He loves me more than anyone else in the world loves me.

Information + Revelation.
