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An Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One










Fariz Rahman Hakim. The Translation Techniques of Ronald Weasley’s

Handwritings in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K. Rowling. An

Undergraduate Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and

Humanities, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.

This research is intended to discover the translation techniques applied by

the translator in translating Ronald Weasley’s Handwritings in Fantastic Beasts

and Where to Find Them book. The researcher takes the whole handwritings that

appeared on the book as the corpus of the research. The researcher uses qualitative

method and he uses himself in collecting the data through the several steps:

reading and comparing the handwritings that appear on the book, finding the

translation techniques appeared in the data, analyzing how the translator applied

those techniques and categorizing the data based on the theory of translation

techniques proposed by Molina and Albir. The result of this research shows that

from eighteen types of the translation techniques, there are only twelve techniques

that can be found on the handwriting of the book, they are Modulation (4 data),

Linguistic amplification (1 data), Compensation (3 data), Literal translation (9

data), Variation (4 data), Adaptation (2 data), Transposition (4 data),

Amplification (3 data), Particularization (1 data), Reduction (1 data), Linguistic

Compression (1 data), Borrowing (1 data). The most frequent translation

technique applied is literal translation. The message still conveyed properly even

though most of the data translated literally.

Keywords: Translation, Translation Techniques, Handwritings







I hereby declare that this submission is my own word and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously or written by another

person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award

of any other degree or diploma of university or other institute of higher learning,

except where due acknowledgment has been made in text.

Jakarta, August 2017

Fariz Rahman Hakim




In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

May peace and blessing of Allah be upon all of us

All praises be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, for the guidance,

health, ability, and blessing for the researcher in finishing this research. May

peace an salutation be upon the honorable prophet and messenger Muhammad

SAW and all of his family, relatives and followers.

The researcher’s deep gratitude goes to his beloved parents, his late father

Dasirun and his mother Elis Resniawati, for all of their greatest love, their best

advice, patience, and prayer. Thanks for being the strength and the best supporter

of his life. Moreover, the remarkable thanks for his Grandma Euis Siti Nuriyah

and his aunty Reni Kurniasari. The researcher also wants to give his gratitude to

Mr. Moh. Supardi, M.Hum., as his advisor for his time, help, guidance,

cooperation, kindness, and patience from the first to the final level of this


The gratitude is also dedicated to Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag., the

Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities; Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd., the Head of

English Letters Department; Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum., the Secretary of English

Letters Department; and all the lecturers of English Letters Department who had

taught him during study at UIN Jakarta.


In addition, the researcher would like to give appreciation to the following

friends and people, namely:

1. The researcher friends in English Letters Department of 2013,

especially for C Class that had been accompanying the researcher for

five semesters.

2. Tolalatuniyah: Dian Lestari, Rita Maesaroh, Nurrahman Hakim, Hasna

Afifah Zhafira, Ratih Clarasanti, Efrida Yanti, Diah Ayuningtyas, Lala

Aryani Farah Fawziah, Risya Maya Hestiani, Zwyna Rafika, Noviarti

Lestari, Tiffany Auliana. Thank you for every precious time that we

spent together. Thank you for the unlimited laughter.

3. Tetoths: Siti Amelia Hasanah, Adhifa Mizan Ghifary, Laksita Panji

Wisnu Andi Anta, Nur Annisya, Ewa Arizki Hutama, Tiffany

Dinovita, Enggar Tyastiwi Munawaroh, Renny Novselia Sihite, and

Izzat Robby Muhammad. Thanks for more than 10 years of friendship.

Thanks for the supporting thanks for always be there when the

researcher needs them.

4. Translation class of 2013, especially for Dea Amanda Putri. Thank you

for always be the place to share, thanks for the best supporting, and

thank you for being the guide for the researcher in finishing this


5. KKN ALHENA 2016. Thank you for the support even from a far



6. All of the people and friends who already helped the researcher to

finish the research that cannot be mentioned one by one.

May Allah always bless them wherever they are, Aamiin. Hopefully this

research will be useful for the people who read it. Suggestion and criticism will be

accepted for the improvement of this paperwork.



Table 1: Example of Translation Techniques ....................................................... 3

Table 2: Data Description of Handwriting ......................................................... 26



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

APPROVEMENT .............................................................................................. ii

LEGALIZATION ............................................................................................. iii

DECLARATION .............................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research ............................................................ 1

B. Focus of the Research ...................................................................... 4

C. Research Questions ......................................................................... 4

D. Objective of the Research ................................................................ 4

E. Significance of Research ................................................................. 4

F. Research Methodology .................................................................... 5

1. The Method of Research ........................................................... 5

2. The Technique of Data Analysis ............................................... 5

3. Instrument of the Research ....................................................... 6

4. The Unit of Analysis ................................................................. 6

CHAPTER II THE THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION ................................... 7

A. Previous Research ........................................................................... 7

B. The Definition of Translation ........................................................ 10


C. Process of Translation ................................................................... 11

D. The Principles of Translation ......................................................... 12

E. Translation Technique ................................................................... 13

F. Literary Translation ....................................................................... 23

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS ........................................................ 26

A. Data Description ............................................................................ 26

B. Data Analysis ................................................................................ 28

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 56

A. Conclusion .................................................................................... 56

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 57

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 59

APPENDIX ...................................................................................................... 61




A. Background of the Research

The activity of translation, especially literary work, has been widely applied

in Indonesia. The large number of the translation of literary work indicates that

the reader in Indonesia has a great interest and curiosity in foreign literature.

However, translating literary work is not always easy since a literary work has

more complex aspect such as idiomatic expression, metaphor, cultural words and

the diction. The quality of translation work is often doubted by the target language

reader. Sometimes, the readers get confused when they read the translation work

because the message from the author of a work is not always conveyed properly in

the target language. Occasionally, the reader should read the original text of a

literary work and then compare them to the translation work to know the actual

meaning and message intended by the author. Therefore, the translator is required

not only understand both source language and target language, but also have to

understand the culture and another aspect so the translator will generate the same

meaning and message as conveyed by the writer of a literary work.

In the process, the translator can convert the SL text into TL text by using

several translation techniques in order to make the readers understand about the

translation. The translation techniques are procedures to analyze and classify how

translation equivalence works (Molina and Albir 509.) This also can be

interpreted as the way a translator used to transfer the message from SL to TL


which can be applied at the level of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

Selecting the proper technique of translation will generate a good translation and

the reader will understand what the writer of source language referred to.

Most translated literary works, like novels and fictional books, are the best-

selling books in their countries. One of the fictional books that interests the

researcher is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. This book is written by a

famous British author, J.K. Rowling, which is known for the Harry Potter series,

that was published in 2001 by Scholastic Inc. This book is one of a companion

book for the Harry Potter series, like its predecessor Quidditch Through the Ages

and The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The researcher is always interested in the Harry

Potter’s world created by J.K. Rowling because she always managed to bring her

genius and creative idea in every work of hers. This book is one of the most

unique books ever made by the author. The uniqueness of this book is that the

author interprets this book as the copy of Harry Potter’s textbook. There are some

notes written by Harry Potter’s friend, Ronald “Ron” Weasley. The handwritings

in this book is just like another handwriting that usually written by a schoolboy.

Sometimes it shows the disagreement about the theory of the book itself,

sometimes when they read about anything on the book and they write the note

because they already experienced it, or maybe sometimes they just bored and put

random notes on the book itself. The author interpreted the note as the usual

handwritings and the translator also translated it into handwritings in the target

language. These handwritings make the book more alive because the reader will

certainly get the sensation of a book that was owned by a famous wizard. These


handwritings also add the humorous element to the book itself. Here is a sample

of the text:

Table 1: Example of Translation Technique

Source Language Target Language

Shared by Ron Weasley Juga milik Ron Weasley

The text above was taken from the front page of this book and the author of

the book tried to interpret this text as the notes in the form of handwriting. In this

data, the translator tried to change, or shift the meaning when translating the

“shared by” phrase. The translator used a specific technique in translating the text.

In the source language, the literal meaning of the phrase is “buku ini juga dibagi

penggunaannya oleh Ron Weasley”, but the translator translated the phrase with a

better style that fits on target language style. In this phrase, the translator

translated that phrase into “juga milik”. This translation techniques is called

modulation because there is a shift or changing of point of view in the meaning

from the source language to the target language.

As this book has some uniqueness that is nonexistent in another book, the

researcher is interested in reviewing this particular book. This research will

analyze the type of translation techniques that occurred in translating the

handwriting notes of the book. This research is entitled “The Translation

Techniques of Ronald Weasley’s Handwritings in Fantastic Beasts and Where to

Find Them by J.K. Rowling.” This research is oriented to the translation

techniques that is applied in the handwriting text. This research is expected to

broaden the knowledge of both the researcher and the readers about the translation


techniques in a literary work and giving the contribution to the translation studies

in the future.

B. Focus of the Research

Based on the background of the study above, the researcher will limit this

research to focus on the translation techniques of the handwritings appeared in

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book by J.K. Rowling which translated

into Indonesian by Komalawati Suhendra.

C. Research Questions

Based on the explanation above, the questions in this research are;

1. What kind of translation techniques applied in the handwritings on

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book?

2. How are the translation techniques applied to deal with the translation of

the handwritings on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book?

D. Objective of the Research

Based on the questions above, the purposes of this research are;

1. To identify the translation techniques applied by the translator to

translate the source language into the target language of the

handwritings in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book.

2. To know the result of the translation techniques applied in translating

the handwritings in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book.

E. Significance of Research

The significance of this research is that the researcher hopes that this

research will enrich the researcher’s understanding and the ability of translation


study, especially about the translation techniques applied in many literary works.

Furthermore, the researcher also hopes that this paper can give the contribution to

the readers, especially for the English Letters Department students, who are

interested in developing the research about translation techniques applied in a

literary work.

F. Research Methodology

1. The Method of Research

This research uses qualitative research methods. The qualitative research

itself is a research that relies on verbal and other non-numerical data as the basis

for the analysis and describing the problem (Farkhan 9). The researcher tries to

analyze the techniques used in translating the handwritings in the book and how

the translator applied those techniques.

2. The Technique of Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed qualitatively by performing the

following steps:

1. The researcher determines the book both original and translated one.

2. The researcher finds the handwritings that appeared in the book

3. The researcher compares the handwritings that appear in both original

and translated book.

4. The researcher considers the translation techniques appeared in the data,

and then analyze how the translator applied those techniques by giving



5. The researcher categorizes the data based on the techniques applied to

each data.

6. The researcher finds out the effects of the usage of the translation

techniques to the handwritings of the book.

3. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is the researcher himself as the subject to

collect the data by reading the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Book

and its translation, classifying, finding, marking, selecting, and then analyzing the

result of the translation having the translation techniques.

4. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis on this research is the handwritings of Ronald Weasley

found in the book written by J.K. Rowling entitled “Fantastic Beasts and Where

to Find Them” that was published in 2001 by Bloomsbury Publishing, and its

translation published with the same title by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2002

that was translated by Komalawati Suhendra.

The handwritings in this book is just like another handwriting that written

by a schoolboy generally. Sometimes it shows the disagreement about the theory

in the book, sometimes they put an explicit information in anything that they

already experienced, or maybe sometimes they just bored and put random notes

on the book itself. Most of the handwritings are not related into another one.




A. Previous Research

Based on the researches that have been done before, there are some research

related to the translation techniques. One of the researches included Aulia

Rahmawati’s research, Analysis of Translation Techniques in Roth’s Divergent (A

Descriptive Qualitative Study) (2015). This previous research focused on the

translation techniques used by the translator to translate the utterances on the

novel. The position between this research and this previous research is the

researcher uses the notes that represent as the Handwritings of Ronald Weasley in

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book as the unit of analysis in his

research since some people only know the Harry Potter stories itself without

knowing that there are another companion books for the series and this book is

one of them which make this research interesting. Meanwhile, this previous

research uses the direct speech in the Divergent novel. Both of these researches,

this research and the previous research, used the framework proposed by Molina

and Albir (509).

The result of this previous research shows that there are 12 translation

techniques found on her data analysis which are adaptation, amplification,

borrowing, calque, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization,

linguistic compression, literal, particularization, reduction, and transposition. The

most dominant techniques found in the previous research is borrowing which


means that the translator uses more familiar dictions to make the readers easy to

understand the translated text. The translator mostly successful to bring the

message properly to the reader.

Issy Yuliasri and Rudi Hartono’s discussed the similar aspects in their

research entitled Translation Techniques and Equivalence in the Indonesian

Translation of Humor in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2014). Their

research focused on the translation techniques applied by the translator and the

equivalence in translating the humor and insults utterance in Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone novel. The position between this research and the previous

research is the researcher uses the notes that represent as the Handwritings of

Ronald Weasley in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book as the unit of

analysis in his research which has some uniqueness that is nonexistent on another

book. Besides, the researcher is intended to show the readers that there is a

companion book in Harry Potter universe that is also interesting to read by the

readers. Meanwhile, the previous research uses the humor and insult utterances

that obtained in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone novel. Yuliasri and

Hartono also discussed the equivalence in the translation of Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone novel while the researcher only focused on the translation

techniques found in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book.

Both of these researches, this research and the previous research, use the

framework proposed by Molina and Albir. The result of this previous research

shows that there are 5 translation techniques found in their analysis, which are

literal translation, linguistic amplification, modulation, generalization, and


amplification. The most techniques that found in Yuliasri and Hartono’s research

is literal translation. The findings of the text analysis in this research also showed

that some of the humor was successfully rendered by using the techniques but

some was reduced and/or even gone. However, despite the reduced humor, the

translated novel is well-received.

Another research is done by Wenny Puspita Sari, Refnaldi, and Havid Ard

entitled Translation Techniques and Translation Accuracy of English Translated

Text of Tourism Brochure in Tanah Datar Regency (2013). Their research

focused on the translation techniques applied by the translator and also to find the

accuracy of the translation itself. The position between this research and this

previous research is the researcher uses the notes that represent as the

Handwritings of Ronald Weasley in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

book as the unit of analysis in his research which has some uniqueness that had

been explained above. Meanwhile, the previous research uses the Translated Text

of Tourism Brochure in Tanah Datar Regency.

Both of these researches, this research and the previous research used the

framework proposed by Molina and Albir. The result of this previous research

shows that there are 8 techniques were found in their analysis, which are literal

translation, amplification, addition, reduction, transposition, omission, borrowing,

and generalization. The most often techniques that was found in the previous

research is literal translation. Meanwhile, in this research, the accuracy level of

the translation in this research is only 60% and concluded as less accurate. In the


research findings, they also concluded that the translator is tend to maintain the

characteristic of the SL in the TL.

B. The Definition of Translation

Translation has so many definitions that are described by the linguists.

Newmark (7) described “translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a

written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or

statement in another language.” This means that translation is an act that tries to

replace the text with the same message derived from one language to another

language. In another book, Newmark also states “the translation as rendering the

meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the

text” (Newmark, 5).

According to Bassnet, (2014), translation involves the rendering of a source

language (SL) text into the target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the

surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of

the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the TL

structures will be seriously distorted. This means that a translation work should be

at least similar in the term of meaning, and the structure should of the text should

be as close as the SL without distorting the TL structure.

Larson (3) described “translation is transferring the meaning of the source

language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the

first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is

meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant.” This means that a


translation is a process of transferring the meaning of a language to another and

still considering the structure of the text.

Hatim and Mason (1997) described that the translation as an act of

communication which attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries,

another act of communication (which may have been intended for different

purposes and different readers/hearers). According to Catford (20), translation is

the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by

equivalent textual material in another language (target language).

According to the definition above, the researcher concluded that the

translation activity is not only trying to transfer the text from one to another, but

also tries to transfer the meaning, the structure of the text, and find the

equivalence that appeared whether in source or target language.

C. Process of Translation

The process of translation, as define by Jeremy Munday is “the process of

translation between two different written languages involves the changing of an

original written text (the source text or ST) in the original verbal language (the

source language or SL) into a written text (the target text or TT) in a different

verbal language (the target language or TL)” (Munday 8).

Nida and Taber (33) describe that there are three steps of the process of

translation; analysis, transfer, and restructure. In the book Translation: An

Advance Resource Book (Hatim and Munday: 45)


The translator . . .

(1) Analyses the SL message into its simplest and structurally clearest


(2) Transfers the message at this kernel level

(3) Restructures the message in the TL to the level which is most

appropriate for the audience addressed

On the first step, analysis, the translator analyzed the text by learning the

message that conveyed in the source language text into the simplest form and in a

proper structure. The different meaning between every word in the SL and the TL

should be learned well by the translator. The aim of doing the analysis is that the

translator will understand the proper meaning of the source language text. On the

second step, the translator transfers the text from the source language to the target

language after doing the whole analysis of the grammatical order in the source

language. On the last step, the translator restructures the message that appeared on

the source language text to the target language properly and could be understood

by either in the source language or target language reader. Those three steps

should be done repeatedly in order to get the good result of a translation work.

D. The Principles of Translation

Sayogie (9) states it is necessary to have the principles of translation that

can bridge the transfer both in the term of linguistics and extra linguistics. Savory

(50) propose twelve principles of translation to achieve the good translation:

1. A translation must give the words of the original.

2. A translation should read like an original work.


3. A translation should reflect the style of the original.

4. A translation should read as a contemporary of the original.

5. A translation may add to omit from the original.

6. A translation of verse should be in verse.

7. A translation must give the ideas of the original.

8. A translation should read like translation.

9. A translation should possess the style of the translation.

10. A translation should read as a contemporary of the translation.

11. A translation may never add to omit from the original.

12. A translation of verse should be in prose.

Savory’s principles above are describing the requirements in translating the

source text. A translator should consider with the originality in translating text

that will make the readers feel like they reading the original text when they read

the translated one.

E. Translation Techniques

Molina and Albir (2002) defined the translation techniques as procedures to

analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. The translation

techniques applied at the level of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The

translation techniques have five basic characteristics:

1. The translation techniques affect the result of the translation.

2. The techniques classified by comparison of the source language and the

target language.

3. The techniques affect the micro level of text


4. The techniques are discursive and contextual

5. The techniques are functional

Molina and Albir (2002) classify the translation into 18 techniques:

(1) Adaptation

Adaptation is the translation technique that the translator replaces

the cultural elements that appeared on source language (SL) text with

another cultural element that has the same or similar character that

derived from the target (TL). This technique can be one because the

cultural element in the SL is not found in the TL or the cultural

elements in the TL are more familiar to the target language reader.


SL: As white as snow

TL: Seputih kapas

The utterance is translated into seputih kapas because kapas is

more familiar in the target language culture than salju which is the

literal meaning of snow.

(2) Amplification

Amplification is the translation techniques that by explicitly or

paraphrasing an implicit information in the SL. This technique

introducing the details or information that are not formulated in the SL

text. The additional information usually related to the culture, term, and

some linguistic problem. Newmark (91) states that “The additional

information a translator may have to add to his version is normally


cultural (accounting for difference between SL and TL culture),

technical (relating to the topic) or linguistic (explaining wayward use of

words), and is dependent on the requirement of his, as opposed to the

original, readership”.


SL: “and it was put into the Thames”

TL: “…. dan dibenamkan di sungai Thames.”

In this example, for the readers who are not familiar with the

names or any foreign word, the translator adds the word sungai to

explicit the meaning of the Thames itself.

(3) Borrowing

In this technique, the translator borrows some words, utterance, or

idiom from SL. This technique may use the pure borrowing, without

any change or adjustment, or naturalized borrowing which has the

adjustment to the spelling or pronunciation. The naturalized borrowing

corresponds to Newmark’s naturalization procedure. This procedure

succeeds transference and adapts the SL word first to the normal

pronunciation, then to the normal morphology (word-forms) of the TL

(Newmark 82). The example for the pure borrowing are the word

printer translated to printer and bank translated to bank. The

naturalized borrowing example are music translated into musik, camera

translated into kamera, and computer translated into komputer.


(4) Calque

Calque is the translation technique where the translator translates

the SL word or phrase by literal. Vinay and Darbelnet (32) states “a

calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an

expression form of another but then translates literally each of its

elements”. They divided the calque into lexical and structural. Lexical

calque regards the syntactic structure of the TL text while presenting a

new mode of expression, then the structural calque introduces the new

construction into the language.


SL: electronic mail

TL: surat elektronik

The term “electronic mail” in the source language text that means

“method of exchanging digital messages between people using digital

devices such as computers and mobile phones” is translated literally

into surat elektronik in the source language.

(5) Compensation

Compensation is the translation technique that introduces an SL

element of information or stylistic effect in another place in the TL

because it cannot be reflected in the same place as in the ST. Vinay and

Darbelnet (199) define the compensation as the technique which keeps

the tonality of the entire text by introducing, as a stylistic variant in

another place of the text, the element which could not be rendered at the


same placeby the same means. This technique allows the conservation

of the integrity of the text while leaving the translator complete freedom

in producing the translation.


SL: You can let your imagination go wild

TL: Kamu dapat membiarkan khayalanmu mengembara sejauh


(6) Description

Description is the translation technique that replaces a term or

expression with the description in the target language. This technique

usually used when the term in the source language does not have the

same or similar term in the target language. This technique is similar to

amplification technique, but in here the source text element is removed.


SL: She just ate the panettone

TL: Dia baru saja memakan pannettone, kue tradisional italia

yang dimakan pada malam tahun baru.

The translator deleted the word “panettone” and replaced it with

the description of panettone itself, which mean the traditional Italian

cake that eaten in the new year eve.

(7) Discursive creation

This technique used to establish a temporary equivalence that is

totally unpredictable or out of context. This technique done to attract


the attention of the reader. This technique purposed in translating the

title of a books or movies.


SL: Husband for a Year (Rebecca Winters)

TL: Suami Sementara.

The book entitled “Husband for a Year” transfered freely into

suami sementara.

(8) Established equivalent

Established equivalent is the technique that translate a term or

expression recognized on the dictionaries as an equivalent in the target



SL: Ambiguity

TL: Ambigu.

The word “ambiguity” is translated into ambigu and that is listed in

the dictionary.

(9) Generalization

Generalization is the technique that used to translate a term with

the term that is already known well in public and known to the wider

community. This technique usually used when the term in a source

language is specific while there is no similar or equivalence in the

source language and then translated to the general one. The translator

usually generated it into superordinate or general term.



SL: Penthouse

TL: Tempat tinggal

The word “penthouse” is a smaller structure joined to a building

(Merriam-Webster 2016) and it is translated into tempat tinggal because

this is a general term in the target language culture.

(10) Linguistic amplification

This technique adds the linguistic elements from the source

language into the target language. This technique often used in

interpreting and dubbing.


SL: The David you are sculpting is you

TL: Patung David yang Anda ukir adalah diri Anda sendiri.

In the example above, a target language element diri Anda sendiri

added that has correlation with the context.

(11) Linguistic compression

This translation technique used to synthesize linguistic elements

that appeared in the target language. This technique is often used in

interpreting and sub-titling.


SL: Are you sleepy?

TL: Ngantuk?


The target language text is reduced linguistically by deleting “are

you” and then translated into Ngantuk?

(12) Literal translation

Literal translation is the technique that used by the translator to

translate a word or an expression word for word. Newmark (69) gives

definition of literal translation ranges from one word to one word,

through group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause and

sentence to sentence.


SL: look, little guy, you-all shouldn’t be doing that

TL: lihat, anak kecil, kamu seharusnya tidak berbuat seperti itu.

The source language text can be translated literally because it is

equivalent with the target language culture.

(13) Modulation

Modulation is the translation technique that applied by changing

the point of view, focus, or cognitive aspect that appeared on the source

language, either lexical or structural. Vinay and Darbelnet define that

modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a

change in the point of view. This change can be justified when,

although a literal, or even transposed, translation results in a

grammatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic

or awkward in the TL (Vinay and Darbelnet 36).



SL: I cut my finger

TL: Jariku tersayat

The sentence is translated into jariku tersayat that changes the

point of views that also involves the change in the grammatical

category because if it is translated literally into aku memotong jariku

because it is not equivalent with the target language culture.

(14) Particularization

Particularization is translation technique that uses term that is more

concrete and specific. The technique is the opposition with the

generalization technique.


SL: She likes to collect jewelry

TL: Dia suka mengoleksi kalung emas.

The word “jewelry” is translated into the sub-ordinate of

perhiasan: kalung emas to make it more acceptable.

(15) Reduction

The technique applied with partial subtraction, because the

substraction is considered not to cause the distortion of the meaning.

This technique also suppresses a SL information item in the TL. The

technique is opposed to amplification technique.


SL: Joko Widodo the president of republic of Indonesia

TL: Joko Widodo.


The information of Joko Widodo itself is deleted because the target

readers have been familiar with the name of their presisent itself.

(16) Substitution

Substitution is technique that used to change linguistic elements for

paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) or vice versa. For

example, the gesture such as nodding is translated into setuju,

shrugging shoulders is translated into saya tidak tahu.

(17) Transposition

Transposition is the technique that used to change a grammatical

category of the source language into the target language. According to

Newmark (85) shift or transposition also means a grammar changing

from SL text to TL text. Vinay and Dalbernet (36) define that

transposition is replacing a word class with another without changing

the meaning of the messsage. This technique usually used when the

grammar in the source language and target language is different.


SL: My brother brings the book

TL: Buku itu dibawa oleh adikku

The element category in the source text is changed grammatically.

‘my brother’ as subject in the source text become object in the target

text and so does ‘book’ as object in the source text becomes subject in

the target text.


(18) Variation

Variation is the translation technique that replaces the linguistic or

paralinguistic elements, such as intonation and gestures, that affect aspect

of linguistic variation. This technique usually applied in translating

drama text.


SL: Hi chick?

TL: Hai cewek?

F. Literary Translation

The literary work, such as prose, poetry, or drama, is not easy to be

translated. Newmark (162) states that the cultural gap between the SL reader and

the TL reader (different ways of thinking or feeling, material objects) may affect

the cognitive translation (the transfer of cold information) which can be perfectly

possible and may be possibly perfect. In translating the prose, in this case fiction

art, the translator should really understand the differences that appeared in the text

such as the language style, background, theme, and the moral value that conveyed

by an author to the reader.

Helloc, as cited by Bassnett (120), mentions that there are six general rules

for prose text translators:

1. The translator should not ‘plod on’, word by word or sentence by

sentence, but should ‘always “block out” his work’. By ‘block out’,

Belloc means that the translator should consider the work as an integral


unit and translate in sections, asking himself ‘before each what the whole

sense is he has to render’.

2. The translator should render idiom by idiom and idioms of their nature

demand translation into another form from that of the original. Belloc

cites the case of the Greek exclamation ‘By the Dog!’, which, if rendered

literally, becomes merely comic in English, and suggest that the phrase

‘By God!’ is a much closer translation.

3. The translator must render ‘intention by intention’, bearing in mind that

‘the intention of a phrase in one language may be less empathic than the

form of the phrase, or it may be more emphatic’. By ‘intention’, Belloc

seems to be talking about the weight a given expression may have in a

particular context in the SL that would be disproportionate if translated

literally into the TL. He quotes several examples where the weighting of

the phrase in the SL is clearly much stronger or much weaker than the

literal TL translation, and points out that in the translation of ‘intention’,

it is often necessary to add words not in the original ‘to conform to the

idiom of one’s own tongue.

4. Belloc warns against les faux amis, those words or structures that may

appear to correspond in both SL and TL but actually do not, e.g.

demander to ask translated wrongly as to demand.

5. The translator is advised to ‘transmute boldly’ and Belloc suggests that

the essence of translating is ‘the resurrection of an alien thing in a native



6. The translator should never embellish.

The difference between translating the literary text, in this case, prose,

with the other text is that the translator must really understand the

literature itself, so he/ she can get the message conveyed by the author of

the text and pay the attention to the six rules that mentioned above.




A. Data Description

In the data description, the researcher tabulated the data which are taken

from the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book. The researcher analyzed

the translation techniques of the handwritings that appeared in that book. The

purposes of the handwritings in this book are to show some disagreement, add an

explicit information or just random notes. Some of the handwritings are on the

same page, so the researcher separated it in the level of sentences (e.g. data 1 to

6.) From data 1 to 7, there is no page number in the book itself. Below is the

tabulated data list.

Table 2: Data Description of Handwriting

No. Source Language Target Language Translation


1 Shared by Ron


Juga milik Ron



2 Because his fell apart Sebab bukunya sendiri

sdh sobek2x

Linguistic amplification


3 Why don't you buy a

new one then?

Kenapa kau tidak beli

yang baru?

Literal Translation

4 Write on your own

book, Hermione

Coreti bukumu sendiri,



5 You bought all those

dungbombs in

Saturday, you could

have bought a new

book instead

Bukannya membeli

buku baru, kau malah

membeli semua bom

kotoran itu hari sabtu





6 Dungbombs rule Hidup bom kotoran! Adaptation




CANNONS - write a

decent team in my

book for a change,



- lain kali tulis tim

yang OKE di bukuku,




8 Big hairy thing with

too many legs (p. x)

Makhluk besar berbulu

yg kakinya banyak (p.



9 You liar (p. xiv) Bohong ah! (p. 23) Linguistic compression

10 But no one's told

Hagrid (p. xix)

Sayangnya tak ada yg

memberitahu Hagrid

(p. 33)

Literal translation

11 Or anything Hagrid

likes (p. xxii)

Atau apapun yang

disukai Hagrid (p. 37)

Literal translation

12 Confirmed by Harry

Potter and Ron

Weasley (p. 2)

Dipastikan oleh Harry

Potter dan Ron

Weasley (p. 42)

Literal translation

13 That’s what you think

(p. 4)

Itu kan yang kau tahu

(p. 47)


14 Last time I eat them

then (p. 5)

Aku tak mau makan

lagi deh (p.48)


15 So Hagrid'll be

getting some any time

now (p. 7)

Pasti Hagrid akan

punya beberapa butir

sebentar lagi (p. 53)


16 You're not kidding (p.


Memang betul! (p. 63) Modulation

17 Baby Norbert (p. 13)

Bayi Norbert (p. 64) Literal Translation

18 Has Hagrid read this

book? (p. 21)

Hagrid sudah baca

buku ini belum sih? (p.



19 Snape hasn’t read this

either (p. 23)

Snape juga belum baca

ini (p. 88)


20 But not mine. R.W.

(p. 25)

Tapi tidak bagiku. R.W.

(p. 93)


21 Ugly (p. 29) Jelek! (p.100) Literal Translation


22 But xxxxxxx if you're

Lockhart (p. 32)

Tapi xxxxxxx buat

Lockhart (p. 109)


23 I had one of them

once (p. 34)

Dulu aku pernah punya

satu (p. 112)


24 What happened to it?

(p. 34)

Apa yang terjadi

dengannya? (p. 112)

Literal Translation

25 Fred used it for

Bludger practice (p.


Fred memakainya utk

latihan Bludger (p.



26 My name is Gregory

Gayle and I smell! (p.


Namaku gregory gayle

dan aku bau (p. 125)

Literal Translation

27 Aren't all bad! (p. 41)

Tidak semuanya jahat!

(p. 128)

Literal Translation

28 Nice name

Keren lho namanya Compensation

29 You die Weasley

Mati kau, Weasley Transposition

30 Harry loves Moaning


Harry suka Myrtle



B. Data Analysis

The table above consists of 30 data which has been thoroughly inspected

and selected for the purpose of this research. The researcher analyzed the data

using Molina and Albir’s framework, with the result of the following analysis:

Datum 1

Source Language Target Language

Shared by Ron Weasley Juga milik Ron Weasley

In the first page of this book, there is a note that appeared to show the

reader who is the owner of this book. As been told in the background of the


research that this book is interpreted by Harry Potter’s textbook that been

copied and distributed to the non-magical person (Muggle). Then, Ron

Weasley also puts some notes, in the form of handwriting, explained that

this book does not only belong to Harry Potter, but also belong to him.

In this datum, the phrase Shared by is translated into Juga milik by the

translator. The message of both SL and TL text are the same that this book

not only belongs to Harry Potter according to Ron Weasley. The difference

in the TL and the SL is in the term of the point of view. Shared (adj) itself in

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2008) is owned, divided, felt or

experienced by more than one person. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa

Indonesia (2016), Milik (n) is kepunyaan; hak. The word shared is not

translated based on the dictionary of the target language, but the translator

did it to adjust the equivalence of the sentences. In this datum, modulation

technique applied by the translator since the translator changed the point of

view in the TL.

As mentioned on page 21, modulation is the translation technique that

applied by changing the point of view, focus, or cognitive aspect that

appeared in the source language, either lexical or structural. The application

of this technique by the translator is acceptable and the message conveyed

communicatively. Since if the sentence is translated literally, the translation

would be dibagi oleh Ron Weasley and it is less accurate because it will

make the target language reader confused. Therefore, the changing of point


of view by the translator will make the translation clearer and the message

will deliver properly to the target language reader.

Datum 2

Source Language Target Language

Because his fell apart Sebab bukunya sendiri sdh sobek2x

This handwriting appeared below the previous one to explain why

Ron Weasley put many notes in this book. He did so because his book is

already not in a good condition anymore. In this datum, the translator added

a noun to give more explanation about the possessive pronoun (his) that

appeared on the datum. In this translation, the translator explained the

belonging to the possessive pronoun by adding the word “buku” before the

pronoun and add the word “sendiri” after it. The translator gave another

linguistic element in translating the datum.

Therefore, the researcher considered that the translator applied the

linguistic amplification technique in translating the datum. As mentioned

on page 19 that linguistic amplification is a technique that adds the

linguistic elements from the source language into the target language. The

usage of this technique considered acceptable by the researcher since it gave

an explicit information to the reader about the possessive pronoun itself

although it is a little bit excessive but it is still acceptable.

In this datum, the compensation technique also applied by the

translator in translating the phrase “fell apart”. The translator translated the

phrase into “sdh sobek2x” in the TL. The translator tried to give the stylistic


effect in the original translation. The word “sudah” is written into “sdh” and

the phrase “sobek-sobek” is written into “sobek2x.” As Indonesian people

like to abbreviate some words when they write a note, the translator tried to

bring this culture when translating this datum.

As mentioned on page 17 that compensation is the translation

technique that introduces an SL element of information or stylistic effect in

another place in the TL because it cannot be reflected in the same place as in

the SL culture. The application of this technique is considered acceptable

since the readers had already familiar with the style of the writing that

brought by the translator in translating the SL text.

Datum 3

Source Language Target Language

Why don't you buy a new one then? Kenapa kau tidak beli yang baru?

This handwriting aimed to reply the previous handwriting. The

translator applied the literal translation technique since the SL is translated

literally and it has the same meaning and form with the TL. As mentioned

on page 20 that literal translation is the technique that used by the translator

to translate a word or an expression word for word. Separating the sentence

word-for-word will be (Why = Kenapa, don’t you = kau tidak, buy = beli, a

new one then = yang baru) to get an equivalence meaning in the SL and TL.

The translation technique applied in this translation is suitable since the

message still conveyed properly to the reader even though it is translated



Datum 4

Source Language Target Language

Write on your own book, Hermione Coreti bukumu sendiri, Hermione

In this datum, the translator tried to bring another variation in

translating the word “write.” In Bahasa Indonesia, the word write means

“tulis” and if this sentence translated literally, it will be “tulis bukumu

sendiri.” There would be a misunderstanding if it translated like this, so the

translator gives another style in translating the word “write” and it becomes

“coreti.” The root word of “coreti” is “coret”, in Kamus Lengkap Indonesia

Inggris (Stevens and Scmidgall-Tellings 2014) is scratch, stripe.

Therefore, the translation technique applied in this datum is variation

technique considering that that variation is the translation technique that

replaces the linguistic or paralinguistic elements that affect aspect of

linguistic variation (page 24). The usage of this technique is acceptable and

the message conveyed properly since that has been mentioned above, if this

datum translated literally, it would make the readers confused about the


Datum 5

Source Language Target Language

You bought all those dungbombs

in Saturday, you could have

bought a new book instead

Bukannya membeli buku baru, kau

malah membeli semua bom kotoran

itu hari sabtu lalu


The translator tried to translate the word “dungbombs” into the nearest

item in the TL by adapting it. A dungbomb itself, as explained in Harry

Potter Wikia (, is a magical

stink bomb that gives off a putrid odor and was invented in the 1800s by

Alberic Grunnion. Considering that there is no equivalence in the target

language culture, the translator translated the word “dungbombs” into “bom

kotoran” which has the same image in the SL (a bomb that made by dirt.) In

this datum, the adaptation technique applied by the translator since the

meaning of “dungbombs” replaced by the same character that derived from

the TL culture.

The word “dung” itself in Bahasa Indonesia means “kotoran.” It has

been mentioned on page 14 that adaptation can be used because the cultural

element in the SL is not found in the TL or the cultural elements in the TL

are more familiar to the target language reader. This translation considered

acceptable since the translator succeeded to bring the translation understood

by the reader because if this term translated literally, the reader that did not

know the dungbombs will get confused to interpret the image of the terms


The transposition technique is also found in this datum since the

structure of the SL is changed in the TL. The second sentence after the

comma in the SL is replaced into the beginning in the TL. The word

position’s “instead”, which is at the end of the second sentence on the SL, is

changed into the beginning of the sentence in the TL text which translated


into “bukannya”. As mentioned on page 23 that transposition is the

technique that used to change a grammatical category of the source

language into the target language. This researcher also considered that this

translation is acceptable since the message conveyed properly although

there is a change of grammatical order in this translation.

The amplification technique is also found in this datum as the

translator add the adverb “malah” before the verb “bought” in the TL, and

also add the word “lalu” after translating the word “Saturday” to emphasize

that this event has already passed. According to Molina and Albir (509-

511), the amplification technique is introducing the details or information

that are not formulated in the SL text. This translation considered acceptable

by the researcher since the translator gave additional information to give

more explanation to the readers.

Datum 6

Source Language Target Language

Dungbombs rule Hidup bom kotoran!

The text appeared when Ron Weasley aimed to reply the previous text

that talked about the dungbombs because he really loves to buy the

dungbombs instead buying the new book to replace his old one. The

adaptation technique applied in this translation since the translator

replaces the meaning of the “dungbombs” with the similar equivalence,

which is “bom kotoran,” in the target language. As has been mentioned on

page 14 that adaptation is the translation technique that the translator


replaces the cultural elements that appeared on source language (SL) text

with another cultural element that has the same or similar character that

derived from the target (TL). This translation is considered acceptable

because the translator did the same thing in translating the term as she had

been done in the datum 5.

In translating the word “rule” the translator translated it into “hidup.”

In this translation, the translator tried to translate it into a more concrete

term. Therefore, the particularization technique is applied in this

translation because it has been mentioned on page 22 that particularization

is translation technique that uses the term that is more concrete and specific.

The technique that applied in this translation is suitable since if the word

“rule” is translated literally into “aturan” would make the readers confused

and the message will not deliver appropriately.

Datum 7

Source Language Target Language


decent team in my book for a

change, Weasley


tulis tim yang OKE di bukuku,


The Chudley Cannons are a British Quidditch team that founded in

1753 and played in the British and Irish Quidditch League and, in 1972,

participated in the International Quidditch Tournament

( The Chudley

Cannons is Ron Weasley’s favorite team. Ron loves to put random notes


and he also put this note in the book. This note appeared before the table of

contents of this book. In this datum, the compensation technique applied

by the translator in translating the word “decent”.

The translator translated the word “decent” into “OKE”. The translator

even capitalized the word “oke” in the target language to express that she

added the stylistic effect to make this translation more acceptable for the

target language reader. As mentioned on page 17 that compensation is

translation technique that introduces an SL element of information or

stylistic effect in another place in the TL because it cannot be reflected in

the same place as in the ST. This translation is considered acceptable since

the TL readers are already got familiar with the style that brought by the


The transposition technique is also found in this datum because the

translator changed the word order from the SL into TL. The phrase “for a

change” is translated into “lain kali” by the translator in the TL. The word

order of the phrase is changed from the ending of the sentence in the SL into

the beginning of the sentence in the TL. As mentioned on page 23 that

transposition the is technique that used to change a grammatical category of

the source language into the target language. The application of this

technique is also acceptable since it did not change the message and it is

conveyed properly.


Datum 8

Source Language Target Language

Big hairy thing with too many


Makhluk besar berbulu yg kakinya


When there is a definition in that book about what is a beast, Ron puts

the note above the word beast itself and give his own explanation of what is

a beast. In this datum, the translator omitted the word “too” in translating

the TL. Therefore, it can be concluded that the reduction technique is

applied in this translator since the omission of a linguistic aspect happened

in this translation. Reduction itself is the technique applied with partial

subtraction because the subtraction is considered not to cause the distortion

of the meaning (page 22). The application of this technique considered

acceptable since the omission of the word “too” that been done by the

translator is acceptable since it is not distorting the meaning in the TL.

Datum 9

Source Language Target Language

You liar Bohong ah!

This handwriting appeared on page xiv on this book while there is a

chapter that was explained about a brief history of Muggle awareness of

fantastic beasts. Ron Weasley did not agree with this statement.

Furthermore, to his disagreement with the statement, he circled the word

brief on the page and write the phrase “you liar” note above it. The phrase


“You liar” translated into “Bohong ah!” by the translator. In this datum, the

translator only focused on one point of the phrase. Therefore, the linguistic

compression is applied in this translation since this technique used to

synthesize linguistic elements that appeared in the target language. The

technique applied in this translation is suitable since translating the phrase

literally into “kau pembohong” would be less communicative.

Datum 10

Source Language Target Language

But no one's told Hagrid Sayangnya tak ada yg memberitahu


This handwriting appeared when there is an explanation about the

prohibition in breeding the experimental creature. Ron put an arrow in the

word illegal on the book. The reason why Ron put that notes because, in the

Harry Potter story, Hagrid is the person who loves to breed and keep the

illegal creature even though it is prohibited by the minister of magic. In this

datum, the translator translated the text literally according to the word order

in the SL text. The translator focused on the form and the structure on the

SL in translating into the TL. If the sentence separated word-for-word, it

would be (But = sayangnya, no one’s = tak ada, told = yg memberitahu,

Hagrid = Hagrid).

Therefore, it could be said that the literal translation technique

applied in translating this data. As mentioned on page 20 that literal

translation is the technique that used by the translator to translate a word or


an expression word for word. This translation is acceptable since the

message still conveyed properly to the readers even though the translator

translated it word-for-word.

Datum 11

Source Language Target Language

Or anything Hagrid likes Atau apapun yang disukai Hagrid

In this book, there is some classification of how dangerous a creature

is. The classification called the M.O.M (Ministry of Magic) classification. It

begins with the XXXXX which is impossible to train or domesticate,

XXXX which is dangerous or requires the specialist knowledge, XXX

which is only competent wizard can cope it, XX which is harmless, and the

last one X which is boring for a wizard. Ron knows that Hagrid really loves

to keep the very dangerous creature, so he put the note beside the XXXXX

classification to express his knowing about Hagrid.

The literal translation technique applied by the translator since the

text translated literally and following the same word order in the SL. The

structure between SL and TL are the same, and the sentence is translated by

word-for-word. Separating the sentence by word-for-word, the meaning

would be (or = atau, anything = apapun, Hagrid likes = yang disukai

Hagrid). According to Molina and Albir (509-511), literal translation is the

technique that used by the translator to translate a word or an expression

word for word. The application of this technique is considered acceptable by


the researcher since the message still conveyed properly by the reader

although the sentence is translated word-for-word.

Datum 12

Source Language Target Language

Confirmed by Harry Potter and

Ron Weasley

Dipastikan oleh Harry Potter dan

Ron Weasley

This text appeared when Ron Weasley did not agree with the

statement that was talking about the rumours that a colony of Acromantula

has been established in Scotland are unconfirmed. Ron Weasley crossed the

word “unconfirmed” and put this note below it because he already saw the

Acromantula on an adventure with Harry and Hermione. In this datum, the

translator translated the text word for word and transferred the SL

grammatically and idiomatically appropriate into the TL. If this sentence

separated word-for-word, it would be (Confirmed = dipastikan, by = oleh,

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley = Harry Potter dan Ron Weasley).

Thus, in this translation, the literal translation technique applied by

the translator considering the word order and the structure between SL and

TL text is same and the amount of the words are same too. The application

of this technique is considered acceptable by the researcher since the

message still conveyed properly by the reader although the sentence is

translated word-for-word


Datum 13

Source Language Target Language

That’s what you think Itu kan yang kau tahu

Ron was not agreed with the writer of the book states that since

Basilisk, which also known as the king of serpents, are uncontrollable

except by Parselmouths, they are as dangerous to darkest wizards as to

anybody else, and there have been no recorded sightings of Basilisks in

Britain for at least four hundred years. Ron was not agreed with this

statement because in the second book of Harry Potter Series, Harry Potter

and the Chamber of Secret, has been told that Ron and his best friends,

Harry and Hermione, had already met the Basilisk itself in the chamber of

secret. Thus, Ron put this note below the statement.

The translator replaces the linguistic element in this datum since the

word “think” is not translated literally in the TL. The translator translated

the word “think” in the SL into “tahu” in the TL instead of translated it

literally. Therefore, the variation technique is applied in this translation

since the translator translated the word into the various aspect. As been

mentioned on page 24 that variation is the translation technique that replaces

the linguistic or paralinguistic elements, such as intonation and gestures,

that affect aspect of linguistic variation. The application of this technique

considered acceptable since if the word translated literally into “pikir,” it

would make the readers confused that will make the message of the

sentence did not convey properly.


Datum 14

Source Language Target Language

Last time I eat them then Aku tak mau makan lagi deh

Fizzing Whizzbees are a popular magical sweet with a large sherbet

shape that will cause a person who sucks on them float a few inches from

the ground (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 197). A rumor said

that dried Billywig stings are used in several potions and are believed to be

a component in the popular sweet and this rumor published in the book.

Thus, Ron Weasley who reads this in the book put an arrow to the Fizzing

Whizbees and writes this note below it.

In this datum, the translator tried to change the point of view in

translating this datum. The SL text and the TL text had the same meaning

which is Ron Weasley did not want to eat the Fizzing Whizzbees anymore.

However, in the SL text, the emphasis of the sentence is in the matter of

time which is “last time.” Then in TL text, the emphasis is in the term of

willingness. Therefore, the modulation technique is applied by the

translator in this datum as had been mentioned on page 21 that modulation

is the translation technique that applied by changing the point of view,

focus, or cognitive aspect that appeared on the source language, either

lexical or structural. The usage of this technique is acceptable since the

readers also get the same meaning that conveyed by the reader although the

point of view is changed in this datum.


Datum 15

Source Language Target Language

So Hagrid'll be getting some any

time now

Pasti Hagrid akan punya beberapa

butir sebentar lagi

This handwriting appeared when there is an explanation about the

Chimera. In the explanation, chimaera eggs are classified as Class A Non-

Tradeable Goods. As told in Harry Potter stories that Hagrid is the one who

likes to collect any creatures even it is not allowed by the minister of magic.

Therefore, Ron which already knows about this habit of Hagrid put this note

below the explanation. In this datum, the amplification technique was

applied since the translator add some specific details in translating the SL


The translator adds the word “butir” after the phrase “some any” to

give the additional information about what thing that Hagrid get in the SL

text. As mentioned on page 14 that amplification is a translation technique

that introducing the details or information that are not formulated in the SL

text. The application of this technique is suitable since the translator

enhances another element to give further information about what Hagrid got

to the reader.

Datum 16

Source Language Target Language

You're not kidding Memang betul!


Hungarian Horntail is supposedly the most dangerous of all dragon

breeds, has black scales and is lizardlike in appearance. It has yellow eyes,

bronze horns, and similarly coloured spikes that protrude from its long tail

(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 13). Ron Weasley agreed with

the statement said that the dragon is the most dangerous dragon, so he put an

arrow to the dangerous word and put this note below it. The modulation

technique applied in this datum since there is the shift of the meaning from

SL text to the TL text. If the SL translated literally, it would be (You’re not

kidding = kamu tidak bercanda). The translator tried to change the point of

view in this datum in order to give the real meaning in the TL and to

emphasize that the sentence was an approval sentence.

As mentioned on page 21 that modulation is translation technique that

applied by changing the point of view, focus, or cognitive aspect that

appeared in the source language, either lexical or structural. Thus, the point

of view in the TL is changed but the meaning is still can be understood by

the TL reader. Therefore, the usage of this technique is appropriate because

the message still carried appropriately.

Datum 17

Source Language Target Language

Baby Norbert Bayi Norbert

This handwriting appeared when he crossed the word Norwegian

Ridgeback at the book and replace them with Baby Norbert. As been told in

the Harry Potter series that Norbert is a kind of Norwegian Ridgeback


dragon that Harry, Ron, and Hermione saw him hatched in Hagrid’s home.

The literal translation technique applied by the translator because the

phrase translated in the same grammatical order as in the SL text. As been

mentioned on page 20 that literal translation is the technique that used by

the translator to translate a word or an expression word for word. If this text

translated separately, it would be (Baby = bayi, Norbert = Norbert). This

technique applied properly since the message is conveyed correctly.

Datum 18

Source Language Target Language

Has Hagrid read this book? Hagrid sudah baca buku ini belum


The Hippogriff is native to Europe, though now found worldwide. It

has the head of a giant eagle and the body of a horse. In the Harry Potter

story, Hagrid told that he used to have a hippogriff and Ron, Harry and

Hermione have already seen it. There is an explanation that Hippogriff can

be tamed, though this should be attempted only by experts. Ron gives

underline to the explanation above and put this not vertically beside the text

to show how upset Ron with Hagrid’s habit of keeping the restricted


The amplification technique is found in this translation since the

translator adds the word “sih” at the end of the sentence to emphasize the

uncertainty of Ron Weasley to Hagrid in the TL. As mentioned on page 14.

that amplification is a translation technique that introducing the details or


information that are not formulated in the SL text. The application of this

technique is still acceptable since it is not really affecting the message that

conveyed by the author.

Datum 19

Source Language Target Language

Snape hasn’t read this either Snape juga belum baca ini

Kappa is a Japanese water demon that inhabits shallow ponds and

rivers. Often said to look like a monkey with fish scales instead of fur, it has

a hollow in the top of its head in which it carries water (Fantastic Beasts and

Where to Find Them 23). However, Professor Snape states that Kappa is

more commonly found in Mongolia (Harry Potter and The Prisoner of

Azkaban 172). Ron, who had read the explanation in the book underlined

the word Japanese and then put this note above it to show how annoyed him

with Professor Snape for not believing in the statement.

The transposition technique is applied by the translator since the

grammatical order in the SL is changed in the TL. The word “either” in the

SL is at the end of the sentence. However, in the TL the word’s position of

“either”, which is translated into “juga”, is changed after the subject.

According to Molina and Albir (509-511), transposition is the technique that

used to change a grammatical category of the source language into the target

language. The change of grammatical order in this datum did not change the

message that conveyed to the reader so the translation is considered suitable

by the researcher.


Datum 20

Source Language Target Language

But not mine. R.W. Tapi tidak bagiku. R.W.

Leprechaun is a six inches’ tall creatures with a green colour who can

speak and can produce a realistic goldlike substance that vanishes after a

few hours, to their great amusement. Ron Weasley is not getting amused

with any of leprechaun magic trick, so he put an arrow and then write this

note to express his disagreement with the amusement statement. The

variation technique is applied by the translator since the word “mine” is

translated into “bagiku”.

The literal meaning of mine is milikku, but the translator replaced it

with “bagiku”. As mentioned on page 24 that variation is the translation

technique that replaces the linguistic or paralinguistic elements, such as

intonation and gestures, that affect aspect of linguistic variation. The

technique applied properly since if the translator still translated it literally

into “tapi tidak milikku” would make the reader confused and did not get the

message properly.

Datum 21

Source Language Target Language

Ugly Jelek!

When there is an explanation about the selkies of Scotland and the

Merrows of Ireland which are less beautiful than another merpeople


(mermaid), but they share that love of music which is common to all

merpeople. Ron Weasley aggressively crosses the phrase less beautiful and

write the word ugly instead. The word “ugly” in the SL translated literally

into “jelek” in the TL by the translator considering that it was the

appropriate meaning in the TL culture. Therefore, the literal translation

technique applied by the translator since there is no change in the structure

in the TL text. This technique considered acceptable since it already

equivalent to the TL.

Datum 22

Source Language Target Language

But xxxxxxx if you're Lockhart Tapi xxxxxxx buat Lockhart

In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book, there are some

classification from the Ministry of Magic (abbreviated as M.O.M) about the

level of how dangerous a creature in the magical world can be. There are

five categories of this classification. The first one is XXXXX which means

it is impossible that the creatures in this classification can be trained or

domesticated. The second one is XXXX which means that only skilled

wizard may handle those creatures. The third one is XXX which only a

competent wizard can cope the creatures in this category. The fourth one is

XX which is harmless may be domesticated. Then the last one, X, which is a

boring creature according to the Ministry of Magic.

When there is an explanation about Pixie on the book, Ron Weasley

saw that the M.O.M. classification for a Pixie is XXX. Thus, he put another


note that show a little disagreement about this since he knew that the

Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts in his second year of school,

Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, is not an expert since he never actually did any

of the heroic acts he claimed on many of his books and very bad at teaching

the course itself (

Capable of nothing makes Ron Weasley put more X behind the M.O.M.

classification of Pixie and write this note behind it.

In this datum, there is a change of point of view that been done by the

translator. The meaning of the both SL and TL text are the same which is

explaining that Lockhart is not able to cope the Pixie. However, the

difference between the SL and TL text is in the SL, the point of view of the

text is referred to the reader since it makes the reader imagine how if they

were Lockhart. Furthermore, the TL text point of view is referred to

Lockhart himself since he can manage to handle the creature. The

modulation technique is applied by the translator since there is a change of

point of view from the SL to TL.

The use of this technique is proper since if the translator force to

translate the phrase “if you’re” according to the point of view in the SL,

which become “jika kamu”, it would be less acceptable and probably would

make the reader confused about the meaning. Thus, the data become easier

to understand and simpler when the modulation technique applied.


Datum 23

Source Language Target Language

I had one of them once Dulu aku pernah punya satu

The Puffskein is found worldwide. Spherical in shape and covered in

soft, custard-coloured fur, it is a docile creature that has no objection to

being cuddled or thrown about. Easy to care for, it emits a low humming

noise when contented (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 34). Ron,

who used to have a Puffskein, circled the Puffskein word and then write the

note beside it.

In this datum, the transposition technique is applied by the

translator since the grammatical order in the SL is changed in the TL. The

position of adverb of time “once” is replaced from the end of the sentence in

the SL to the beginning of the sentence in the TL. The subject’s position in

the SL is also changed from the beginning of the sentence to become after

the adverb of time in the TL. This technique applied properly since the

message still conveyed appropriately even though the grammatical order is

changed in the TL.

Datum 24

Source Language Target Language

What happened to it? Apa yang terjadi dengannya?

The translator translated the datum literally and focusing on the

structure of the SL text. If the sentence separated word-for-word, the


translation would be (What = apa, happened = yang terjadi, to it? =

dengannya?). Therefore, it could be said that the literal translation

technique applied by the translator in translating the datum. As mentioned

on page 20 that literal translation is the technique that used by the translator

to translate a word or an expression word for word. Translating the text

literally did not affect the message conveyed by the author so the technique

applied properly.

Datum 25

Source Language Target Language

Fred used it for Bludger practice Fred memakainya utk latihan


Bludger is a round, jet black ball, made of iron, and is used in the

wizarding sport of Quidditch (

According to the data, the term “Bludge” didn’t have any adjustment or

changes when translated into the TL since there is no equivalence for this

term in the TL. Furthermore, this term is a sports term that only exists in the

Harry Potter’s magical realm and it will be more accurate if it stays in its

own original form. Therefore, this can be concluded that the borrowing

technique applied in this translation. This kind of borrowing called the pure

borrowing, referring to Molina and Albir’s framework (2002). The usage of

the borrowing technique in translating the term is precise since it would be

so hard for the translation to find the equivalence of the term in the TL.


Datum 26

Source Language Target Language

My name is Gregory Gayle and I


Namaku Gregory Gayle dan aku bau

Ron puts this random note and makes a bad human drawing below the

handwriting. The translator applied the literal translation technique since

the translator translated word-for-word and followed the word order in the

SL text. Translating the text separately would be (My name is = Namaku,

Gregory Gayle = Gregory Gayle, and I smell = dan aku bau). As mentioned

on page 20 that literal translation is the technique that used by the translator

to translate a word or an expression word for word. This technique applied

properly and the message also conveyed properly to the reader.

Datum 27

Source Language Target Language

Aren't all bad! Tidak semuanya jahat!

This handwriting appeared when Ron wants to give the clarification

that not every werewolves are bad since Harry Potter’s Godfather, Severus

Black, is a very nice person for him. The literal translation is applied by

the translator since it is translated word-for-word and it has the same

structure with the SL. If it is translated separately, it would be (Aren’t =

Tidak, all = semuanya, bad! = jahat!). As mentioned on page 20 that literal

translation is the technique that used by the translator to translate a word or


an expression word for word. The message conveyed properly to the reader

in this translation so the technique applied in this translation is suitable.

Datum 28

Source Language Target Language

Nice name Keren lho namanya

Newton (“Newt”) Artemis Fido Scamander was born in 1897. His

interest in fabulous beasts was encouraged by his mother, who was an

enthusiastic breeder of fancy Hippogriffs (Fantastic Beasts and Where to

Find Them vi). It is a piece of biography from the author of this book (a

fictional author that created by the real author of this book, J.K. Rowling).

Ron seems to be amazed by the name of the author, so he underlines the full

name of the author and put this note above his name.

In this datum, the translator amplified another aspect in translating the

TL text. The translator adds the word “lho” after translating the word “nice”

in order to give another expression in the TL. The word “lho” is not

reflected in the SL thus the compensation technique is applied in this

translation since the translator gave the stylistic variant in translating the

text. This technique is still acceptable in this translation because it is not

affecting the message conveyed to the readers.

Datum 29

Source Language Target Language

You die Weasley Mati kau, Weasley


It seems like Ron Weasley loses in the hangman game, so he writes

this note beside the hangman picture. In this datum, the transposition

technique is applied by the translator since the grammatical order in the SL

is changed in the TL. The SL is an active sentence and it is changed into an

active phrase. The grammatical order in the SL is S (You) + V (die) but the

translator changed it into V (mati) +S (kau). According to Molina and Albir

(509-511), transposition is the technique that used to change a grammatical

category of the source language into the target language. Translating the

word literally into “Kau mati, Weasley” would be inappropriate and will

make the reader confused so the technique that been applied in this

translation is suitable.

Datum 30

Source Language Target Language

Harry loves Moaning Myrtle Harry suka Myrtle merana

Like has been told above that Ron likes to put random notes in this

book. Thus, he writes this note to tease Harry Potter. He puts the name of a

bathroom ghost, Moaning Myrtle, after Harry’s name. Moaning Myrtle is a

Muggle-born witch who attended Hogwarts from 1940-1943. The real name

of her is Myrtle Elizabeth Warren but she got the nickname because she is a

ghost that killed by Voldemort’s Basilisk that haunts the first-floor girl’s

bathroom at Hogwarts (

The literal translation of the word “moaning” is “mengerang”.


Considering that the translation is not really appropriate in the TL, the

translator changed it into “merana” to adjust with the TL culture. Therefore,

the technique that applied in this translation is variation technique since it

is replacing the linguistic element that affects aspect of linguistic variation

(page 24). The technique applied properly since translating the word

literally will not suitable for the TL culture.




A. Conclusion

From the data that has been analyzed, the researcher gives the conclusion to

the study about the translation techniques applied in a literary work. In translating

text, especially literary work, the translator should really concern in the process

and should follow the rule of translation and should consider the proper

translation techniques to achieved a good result of translation. Thus, the TL reader

would feel the same experience as they read the original book and understand the

proper meaning that was derived by the author of the book. As it had been

explained above that the translation techniques as procedures to analyze and

classify how translation equivalence works.

In the translation of Ron Weasley’s Handwriting on Fantastic Beasts and

Where to Find Them book, there are twelve techniques that are used. These

twelve techniques are Modulation (4 data), Linguistic amplification (1 data),

Compensation (3 data), Literal translation (9 data), Variation (4 data), Adaptation

(2 data), Transposition (4 data), Amplification (3 data), Particularization (1 data),

Reduction (1 data), Linguistic Compression (1 data), Borrowing (1 data). The

most dominant type of translation techniques that are found in this book is Literal

Translation, which has the highest frequency (9 data). Most of the SL text,

through this technique, is translated literally without changing the structure in the

SL and without any addition or reduction when translated into the TL. The


translator succeeds in applying the techniques in translating the data because most

of the message conveyed properly to the reader.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the research of the translation techniques of Ronald

Weasley’s Handwriting in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K.

Rowling, the researcher would like to give some suggestion.

For the translator of this book, the researcher suggest that she should pay

more attention to the technique that she want to apply and should also concern

about the meaning of the text itself in order to achieved the translation that would

be understood by the TL reader, especially in the term of meaning equivalent, to

avoid the ambiguity in the TL. Thus, the TL reader would feel the same

experience when they read the result of the translation.

For next researcher, the researcher suggests that the other should have more

understanding about a literary work and also the translation techniques itself in

order to get more experience when analyzing the data to achieved the equivalent

of the meaning in the TL itself. Furthermore, there are only twelve types of

translation techniques found in this translation. Therefore, it would be a good

suggestion to find more techniques in the analysis of data.

For the fellow English Letters Department students, especially translation

students, the understanding of grammar, proverb, word class, and other aspects of

language is a must because translating activity is not only transferring the

language from one to another, but also transferring all the aspects above and

obviously the meaning of the text. Exploring more about the translation


techniques in any kind of text would be very useful to elaborate the knowledge

and the understanding about the translation study.



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Description of the book

Author : J.K. Rowling

Country : United States of America

Language : English

Publisher : Scholastic Press

Publication Year : 2001

Genre : Fiction

Pages : 59

ISBN : 9780439321600












