The Vikings By Hetty and Liberty Contents page Who were the Vikings?ho were the Vikings? How did the...


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The Vikings

By Hetty and Liberty

Contents page

• Who were the Vikings?• How did the Vikings live ?• What was their religion?

–Sagas• Quiz time

Quiz time !!!

What's up? It’s now quiz time !!!

What do you know and what have you learnt ?

You are going to be asked questions, ok? And we will be asking you for the answer - are you ready? Go !!!!

Question 1

What is a saga?

Is it something we believed


Is it something the Vikings believed

Start again

• Boo hoo you got one wrong !!!!!!!!! : (

1 right

Congratulations you win 10 points, well done ! : )

Question 2




Well done ! You’re amazing10

10 points

Sorry try again !

You got it wrong haha ! You miss 10 whole points .


Question 3

• Where did the Vikings come from ?

• Was it France,Germany and Sweden

• Or

• Denmark ,Norway,Sweden

Well done !!!!!

You win 10 points !!!

You got it wrong !!!!

You loose 10 points !!!

Go back

Well done

You have completed the quiz well done, thank you for listening ! Good job .

No ! You should !

• Thank you, you have been great, bye x

Who were the Vikings ???

The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old Norse' and means 'a pirate raid'. People who went off raiding in ships were said to be 'going Viking'.

The Viking age in European history was about AD 700 to 1100. During this period many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland. Some went to fight and steal treasure. Others settled in new lands as farmers, craftsmen or traders .


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How did the Vikings live ???

Most of the Vikings lived on farms , they usually spent their time looking after their animals or killed others for meat, they didn’t eat many vegetables or fruits. They had to work most of the days so they could be warm, eat, and have family time. The children helped with the fire and girls sewed. .back to Page 2

What Viking houses looked like

Most Vikings lived on farms , these were poor houses.

This house is a rich house because it is camouflaged to keep away the Saxons .

Some people lived in these houses, but they either lived in farms or camouflaged houses . This type of house wasn’t very popular .

What was their religion?

• When the Vikings came to Britain, they had their own pagan religion. They worshipped many gods. The old stories they told about gods, giants and monsters are known as Norse myths. In one story, Thor, the god of thunder, tries to prove his strength to the Giant King by attempting to lift a giant cat. But he could only lift one of its paws! Back to page 2


They are what the Vikings believed. In 982 AD, Eric the Red was outlawed from Iceland for three

years. He decided to explore the country to the west; it had been sighted some 50 years earlier from a storm-driven ship. The land was rich in wild life, fish and birds, so he and his men marked sites for future farms there. He returned to Iceland, called the country Greenland, and sailed again to Greenland in 986 AD, accompanied by 25 ships. Only 14 of them arrived safely. They landed in an area (the Eastern Settlement) which eventually contained several hundred farms, 12 parish churches, a cathedral and a monastery. Sheep, cattle and goats were raised in the area; seal and Caribou supplemented the diet. The best land lay around Ericsfjord in the Eastern Settlement. Here at a farm they called Brattalid, Eric and his family settled. Back to page 2
