The Virgin of Guadalupe. Has become important symbol for Mexican heritage


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The Virgin of Guadalupe

Has become important symbol for Mexican heritage

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Extremadura, Spain

• Shrine for Mary in Spain

• Extremadura was home of many conquistadors, including Hernan Cortes

Guadalupe Basilica, Mexico City

Has “Indian” features? What do you think?

Traditional European Images

Mexican revolutionaries would use symbol in 1800s

God painting the tilma

So, what do you think?

• Do you think Juan Diego was being truthful? Why or why not?

• Is it important that the Virgin appeared to an Indian instead of a European? Why or why not?

• Was the Virgin of Guadalupe depicted with Indian features on purpose in order to appeal to Indians? Does it matter?

• Was the Virgin of Guadalupe simply a newer representation of ancient Aztec gods?
