Things That A Man Must Do


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nothing but victory on a

If one wants to learn to be a badass, then they would be following the "Tao of Badass" as "Tao"

means "the way" A program that outlines how to be successful with women in found in the book

"Tao of badass" written by Joshua Pellicer In his book, Pellicer puts forth the idea that many men

are intimated by women they find attractive, which may be the allure of these women, thus he

believes that a step by step guide is required to allow these men to interact on various levels with

the women.

Joshua Pellicer wrote a book called the "Tao of Badass". The title refers to the Chinese concept

of "the way" (Tao), simply put, it is the way to be a badass. In this book, Pellicer puts forth the

concept that many men are intimated by attractive women. Thus he believes that a program is

required to be successful with these type of women. He outlines a step by step training on how to

achieve this. The "Tao of badass" was written by Pellicer when he started his own company by

leaving the group "The Art of Charm". Pellicer has been considered an expert as he has been

featured on various news outlet throughout the US and had his own radio program.

In Chinese, the concept of "Tao" is signified by "the way". Joshua Pellicer, author of the "Tao of

badass", states that this book shows a man the way to be a badass with women. What this means

is that men are intimated by attractive women. The book puts forth the idea that men require a

step by step program that empowers them to overcome their intimidation and interact successfully

with attractive women. Pellicer wrote this book after leaving the group: The Art of Charm and

starting his own company. Pellicer's methods have been featured on many news outlets and on a

radio program hosted by Sirius Radio.?

Pellicer takes it upon himself to teach how to interact with women in his program called "The

System". This program is outlined in his 150 page book, and begins with the initial approach and

meeting through to having a successful monogamous relationship.

In the book, Pellicer states that attracting women is not instinctual but rather a learned skill. The

book commences by detailing and defining gender roles, in general, and man, specifically.

Pellicer calls his program "They System", which outlines how to interact with women, in a step-by-

step, manner. "The System" is outlined in the 150 pages of the book and begins with the initial

contact and ends with the maintenance of the relationship that makes it cheat-proof.?

"The Tao of Badass" begins by Pellicer asserting the idea that attracting women is a learned skills

rather than something instinctual. It further explains in its 150 pages that the program, which is

called the "The System" can be learned from the initial approach and meeting of these women as

well as the maintenance of the relationship.

{ "The Tao of Badass" comprises topics such as ways to "break the ice", common mistakes made,

understanding body language to ascertain whether a women is lying, how to move the

relationship forward, among other subjects. {Pellicer claims that "The Tao of Badass" will help any

man learn to get the woman, or women, he wants, regardless of what a given man wants in a

relationship Apparently, "The Tao of Badass" is not just for "playboys".| Pellicer professes to be

able to help any man learn to get a women regardless of the type of relationship he wants.| "The

Tao of badass" according to Pellicer, is a book that can help the average man to build a

relationship with a woman regardless of whether he is looking for a short-term or long-term

relationship.| Pellicer states that the "Tao of badass" is the type of book that can be beneficial to

any man, whether he is looking for a relationship or is playing the field.| As Pellicer states, this

book is not just for "a playboy", it can help any man learn to get a women not matter what type of

relationship he is looking for.

"The Tao of badass" deals with various topics from overcoming intimidation, learning to talk to a

woman, the most common mistakes men make. Additionally, Pellicer states that this book is

meant to any man who wants to learn how to get a women. Whether he is looking for something

long term or even short term. He further explains the mistakes men make that makes a woman

lose interest and thus effectively end a relationship.

Pellicer, in "The Tao of badness" covers many topics such as "breaking the ice", overcoming

intimidation, how to read a women's body language. He further asserts that he can teach a man

how not to make the common errors that either makes a women lose interest or that doesn't allow

for the relationship to move beyond the friendship stage. He believes that he can make any man

learn the skills required to get a women. His methods is not just for what he terms a "playboy" but

for the average guy.

{ His sure-fire methodology in the "The Tao of Badass" was cultivated over many years. He

gained national attention when he was interviewed by various new agencies as well as "Saturday

Night Live" created a skit to make fun of him. With the publication of "The Tao of Badass", he is

self-admittedly one of the most successful dating coaches in the United States, helping many men

obtain success-however a man defines that success-with women. {He maintains that many dating

coaches offer tips that are actually hurting men's' success with women, and that "The Tao of

Badass" points out these mistaken tips and outlines why they are just that-mistakes. | Pellicer

maintains that his book points out the mistakes that other dating coaches provide and explains

why they are mistakes.| Pellicer believes that many dating coaches offer advice and tips that are

not beneficial to a man's success with women and that his book makes note of these errors and

explains why they are mistakes.| He asserts that there are tips that are provided from other dating

coaches that cause harm, and that "the Tao of Badass" details these mistakes and why they are

considered mistakes.| He affirms that his book explains the various mistakes that many dating

coaches provide that can impair a man's success with women.

Pellicer, through his book, has gained national attention through interviews with major new

agencies. He further states that all the methodology and techniques in his book took several

years to perfect. He believes that many dating coaches provide advice and tips that can actually

hurt a man's chances to find success with women. "The Tao of Badass" details these mistakes

and explains why they are mistakes. He has gained national attention through various new

agency interviews as well as on "Saturday Night Live".

Pellicer admits that he is the most successful dating coach in the US. He asserts that they is due

to the publishing of his book "The Tao of Badass". He further explains that his techniques are

sure-fire and took several years to develop. He gain national attention by completing several

interviews with some major new agencies, as well as having a skit about him presented on

"Saturday Night Live". In his book, he details mistakes that other dating coaches have provided

and explains why they are mistakes. He believes that these mistakes can actually do more

damage to the success of men in building relationships with women.

{Apparently at one point in his life, Pellicer found himself in a new city, having just broken up with

an "ex" (wife or girlfriend?), and feeling lonely for female companionship. He himself started out

reading advice books, seeking ways to meet, date, and hook up with attractive women. Some

time before writing "The Tao of Badass", he claims within two weeks he had met eight "gorgeous"

women, had gotten all their telephone numbers, and hung out with all of them. And that within a

month, was dating four of them simultaneously (with their knowledge), finally settling on the one

that he most liked and dating her exclusively. Along with his own once-dependence on "dating

advice", and finding that unsuccessful, and his own experiments learned on a first-hand basis, he

was eventually led to write "The Tao of Badass" so that all men would have the opportunity (of

course, for a price) to learn "The Tao of Badass"... |The explanation of how Pellicer came to write

this book was through his own experience: he was in a new city and feeling lonely as he had

ended a long term relationship. He was reading books on dated and came to the realization that

he was not having success. Through this realization and using his own experiments, he met

several women and dated 4 of them at a time until he figured out the one lady was his special

person.| In the book, Pellicer states that he went through various dating advice books. This lead

him to being unsuccessful in dating. By developing his own methods, he was able to find success

with women and gave him the opportunity to write "The Tao of Badass and provide the same

opportunity to learn to other men.

Pellicer came to write his book through his own experiences. He states in his book that he was

new in a city and lonely for female companionship. He tried several dating advice books which in

turn he was unsuccessful with. By developing his own method through experimentation and

looking at what the advice books were giving him, he realized the opportunity to write "The Tao of

badass" to allow other men to achieve the same success he had. By using his own methods, with

2 weeks he was dating 8 women and within a month it was down to 4 and after that he picked the

one lady that we wanted to be with. He claims that the "Tao of badass" is the "Cliff' Notes" to

dating success. The books allows a man to learn what to do rather than what to think when

meeting women.

The "Tao of Badass" is a guide that was developed when Pellicer moved to a new city and was

lonely for female companionship. He asserts that the book is the "Cliff's Notes" to successful

dating. It was developed when he was using various dating advice books and was not very

successful. He used that experience to develop his methodology and techniques. He found that

within 2 weeks of using his own techniques, he was dating 8 women. Within a month, he had

brought that number to 4 until he exclusively dated one woman. He believes that the "Tao of

badass" is an opportunity for many men to find success in dating, at a price, of course. The book

teaches what to do not what to think..?

the tao of badass
