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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Define It! Definitions Vocab It could be TRUE…

True or False

Big Ideas

What is evaporation?

A 100

Evaporation causes liquids to dry up

A 100

What is a mixture?

A 200

A mixture is a blend of 2 or more materials evenly spread

throughout one another

A 200

What is a precipitate?

A 300

A precipitate is a solid material that forms as a product of a reaction.

A 300

What is saturation?

A 400

Saturation is the point at which nothing else can


A 400

Define ratio.

A 500

A ratio is a proportion or comparison to the whole

A 500

A special mixture formed when a material dissolves in


B 100

B 100


3D solid form of a material that can be recognized by its properties (shape, color, and


B 200

B 200


When two or more chemicals are mixed together and a

change occurs

B 300

B 300

Chemical Reaction

The amount of material (solute) dissolved in a

measure of liquid (solvent)

B 400

B 400


When you make a solution less concentrated by adding

more liquid (solvent)

B 500


B 500

The process of becoming something different

C 100


C 100

What is volume?

C 200

Volume the 3D space occupied by something

C 200

__________ is a substance that dissolves a solute to form

a solution

C 300


C 300


C 400


Place A Wager

What is the definition of a


C 400

Reactants are chemicals that react when mixed with

other chemicals

C 400

________ is the ability to be dissolved

C 500


C 500

D 100

Change the word in red to make this statement true:

Cereal, salt, and baking soda are more soluble in water compared to citric acid.

D 100

Cereal, salt, and baking soda are

less soluble in water compared to citric acid.

Change the word in red to make this statement true:

A diluted solution is a solution in which no more

material will dissolve.

D 200

A saturated solution is a solution in which no more material

will dissolve.

D 200

Change the word in red to make this statement true:

Molly made a pitcher of iced tea. It’s too strong. She adds

more sugar to dilute her drink.

D 300

Molly made a pitcher of iced tea. It’s too strong. She adds more

water to dilute her drink.

D 300

D 400

Change the word in red to make this statement true:

Filtering is a method of separating a solution.

D 400

Evaporation is a method of separating solutions.

Change the word in red to make this statement true:

As long as the ratio between solute and solvent stays the

same, the saturation point will remain the same.

D 500

As long as the ratio between solute and solvent stays the

same, the concentration will remain the same.

D 500

True or False

Sometimes when 2 (or more) chemicals are mixed, changes take place and new materials


E 100


E 100

True or False

Evidence of a chemical reaction are dissolving and

turning cloudy.

E 200


Changes, such as heat, gas and precipitate formation are

evidence of a chemical reaction.

E 200

True or False

2 scoops of detergent in 1000 ml of water has a higher

concentration than 1 scoop in 500 ml of water.

E 300


They are equal to each other.

E 300

True or False

When two different containers of an Epsom salt saturated solution are at the same temperature, it means

they have the same concentration.

E 400

E 400


True or False

The more solute, the high the concentration.

E 500


The more solute, the high the concentration.

E 500

True or False

When using a balance to compare concentrations, you do not have to worry about

the difference of liquid volumes.

F 100


When using a balance to compare concentrations, you must compare equal volumes.

F 100

The more solvent, the (higher/lower) the


F 200

The more solvent, the

lower the concentration.

F 200

True or False

The solute in a solvent takes up space but does not have


F 300


The solute in a solvent takes up space and has mass.

F 300

True or False

All solutions are mixtures, but all mixtures are not


F 400


All solutions are mixtures, but all mixtures are not solutions

F 400

True or False

Some solutions have saturation points.

F 500

F 500


All solutions have a saturation point.

The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Separating a Mixture

Please record your wager.

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Christie made a dry mixture out of Legos, calcium citrate (crushed up

chalk), and citric acid. She added 50 ml of water to her mixture. She wants to separate them in order: first Legos, second calcium citrate, and last citric acid. She has an evaporation dish, a screen, and a filter. Write the steps

she should take to separate her mixture.

Click on screen to continue

1. Screen- to retrieve Legos

2. Filter- to retrieve the calcium citrate

3. Evaporate- to retrieve the citric acid

Click on screen to continue

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