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Thoughts From the Pastor

Clothing Closet

STARTS: Tuesday 10/5/21 9 am

Anyone who wants to expand their quilting or who would like to

learn how to quilt is welcome!!!











The months are flying by. Have you ever wondered why the years seem to go by faster as we get older? Someone once explained to me that as we get older, we have a longer timeline to compare to. For instance, when we were twenty. A year was 5% of our life. When we are 60, a year is only 1.66% of our life and when we reach 75 a year is only 1.3%. This may not make you feel any better about the fleeting years, but it does explain it mathematically.

So here we are on the verge of a new Church Year, beginning this year on November 28th (calendar year). November is quite a busy month for the Church Calendar, beginning the 1st with All Saints Day. Hopefully we will see some cooler weather soon and we can enjoy the outdoors. No matter what you are interested in as a form of recreation, it is often better enjoyed out in the open air.

My hobby, since I was a young child, has been building and flying model airplanes. In the sum-mer months I build new models and overhaul the older ones, and as cooler weather comes, I fly them as often as I can. This puts me in touch with God’s creation in a special way. I also get to en-joy the fellowship with others, teaching and learning from the community of participants. I was told that when I retired, I would need a hobby, well I started mine well before retirement, and still enjoy learning from it. I must admit I have “failed” retirement three times so far. I believe that it is good at any age to learn something new, if we continue to learn it not only helps us to keep our minds keen, but it also introduces us to new friends, and experiences.

Last month I promised some details of new ministries beginning in the fall. One of my favorite things to do is to teach classes related to Bible or Religious subject. I would like to start by asking who would like to study what: ?? The twist is that I would like those participating to bring a friend who is not a church member. There is not obligation and no pressure, but this is a way of Evange-lizing without pushing someone who might feel uncomfortable otherwise. The study will be at a beginner level with no “Churchy Words” and no “Homework”! Let me know what you would like to study. I will introduce the possible subjects during Worship.

By His Grace.

Pastor Iain


AVALON SCHOOL: is still helping to donate to the commu-nity and is helping the church to accomplish this. We thank them for their support and everything that they are doing .

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Blessing Box

Shoe Boxes will be available for pick up October 17th after church, and each Sunday there-after. Shoe Boxes must be back to the church on or before November 21st.. Discover: The Amazing Journey of a Simple Shoebox Gift

I went to Naples , Florida this Summer for a job, but it also partially functioned as a vacation, the location is beautiful.

I saw the beautiful shoreline/ocean, palm trees, and ate the most wonderful food… Food that I haven't had since I was back in NY.

Where do I even begin? Well in May we traveled from Arizona to Wisconsin, had good weather and good roads for our four days. Then the fun began: started out with visiting a back doctor for Daryl, moved onto a new general doctor for him. That’s when the fun began with a weight loss of over 30 lbs! due to his thyroid and has been found to have Graves Disease. I had cataract surgery on both eyes, vision is good other then the sun and sky which is a complication. I may have to go back into surgery so that will delay going to Arizona. Daryl and I are taking care of one another: Daryl with his double vision and Carol with complications after cataract surgery… Good thing we have been married 58 years ! We can read each others mind. We are looking forward to a pork chop dinner being delivered to us by Wesley UMC as their fundraiser. God is Good… all the time God is Good.

Love to Everyone at Desert Chapel,

Carol and Daryl

Each year we send shoe boxes full of gifts to children that have never heard of Jesus and have never received a Christmas gift. They each re-ceive a box filled with toys, school supplies, etc. Following is the story of one such child:

Mariya lived in Ukraine with her family and 5 siblings in a one room home. They were very poor, not having money for food or cloth-ing. They did attend church even though it was looked down upon by neighbors. She was bullied in school because of this and that she was dressed in old clothes. Other kids would not play with her or let her sit with them to eat her lunch. She did go to Sunday school and she prayed to God for friends. Her mother took ill and was hospitalized for a long time in a town miles from her. After being released and waiting to go home, her mother attended a children's church service where the kids were given Christmas Shoe boxes. There were 3 boxes left over and they were given to her mother. When she got home and gave the boxes to the 6 children, they were so happy and noisy that the people above and below them came to see what was going on. In Mariya’s box were 50 pencil erasers. She took them to school and shared them with her class. After this show of kindness, she had no problem with having friends. She is a gifted artist, married and now lives in Ohio and teaches high school art. She remains active in Operation Christmas Child and speaks to groups around the country. The gift that keeps on giv-ing. LOVE!


Finance: August Deposits: $27,677.79 (Many thanks to a Church Member who gave a special contribution.) August Bills totaled: $10,661.77 We are just beginning to realize the effects of moving to a Part Time Pastor. We still have a large balance due to the Southwest Conference for amounts due for Pastor Sharon’s Health

Insurance and Pension Contribution. It is our goal to have this debt paid in full in October.

September 8, 2021 Leadership Business Meeting Air Conditioners have been replaced. Rubber Roof will be redone towards the end of September. Spikes on roof to keep pigeons off have been put back on roof after the roof was redone. Keith Hale is working with a Company that wishes to rent South part of parking lot

for temporary storage of their equipment. Keith is also talking with a couple of Landscapers to remove weeds and general grounds clean up. If you would like to help with Trustee projects, please see Keith.

Susie McCord and others on the Worship Team have been cleaning up the Choir Room and the adjacent rooms.

Noisy Change Sunday will begin the 2nd Sunday in October (October 10th). The Leadership Board

approved to have the monies go towards paying our Apportionments.

Church Conference is scheduled for October 30th. Time to be announced.

Missions for the month of October are:

Shoebox Ministry to begin October 17th (Led by Mike and Mariann Gray). To begin collecting items for

Turkey Boxes for families of Avalon. Our goal is 50 boxes.

The Apache Junction Parks and Recreation is hosting their annual Halloween Party and Trunk and Treats. This will be held at Flat Iron Park on October 30th. If you would like to participate, you can sign up on their Website.

The Leadership Board welcomes it’s newest member, Charlie Hatfield, as Director at Large. Charlie has also

agreed to work in the office on Monday mornings. If you would like to work in the office, please let us

know! We are looking for more volunteers!!

With Christ’s Love, Jeannine Allen

Next Business Meeting : Oct 13 / Planning Meeting: Oct 26


His Eye Is On The Sparrow Civilla D. Martin

The information for this hymn review was taken from Then Sings My Soul by Robelt J. Morgan, and

Amazing Grace by Kenneth W. Osbeck.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father in heaven. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid, you are worth more than sparrows. Matthew 10:29-31 The author and her husband, Dr. Walter Martin, while visiting the city of Elmira, NY, became acquainted with a Mr. & Mrs. Doolittle. This relationship developed into a deep friendship and Civilla referred to them as "true saints of God" as Mrs. Doolittle was bedridden for many years and Mr. Doolittle was a cripple who used a wheelchair to go to and from his place of business. They lived happy lives and brought inspiration and comfort to others. When Dr. Martin made a comment about their cheerfulness and hope, Mr. Doolittle replied, "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me". This, of course, inspired Mrs. Martin to compose the hymn Kenneth Osbeck feels that “- it is interesting that our Lord chose the most common of all birds, sparrows of little value, to teach a profound truth: in God/s eye no one is insignificant. He is vitally concerned with even the details of our lives.” He also feels that the Bible uses another bird to teach this inspiring truth. “He who hopes in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles ---” {Isaiah 40:31} With an awareness of God's concern for ou lives and the promise of His enabling power to live victoriously, why should we be afraid? These themes led to the author writing not only “His eye is on the sparrow”, but a year earlier, “God will take care of you”. The author, Civilla Durfee Martin, was born in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1869, and became a school & music teacher but after marrying Dr. Walter Martin, an evangelist, she gave up teaching to travel with him and help him in his meetings.

Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely, And long for heaven and home?

When Jesus is my portion, My constant friend is he, His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, Whenever clouds arise,

When songs give place to sighing, Whenever hope within me dies, I draw the closer to Him, From care He sets me free,

For His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.



1 2

* Community

Feast/Clothing Closet 10 am


* Worship



*10-2 Pastor in



*10-2 Pastor in


*9am Quilters

6 7 8 9

* Community

Feast/Clothing Closet 10 am


* Worship


* Noisy



*10-2 Pastor in



*10-2 Pastor in


*9am Quilters



* Board Business

Meeting 4pm

14 15 16

* Community

Feast/Clothing Closet 10 am


* Worship



*10-2 Pastor in



*10-2 Pastor in


*9am Quilters

20 21 22 23

* Community

Feast/Clothing Closet 10 am


* Worship



*10-2 Pastor in



*10-2 Pastor in


*9am Quilters


* Planning for the

Future Meeting 4pm

28 29 30

* Community

Feast/Clothing Closet 10 am


* Worship


October 2021


Desert Chapel United Methodist Church

462 N. Palo Verde Dr.

Apache Junction, AZ 85120
