Timeline: Historical Overview of Ancient...


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Timeline: Historical Overview of Ancient


Time Periods of Greece:Early Bronze Age

Minoan Age

Mycenaenan Age

Dark Ages

Archaic Period

Classical or Golden Age


2900 to 2000 BCE

introduction of metallurgy, specifically bronze, to create tools and weapons

Early Bronze Age

2000 to 1400 BCE

Bronze Age civilization centering on the island of Crete

named after the legendary King Minos

Minoan Age

1400 to 1100 BCE

period of high cultural achievement

cut short by the Dorians or perhaps civil war (or both) ushering in the Dark Ages

Mycenaean Age

1100 to 750 BCE

thats about it...

Dark Ages

750 to 500 BCE

beginnings of stone sculpture

rise of the polis

rise of the aristocracies

Greek colonization of Southern Italy and Sicily begins

Archaic Period

500 to 336 BCE

the golden age of Greece

conflict with Persia

Athens reaches its height

building of the Parthenon

time of-- Sophocles, Socrates, Plato and Alexander the Great

Classical Period

336 to 146 BCE

after the conquests of Alexander and the rise of Roman supremacy

spreading of Greek culture and learning

Hellenistic Period