Transportation & Global Trade Product Development Update



Transportation & Global Trade Product Development Update. Jim Mooney Vice President, Logistics Development March 2014. Agenda. Oracle Survey Release Update Key Functional Initiatives Rollup Features Technology Topics Q&A. Oracle Logistics Survey. Oracle Logistics Survey. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#1Transportation & Global Trade Product Development UpdateJim MooneyVice President, Logistics Development

March 2014

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#2AgendaOracle SurveyRelease UpdateKey Functional InitiativesRollup FeaturesTechnology TopicsQ&ACopyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Oracle Logistics SurveyDuring the past year, Oracle has invested in enhancing the areas below. How would you assess the value of investing in this area?Should Oracle invest more in this area?No or Minimal ValueNeutral on ValueValuableVery ValuableYesNoProviding flexible fields on key OTM objectsReporting (e.g. flexibility of report scheduling)Document management (e.g. external storage, workflow)Rate Inquiry (e.g. multiple results per itinerary)Promote to production enhancementsMapping capabilities (e.g. support different map vendors)Dispatch Board enhancementsFleet enhancementsStatic route / detachable ground schedule enhancementsLoad / 3d Load Configuration enhancementsContinuous move/dedicated fleet planning enhancementsFacilitating multi-tier transportation networksSourcing enhancementsGlobal Trade Management enhancementsSupport more content from Customs Info Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Oracle Logistics SurveyCompany informatione.g. Which version is in production?Client satisfaction e.g. Ease of install & upgradee.g. Integration CapabilitiesParticipant InformationDont forget the business card

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Oracle Logistics: umbrella term encompassing OTM & GTM

5Release Update

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Product Innovation15 releases in past 8.5 years5. Cooperative RoutingFleet ManagementTransportation Business IntelligenceGlobal Trade Management6.3LCC, Mobile Apps, CustomsCopyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#7Product InnovationPipeline of New Capabilities6. GA release 1 year 1 year>1 yearCopyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#86.3 RollupsReleased every 4 monthsAble to patch against specific RollupsInclude more robust enhancements:Incremental DB additionsIncremental XML additionsProperty / Parameter controlled enhanced functionalityImproved upgrade experienceDue to more focus on incremental controls if currentWorking on reducing downtime for Rollups if current

6.3 RollupsWhile we will have the ability to patch back:Backports of bugs will still be on an exception basisNo backports of enhancementsSame advice from Development: Stay Current!No official line on Rollup age, but similar to current approach we will not be able to patch back too many Rollups they age!Likely no longer than 1 year (match other Oracle products)This will likely be the same approach we will follow with 6.4 Rollups and beyond.

OTM/GTM Lifetime Support PolicyReleaseEnd PremierEnd Extended End Sustaining5.5Nov 2010Nov 2013Indefinite6.0May 2014Not AvailableIndefinite6.1Dec 2014Dec 2017Indefinite6.2Dec 2015Dec 2018Indefinite6.3Dec 2017Dec 2020Indefinite2011 LVC 1 event, 9 students, APAC

2010 - Agents 22 users, 10 employees, 10 partners, 2 free trial, zero paidFinancials 13 users, 4 employees, 9 partnersSourcing 11 users, 1 employee, 9 partners, 1 free trialSys Int 1 event, 2 studentsCore ILT 6 events, 37 students, 34 external, $73,588 NACore LVC 2 events, 8 students, 5 external, $7688 NACore 5.5.02 RWC 50 users, 15 employees, 33 partners, 1 free trial

Key Functional Initiatives

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Network disruptions (e.g., closed ports)Freight cost changes (e.g., fuel charges)Service provider changesNetwork design (e.g., new cross-dock)Sustainability impactsCapacity forecastingSensitivity analysisOptimization parameter tuning

In-Memory Logistics Command Center

Use CasesWhat-If Planning & Simulations

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#13Multi-Tier Networks

New multi-tier network optimization algorithmOTM automatically discovers all network routing optionsImproved solution quality & performanceE.g., unlimited number of cross-dock / pooling options

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#14Ship Unit OptimizationLoad Configuration algorithm was extended to become a generalized Packing AlgorithmUsed to pack ship units into equipment (existing OTM functionality)

Now also used to pack order lines into Ship Units

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#15ScenarioOption 1Option 2Create one pallet (one ship unit) representing the entire order releaseShip via LTL at a cost of $95

Order Release sent to OTM with four packaged itemsEach packaged item weighs 40lbs.Mode is unknown when Order Release is createdCreate multiple ship units for the order releaseShip each ship unit individually via small parcel at a cost of $22/cartonTotal small parcel cost = $88

Ship Unit OptimizationMode Selection Example

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#16Oracle Global Trade Management 6.3Product Features by Module

Red = New in GTM 6.3Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Rollup Features

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#19User Interface EnhancementsHeader Information on Every TabReference Number Hyperlinks on Track & Trace Enable Hyperlinks on Lookup PagesAdd SELECT ALL/NONE boxes to:Finder ResultsManager ResultsFlex field Pick and Drop ListsAdvanced Layout

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#19The user interface enhancements we will cover are:Header information on every tabReference number hyperlinks on Track & Trace pagesEnabling hyperlinks on lookup pagesAdding SELECT ALL and SELECT NONE boxes to Finder Results and Manager ResultsAnd keeping selections when sorting records on results pages20User Interface EnhancementsHeader Information on Every Tab EnhancementManager Layout has a new Header Fields sectionSelect up to four fieldsFields from parent table onlySupports translation

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#20To enable this functionality a new section has been added to manager layouts across OTM. This section is called HEADER FIELDS, and is found at the bottom of the identification tab of each manager layout.The example screen shown here is for the order release manager. It can be found by navigating to:Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manager Layout > Order Release.Administrators can select up to four fields to display across all tabs. These can be either text fields or indicator fields and are limited to those provided by the parent table.To select a text field simply select it from the FIELD x (one through four) drop-down box. Provide a label by choosing a corresponding value from the FIELD x LABEL picklist. This feature provides translation support, so alternate labels will appear depending on user login and proper configuration.To select an indicator field, choose an appropriate label and field value as above, then check the FIELD x indicator as well. An appropriate indicator will display instead of text on the generated manager page.

21User Interface EnhancementsHeader Information on Every Tab EnhancementFields have been added to PUBLIC manager layoutsDefault headers added for: Shipment, Order Release, Freight Forwarding, Order Base, Quote, Location, Invoice/Bill

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#21This capability is available for all custom screen managers. The default headers have been configured for:ShipmentOrder ReleaseFreight ForwardingOrder BaseQuoteLocationInvoice/Bill

These fields have been preconfigured on the PUBLIC manager layouts for these objects. They can be edited or removed as necessary by an administrator.22User Interface EnhancementsReference Number Hyperlinks on Track & Trace BackgroundTrack and Trace ScreenUsed to present a unified view of an order and all related buy/sell shipments, reference numbers and shipment event messagesShipment manager allows user to view reference numbers as a hyperlinkThis is accomplished by setting a{0}Example:{0}Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#22The Track and Trace screen is used to present a unified view of an order, including all of its related buy and sell shipments, reference numbers and shipment event messages. A user wanting to quickly know the status of an order might use this screen to determine its current status with the delivering carrier.Although it is possible to display carrier tracking numbers on this screen, such as those received from parcel carriers like UPS and FEDEX, there has been no way to quickly hyperlink out to the carriers website to collect more timely status information.As background, OTM already provided tracking number hyperlink capability via reference numbers on the shipment manager. Administrators would set the property as in the example shown here to configure this capability. When connecting to the carriers tracking site, OTM replaces the {0} variable in the property with the tracking number provided in the reference number. Until now this capability has only been provided to the shipment manager.The Track and Trace screen can be navigated to via:Shipment Management > Visibility > Order/Shipment > Actions > Track and TraceOr, from the order release or shipment, choose SmartLinks > Track and Trace23User Interface EnhancementsReference Number Hyperlinks on Track & Trace EnhancementThis has been added to the Track & Trace screens, available through SmartLinks via the following objects:Order Release, Shipment, and Shipment Group

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#23Here is an example of how a properly configured hyperlink will look in the Track and Trace screen. Four properties have been set in this example, including ones for FEDEX and for USPS. In a typical environment, however a buy shipment would usually have only one carriers tracking number assigned.

Clicking on the blue hyperlinked value will take the user directly to either FEDEX or USPSs tracking website for up to date information.

The Track and Trace screen can be navigated to via:Shipment Management > Visibility > Order/Shipment > Actions > Track and TraceOr, from the order release or shipment, choose SmartLinks > Track and Trace24User Interface EnhancementsEnable Hyperlinks on Lookup Pages Enhancement

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#24When selecting records within OTM it is sometimes necessary to drill into the record to verify the accuracy of the selection. Unfortunately there is not always a way to quickly get at supporting information. In the middle screen here the user is unsure which DAMONX location to assign as the source location of their Order Release. It would appear that the user could click on the blue underlined ID to verify the record before selecting, however these hyperlinks were not previously available. Users had to select a record, click FINISH to return to the Order Release tab, then click V in the picklist to view the record. If the wrong record was selected they would have to clear the Source Location ID and go through the process again before selecting the right value.

You can now navigate through these hyperlinks as expected, drilling into these records before making their selections. If the hyperlinked screen set has EDIT enabled you will be taken to the EDIT view of this record (assuming you also have edit privileges). If not, you will be taken to the VIEW version of this record.

This example can be navigated to via: Order Management > Order Release > Order Release.25User Interface EnhancementsAdd SELECT ALL/NONE: Finder Results Enhancement

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#25Now the view changes from having only three records checked to having all records checked. Checking the uppermost box again unselects all records. This change is available on all finder results pages. The previous behavior of this check box has been deprecated.26User Interface EnhancementsAdd SELECT ALL/NONE: Manager Results - Enhancement

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#26A similar capability has been added to the Manager results screens. Manager results screens are those that are presented after clicking FINISHED on a manager page. When editing multiple records and clicking FINISHED, a summary of all edited records is presented to the user. If the user wanted to perform an action on all records they had to click each box individually.

Now you can click the SELECT ALL check box to select or unselect all records at once.27Flex FieldsSetup and Process

Example Shipment with 5 Flex Fields

FixedDropListFlexPickListFlexDropListDropListPickListCopyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#27The Buy Shipment Finder screen in this example has been customized to show what each of the different character flex field types looks like.Advanced Layout in OTM

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#2829Reporting EnhancementsAccommodate Daylight Savings Time when Scheduling ReportsModify Existing Scheduled ReportsSave Reports in an XLSX FormatDefault Operators in ReportsRelative dates and times on Reports

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#29The user interface enhancements we will cover are:Accommodate Daylight Savings Time when Scheduling ReportsModify Existing Scheduled ReportsSave Reports in an XLSX FormatDefault Operators in ReportsRelative dates and times on Reports

30Reporting EnhancementsAccommodate Daylight Savings Time when Scheduling Reports and Recurring ProcessesReports and processes are scheduled to run at the same time each dayTwice/year these must be rescheduled to compensate for DSTOTM should be able to adjust automatically for this condition

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#30OTM provides the ability to schedule reports and processes to run on an interval. For example, a report could be configured to run at the same time each day. Before this enhancement OTM was unable to compensate for daylight savings time changes, so a report that was scheduled to run at 5 AM each day might run at 4 AM or 6 AM, depending on the time of year.

With this enhancement OTM properly adjusts report and recurring process runtimes based on daylight savings time.31Reporting EnhancementsModify Existing Scheduled ReportsPreviously, scheduled reports were not editable. Once scheduled, you could not change parameters, email addresses, make additions/deletions/etc.Required user to delete and reschedule reportUpdated UI to see existing reports, modify & save

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#31Prior to this enhancement scheduled reports could not be edited once created. So if a report parameter changed, such as the email address to be used for notification or the time or interval, an administrator would need to delete the scheduled report and recreate the schedule using the new parameters.

With this enhancement you have the ability to query scheduled reports and make changes to them without having to delete and reschedule the report. The screen shot here is of the Scheduled Report Jobs, found by navigating to Business Process Automation > Reporting > View Scheduled Jobs. An EDIT button has been added here, allowing you to edit report parameters in a new window.32Reporting EnhancementsSave Reports in an XLSX FormatProvided Excel 2007 format.Generates reports with .xlsx extensionReports with .xlsx format are much smallerPure binary spread sheetsSupported only for external report generationNot Supported for embedded report generationCertified for BI Publisher 11.1.1

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#32To accommodate larger requests, OTM now offers the ability to generate reports in an Excel 2007 format, one which generated reports with .xlsx extension and essentially takes up much less room on the server. The result is a file that is more easily shared among systems and users.

The new format is supported only with reports being generated on an external bi publisher report server. We have certified this with BI Publisher 11.1.1. This is not supported with the embedded BI Publisher report generation.33Reporting EnhancementsDefault Operators in ReportsWhen configuring reports, often need to specify default query operators.Now possible with the new DEFAULT OPERATOR drop-downBusiness Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Reports

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#33When configuring reports via the Reports Power Data screen (Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Reports), report designers can select various parameters to drive the content of the generated data. These parameters are presented to the user when running the report. Before this enhancement the report designer had no control over the default operator that was presented to the user when running a report. In the example here, the user must input a Shipment ID. The operator being used is Begins With. If the user more commonly uses Contains, the report can now configured to have this operator by default. The result is a streamlined experience for the report user.

34Reporting EnhancementsRelative Dates and Times on ReportsProvides additional flexibility to time and date queriesTwo new values:Range To/From Today: accepts +/- integer relative to todays dateRelative Hours: two fields, accepts integers relative to current time

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#34Report users now have additional flexibility when entering times and dates on reports. In addition to date/time options of:Same AsBeforeAfterBetweenBefore TodayAfter Today

You can now use operators of Range To/From Today and Relative Hours on date/time fields. What these operators allow the report user to do is to specify a date or time that is relative to the current date and time. For example, if you want to run a Tenders Declined by Lane Report using shipments which begin between 5 hours and 10 hours from the current time you would enter an offset of 5 in the first field, select Relative Hours for the operator and an offset of 10 in the last field.

If you instead wanted to run the report using a number of days you would select the Range To/From Today operator and specify an offset.

If you choose to schedule this report on an interval, OTM will run the report using current date/time parameters for these fields plus the indicated offsets. Note that these fields become integer fields when these operators are selected, not date/time fields.Technology Topics

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Promote to ProductionCopyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#36

ROD and FTICopyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Here is a somewhat more technical view of the same thing. Specifically what this image adds is an idea of complexity involved in configuring FTI and the integration with OTM that cannot be replicated by a customer. Examples of this integration are the OTM actions that tie in FTI created information into OTM and the security model that is built in.37OTM and Disaster Recovery

Typical DataGuard DROTM Options:Consider using DR as a test siteGoldenGate is also certifiedAll data kept in DBCode only changes by admin

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Security in OTM Best Practices GuideInstall only what is required. Remove unnecessary default user accounts. Enable data dictionary protection. Practice the principle of least privilege. a. Grant necessary privileges only. b. Revoke unnecessary privileges from the PUBLIC user group. c. Restrict permissions on run-time facilities. Enforce access controls effectively and authenticate clients stringently. Restrict network access. a. Use a firewall. b. Never poke a hole through a firewall. c. Monitor listener activity. d. Monitor who accesses your systems. Check network IP addresses. Encrypt network traffic. Harden the operating system. Apply all security patches and workarounds.

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Q&A

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Question #1We cant take every Rollup, otherwise we would spend all our time testing. What is Oracles recommendation?

Rollups are cumulative, so skipping a Rollup is fine (however, you may need to apply newer patches). Develop an approach every 6, 12, 18 months and stick to it. If you plan to use new functionality, or continue rollouts to new businesses or geographies, then you should stay as current as possible.

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#41Question #2From where does the Development / Strategy team get their European requirements?

Many places from experience of developing TMS systems for 25+ years, from working directly with customers over the years UPM, DHL, Ikea, Ahold, and also from our sales and consulting partners working with customers and providing us feedback.Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#42Safe Harbor StatementThe preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Q&A

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#45Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.#46
