Tri-Cities Horsemen’s Assoc. Manure Movers Gazette · Tri-Cities Horsemen’s Assoc. Manure...


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Tri-Cities Horsemen’s Assoc.

Manure Movers Gazette

April 2013

President’s Message 1

Sweetheart/Horseman 2

May Meeting 2

Welcome 2

Mothers’ Day Gym. 2

Bomb Proofing Playday 3

Arena Work Day 5

Chili Ride & Cook Off 6

Day At The Races 8

Nadine’s Corner 9

Camping in 2013 11

2013 Schedule 12

Upcoming Events 13

Inside this issue:

President’s Message

What an event packed month for our club! The Bomb Proof Play Day, the arena clean-up and a well-attended Chili Cook-Off ride in beautiful Briones. These events could not hap-pen if not for the active participation of the club membership.

The Bomb Proof Play Day was a success on every level. The club made money, got new members and increased its good will within the community. People were saying “I gotta join this club, they have fun and do things”. Oh, and no one got hurt. The membership stepped up and really did the job. The BPPD committee hit the ball out of the park, thank-you Wendy, Susie and Lauri for organizing and managing this event. I can’t tell you how many people either came up to me or I overheard saying what a well run event this was. It literally ran like clockwork. The juniors again stepped up and stepped up big. Thanks for all your help sitting-up, working the event, loading trucks and cleaning up at the end. I was thinking of listing the people who helped at the event but I realized I would just be repeating the club membership contact list. To pull and event like this off it takes a lot of people doing a lot of different things. You did it.

A special thanks to Lauri for her efforts, If anyone was wondering how a person like me could be organized you don’t have to look much further than Lauri. She keeps me pretty much on task and headed in the right direction.

The arena cleanup was fun! I helped paint the barrels so don’t look too closely at the lines, I hope it does not affect the gymkhana times. Also, did everyone see us dancing in the field? Gary you looked like you had been practicing... Maybe Dancing with the Stars is in your future.

This year’s Chili Ride was a blast. Briones Park is beautiful this time of year. The chili ride was well attended. A special thanks goes out to Jordan for being the official gate opener and Peter for being the official snake charmer (a rattlesnake slithered under Pe-ter’s horse as he was relieving himself in the grass-the horse was not Peter). On a serious note: we had a very dry winter which means that rattlesnakes will be out early this sea-son. When you’re out riding always be on the lookout and give them a wide berth.

Well, gymkhana season is upon us, and its shaping up to be fun times for everyone. While I don’t participate in gymkhana I will be at the events to cheer everyone on and of course learn stuff. I want to thank Gary for assuming the role of Show Manager taking this role over from our past President Jay.

The club has many opportunities to meet people, and do fun things that revolve around horses. I guess what I’m trying to say is what Dawn Cash yelled out before we started the Chili ride yesterday “Tri-Cities Rocks”.

I totally agree.



Yousseff Abed


Vice President

John Paganetti



Holly Paganetti



Marie Grisham


High Point Chair

Sue Madison


Junior Advisor

Wendy Brasfield



Page 2 April 2013

Sweetheart and Horseman Signups! 

Applicants for the Tri-Cities Sweetheart and Horseman positions should be practicing their speeches and the riding pattern. They will complete their speeches and test at the May 1st meeting with riding test completed at the Mother’s Day gymkhana. The winners will be announced and crowned on Mother’s Day. The complete rules and riding patterns are available on the club web site.

If you have any questions, please contact Lauri Abed on 925-229-3025

Welcome to a new members who joined this month!

Tressa Overfield and her children Connor and Caitlin. They live in Clayton and are friends of Beth Kennalley.

Janda Grant of El Sobrante

Laura Canelo-Tirado and Gabriel Tirado and their children Araceli and Gabriel. Laura and Gabriel live in San Pablo.

We look forward to seeing you at meetings and activities!

Members please be sure to introduce your-selves to our new members and make them welcome!

May Meeting

May 1st!

Lefty Gomez Rec Hall


Junior Mtg. 7:00 p.m.

General Mtg. 7:30 p.m.

Mothers’ Day Gymkhana Our first gymkhana of the year is on Sunday, May 12th. All members are requested to get there a little early to help with set up. It always takes a bit longer on the first show!

Attached is a flyer for the show. You can also register on-line at:

Page 3 April 2013

What a huge success! 54 horses attended the Bomb Proofing Playday with no incidents or accidents! This was all due to the superb organization and planning of the committee. Congratulations to Wen-dy, Susie and Lauri for a job well done! Special thanks also to Jay and his crew for working all day on the delicious bbq, there were not many leftovers! It was great to see all the members turn out to help, everyone pitched in wherever needed. And what club spirit! There were smiles on everyone’s faces proving we can work and have fun at the same time. Thank you to everyone!

All the participants raved about how safe it was and how well run. They all wanted to know when the next one was going to be! That is the true indicator of a successful event, when they want to come back!

Bomb Proofing


Page 4 April 2013

Page 5 April 2013

Thank you to those members that stayed to the very end to help with clean up!

Arena Work Day Eighteen members rolled up their sleeves and pitched in at the Arena Work day on April 6th. They cleaned out the container and cleared weeds and grass around it. The barrels got painted and it looked like the painters did too! But it was not all work and no play, just check out the Fa-cebook pictures! There was cleaning done with Gangman style

Page 6 April 2013

On Sunday, April 21st 15 riders enjoyed a beautiful ride through Briones Regional Park! We rode about 2 1/2 hours and returned to the trailers for the chili cook off.

Approximately 25 members and guests tasted and voted on the four chili entries. It was close but the winning chili was made by Gary ten Broek! Gary received a “fantastic prize” of a DVD and candy for a movie night.

It was a great ride and what more can you ask for than good food, good company and good horses!

Chili Ride & Cook off

Great trails and beautiful views the whole ride!

Page 7 April 2013

And the Winner is…. GARY!

Good Friends and Good Food!

Page 8 April 2013

Tri-Cities Goes to the Races! Twenty members and guests attended the Day at the Races on March 23rd. Scuttlebutt is that not many won but we all had a great time!

Page 9 April 2013

I'd like to nominate my horse Cody for Nadine's corner. :-) I rescued Cody in August of last year. The Contra Costa Times did a story on him and his recovery. Just recently I took Cody to the CSHA Winter Bling shows as a way of giving him a little exercise and also to give him something to do. Turns out he's quite the little gymkhana horse! Still have to hold him back because his body is still recovering from muscle loss, but he wants to go!

The Times article describes how I found him and his recovery. Rehabilitating Cody was a wonderful experience and I learned a great deal. I got so much support from my club friends as well. I'm very proud of him and the happiness he brings to our family.

Times Article published in January:

BRENTWOOD -- An anonymous online posting of a severely emaciated horse was so heartbreaking to one local woman recently that it prompted her to track it down and save it. Brentwood resident Corinne Tate said she saw the posting of a skeletal horse on Facebook with the caption, "Does anyone know if this is real?" "The picture that I saw of this poor horse ... it was so pitiful ... skin and bones," Tate said. "And when I saw that I thought, 'Oh my God -- you can't -- I just couldn't turn my back on him.'" Tate is no stranger to rescuing animals. Her family will attest that she has been known to rescue the occasional dog or even goat, but never an animal of the large-breed variety and certainly never one that was posted anonymously. "You want to feel bad for the folks involved, but you don't know what the story is so you can't make any judgment calls," she said. So armed with the name of the town, the street that the horse was located on and a could-be-any-pasture-in-America photo, Tate went into sleuth mode. Utilizing Google Maps' street view, she began virtually driving up and down the rural road in the northern California town of Flournoy (population 101). It wasn't long before Tate was able to match the scantly seen fence and barn in the photo to a virtual one she saw online.

Nadine’s CornerNadine’s CornerNadine’s Corner

Each month we will feature a member’s horse in “Nadine’s Corner”.

Send your submissions to the editor and they will be used as space allows. We reserve editorial license to correct grammar, spelling or shorten as needed. Send via email to:


Submitted by Corinne Tate

Cody when rescue Cody now, what a difference!

Page 10 April 2013

"I was lucky because it was one of those big roads with just a few houses on it," she said. Next, she did an Internet search on the address and was able to locate the owner's name. "It was a couple hours of Internet research, but I found her (the horse owner) ... all the stars lined up and I was able to get a hold of her," Tate said. Attempting to be diplomatic, Tate told the woman, "I understand that you have some horses that you need help with. I'm willing to help, we have folks willing to help you." Tate said the woman immediately started crying -- divorce and job loss created such a hardship she could barely provide for her children. "It sounded like she just waited too long to get help for him because he was really in an emaciated state," Tate said of the horse, "so I went up and she let me take him. I brought (Cody) home."

Road to recovery

Even before heading north to rescue Cody, Tate knew she should give her veterinarian a heads-up. "She pre-warned me," Brentwood veterinarian Renee Golenz said. "And I pre-warned (her) about the challenges of rehabbing a starved horse."

Through the years, Golenz said that she has worked with several good-hearted people like Tate who take on rehabilitat-ing horses that have been starved. "But if it's not done slowly, it is the easiest way to inadvertently kill him with kind-ness," Golenz said. "It is so tempting to give them everything they want to eat, but you can't do that because you will get them very sick." "That was a term I heard a lot, 'killing them with kindness,' " said Tate, who received lots of advice from friends.

Golenz also warned Tate about getting attached to the horse. "He's like a walking time bomb. At any given moment he could get really sick and possibly die," she said. "It's so hard not to get attached -- that's why I was trying to give her a tough love lecture." Tate responded, "I understood what she was doing, but my mind was made up, I wasn't going to leave that horse up there."

It was less than 24 hours after arriving in Brentwood that Cody received his initial veterinarian visit. Golenz said, "From the veterinary point of view, he should be 1,100 pounds and he was about 750 to 800 pounds. He was greatly underweight." On a scale of 1 to 10, Golenz gave Cody a 1.5, explaining that "1 is skin and bones and 10 is fat just dripping off the body -- obese/ He was basically skin and bones with just a little bit of muscle."

After a thorough exam, it was determined that Cody's emaciation was from improper nutrition, dental neglect and para-sites. But before they could treat any of that they needed to put weight back on him using a slow-feed program. "A horse like him should be eating about 20-24 pounds a day," Golenz said. "But you can't start out with that, so we started at 3 pounds a day and just gradually, every five days, would build it up." "This process was relatively fast," Tate said. "He started putting on weight right away; he started looking healthier right away."

They also started him on a probiotic supplement to help protect and support the micro-organisms within his own diges-tive system. Within a month, Cody was eating up to 12 pounds a day and was ready to be vaccinated and dewormed.

Like the slow-feed process, since Cody was "loaded" with tapeworm and large strongyles they were going to have to proceed with a slow-kill process. Golenz explained, "If we were to give him the whole tube of wormer, all those para-sites could die at once, which could predispose him to a bad impaction-type colic, a blockage inside his body with a bunch of dead parasites."

"I felt really bad for him," said Tate. "I did have moments when I went out there just looking at him and brushing him and apologizing to him that that had happened to him. I felt so bad."

The final work they did on Cody was dental work. Golenz said, "He had sores on the inside of his cheeks because the teeth were so sharp that they cut the insides of his cheeks."

It has been five months since Tate first brought Cody home and she said it was worth it all.

She said, "He's king of the hill out there and he's healthy. He was worth it. He was worth the time and effort."

Page 11 April 2013

Tri-Cities Horse Camping in 2013! Updates for March - Franks Valley Dates Set - See Below!

Skillman Horse Camp: June 28—30th are the dates for camping in the Tahoe National Forest near Nevada City, CA. Everyone is responsible for reserving their own sites through So if you want to spend a few more days you can come early or leave later. Go to this link for information and reservations.

Sites are $21/night for one rig. Most sites are large and can accommodate two rigs, there is an addi-tional $5/night for 1 extra rig per site that is collected at the campground. So buddy up with someone and save some $$$. All sites are in the shade and some have pens, see descriptions below. If you cannot get a site with a pen, you can bring your own pens or run a highline in the trees. This is a very popular camp, reservations go fast so recommend you make yours ASAP!

Skillman Site Descriptions: (These sites were still available as of publish time) Reservable: Site 7: 2 corrals & 2 hitching rails, Table & fire ring, Near restroom, Water approx. 200 ft away from corrals

Site 10: No corrals, 2 tie posts, Table, Fire pit , Fairly level, Approx. 200 feet from water, Large enough for 2 rigs and room for 4 – 5 portable stalls

Site 11: No corrals & no tie posts or hitching rails, Table & fire pit, Very slight incline, Possible pull through for smaller rig, Trail head at this site so lots of horse traffic through site

Site 12: No corrals or tie posts, Table & fire pit, Fairly level

Site 14: no corrals, no table, etc.

First Come, First Served - No Reservations:

Site 8: No corrals, 1 tie post, Table and fire pit, Next to water, Across road from restroom, On a slight incline

Site 16: No corrals, 1 hitching rail, Table & fire pit, Near water

Caballo Loco Horse Camp: July 26 - 28 we are going to Lake Del Valle in Livermore. This is a really nice group site with 6 pens, high ties, 2 large BBQs, picnic tables and large campfire and plenty of room to pitch a tent. Those that have portable corrals are requested to bring them so we can leave the pens for those that don’t have any.

The great thing about this camp is you can take your horse swimming in the river just down the road! Also swimming, boating and fishing is available for a change of pace. We can have up to 15 rigs at the site. Cost to be determined. More info will be coming but be sure to mark your calendar!

Franks Valley Horse Camp: Sept. 27 - 29 - We are also going to Franks Valley in the Marin Head-lands near Muir Beach. We had a great time there last year. There are 12 corrals but we have gotten approval to bring in six more portable corrals for a total of 18 horses. Cost is $20 per horse for the weekend. Reservations are first come first served with preference given to club members. We al-ready have 7 spaces reserved! If you plan on coming contact Marie Grisham.

El Sobrante Feed & Pet Supply 501 Appian Way

(next to Mike’s Appliances) El Sobrante, CA 94803

Phone 510-223-3483 We carry feed and supplies for Horses, Goats, Sheep,

Pigs, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Pigeons, Chickens and more!

Open Monday—Saturday - call for hours

Page 12 April 2013

E-Mail Address:

Club Web Site:

Tri-Cities Facebook Page


2013 Schedule Updated 3/6/13

Our show dates have been approved and the arena con-tract signed so the dates are final!

February 23 SF Mounted Police Tour

February 24 Trail Ride @ Briones Reservior

April 13 Bomb Proofing Playday

May 12 Mother’s Day Gymkhana

June 1 Arena Benefit Gymkhana

June 28 - 30 Camping at Skillman - Tahoe Natl Forest

July 13 Emett Hallet Memorial Gymkhana

July 26 - 28 Camping at Caballo Loco - Lake Del Valle

Aug. 25 Juniors Playday

Sept. 7 Trophy Gymkhana

Sept. 27 - 29 Camping at Franks Valley - near Muir Bch

Member of the Month

Please submit your nomina ons for Member of the Month by sending an email to trici 


May 12, 2013 9:00 a.m. MARTINEZ WATERFRONT ARENA

Day End Champion & Reserve Champion Awards Ribbons 1st thru 5th Place

Registration opens @ 8:00 Judge: Sharon Drake CSHA REGION 5 APPROVED GYMKHANA - Current CSHA Rules apply

DIVISIONS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OPEN

RIDER: HORSE: __________________

ADDRESS: City/Zip___________________


EVENTS: (check the events that you are riding in) 1. _____ Pole Bending I 4. _____ Big T*2. _____ Quad-Rangle Poles 5. _____ Skill Barrels*3. _____ Bi-Rangle Poles* 6. _____ Cloverleaf Barrels*

_________# of events x $ ________= $__________ State Fee $2 and Region Fee $3 = $5.00

Total Fee: $__________ Register on-line with credit card at

INFO: call (510) 304-1025 Mail entries to: Marie Grisham, 663 El Centro Rd., El Sobrante, CA 94803 SNACK BAR WILL BE OPEN FOR BREAKFAST AND LUNCH


Required Show Attire: Long Pants, Boots or Heeled Riding Shoes, Shirts Tucked In. No crop tops or tee shirts. SAFETY HELMETS RECOMMENDED FOR ADULTS. All events will be run in accordance with current CSHA Rules & Regulations. No refunds except for lameness. Stallions cannot be shown by anyone under the age of 18. All dogs must be leashed and under control at all times.

PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A FAMILY EVENT! Ck #___________ Cash $_________ Paypal Date ____ PayPal $_______

April 27 - 28 Spring Stampede

May 1 - General Meeting May 12 - Mothers’ Day Gymkhana

Tri-Cities Horsemen’s Assoc.

663 El Centro Rd.

El Sobrante, CA 94803

Upcoming Events

April 2013 Page 10
