Trinity United Methodist Church Trinity Tidings -...


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November 2017

Trinity United Methodist Church

Trinity Tidings “Life in the Son”


A Pastor’s Pondering 1

Music Ministry News

Treasurer’s Report



Congregational Fellowship

Pep Club





Trinity Youth News

Trinity Kids’ News

UMW News





Trinity Crafters Holiday Show

UMM News

Ins and Outs

Pastor’s Ponderings continued


Poinsettia Order Form

Envelope Changes









Congregational Prayers

November Birthdays

November Anniversaries




Our Service Workers 11

Worship Services

Business Hours

Church Staff

Trinity Special Events





Items for

November: Peanut

Butter and Jelly

The following is Rev. Michael’s State of the Church Report from this year’s

Charge Conference on November 12th.


Rev. Michael D. Ritter, Sr. Opportunity has been defined as “a special arrangement of circumstances

offering a person the chance to step in with ideas for something new, something better,

something unique. It can show itself as a favorable occasion, time or place for learning

or saying or doing a new thing. It offers a means of self-expression.”

Opportunity seldom presents itself to a single person – it is out there for many

to vision, yet only a few have the keenness to recognize it. Why is it that one person

can seize an opportunity when others pass it by – not realizing what is right in front of

them? “If I had only known!” they cry.

Some take advantage of opportunity because of personal greed or the

willingness to step out and risk.

But sometimes, the factors of success are often merely a blending of natural

talents with just plain hard work. A salesperson who doesn’t stop with the first call, or

even the second or third; the job seeker who doesn’t give up after he’s been turned

downed a couple of times are opportunistic people.

Don’t wait for opportunity to knock down your door, but realize that success

favors the persons who work and keep on working while they wait on the breaks. Read

the book of Acts and you’ll begin to see why men with little to recommend them as far

as personal credentials turned a world upside down. They were opportunists. Yet their

real motivation was not personal esteem or glory. They sincerely believed there was no

salvation in any other person than Jesus. When told to stop talking about Him, they

replied, “We cannot for us but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”

Friends, right now at Trinity opportunity is knocking. In many ways we have

already grabbed the bull by the horns, but in others it is time to open the door. Our

Administrative Board and Finance Committee are looking at a budget that we have

never seen before. In addition to that, we are looking at a capitol campaign for a

building project in the near future that will shape Trinity for years to come. I look to

this as an opportunity for us to focus on the future and the ministry that is before us.

God has given Trinity UMC the people, the knowledge, the leadership in all areas, the

resources and the desire to do His will. The opportunity is NOW my friends for us not

to sit back and see what the future will bring, but rather to step out on FAITH, SEIZE

the opportunity which has been given and to GO wherever He leads!

Whether it’s talking insurance or Jesus, opportunities often knock but once.

You either use them or lose them. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity – that means

you and God make a majority, and that spells opportunity in any language.

Continued on page 8.

A Pastor’s Ponderings

Page 2

TREASURER’S REPORT (September 2017)

Music Ministry News Oh, the weather outside is..., sorry, it is too early for that. The weather has been a little cooler, and it is

wonderful. It finally feels like fall. It is also a very busy time. In November, we celebrate All Saints’ Day,

Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christ the King Sunday. Both the orchestra and the handbell choir will be

playing. Near the end of the month, we will transform the church for Christmas. The music department is

preparing Christmas music that will start the first Sunday in December. This year there is a Sunday

between Thanksgiving and the start of Advent. It is Christ the King Sunday. We are planning a special ser-

vice to celebrate the seasons of the life of Christ.

I am continuing with information on hymn writers, and this month I am telling you about Fannie Crosby. She wrote

more than 9000 hymns, some of which are among the most popular in our hymn book. For most people, one of the

remarkable things about her is that she accomplished this in spite of her blindness. Her love of poetry began early. She

wrote her first verse at age 8. She memorized the Bible and was able to memorize five chapters per week. Shortly

before her 15th birthday, she went to the New York Institute for the Blind. She was there as a student for 12 years and

as a teacher for another 11 years. By age 23, she was addressing Congress and making friends with presidents. She

knew all the chief executives of her lifetime, especially Grover Cleveland, who served as secretary for the Institute for

the Blind before his election. Another member of the institute, former pupil Alexander van Alstine, married her in

1858. Considered one of New York's best organists, he wrote the music to many of her hymns. She put music to only a

few of her hymns though she played harp, piano, guitar, and other instruments. More often, musicians came to her for

lyrics. For example, one day musician William Doane dropped by her home for a surprise visit, begging for her to put

words to a tune he had recently written. He was to perform at an upcoming Sunday School convention, and the train to

that convention was leaving in 35 minutes. He sat at the piano and played the tune. "Your music says, 'Safe in the

Arms of Jesus,’” Crosby said. She scribbled out the words immediately. The hymn became one of Crosby's most

famous. She was under contract to submit three hymns a week to her publisher but often wrote six or seven a day. She

received a dollar or two for each one. Many became popular. When Dwight Moody and Ira Sankey began to use them

in their crusades, they received even more attention. Among them are "Blessed Assurance," "All the Way My Savior

Leads Me." "To God Be the Glory," "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior," "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," "Rescue the Perish-

ing," and "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross." She could write very complex hymns and compose music with a more clas-

sical structure, but she preferred to write simple, sentimental verses that could be used for evangelism. She continued

to write poetry up to her death, a month shy of her 95th birthday. "You will reach the river brink, some sweet day, bye

and bye" was her last stanza.

Melody Evans

Total Income YTD $ 512,872.14

Total Income YTD Budgeted $ 429,835.50

Income Over Budgeted Amount $ 83,036.64

Total Expenses YTD $ 460,549.24

Total Expenses YTD Budget $ 432,098.14

Expenses OVER Budget YTD $ 28,451.10

Apportionments Budgeted YTD $ 42,665.99

Apportionments Actually Paid YTD $ 42,665.99

Weekly Needs’ Average Budgeted 2017 $11,021.00

Weekly Actual Average Giving 2017 $13,150.57

(New Project) South State Bank Loan Payable $12,225.00





NOVEMBER 12, 2017

7:30 pm

The Worship Committee meeting will be November 16th at 10:00 am in AG Greene.

Page 3

Special Anniversary

Wishes to

Janet & Cliff Steis

for 70 years

of marriage

November 8th


PEP Club

November is our Annual Fish Fry! November 16th at 12 noon We’ll be serving fried fish, hush puppies, baked

sweet potatoes, slaw and grits. For those of you who don’t

eat fish, we’re making chicken tenders. Reservations are a must so that we can prepare for all

who attend. For those who can assist in the preparations

and the clean up, a sign-up sheet will be in the Nov. 5th

and 12th bulletins on the reservation sheet. Please indicate

your choice of fish or chicken so that we can be prepared.

Come join us for an afternoon of fellowship!

News from the PEP Club (People Enjoying People)


Night Fellowship

6:00 pm Let’s eat!!! Please come out and enjoy

good food and some fellowship with

your church family. November our

family fellowship meal be will almost

every Wednesday of the month (no meal the week of

Thanksgiving). Come out and enjoy the fun!

Please RSVP by Tuesday at noon so we can

prepare enough for everyone.

November Fellowship Dates: November 1, 8, 15, 29

•Bulletin info is due at noon on Wednesday each week.

•December’s Newsletter information is due by November 20th!!!

•Upper Room Devotional Booklets are in the Narthex.

November 12th Membership Sunday!

If you are interested in becoming a member of Trinity or

know of someone who might be interested, please contact

or have them contact Pastor Ed, Pastor Michael or the

church office.

The All Saints’ Sunday is November 5th. The

banner will be in the Narthex area of the church

the entire month of October. Please write the

names of loved ones you want to be

remembered on this special day.

Which one was taken to the

Caring Hearts recipients?

Thank you to all who helped to make our

pancake supper a success. Special thanks to

Steve Hill of the Golden Griddle for the

donation of the meat and syrup. We had 49 "take

outs" and as close as we could count altogether

served 235 dinners making a very nice contribution to the

Relay For Life benefit. See you all on Shrove Tuesday!

The Pancake Committee

Trinity UMC Evangelism

Creating Relationships in Our Community

Acolyte Training will be held November 19th

at 3:00 pm. All current acolytes and all youth

who want to become acolytes are encouraged

to attend. Please call the church office to sign

up so we will know how many to plan for at


Page 4

Trinity Kids is now Light keepers

Sunday Nights from 5 pm - 6:30 pm

All elementary aged kids are welcome!

Jesus tells us in John 8 that He is the light of the world! What a great feeling to

know that no matter where we are or what we are facing we always have His

light to help us through it. We are never alone! We hope that on Sunday

nights through lessons, crafts , music and games children will learn more about their

Savior who loves them. We are all His light keepers!

Trinity’s Youth program is starting back up for the year! All middle and high school students are

invited to join us. We are meeting Sunday nights from 5 pm until 6:30 pm. Our theme verse for the year is Colossians 1:10 which tells us that we are to live a life pleasing to God, bear fruit and grow in

knowledge of our Creator. What an incredible goal to strive for! We will integrate music, scripture,

prayer and plenty of fun along the way also. We hope to see you tonight!


November 7th at 6 pm

We still have open spots on the calendar

for those interested in providing a meal for

our Sunday night youth and children’s

programs. Please contact Charles if you

are interested.

Page 5

News from the United Methodist Women

Upcoming Circle Meetings:

Dot Jordan Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 14th at 7 pm at Jeannie Reeder’s home. Thelma Mitchell

will provide the program.

Love Circle will meet on Thursday, November 2nd at 9:30 am at Julia Smith’s home. The Circle is again

preparing Christmas Stockings for ASAP families and invites the congregation to help fill them with family

items, such as gift cards, games, soap, toiletries, puzzles, note pads, and hard candy. Leave in the volunteer

Room labeled with “Love and ASAP.”

Susanna Wesley Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 7th in the Fellowship Hall, beginning with 9:30 am

fellowship and a 10 am meeting. Linda Eichenbaum will provide the program. The Circle coordinated, and the

ladies of Love and Dot Jordan assisted with the UMCOR Flood Bucket Project for Trinity. Twenty-seven

buckets, valued at almost $2,000, were assembled for flood-relief efforts. Additionally, the Circle made 58

handcrafted holiday greeting cards for our military members and their families.

Purpose: The organized unit of UNITED METHODIST WOMEN shall be a community of women whose

PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a

creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries

of the Church.

Membership is open to any woman who indicates her desire to belong and to participate in the global mission

of the church through United Methodist Women. You are welcome to any/all of the upcoming events and


The Trinity UMW Unit garnered recognition in all five areas of service at the recent Marion District

Annual Meeting. Also at that time, the Social Action focus for the upcoming program year was developed – the

Marion District will continue to focus upon the momentum of legislative changes that benefit “Quality Public

Education in South Carolina” and will also begin education about “Mass Incarceration” – Causes and Solutions.

It has been recommended that UMW take the time to view two recent Forum Programs presented at Winthrop

University concerning “Policing and Race – 10-10-17” and a “Conversation about Race 4-18-17” at the Winthrop

website,( for a broader understanding of this complex issue.

Upcoming Dates:

Trinity UMW General Meeting November 17th at 10 am with Dot Jordan hosting. The following Slate of Officers for 2018 will be presented after the program, and nominations will also be

taken from the floor prior to the election:

Jeannie Reeder President Kathy Krauss Program Resources

Trish Lucas Vice President Arlene Leskowicz Spiritual Growth

Gerry Ferguson Secretary Thelma Mitchell Ed/Interpretation

Doris Pollock Treas/Parliamentarian Linda Eichenbaum Social Action/Comm

Marsha Wehr Membership/Nurture Esther Scott Day Apart Chair

Thelma Mitchell Chair Nominations

Deborah Rhyne Member, Nominations

Vacant (Love Circle)

Page 6

Mission Ministry News November 2017 From Bobbie Johnson…Love Circle has Christmas stockings made and ready to fill with goodies for ASAP

veterans. We invite the congregation to join us in a collection of small items such as: note pads, soaps, tissue

packets, holiday favors, gift cards, hard candy, etc. Please leave in the volunteer room labeled LOVE-ASAP

by December 7th. Thank you!

ASAP Bake Sale – (sweets, snacks and other savory goodies) - The fall bake sale to support ASAP is scheduled

for November 19th. Sign-up sheet for bakers is in the back hallway on the Mission bulletin board. Please sign up

to bake or make something. We are now serving about 60 veterans and need your support to continue to provide

for these men and women who served our great country.

Christmas Child Shoe Boxes – If you haven’t already done so, please return the filled box by November 5th. If

you have any questions, please see Frank Autry or call him at the number below.

American Flags – If you have an old or tattered American flag that needs to be disposed of properly, you can drop

it off at the church. They will be taken to the VFW where they will be burned in a special ceremony.

Mobile Meals – The final date that Trinity will be helping with Mobile Meals for 2017 is December 25-29.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Bob Scudder at 843-602-2568. Bob also needs

volunteers. You would work four hours one day during the week that we are responsible for delivery. Also,

Mobile Meals is looking for drivers to drive one day every other week. If you can help, please call Bob.

Support Military Spouses – This organization puts together gifts for military spouses and in December sponsors a

Christmas party for the children of active duty military at various bases. They are looking for some help in

November (13th-16th and 29th) putting the bags together and in December to drive a truck to several areas to take

gifts and participate in the Christmas party. If you would like to help, call Frank Autry and get more information.

Upcoming Mission Opportunities:

Ongoing thru 11/05/17 – Christmas Child Shoeboxes

November 19th – ASAP Bake Sale

December – Angel Tree

January – Let’s dig some wells.

If you have any questions or suggestions for your Mission Committee, please contact Frank Autry at 843-685-1190






Page 7

Trinity Reading Group The Trinity Book Club meets on the second

Monday of each month at 9:00 am at

Plantation Pancake House, 2001 Hwy. 17

South in NMB. The reading group has decided to change

its format. We will meet to discuss books we have read,

talk about movies we’ve seen and exchange our thoughts

and share books. Good fellowship, good fun and good

books - all are welcome, both men and women.

News from the United Methodist Men Next Meeting November 19, 2017 @ 9:35 in the Fellowship Hall! All men are welcome. Please come and be a part of the UMM’s activities and fellowship. The turnout for the October meeting was very good, looking forward to an even better turn out in November. Hope to

see you there! Thanks again to the great support of our BBQ dinner and sales. You helped make it the best ever! Thanks to all those

who helped with the Fall Festival! Coming up is the Golf Tournament on November 4th. Thanks to Michael and Tom for their leadership in the planning

of this event. The entire golf team has been very hard at work to make this a great event. Thanks to all those who are

helping in this event. It is a very large event, and it does take many hands to get the job done. Each person is a

blessing to those who will be enjoying this outing! We will also be cooking for the November 29th Wednesday night

supper. Any volunteers should give me a call. Thanks to all for the help and support of all our projects. Your help is what makes it possible for UMM to give back

and to serve others.

Neal Krumme, President

Ins and Outs

Golf anyone??? Join us for a fun round of

golf on Mondays during November. Check

the weekly bulletin for times and locations.

Players of any ability level are welcome.

Come join our Bridge Group. We are always

looking for more players. We meet at 9:30 am

on Wednesdays in AG Greene for a great time,

meeting new friends and having fun! All skill

levels are welcome.


Easy to learn and fun to play. You can talk and play at the

same time. We meet in AG Greene on Thursday afternoons

at 2:00 pm for fun and great fellowship.

Please call one of us if you are interested!

Sandy Hahn: 843-390-0444

Bob Scudder: 843-602-2568 Rummikub

Rummikub is on Wednesdays at 2:00 pm at

the church in the Fellowship Hall, and then

we will be ready for the Wednesday night


Men (and we need a few more) as well as women are

invited. We will begin with about 16 people who have

already signed up.

Don’t be left out. We can use a few more.

Call Joyce Davis @ 843-249-6778 to sign up.

Line Dancing

Come join the fun with our own Jane Cole

on Tuesdays in Fellowship Hall!

$5.00 per person at 5:00 pm

Page 8

VETERANS DAY 2017 MESSAGE This is a time for all Americans to reflect on the many sacrifices and hardships that our

veterans have endured. Without their courage America would not be “home of the brave and the land of the free.” “Freedom is

not Free.” Today we are a nation embroiled in many conflicts around the world. This should remind us all of our men and

women who have given so much.

Please take a moment to thank all our veterans for their service. The veterans in our congregation and their military branches

are listed below. If you are not on this list, please let us know. We will honor our veterans on Sunday, November 12th.

Jeff Adams, US Army

Bill Ambrose, US Army

Richard B. Anderson, US Navy

Frank Autry, US Marines

Baxter Barger, US Navy

Hugh Bovaird, US Army

Jack Boward, US Army

Don Brainerd, US Army

Jack Callaghan, US Army

Paul Carruthers, US Marines

Robert I. Clark, US Air Force

Roy Crownover, US Army

Ed Daniel, US Army

Frank Farrington, US Navy

Alan Faulkenberry, US Navy

Floyd Ferguson, US Air Force

John Flynn, US Navy

Bob Fountain, US Navy

Don Furcillo, US Air Force

William Gilmore, USMC

John Goodman, US Air Force

Charles Hahn, US Army

Ric Hanlon, US Army

Dennis Hawthorne, US Army

Lee Hitchcock, US Air Force

Chafer Honea, US Army

John Johnson, US Marines

Tom Jones, US Air Force

Jay Leskowicz, US Army

Don Little, US Army

Richard Lloyd, US Army

Quinn Marinacci, US Air Force

Charles Marker, US Air Force

Martin MacQueen, US Air Force

Bob Miller, US Army

Skip Miller, US Army

Hank Myers, US Navy

Luther Pearsall, US Navy

Rick Rickert, US Air Force

Curtis Roberts, Sr., US Navy

Donald Sanderford, US Army

Jack Schultz, US Army

Jackie Stanley, US Army

Clifford Steis, US Navy, WW II

Hank Thomas, US Marines

Tavener Threatte, US Army

Mike Walters, US Army

Don Wehr, US Air Force

Rex White, US Army

Pastor’s Pondering Continued from page 1.

Trinity has grown so much over the last several years, and the future seems even brighter. We continue to change lives

in so many ways. When opportunity knocks, we have answered. Whether it is our missions or evangelism, our focus is one

that is looking outward as well as inward. We are continually being challenged with new opportunities and blessed by the

response. Our worship services continue to grow in spirituality and hospitality. One comment that is heard more than most

from those visiting Trinity is the warmth and spirit of this wonderful church. Many have stated that if they lived here, Trinity

would be their home. Because of our continued growth in worship, we have begun an additional service in the Fellowship Hall

during the 11:00 hour. It has a more contemporary feel than the services in the sanctuary but is warm and spiritual just the


We also have been growing in other areas as well. Our youth, children, UMM and UMW continue to reach out and

minister where called. These groups have been active in ministering to their own members as well as the community around

them. We have done service projects, mission projects, worship opportunities, community help in addition to state-wide

support. Where we have been called as a church, we go. I encourage those who are not active in these groups to get involved,

learn the message that these groups are preaching – then carry the message out.

In addition to all the giving and ministry that the lay members are doing around the church, Trinity is also fortunate to

have an excellent staff. I am personally thankful for all the hard work these faithful disciples are doing. I believe that it is a

calling that they are answering, not necessarily a vocation. We have each been given an opportunity before us; it is our

responsibility to seize the moment.

My focus for Trinity this coming year is to do just that, Seize the Moment. Too often we treat church as a place that we

come and get refreshed and that we is half the truth. The other part is a responsibility that many churches fail to achieve. That

part is delivering the message to those who have not heard. The motto of the United Methodist church is: "Open Hearts, Open

Minds, Open Doors, the people of the United Methodist Church." It is my prayer this year to focus on this mission. As I stated

earlier, we have a bright future in front of us. Because of this, we need to seize the moment. How are we going to shape the

church today that will shape the church of tomorrow?

My final comment is the same one that I closed with last year. I do believe that there are wonderful and exciting things

going on at Trinity. As I look out in the congregation on Sunday, visit in the community during the week, or work with the

different groups and committees, I see the Holy Spirit continuing to move amongst us. Let us continue to please God with our

prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness and open our hearts, our minds and our doors to the wondrous things God has in

store for us, and let us always remember to change lives by offering Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Michael Ritter

Page 9

The Administrative Council will meet on

Tuesday, November 28th, 6 pm. All

committee chairpersons are requested to attend.

However, all members of the church are

welcome to attend. If members have items they

would like to have added to the agenda, please

contact: Alan Faulkenberry at 843-427-4013.


Contribution Envelopes

We have surveyed the congregation on

the use of contribution envelopes and

their preferences. There was no

consensus; therefore, we are ordering

boxes containing 100 envelopes without

names or numbers. From the input we

received, the monthly mailing will cease

in December. To receive a statement

for tax purposes, you must put your

name and number on the

contribution envelope. If you prefer

not to use envelopes, please put your

number on your check. Don’t know

your number? Call the office, and they

will be glad to furnish it. When you run

out of envelopes, let the office know,

and they will be able to replenish your



On the third Sunday of each month except December, we have buckets

to collect your loose change for New Projects around the church and for

the anticipation of a new Christian Life Center. To continue this

outreach, bucket holders at the end of the service are needed. It takes

less than ten minutes once a month. It would be helpful to have teams of

four at each service to collect “Loose Change” once a month. Volunteer

to be one of the team members. If you need to miss a Sunday, you can

ask another person who attends that service to stand in for you. To help

out and for more information, please call or text Marie Peacock

at 843-340-2465.

Complete the form below to purchase a poinsettia in memory, in honor, or in appreciation of a loved

one. Cost is $12.00 each. Make your check payable to Trinity UMC and mark it “Poinsettia”.

DEADLINE to Order is NOV. 30th!!!

In Honor of ______________________________________________

In Memory of ______________________________________________

In Appreciation of ______________________________________________

****Given By________________________________ (signed as it will appear in the bulletin)

Total number of Poinsettias you are purchasing =_______ X $12.00 = ______ (Total Given to Church)

Poinsettia Order Form

Page 10

Pastor/Congregational Prayer Program The pastor and we as the congregation are always in prayer for others. Now we have the opportunity to pray

for other members of our congregation every week. Six names of families/members will be drawn at random,

and we will pray for these individuals and their families. Below are the names of the members selected for


Week of November 5

Fred and Georgiann George

T. LuAnne Burch

Smith and Joan Gause

Ann Burgess

Jack and Debra Haught

John and Karen Bullard

Week of November 12

Rick and Tina Bromley

Scurry and Shirley Hazel

Larkin and Shirley Broughton

Timothy Brittain

Dennis and Cindy Hawthorne

Shirley Brodhecker

Week of November 19 Sid Gann

Sandy and Gwenn Harris

Denise Bray

Mike and Cyndi Harrell

Alice Brooks

Carol and Randy Briley

Week of November 26

Carolyn Hardwick

Howard and Mary Anne Byrd

Lou Henderson

Don and Reba Brainerd

Carolyn Brittain

John and Sylvia Breeden

Tom & Jeannie Reeder 11/01

George & Karen Rose 11/03

Jackie & Patricia Stanley 11/03

Bill & Lynn Crittenden 11/07

Michael & Sarah Richardson 11/07

Frank & Peggy Farrington 11/08

Douglas & Gerry Ferguson 11/08

Clifford & Janet Steis 11/08

Sam & Laura Conte 11/10

Greg & Judy Phillips 11/12

Michael & Janet Curry 11/13

Wayne & Donna Allen 11/19

Charles & Sandy Hahn 11/21

Calvin & Wanda Furr 11/24

Chafer & Joyce Honea 11/28

David & Stefany Walsh 11/28

Jean Milligan 11/01 Pat Myers 11/01 Abe White 11/01 Isabella Stewart 11/02 Jim Johnston 11/03 Curt Roberts 11/03 Tom Reeder 11/04 Margaret Scott 11/04 Carolyn Bailey 11/05 Sue Blackburn 11/05 Joseph McLaughlin 11/05 Ben Prince 11/05 Dorothy Purvis 11/05

Martha Free 11/06 Cindy Hawthorne 11/07 Debbie Childress 11/08 Alice Peterson 11/08 Lee Hitchcock 11/09 Boone Myrick 11/10 Butch Porter 11/10 Rex White 11/10 Wesley Elliott 11/11 Raymond Sessions 11/11 Jill Krumme 11/12 George Rose 11/12 Abraham White 11/12 Randy Briley 11/13 Mary Anne Byrd 11/13 Debra Haught 11/13 Elayne Denis 11/14 Jonathan Witherspoon 11/14 Margaret Birgy 11/15 Shafran Fields 11/15 Chafer Honea 11/15 Phama Johnston 11/16 Greg Phillips 11/16 Lewis Milligan 11/17

Laura Schafer 11/17 Kelvin Smith 11/17 Dean Hanson 11/18 Kennedy Fields 11/19 Samantha Slapnik 11/19 John Goodman 11/21 Anne Laney 11/21 Thelma Mitchell 11/21 Dorothy Ard 11/22 Mike Harrell 11/22 Janie Earley 11/24 Gertrude Barnes 11/25 Carolyn Bond 11/25 Katherine Slapnik 11/25 Michael Thomas Younts 11/25 Jason Miller 11/26 Richard Lloyd 11/27 Piper Miller 11/27 Nancy Rautner 11/27 Inez Wolf 11/27 Josh McKeever 11/29 Dorothy Bernat 11/30 Jane Marinacci 11/30 Joey Simmons 11/30


Page 11


8:30 am 11:00 am 11/5 Madison Wood Edwin Martin

Faith Goff - Crucifer Tanner Collins - Crucifer

11/12 Jacob Slapnik Kaitlyn Williams

Katie Slapnik - Crucifer Jordan Coates - Crucifer

11/19 Drew Prince Jada Coates

Dillon Prince - Crucifer Jayla Gore - Crucifer

11/26 Brayden Powers Emma Ritter

Hayley Hughes - Crucifer Dow Ritter - Crucifer


8:30 am (Sanctuary)

11/5 Mike Walters (Capt.), Kenneth McIver, Jeannie DeAngelo, Alan Slaughter

11/12 Lucy Huggins (Capt.), Aubrey Apple, Pam Apple, Millie Doud

11/19 Lucy Huggins (Capt.), Sam Conte, Laura Conte, Julia Smith

11/26 Jill Krumme (Capt.), Neal Krumme, Tom Kelser, Connie Kelser

11:00 am (Sanctuary)

11/5 Deborah Rhyne (Capt.), Scott Keziah, Elaine Berard, Ken Ledbetter, Bob Hall, John Bouton, Laurie Nunnery

11/12 Frank Autry (Capt.), Deborah Rhyne, Ric Hanlon, Margaret Philemon, Sue Warbutton, Bob Hall,

John Bouton, Laurie Nunnery

11/19 Scott Keziah (Capt.), Deborah Rhyne, Jackie Stanley, Ric Hanlon, Bob Hall, John Bouton, Laurie Nunnery

11/26 Margaret Martin (Capt.), Deborah Rhyne, Ken Ledbetter, Jackie Stanley, Bob Hall, John Bouton,

Laurie Nunnery


8:30 am 11:00 am Linda Jones

Bobbie Johnson Bubba Collins Lee Bouton Laurie Nunnery

Kenneth McIver Darlene Collins John Bouton

Don Moore Rev. Dan Ramsey Jay Leskowicz

Pam Apple Ann Ramsey Arlene Leskowicz


8:30 am Leader 8:30 am Helper 11:00 am Leader 11:00 am Helper 11/5 No Children’s Church No Children’s Church

11/12 Jean Frye Sandra Roberts Sharon Porter

11/19 Valerie Davis Tera Ann Galloway Valerie Davis Betty Autry

11/26 Charles Pruett Judy Phillips Charles Pruett

W o r k e r s


Please take note of the Sundays you and your

family members are scheduled to serve.

If you are unable to serve,

please find a replacement and

notify the church office of the change.

Thank you for being a part of Sunday Services.

We do appreciate your time and effort!

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Trinity United Methodist Church

706 Fourteenth Avenue South

North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582

Non-Profit Org. US Postage

PAID Permit # 2

North Myrtle Beach, SC 29707

If you are interested in becoming a member of

Trinity UMC, please contact the church office.

Life in the Son

Business Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Trinity United Methodist Church

706 14th Avenue South

North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582

Phone: 843-272-5236 Fax: 843-272-0926



Sunday Worship Services:

8:30 am 11:00 am Traditional (Sanctuary)

11:00 am Encounter Worship Service (Fellowship Hall)

(Sunday School Class at 9:45 am)


Michael Ritter………. Pastor

Edmond Daniel……… Pastor

Charles Pruett……….. Director of Christian Education

Matthew Daniel……… Youth Ministry Coordinator

Barbara Tyson ………. Financial Secretary

Melody Evans………... Director of Music Ministries

Dan Vigo…………….. Orchestra Director

Albert Evans………..... Organist

Karen Meeker……….. Associate Organist

Leslie Volpe…..……... Church Administrator

Edward Klein…….….. Building Supervisor

Lori Goulet, Melissa Hughes, Jan Mosley…...Nursery

Or Current Resident



Trinity Golf Tournament

Beachwood Golf Club

November 4th

8:30 am Tee Off

All Saints’ Sunday

November 5th

Veterans Day Sunday

November 12th

ASAP Bake Sale

November 19th 9:30 pm

In the Hallway

Holiday Craft Show

December 1st, 2nd & 3rd
