Trolley Talk A study of supermarkets and sustainable shopping


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Trolley Talk

A study of supermarkets and sustainable



“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their own needs”

What can you see?

• Look at the picture of a typical aisle in a supermarket. Describe to your teacher what you can see.

• Then, read the starter story and discuss it with your teacher

All wrapped up

• Watch the video at

• Then, make a list of as many items that you buy regularly which have excess packaging


It’s not just about packaging…

What else makes a supermarket less or more sustainable?

Fieldwork aims

1. To investigate and compare the sustainability of local supermarkets

2. To conduct questionnaires to investigate consumer awareness

3. To use the data collected to evaluate the demand for, and choose the most suitable location for an ‘Eco-store’.

Supermarket sustainability

• You will be investigating and comparing different supermarkets and stores in your area

• Read the fieldwork booklet carefully and complete the data collection tables for each supermarket or store you go to.

Consumer awareness

• How aware are the general public about sustainable shopping?

• You will be conducting questionnaires to find out!

• Read the instructions carefully in the ‘Questionnaire resource’ and carry out questionnaires at each supermarket or store you go to

Follow -up

• You will use your data about each supermarket to compare them and decide which is the most ‘sustainable’

• Use the ‘follow-up resource’ to help you to do this

A new eco store!

You will use the data you have collected in your questionnaires to decide…

a)Whether there is a ‘demand’ for an Eco-store in your local area

b)Where the most suitable location for it would be

Use the ‘eco-store’ resource to help you!

Extension Activity

Sustainable shopping debate

Have you ever thought…

Is it better to buy Fairtrade sugar from abroad, or

sugar produced in the UK?

Should we all only buy fruit and

vegetables which are in season, and grown in the UK?

Are supermarkets part of ‘modern life’ or are there more ‘ethical’ ways to


Is it better to buy flowers grown in

Holland or Kenya?

What should we do about packaging –

what is the solution?

The debate

• Your teacher will organise you into groups

• You will be given a topic and a viewpoint

• You must research and prepare your ‘argument’

• Write a short speech outlining your main views

• Prepare yourself to answer questions from the ‘opposition’
