

INTRODUCTION Key Words: analgesics, non-narcotic, pain, sensory receptors,transientreceptorpotentialcationchannel,TRP channels,TRPV1,capsaicinreceptor Addresscorrespondenceandreprintrequeststo:MarkA.Schumacher, PhD,MD,DepartmentofAnesthesiaandPerioperativeCare,Universityof California,SanFrancisco,513ParnassusAvenue,RoomS436(BoxS436),San Francisco,CA94143-0427, Submitted:December12,2009;Accepted:December29,2009 DOI.10.1111/j.1533-2500.2010.00358.x

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Transient Receptor PotentialChannels in Pain

and Inflammation:Therapeutic Opportunities

Mark A. Schumacher, PhD, MDDepartment of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of California,

San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

! Abstract: In ancient times, physicians had a limitednumber of therapies to provide pain relief. Not surprisingly,plant extracts applied topically often served as the primaryanalgesic plan. With the discovery of the capsaicin receptor(transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V,member 1 [TRPV1]), the search for “new” analgesics hasreturned to compounds used by physicians thousands ofyears ago. One such compound, capsaicin, couples the para-doxical action of nociceptor activation (burning pain) withsubsequent analgesia following repeat or high-dose applica-tion. Investigating this “paradoxical” action of capsaicin hasrevealed several overlapping and complementary mecha-nisms to achieve analgesia including receptor desensitiza-tion, nociceptor dysfunction, neuropeptide depletion, andnerve terminal destruction. Moreover, the realization thatTRPV1 is both sensitized and activated by endogenous prod-ucts of inflammation, including bradykinin, H+, adenosinetriphosphate, fatty acid derivatives, nerve growth factor, andtrypsins, has renewed interest in TRPV1 as an important siteof analgesia. Building on this foundation, a new series ofpreclinical and clinical studies targeting TRPV1 has been

reported. These include trials using brief exposure to high-dose topical capsaicin in conjunction with prior applicationof a local anesthetic. Clinical use of resiniferatoxin, anotherancient but potent TRPV1 agonist, is also being explored as atherapy for refractory pain. The development of orallyadministered high-affinity TRPV1 antagonists holds promisefor pioneering a new generation of analgesics capable ofblocking painful sensations at the site of inflammation andtissue injury. With the isolation of other members of the TRPchannel family such as TRP cation channel, subfamily A,member 1, additional opportunities are emerging in thedevelopment of safe and effective analgesics. !

Key Words: analgesics, non-narcotic, pain, sensoryreceptors, transient receptor potential cation channel, TRPchannels, TRPV1, capsaicin receptor

INTRODUCTIONSince ancient times, physicians have faced a commondilemma: How does one effectively relieve a patient’spain? Long before the advent of randomized double-blinded clinical trials, early physicians successfully usednative plant derivatives to provide pain relief. Althoughtheir preparations may have been crude by today’s stan-dards, they set in motion a path of discovery that hasresulted in the current revolution in novel analgesicdevelopment. Now there is evidence that compoundsused by ancient physicians to treat painful conditionsfrom arthritis to toothaches contain unique chemicals

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Mark A. Schumacher,PhD, MD, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Avenue, Room S436 (Box S436), SanFrancisco, CA 94143-0427, U.S.A. E-mail:

Submitted: December 12, 2009; Accepted: December 29, 2009DOI. 10.1111/j.1533-2500.2010.00358.x

© 2010 World Institute of Pain, 1530-7085/10/$15.00Pain Practice, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010 185–200

that can block a peripheral sensory neuron’s ability todetect painful stimuli. Moreover, the molecular identityof these compounds is helping to reveal how noxiousthermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli are detectedand signal persistent states of tissue injury and inflam-mation. As discussed later, the capsaicin receptor, alsoknown as transient receptor potential cation channel,subfamily V, member 1 (TRPV1), is an archetype for abroader family of ion channels that likely transducevirtually all modalities of painful stimuli. As such,progress has been made both at the bench and bedsideto develop therapeutics that selectively targets the TRPfamily of pain-transducing channels providing anexquisite alternative to opioid-based analgesics.

What are the features of an ideal analgesic? A clini-cian’s viewpoint likely includes: acts selectively on the“pain-sensing” nerves, does not depress the centralnervous system or respiration, maintains an analgesiceffect over time, is easy to administer, is not addictive,and is inexpensive. Will such a compound ever be foundor synthesized? Perhaps, the future of the “ideal” anal-gesic has been with us all along.

ANCIENT ANALGESICSSome of the earliest written accounts in Western civi-lization describing analgesic compounds, especiallytopical agents, date back to Roman times more than2,000 years ago (50 BC to 23 AD). Although popularlegend contends that the Roman physician Euphorbiusfirst used the resin from Euphorbia resinifera to treatthe arthritic pain suffered by Emperor Augustus, it wasactually King Juba II of Mauretania that scholarsbelieve is responsible for its discovery.1 E. resinifera isa cactus-like plant indigenous to the Anti-Atlas Moun-tains of North Africa (Morocco). This spurge containsa toxic latex that when dried, resolves into a potentresin capable of inducing topical analgesia and reduc-ing the pain of a toothache. Surprisingly, its medicinaluse continued for hundreds of years before largely van-ishing in the 1700s. Predating the accounts of E. resin-ifera during Roman times was the medicinal use of hotchilies in South America dating as far back as 4000 BC.However, much of our modern accounts and writtenrecords of chili’s irritant properties and medicinal useare derived from Aztec culture beginning in the 12thcentury. The Aztecs were a highly disciplined culturewhere a child’s inappropriate behavior could result inbeing held over a pile of burning chili peppers! Fortu-nately, Aztec physicians of that time also realized chili’susefulness to treat painful maladies. Nevertheless, it

was not until Columbus returned to Europe with chili“peppers” in the late 1400s that its culinary andmedicinal attributes began to spread throughout themodern world.

WHERE DOES PAIN START?In the peripheral nervous system, somatosensory detec-tion of tissue-damaging stimuli occurs at the peripheralterminals of primary afferent neurons whose cellbodies reside in the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia(DRG). These specialized nociceptive neurons inner-vate essentially all tissues within the body with theexception of the brain parenchyma. Those neuronsthat respond to tissue damage (intense mechanical,thermal or noxious chemical stimuli) express special-ized proteins in their nerve terminals capable of paintransduction and have been termed primary afferentnociceptors or “nociceptors.” Nociceptors have manydistinguishing features when compared with otherperipheral neurons. Importantly, they are relativelysmall in size, and are either unmyelinated (C-type) orthinly myelinated (A delta-type), explaining their rela-tively slow conduction velocities. Under conditions ofnoxious stimuli, the nociceptor terminals detectimpending or actual tissue injury and elicit a complexbarrage of electrochemical activity that subsequentlysignals second order neurons in lamina I, II, and V ofthe dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Ultimately, nocice-ptive signaling is transmitted to higher centers of thecentral nervous where it is perceived as a harmful orunpleasant experience.2

Within the trigeminal (V) and DRG reside the cellbodies for the majority of nociceptive fibers that popu-late cranial nerves V (innervation of the majority ofthe face, conjunctiva, mouth, and dura mater) as wellas cranial nerves VII, IX, and X (innervation of theskin of the external ear, and mucous membranes of thelarynx and pharynx).3 Likewise, nociceptor terminalsderived from the spinal DRG (cervical, thoracic, andlumbar) innervate the somatotopic dermatomes of theskin and underlying tissue and visceral organs. Vagalafferents provide a second source of visceral innerva-tion from cell bodies located within the nodose (infe-rior vagal) ganglion. Despite dual sensory innervationof the majority of internal organs, afferents involvedwith the transduction of painful visceral stimuli(ischemia, stretch, distension) are primarily derivedfrom the DRG.4 Nevertheless, vagal afferents still playa role in pain transduction even though their functionmay be more “global” in nature, providing

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feedback loops to the brain and neuroendocrinesystems, resulting in systemic pain modulationand associated perceptions of nausea, malaise, orimpending doom.5

NOCICEPTORSNociceptors are also characterized based on theirthreshold for evoking a sensation of pain includingnoxious chemical, thermal (temperatures 3 43°C to45°C), or mechanical stimuli. Recent work has focusedon further subdividing nociceptive neurons based ontheir adult expression of associate neuropeptides andreceptor proteins. Specific antibody staining is nowavailable for the detection of subtypes of epidermalnociceptive fibers in human volunteers. In general, thishas revealed at least two additional subcategories ofsmall-diameter nociceptive neurons: peptidergic,which contains substance P and calcitonin gene-relatedpeptide, with coexpression of the nerve growthfactor (NGF) receptors TrkA and p75, or nonpeptider-gic sensory neurons that lack neuropeptides andTrkA receptors but express the antigen isolectinB4.6–8 Although both subtypes initially required NGFduring development, their adult phenotypes differbased on the downregulation and loss of TrkAreceptors on the non peptidergic nociceptors. Despitethis elegant classification of nociceptor subtypes, dis-charge patterns of polymodal nociceptors do not cor-relate with stimulus-induced pain sensation.7

Therefore, central processing of nociceptor impulsesmust be required for the discrimination of painfulsensations.

As neuroscientists investigated the characteristics ofnociceptor physiology in cultured sensory neurons,inward current responses to noxious heat (Iheat),9–12

mechanical stimuli (Imech),13 and chemical stimuli wereobserved in small-diameter sensory neurons.14 In par-ticular, a subset of sensory neurons was activated bycapsaicin, the principle pungent component in hot chilipeppers. Structurally, capsaicin contains a homovanillicacid group that is important for its pungent activity.Therefore, capsaicin and its related derivatives areusually referred to as “vanilloid compounds.” Inmammals, exposure to capsaicin produces excitation ofnociceptors with secondary release of inflammatory andvasoactive peptides.15 In humans, intradermal injectionof capsaicin produces immediate burning pain, similarto that reported with noxious thermal stimuli or incertain painful neuropathies.2

THE CAPSAICIN RECEPTOR (TRPV1)Prior to the isolation of a cDNA encoding a functionalcapsaicin (vanilloid) receptor, evidence that the effects ofcapsaicin may be mediated by a receptor began withmeasuring the dose-dependent effects of capsaicin andits analogues on protective eye-wiping behavior in therat. Subsequently, dose-response experiments measuringcalcium influx and current responses in cultured sensoryneurons were completed.16 In addition, resiniferatoxin(RTX), a diterpene derived from the latex of the plantEuphorbia resinifera used by the ancient physicians ofRoman times, was found to share structural similarity tocapsaicin by containing a common vanilloid moietyessential for activity (Fig. 1). Both capsaicin and RTXinduce a dose-dependent influx of calcium in culturedsensory neurons. RTX has an apparent nanomolarbinding affinity in DRG membranes and was originallyutilized as a high-affinity radioligand for the character-ization of purported vanilloid-binding sites.17 Several















RESINIFERATOXINFigure 1. Chemical structure of capsaicin and resiniferatoxin(RTX) illustrating common active moieties including methoxy andhydroxyl groups (circled). Although both function as agonists atthe transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V,member 1 receptor, RTX has higher potency and a characteristi-cally slow but persistent activation.

TRP Channels in Pain and Inflammation • 187

comprehensive reviews have been published encapsulat-ing early work on vanilloid receptor biology.17,18


With the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding acapsaicin-activated ion channel in 1997, the molecularbasis of the vanilloid receptor VR1 (TRPV1) was finallyrealized.19 Now termed TRPV1, it encodes a nonselec-tive cation channel subunit of approximately 95 kDathat is highly expressed in the small-diameter sensoryneurons of dorsal root, trigeminal, and vagal ganglion.Its structure (Fig. 2) most resembles that of members ofthe Kv 1.2 and store-operated channel family.19 TheTRPV1 subunit spans the plasma membrane six times,containing large N- and C-terminal intracellular regionsand is proposed to form tetrameric and/or heteromericchannel complexes.20–22 It is activated by capsaicin andRTX on the intracellular surface in a dose-dependentmanner. Once activated, TRPV1 is not selective formonovalent cations; rather, it preferentially conductscalcium through its channel pore, resulting in anincrease in intracellular calcium and cellulardepolarization.


The pain and disability from chronic inflammatory con-ditions remain widespread and difficult to managedespite a variety of available pharmacologic therapies.With the realization that TRPV1 could be activated bythermal stimuli, it was initially considered to serve arestricted role for nociceptive transduction—the acutedetection of heat in the noxious range. Importantly,TRPV1 was not found to be simply a thermal detectorbut also a critical part of a system designed to signalpotential and/or ongoing pathophysiological conditionsthat if left uncorrected, could lead to irreversible cellularinjury.

Nociceptors have the ability to adjust their sensitivityfollowing repetitive noxious stimuli or tissue injury. Sen-sitization encompasses an increase in spontaneous noci-ceptor activity, a lowered threshold for activation, and anincrease in action potential firing after suprathresholdstimuli.2 Under these circumstances, prolonged nocicep-tor activation may be warranted to ensure protectivebehavioral responses. Together with plasticity changes inthe dorsal horn of the spinal cord, local nociceptorsensitization contributes an essential role in the initiationand maintenance of hyperalgesia. A turning point in therealization that TRPV1 was critical to the signaling ofinflammatory pain and hyperalgesia was the finding thatTRPV1-null mice failed to develop thermal Whyperalge-sia following exposure to peripheral inflammation.23,24

Therefore, TRPV1 serves as a critical molecular site ofnociceptor sensitization where the action of both aninflammatory mediator and a noxious stimulus (heat) arerequired for nociceptor activation (Table 1).


Nociceptive ion channels and by definition, the nocice-ptors expressing them, may serve more to signalongoing tissue injury and inflammation rather thanacute noxious stimuli. This suggests a sensory systemthat can distinguish between an acute noxious stimulusand a chronic painful condition such as inflammation. Italso suggests that compounds capable of selectivelyblocking the activation of this class of receptor/channelscould theoretically spare normal sensations of touch orextremes of heat. Although the identity of endogenousagents capable of activating TRPV1 continues toemerge, a number of these have been shown to either actdirectly or sensitize TRPV1 through secondary messen-







Figure 2. Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamilyV, member 1 (TRPV1) protein topology. TRPV1 is distinguished by6 transmembrane-spanning regions flanked by two intracellulardomains (N) amino-terminal and (C) carboxyl-terminal. TheN-terminal domain includes 3 ankyrin (A) repeat domains thatmay function in receptor modulation. A pore loop domain ispredicted between the fifth and sixth transmembrane-spanningregion. It is proposed that at least 4 such subunits assemble toform a functional channel complex. Formation of heteromericchannel complexes incorporating TRPV1 plus other TRPV1 splicevariant and/or TRP channel subunits have been proposed.

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gers and/or protein modification. As summarized(Table 1), multiple agents and pathways are acting inconcert to modulate TRPV1 under conditions of tissueinjury/inflammation and nerve injury.


Protons (H+) as found in excess under acidic conditions(low pH) have been shown to potentiate both the vanil-loid and noxious thermal response of TRPV1 throughdirect activation of TRPV1 in vitro.19,32 Moreover, anextracellular site essential for proton-induced activationof TRPV1 has been identified and apparently differsfrom the sites that mediate capsaicin and heat activa-tion.35,51 Although the detection of “mild” acidic condi-tions, pH 7.0 to 7.4, may be mediated by a family ofacid-sensing sodium channels,52 the ability of hydrogenions to potentiate or directly activate TRPV1 suggests anociceptive role under pathophysiologic conditions ofischemia or infection. Additional behavioral studiesshould help determine the degree to which TRPV1 par-ticipates in vivo to proton-mediated nociception.23,24


Bradykinin (BK), a naturally occurring inflammatorynonapeptide, has been shown to directly activate noci-ceptors as well as produce nociceptor sensitizationthrough several mechanisms.53 The effects of BK aremediated through two receptor subtypes: B1 and B2. TheB2 receptor is widely expressed, being responsible for themajority of BK-induced effects including those in noci-ceptors. In contrast, the B1 subtype is expressed in lowerabundance and has a higher affinity for the BK metabo-lite, Des [Arg9] BK. B1 receptors are upregulated underconditions of injury/inflammation and have been shownto contribute to inflammatory hyperalgesia.54 Activation

of protein kinase C (PKC) produces C-fiber type noci-ceptor depolarization, and activated forms of PKC areassociated with the phosphorylation of selectivedomains of receptors and ion channels.55 A PKCisozyme (epsilon), PKCe, has been implicated in nocice-ptor function as it may mediate a component of NGF-mediated hyperalgesia.56 Furthermore, PKCe mutantmice have reduced mechanical and thermal hyperalgesiabut have normal baseline thresholds for noxiousstimuli.56 Nevertheless, BK activation of nociceptorswas eliminated in B2-deficient mice, reaffirming the roleof the B2 receptor as the predominant target for BKaction on nociceptors.57 Moreover, at least two potentialpathways have been described that could link BK toTRPV1 activation in nociceptors: BK activation of phos-pholipase A2 with subsequent metabolism of arachi-donic acid (AA) into products of the lipoxygenasepathway41 and BK-mediated production of diacylglyc-erol and inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate with subsequentactivation of PKC.58

Adenosine Triphosphate

The hypothesis that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) playsan important role in the synaptic transmission of sensoryneurons began with the early observations of Holton andHolton.59 Cellular activation in response to ATP revealedthat one or more “fast” ATP gated channels may exist invarious tissues, including nociceptors. Furthermore, it isplausible that ATP released from injured cells functionsas a signal of tissue injury. Of importance is the ATP gatedchannel subtype P2X3, which is predominantly expressedin small-diameter sensory neurons and is proposed to beone mechanism that mediates ATP-induced activation ofnociceptors.60 P2X3 may play a role in enhancing thermaland/or mechanical transduction under inflammatory

Table 1. Activation and Modulation of Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel, Subfamily A, Member 1

Stimulus/Agent Mechanism Response Ref

Capsaicin Intracellular N and C terminal Activation; increased Ca++I; desensitization cell death 19,25,26

Resiniferatoxin Transmembrane domain Slow irreversible activation; increased Ca++I; depolarizing block; cell death 27–31

Heat Multiple sites—C-terminal; PIP2 Activation at temp >43oC; increased Ca++i


Acid/base Extracellular (H+)Intracellular(–OH)

Activation and sensitization 19,32,35,36

Anandamide Direct intracellular binding Vasodilation; activation; sensitization 37–40

Bradykinin 12-HPETELeukotriene B4; PKC

Activation and sensitization 41–43

Adenosine triphosphate P2Y2/PKC Sensitization and activation 44–46

Nerve growth factor TrkA/PI3K Activation and sensitization; increased expression 47,48

Trypsins PAR2/PKC Sensitization 49,50

PKC, protein kinase C.

TRP Channels in Pain and Inflammation • 189

or pathophysiologic conditions.61 More recently, themetabotropic G protein-coupled receptor P2Y2 has beenshown to have a direct link to TRPV1 activation andsensitization.44–46

Lipids: Fatty Acid Metabolites

Nociceptors are sensitized by a wide range of inflam-matory products of AA metabolism. These includecertain products of the cyclooxygenase pathway (PGE2,PGI2) that are known to exert their biological actionthrough G protein-coupled receptors and more recently,isoprostanes, compounds that are formed by nonenzy-matic peroxidation of AA such as 8-iso PGE2 and 8-isoPGF2a. Alternately, AA is metabolized via the lipoxyge-nase pathway, producing a multitude of productsincluding LTB4 and 15-S-di HETE that have beenshown to sensitize nociceptors. Although lipoxygenaseproducts have a wide range of biological activities andtheir receptor targets were previously minimally charac-terized, 12-S-HPETE and LTB4 have been recentlyshown to directly activate TRPV1.41 More recently, twoderivatives of dopamine (N-arachidonoyl-dopamine[NADA] and N-oleoyl-dopamine) have also been foundto activate TRPV1 and are associated with experimentalhyperalgesia.62,63


Since its identification by Levi-Montalcini and Calis-sano, NGF has been distinguished from other neurotro-phin family members (brain-derived neurotrophic factorNT-3, and NT-4/5) as being essential for normal noci-ceptor development and function.64 NGF is synthesizedand secreted by a wide variety of tissues includingSchwann cells located within sensory ganglion andimportantly, in the end-target tissues of nociceptiveterminals—epidermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes.NGF is intimately involved in maintaining and modify-ing the phenotype of the nociceptor population. Adultsensory neurons lose their dependency on NGF for sur-vival but retain expression of its high-affinity receptorTrkA primarily on the small-diameter primary afferentnociceptors (C and A-delta).65 Conditions of inflamma-tion that are characterized by inflammatory cell migra-tion, cytokine release, edema, erythema, pain, andhyperalgesia can be experimentally modeled by injectionof complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) into the hind pawof the rat. Following CFA injection, one finds increasedNGF production and content at the site of the injury,serving as the driving signal for the associated pain andhyperalgesia.66–68

Use of IgG–Trk fusion protein and anti-NGF anti-bodies have been shown to block inflammatory modelsof pain and thermal hyperalgesia despite continued evi-dence of erythema and edema.65 Human studies alsocorroborate a role for NGF in peripheral pain transduc-tion. Intradermal injection of NGF in human volunteersinduces thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodyniaat the site of injection, beginning as early as 3 hours andlasting up to 21 days.66 NGF is also detected in thesynovial fluid of patients with rheumatic disease orother types of chronic arthritis.69 Patients with congeni-tal insensitivity to pain with anhydrosis have an absenceof reaction to noxious stimuli and have been shown tocontain mutations within the gene that encodes theNGF–TrkA receptor.70

A major consequence of NGF production in periph-eral inflammation is TRPV1-mediated pain and thermalhyperalgesia. It is now emerging that NGF has at leastthree principle actions on TRPV1 in nociceptors: modi-fication of the TRPV1 channel structure, changing itssensitivity towards activation—lowering its threshold ofthermal activation;47 increasing the transport of theTRPV1 channel protein to the plasma membrane,thereby making more TRPV1 receptor immediatelyavailable for a greater cellular response under activatingconditions;48 and increasing both TRPV1 translation(protein)71 and transcription (RNA)22,72,73 to sustainoverexpression of TRPV1 in C-type nociceptors and tofacilitate the de novo expression of TRPV1 in A-delta-type nociceptors.74,75

Therefore, long-term exposure of nociceptive termi-nals to inflammatory mediators such as NGF can resultin long-term phenotypic changes in the repertoire ofnociceptive transducing elements.76 Extending theseobservations to TRPV1, experiments from severallaboratories have found that NGF directs both earlyand long-term increases in capsaicin-mediatedresponses.47,64,77,78 Since it has been established thatTRPV1-null mice failed to develop thermal hyperalgesiafollowing exposure to peripheral inflammation,23,24 therelative level of expressed TRPV1 at the site of inflam-mation (and probably at the spinal cord) will have aprofound impact on the magnitude of inflammatory-induced pain and hyperalgesia (Fig. 3).


Although the use of vanilloid-like creams and salves hasits therapeutic origins to treat painful conditions

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thousands of years ago,1 its scientific and clinical uses inWestern societies has only emerged since the 1800s withthe isolation of the principle agent capsaicin from hotchili peppers. Building on the realization that the expe-rience of pain is based on nerves (nociceptors) thatrespond to specific noxious stimuli that can cause tissuedamage,79 Hungarian investigators in the 1940sobserved that capsaicin can both activate and inactivatesensory nerves. Following the confirmation of the “noci-ceptor” hypothesis by Bessou and Perl in 1969, theexistence of a “capsaicin receptor” expressed onC-polymodal nociceptors was hypothesized. The phe-nomenon of nociceptor “desensitization” due to repeti-

tive exposure to capsaicin was finally investigated in the1970s.80 As shown later, it was not until the 1980s thatthe broader use of topical capsaicin appeared in earnestin the literature as a therapy for difficult-to-manage painsyndromes—especially for the treatment of postherpeticneuralgia (PHN).

CAPSAICIN-MEDIATED ANALGESIAIt has long been appreciated that initial applications ofcapsaicin are painful, but paradoxically, repeated appli-cation produces a topical analgesic effect. Although acombination of mechanisms (Fig. 4) including desensi-tization, nociceptor dysfunction, neuropeptide deple-

Figure 3. Mechanisms of TRPV1-mediatedinflammatory hyperalgesia and pain trans-duction (A). Following tissue injury, localtissue responds with increased productionand accumulation of inflammatory com-pounds that activate/sensitize TRPV1. Noci-ceptive terminals derived from C- andA-delta fibers are interposed with skinfibroblasts, mast cells, and the microvascu-lature. Following injury or inflammation,terminals depolarize releasing neuropep-tides substance-P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), which producesvascular leak and edema. Bradykinin (BK)cleaved from circulating kallikreins andnerve growth factor (NGF) produced byfibroblasts and infiltrating peripheralblood mononuclear cells both activate andsensitize nociceptor terminals. NGF pro-duces additional sensitization through thedegranulation of mast cells containingserotonin (5-HT) and histamine. NGF andcytokines are associated with the accumu-lation of neutrophils and lymphocytes thatparticipate in the maintenance ofsensitization—hyperalgesia. (B) Hypotheti-cal nociceptor terminal expressing TRPV1activated by capsaicin (peppers), noxiousheat (fire), and extracellular protons (H+).The resulting inward calcium current depo-larizes terminal initiating action potentialsthat signal higher centers (not shown).Inflammatory mediators such as BK, ATP,trypsins, and NGF act through various sec-ondary messenger systems to activate orsensitize TRPV1, resulting in pain and hype-ralgesia.

Blood Vessel

Primary Afferent Nociceptor



Mast CellHistamine



































TRP Channels in Pain and Inflammation • 191

tion,81,82 and nociceptive terminal destruction83,84 havebeen proposed as critical analgesic drivers, it is mostlikely that the destruction of nociceptor terminals thatplays the greatest role in the subsequent analgesic/therapeutic effect.

Several large double-blind, vehicle-controlled studiesof patients with chronic PHN were performed to evalu-ate the efficacy of topically applied capsaicin 0.075%cream. The authors concluded that it was not only effec-tive, but should be considered for the initial manage-ment of PHN.71,85 Given the apparent initial success in

the treatment of PHN, a number of other painful con-ditions were considered for topical capsaicin therapy.Topical capsaicin has shown promise in the treatmentpain of neuropathic character including patients withcomplex regional pain syndrome CRPS.86 By extension,capsaicin-based topical applications have been focusedon postsurgical neuropathic pain in cancer patients whouse 0.075% cream applied four times daily. Impres-sively, 53% vs. 17% (placebo control) of patients expe-rienced a significantly greater pain relief while using thetopical capsaicin.87 Although an early meta-analysis that








(-) Ca ++








H+ H




















Figure 4. Mechanisms of topical capsaicin-mediated analgesia. Repeat application of capsaicin or other vanilloid-like compounds canproduce a number of local effects on TRPV1-expressing nociceptor terminals. (A) Desensitization is a calcium-dependent phenomenonwhere application of capsaicin leads to a decrease in inward current response during continued capsaicin application. When capsaicinis applied at repeated intervals, each subsequent response becomes smaller and is often referred to as tachyphylaxis. It is proposedthat under these conditions, TRPV1 may also be refractory to the effect of inflammatory mediators and intracellular secondarymessengers. (B) Repeated or prolonged application of capsaicin can produce nociceptor dysfunction. Under this condition, which maybe secondary to an influx and/or excess of store-released calcium, other pain-transducing receptor–channels may be inactivated. Thiscould explain analgesic effects that are beyond the scope of TRPV1 function. (C) Depletion of neuropeptides (substance-P, CGRP) fromnociceptive terminal is evoked by capsaicin, and high dose or repeat applications have been shown to deplete both central andperipheral terminals. Although the activity of substance-P has been show to play a key role in facilitating nociceptive neurotrans-mission in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, blockade of the substance-P receptor (NK1R) has failed to show analgesia in humans. (D)Destruction of TRPV1-expressing nociceptive terminals has been the most reliable marker correlating the application of vanilloid-likecompounds and analgesia. Although a number of mechanisms have been proposed, vanilloid-induced apoptosis appears to be thelikely mechanism.

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included patients suffering from diabetic neuropathyand osteoarthritis concluded that topical capsaicinimproved pain when compared with a placebo,88 theanalysis includes a number of uncontrolled and/orunderpowered trials, a concern that has weakened theirinfluence on changing clinical practice over time. More-over, if one applies a more “rigorous” standard forclinical trials (as exists presently) on trial data prior to2004, topical capsaicin (0.025% or 0.075%) showedpoor to moderate efficacy in the treatment of eithermusculoskeletal or neuropathic symptoms.89 Coupledwith one-third of these study patients experiencingadverse effects, enthusiasm for widespread use of theseagents in the absence of concurrent local anesthetic pre-treatment appeared to plateau, and such treatmentswere considered for so-called, “nonresponders” ratherthan as a first-line treatment option.

Several aspects of topical capsaicin treatment appearto limit its overall effectiveness and application in clini-cal practice. The first is the requirement for repeatedcapsaicin application (up to 4 to 5 times daily) to estab-lish and maintain an adequate degree of analgesia.Repeated use of capsaicin that contains topical creamsleads to the loss of epidermal nerve fibers and can bedetected as soon as 3 days following repeated applica-tion. In fact, after 3 weeks of capsaicin treatment on thevolar forearm 4 times daily, there was an approximately80% reduction in epidermal nerve processes. Loss of theepidermal fibers was concordant with a reduction inpainful sensation to noxious heat and mechanicalstimuli.90 Similar findings were observed when capsaicinwas injected subcutaneously in the volunteers.84

CAPSAICIN AND THE SKINAlthough the loss of epidermal nerve fibers are alsoassociated with localized redness and edema, there issurprisingly little damage to the keratinocytes within theepidermal layer of normal skin. Few studies have spe-cifically reported on capsaicin-induced keratinocyte tox-icity despite the reported expression of TRPV1.91–93 Thiscould be the result of several factors including a loweroverall level of TRPV1 expression in keratinocytes whencompared with those found in DRG coupled with thecoexpression of an inhibitory TRPV1 splice variant sub-unit.94 Although there is a reduction of keratinocyte andfibroblast growth in the presence of capsaicin (0.025%),in vitro, at concentrations found in commercialcreams,95 capsaicin may have a much greater toxic effecton keratinocytes under pathophysiologic conditions.For example, cultured cells from human squamous cell

carcinoma are sensitive to capsaicin-induced apoptosisthrough inhibition of mitochondrial respiration.96 Infact, certain skin disorders such as prurigo nodularis canbe effectively treated with topical capsaicin.97 Moreover,there is an increase in capsaicin receptor (TRPV1)expression in the epidermal keratinocytes and associ-ated nerve fibers in prurigo nodularis lesions that isnormalized following capsaicin treatment. This suggeststhat TRPV1 itself may play a critical role in both thepathology and the treatment of inflammatory disordersof the skin.98 Therefore, it is tempting to speculate thattopical capsaicin treatment would afford a selectiveadvantage in the management of pain arising fromcertain cutaneous manifestations of malignant mela-noma and/or squamous cell carcinoma.96,99


To obtain improved patient acceptance and analgesicefficacy using capsaicin-based creams, therapeutic trialshave progressively shifted to a combination of localanesthetic pretreatment followed by a single applicationof high-dose capsaicin. In a preliminary trial of 10patients suffering from intractable lower extremity painwith neuropathic features, application of capsaicin (5%to 10%) under regional anesthesia resulted in a widerange of post-treatment pain relief.83 Therefore, thisreport suggested an alternative approach, a single appli-cation period of a high-dose capsaicin rather than theonerous task of repeat daily applications of low-doseformulations that are associated with a high drop-outrate.100

Later, a high concentration capsaicin patch (8%) wasdevised and its application to the skin for a period of 1to 2 hours produced longer term changes in epidermalnerve fibers that included loss of PGP-9.5 staining andreduction of heat sensitization. This illustrated that ashort-term application of a high concentration of cap-saicin can mimic those changes previously seen underrepeat application (3 to 5 times/day ¥ 1 week) of lowerconcentration capsaicin cream.101 Subsequently, arandomized double-blinded study for the treatment ofpostherpetic neuralgia using a 1-hour application of ahigh-dose capsaicin (8%) patch was found to providesignificant pain relief between study weeks 2 and 12.102

Application of the high-dose capsaicin patch in this casewas generally well-tolerated as it was preceded with the1-hour application of 4% lidocaine jelly. Despite this,high-dose capsaicin patch treatment was commonlyassociated with localized pain and erythema.102 A

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similar study using a capsaicin (8%) patch withlidocaine pretreatment was undertaken for the treat-ment of painful human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)neuropathy of the lower extremities (feet) that showedmodest pain relief (one-third of the treated patients had>30% relief) during study weeks 2 to 12 without adetectable change in the perception of warmth, cold,sharp pain, or vibration sensation.103 Interestingly, therewas no apparent relationship between the duration ofpatch application and the degree of analgesia achieved.Adverse events included short-term site swelling andburning sensation with 44% of the patients requestingoxycodone/acetaminophen following capsaicin patchplacement. A small number of patients also experienceditching or coughing.103

IS CAPSAICIN SAFE?The favorable safety profile of topically applied capsai-cin relies on several complementary factors. Althoughcapsaicin can be systemically absorbed through the skin,it does so as a function of its applied concentration andduration of exposure. When the kinetics of systemiccapsaicin absorption was investigated in patients receiv-ing a high-dose capsaicin (8%) patch for pain arisingfrom either PHN, HIV-associated neuropathy (HIV-AN), or from diabetes mellitus, patch application to thetrunk (PHN) directed the greatest plasma levels, withthe highest value observed at 17.8 ng/mL. Capsaicin israpidly eliminated by the cytochrome P450 hepaticenzyme system,104 with a population elimination half-life of 1.64 hours.105 Significantly lower plasma concen-trations were detected when the patch was applied tothe feet (diabetic neuropathy, HIV-AN). As applicationtime was increased (from 60 to 90 minutes), the hourlyplasma concentration doubled.105

Given this low profile of toxicity, the use of purifiedcapsaicin solutions is being investigated for its potentialto provide long-term postoperative pain relief and thereduction of opioid-based analgesics following intraop-erative instillation into surgical wounds.106 Neverthe-less, high doses of capsaicin inadvertently administeredinto the systemic circulation may produce a wide rangeof effects such as in the pulmonary (apnea), cardiovas-cular (bradycardia), and thermoregulatory (hypother-mia) systems.18 The perineural infiltration of capsaicinmay be another way in which to selectively targetpainful conditions. In fact, the idea of applying capsai-cin plus a local anesthetic capable of selectively enteringnociceptive fibers has been proposed and demonstratedin animal models.107,108

RTX-MEDIATED ANALGESIAIn comparison with capsaicin, it is surprising to find arelative paucity of preclinical and clinical trials usingRTX as an analgesic therapy. Although RTX appears toengender many of the same benefits that were describedfor capsaicin, its overall structure (phorbol ester) andprofile of TRPV1 activation (irreversible) likely haveimpacted on its translation from the bench to the bed-side.28,109 Nevertheless, a resurgence of interest in RTXhas shown that intrathecal delivery in animals results inlong-term analgesia—likely because of the loss ofvanilloid-sensitive sensory neurons.31,110 Perineuralapplication of RTX has also been shown to producedose-dependent, long-lasting analgesia.111,112 Impor-tantly, analgesia was achieved in the absence of changesin proprioception or motor control.113,114 RTX treat-ment has been shown to improve nociceptive behaviorsin animals with tumors and is undergoing phase 1 andphase 2 clinical trials to examine the safety and effec-tiveness of intrathecal RTX for the treatment ofadvanced cancer pain refractory to other treatments.113

TRPV1 ANTAGONIST-MEDIATED ANALGESIAWhereas new methodologies have been developed toapply capsaicin or RTX to appropriate target tissues, acompletely different effort has been underway to develophigh-affinity TRPV1 antagonists, with the goal of achiev-ing analgesia by systemic administration. Ultimately, thequestion has become: will blockade of TRPV1 activationreverse inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia? As previ-ously described in detail, TRPV1 functions as an integra-tor of multiple noxious stimuli serving as a cellularsensory transducer for the detection of tissue injury. It istherefore plausible that blockade of TRPV1 activation inresponse to the cornucopia of inflammatory mediators(protons, BK, ATP, products of the lipoxygenasepathway, fatty acid metabolites, growth factors) shouldprovide pain relief and reduce hyperalgesia. Early studiesattempted to demonstrate blockade or reversal of experi-mental hyperalgesia in animal models but were ham-pered by either their lack of specificity (ruthenium red) ortheir low affinity (capsazepine).115–118

Following the isolation of TRPV1,19 efforts to iden-tify a high affinity antagonist were enabled with highthroughput screening techniques and resulted in severalpromising candidates. Excitedly, an oral compoundSB-705498 was shown to be effective in a human trial toreduce the area of experimental capsaicin-evoked flarewhen compared with placebo.119 In addition, another

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orally bioavailable antagonist of TRPV1 activation—AMG 517—was shown to reverse inflammation-induced pain behavior in rats. AMG 517 was laterpredicted to have a long half-life in humans that may beamenable to once-a-week dosing. Moreover, it wasobserved that blockade of TRPV1 centrally was antici-pated to help provide a global analgesic effect.120

However, during a double-blind, placebo-controlled,randomized, parallel group, multicenter study for themanagement of pain following molar extraction, a testsubject experienced prolonged (days) hyperthermia(>40°C) after taking a single 2 mg dose of the high-affinity TRPV1 antagonist.121 Although this eventresulted in the suspension of further phase 1 testing ofthese compounds, it dramatically revealed the impor-tance of TRPV1 in central core temperature regulation.It is uncertain whether modification of these compoundswill result in a more favorable therapeutic window.122

TRP cation channel, subfamily A, member 1: ATRP CHANNEL ACTIVATED BY COLD,


Despite the central role TRPV1 plays in the transductionof multiple noxious stimuli, it has yet to be shown thatTRPV1 is activated by noxious cold or high-thresholdmechanical stimuli. In the search for additional TRPchannels capable of transducing noxious stimuli, TRPcation channel, subfamily A, member 1 (TRPA1)(ANKTM1) was more recently isolated and character-ized from sensory ganglion and found to be activated bynoxious cold and irritants such as mustard oil and wasabiand certain volatile anesthetics.123–126 Its properties ofactivation in response to a wide range of irritant chemi-cals revealed a common mechanism of activation:electrophilic-mediated covalent binding to nucleophiliccysteine.127–129

TRPA1 is coexpressed in a subset of TRPV1-expressing nociceptors in trigeminal and DRG neu-rons130 and functions to detect products of tissueinjury, inflammation, and oxidative stress, such as4-hydroxynonenal, an endogenous aldehyde that causespain and neurogenic inflammation128,131 as well as pros-taglandins.132 Under conditions of inflammation/nerveinjury, expression of TRPA1 is persistently increasedconcurrent to TRPV1.133 Given that TRPA1 was acti-vated by endogenous inflammatory/oxidative stressproducts and implicated in mechanical hyperalgesia,134

it rapidly became a promising therapeutic target for thetreatment of pain. High-affinity TRPA1 antagonists are

now under development and thus far, have shown prom-ising results in rodent models with reductions ininflammation and nerve injury-induced mechanicalhypersensitivity.135,136

CONCLUSIONThe TRP channels TRPV1 and TRPA1 are expressed inoverlapping populations of nociceptors and together,function to detect noxious stimuli ranging from plantderivatives and environmental irritants to endogenousproducts of inflammation or oxidative stress. In the caseof TRPV1, sensitization by inflammatory mediators actsto lower the thermal threshold of activation, resulting innociceptor activation at physiologic temperatures.Together with other members of the TRPV family plusTRPA1, these channels have the capacity to warn thebody of impending tissue injury over a wide range oftemperatures. Both TRPV1 and TRPA1 represent plau-sible therapeutic targets for novel analgesics. SinceTRPV1 is expressed on polymodal nociceptors, admin-istration of capsaicin or RTX can inactivate and/ordestroy the entire nociceptive terminal. Consequently,both thermal and mechanically induced pain may bereduced. Given that many of the conditions drivingtissue injury result in an increase in TRPV1 and/orTRPA1 in the nociceptors, there may be an additionaltherapeutic advantage. The observation that TRPV1and TRPA1 are activated by endogenous products ofinflammation established the rationale for developmentof high-affinity antagonists. Although an “unusual” sideeffect (hyperthermia)121 has been observed in the trial ofan oral TRPV1 antagonist, such agents may still be oftherapeutic value if administered locally or regionally.This may be of particular importance with TRPV1 as itsrole in other physiologic processes from diabetes toobesity becomes clear.137,138 As the development of addi-tional TRP channel agonists/antagonists advance, thegoal of selectively blocking pain at its origin, at theprimary afferent nociceptor, appears within reach.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe author wishes to thank Helge Eilers and KathrynZavala for helpful suggestions and critical comments.Supported in part by NIH NS038737.


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