Tw 20120714


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  • 8/10/2019 Tw 20120714


    JULY 14, 20121

    THE TRUMPET WEEKLY J U L Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 2

    Iran: The end of the world is almost here 2

    Nazi vision of Europe coming true 5

    One train ride to avoid 7

    Should government encourage cohabitation? 9

    Tribal warfare in Chicago 9

    Bankrupt U.S. CitiesIndicate Nations FutureBY JEREMIAH JACQUES

    see BANKRUPT page 12

    W a setting or his sitcom Te Office, Executive ProducerGreg Daniels decided on Scranton, Pennsylvania, in part because the cityis typical. Te Emmy-winning show wanted to ridicule American corporateli e, and needed a typical American city to let the mockery happen in. Scrantonembraced Te Office, and has enjoyed nationwide recognition as a result o thehit shows setting. But now, the ormer coal town is making headlines or a verydifferent reason.

    On Friday, July , the city o Scranton sent out paychecks to its employees, asit does every two weeks. But these checks were or amounts signicantly smallerthan usual because Mayor Chris Doherty reduced all city employees payin-cluding his ownto the state minimum wage of . an hour .

    Afer sending out Fridays checks, Scranton had only , lef in the bank

    and still owed its employees almost million.

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    mostly quote clerics rom seminarieson the issue o the last Islamic mes-siah to avoid the regime being labeled

    messianic. However, the wide publica-tion o Khameneis statements on aneed to prepare or the end o timesas it con ronts the West over its illicitnuclear program is alarming to West-ern leaders.

    Te issue o Imam Mahdi is outmost importance, and his reappear-ance has been clearly stated in ourholy religion o Islam, Khamenei said.We must study and remind ourselveso the end o times and Imam Mahdisera. We must prepare the environ-

    ment or the coming so that the greatleader will come.Shiite theology holds that great wars

    must engul the Earth, during whichone third o the worlds population willdie in the ghting and another thirdrom hunger, lawlessness and havoc.Israel is to be destroyed, and only thenwill the th imam, Mahdi, reappearand kill all the indels, raising the ago Islam in all corners o the world.

    Under the guidance o Khamenei,

    several centers have been establishedin Iran on research and in ormationon the coming o Mahdi, and a con er-

    ence is held annually on Mahdiism. oday we have a duty to prepare orthe coming. I we are the soldiers othe th imam, then we must be readyto ght, Khamenei said.

    With the guidance o Allah andHis invisible help, we shall make theIslamic civilization proud on theworld stage. Tis is our destiny. Te youth, the aith ul must preparethemselves or this great move.

    Re erring to the Quran, Khameneisaid the coming has been promised by

    Allah. Tere will come a time whenall the oppressive powers o the worldwill be destroyed, and humanity willbe enlightened in the era o ImamMahdi.

    As reported recently, the regimehas distributed the booklet Te LastSix Months among its military orcesin preparation or the coming andits con rontation with the West. Tematerial admonishes the Revolution-ary Guards and the Basij paramilitary

    orces that they must be prepared to dotheir duties during the expected war.

    Te Revolutionary Guards media

    outlet, Mashregh, on Sunday warnedIsrael and America that they will haveto guess as to what type o warheadthe Iranian missiles will be carryingwhen targeting them.

    TW I N B R I E Fn Libya holds electionsLibyas rst ree parliamentary elec-tion in years was held on July ,coming about eight months afer itsormer leader, Muammar Qadha,

    was overthrown and killed. Prelimi-nary results show Mahmoud JibrilsNational Forces Alliance in the lead.Tis does not automatically givethe party a majority in the nationalassembly, however, as candidates onparty l ists only make up o the

    seats. Libyas largest Islamistparty, the Muslim Brotherhood, hasre used to concede de eat. In aninterview with Reuters, MohammedSawan, leader o the Brotherhoods

    E week, my wi e and I wereinvited by the daughter o ormerIsraeli Mayor eddy Kollek to view a spe-cial screening o eddys Museum, a newlm about Kolleks dream to establish aniconic national museum in Jerusalemthat would rival the most prestigiouscultural institutions o the world.

    As the executive assistant to Prime Minister David BenGurion, eddy broke ground on the Israel Museum in and insisted that construction stay on schedule. On May ,

    , the Israel Museumaffectionately re erred to as theHoly emple o Israeli culture by someofficially openedits doors to the general public.

    Tat same year eddy Kollek became mayor o Jeru-salem. During his years in office, Kollek did more tobuild up and beauti y the city than any other Israeli leader.Israels ormer Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin once saideddy Kollek was the greatest builder o Jerusalem sinceHerod the Great. In the lm, Kollek was described as aman o vision action.

    Afer learning more about eddy Kolleks love orJerusalem and his tireless work to build up and beauti yIsraels capital city, its easy to see why he became suchclose riends with Herbert W. Armstronganother great

    visionary who shared Kolleks diligent work ethic, his ap-preciation o ne culture and his passion for Jerusalem.

    In , six years afer becoming mayor, Kollek visitedMr. Armstrong at the Ambassador College campus inPasadena, Cali ornia. wo weeks later, the mayor hostedAmbassador Colleges ounder and chancellor at HebrewUniversity in Jerusalem.

    Te discussion during these two meetings revolvedaround city planning or the uture o Jerusalem. Godsservantan American rom Cali orniaactually tookpart in discussions about Jerusalems uture! Teir love or

    Jerusalem was the common ground or these two builders,architects and visionaries. And Jerusalem is what joinedthem together in an endearing riendship that lasted al-most two decades.

    Afer Mr. Armstrongs death in , Mr. Kollek offeredthis deeply personal sentiment: Tere have been very ewpeople that I have known that I so enjoyed speaking withand so greatly admired and valued their counsel.

    Had the situation been reversed, and it was Mr. Arm-strong commenting on the li e o eddy Kollek, who diedin , Im sure Mr. Armstrong would have expressedmany o those same sentiments.

    For more about eddy Kollek and his riendand thepresent-day work o the Armstrong International CulturalFoundationdownload our ree booklet A Warm Friend ofIsrael at

    Teddy Kollek and His Friend


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    political arm, accused liberal victorMahmoud Jibril o presenting him-sel to voters as having an Islamicre erence. Libyans voted or Jibrilas he was considered an Islamist too,he said. He sa id the BrotherhoodsJustice and Construction Party ( )would come into its own once votesor independent candidates werecounted. Te and other partieshave loyalists running as indepen-dents but who will vote with them ina bloc in the assembly. Maybe thenal result will show that Justice andConstruction is the leading party,Sawan said.

    n Iran pursues closer ties withEgyptIranian President Mahmoud Ahma-dinejad reached out to Egypts newlyelected leader Mohammed Morsi viaphone on July , inviting Morsi to asummit in ehran. Meanwhile, IransForeign Ministry said its ready to sendan ambassador to Egypt, and Iranianmedia is ull o speculation that the-plus years o rosty relations be-

    tween Iran and Egypt are over. Iranianmedia report that Ahmadinejad invitedMorsi to attend the th summit othe Non-Aligned Movement, sched-uled or August to . Te Islamic

    Republic News Agency, Irans officialnews agency, reported that Morsi saidhe hoped to meet with Ahmadinejad atthe sidelines o the summit. Te reportshave been denied by Morsis spokesman.Egypt is also showing some enthusiasmor rapprochement, however. Te Arabworlds leading Islamic institution, al-Azhar University, has called on Cairoto boost its relationship with Arabcountries and Iran, wrote Egyptianindependent news outlet Bikya Masr(July ). Since the all o Mubarak,Egypt and Iran have taken momentoussteps toward rapprochement. Continueto watch this historic shif in alignment.

    Vatican-IsraeliDiplomatic Pact NearlyConcludedCATHOLIC WORLD NEWS| July 11

    T H See and Israel are veryclose to agreement on a long-awaited pact dening the economic

    and juridical rights o the church inthe Holy Land, according to the Israeliambassador to the Holy See.

    Mordechay Lewy, who is ending histerm as the Israeli ambassador, told re-porters that afer years o desultory ne-gotiations, progress really took placeonly recently. Afer the latest roundo talks, in June, the two sides had

    reached agreement on all major issues,he said. Te next talks are scheduledto take place in December, but Lewynotes, that doesnt mean the signingcannot be done even be ore then.

    Te Vatican-Israeli accord waspromised as part o the Fundamen-tal Agreement that was announcedin , opening the way or Vatican

    U it appeared thatall roads led to Berlin and theGerman chancellery when EU leaderswished to have input on the eurocrisis.Yet, twice in as many weeks, Ger-manys chancellor has hightailed it toRome to shore up the newly develop-ing alliance between Rome and Berlin.

    Tis is most symbolic, especially when one has a mind tothe prophecies o Revelation and relating to todaysun olding developments in Europe.

    German news source Deutsche Welle reported that dur-ing a press con erence ollowing a meeting between Merkeland Monti in Rome last Wednesday, the Italian prime min-ister declared that it was always a great joy to meet withthe German chancellor (July ).

    Exuding condence in Italys economic uture, despiteits current debt woes, Monti was reported by DW as declar-ing, Italy does not need assistance. Italys budget decit in

    will be percent o gross domestic producthal othe European averageand next year the country will have

    a surplus in structural terms.

    Te same source observed that Chancellor Merkeldescribed the structural re orms being implemented byMontis government in Rome as excellent, saying bothcountries were determined to overcome [Europes debtproblems] together.

    Now, thats more to the prophetic point that we have beenmaking recently. Its important to note the symbolism here.Despite reports o German dominance in Europe, it is

    Berlin suddenly reaching out to Rome that is worthy o recog-nition at this particular moment in the un olding euro crisis.Why is Mario Monti so condent that Italy will not

    need assistance handling its debt load? What does heknow that the rest o the eurozone leaders dont? Has itanything to do with his ellow Jesuit-educated cohort,Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank chie , recentlyreported to be the most power ul o all global technocrats?

    Whatever it is that gives Mario Monti such condenceamid such great crisis, it does seem that Berlin wants in,and Frau Merkel is even prepared to trek to Montis door-step in Rome to nd out.

    We say again, watch the strengthening Rome/Berlin axis.

    It is key to the nal solution to the current euro crisis.

    Angela MerkelAll Roads Lead to Rome


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    recognition o Israel. Negotiationsproceeded t ully or several years,

    and had effectively stopped be ore U.S.intervention helped prompt renewedtalks beginning in .

    A Future State?EU OBSERVER| July 9

    E C chie JosManuel Barroso has pledged sup-port or a uture Palestinian state onhis rst official trip to the region.

    Speaking alongside Palestinian

    Prime Minister Salam Fayyad inRamallah on Sunday, he said thatthrough our political and nancialsupport we are laying the oundationso a uture democratic and viablePalestinian stateits institutions andits in rastructure.

    He voiced concern about thecontinuous growth o [Israeli] settle-ments in the West Bank, includingEast Jerusalem.

    He also welcomed the prospect

    o a unity government between the Palestinian Authority in the West

    Bank and the militant Hamas groupin Gaza, which is listed as a terroristentity by EU countries.

    Te EU has paid out billion inaid to Palestinian authorities since


    TW I N B R I E Fn German high court makes EU wait months for key decisionTe German Constitutional Courtsaid that it may take it up to three

    months to decide on the legality othe European permanent bailoutmechanism, the European StabilityMechanism ( ), and on the scalpact. Te president o the court, An-dreas Vosskuhle, announced on July that instead o the quick decision

    politicians expected, the court wouldmake a thorough constitutionalexamination o the case. GermanFinance Minister Wol gang Schublewarned that the delay could create

    massive uncertainty on the marketsand signicant economic distortions.

    Te cannot come into orce untilGermany has ratied it, meaning allo Europe is waiting on the Germancourt. Tis demonstrates the powerGermanys Constitutional Court hasgained over the whole Union.

    n Germany to control new bailout fundTe German head o Europes tempo-rary bailout und, Klaus Reg-ling, will continue his role with thepermanent bailout und, the , the

    Eurogroup announced July . Lastyear, Strat or wrote: Unlike previousEU institutions (which the Germansstrongly inuence), the takes itsorders rom the Germans. Te mecha-nism is not enshrined in EU treaties; itis instead a private bank, the directoro which is German. Reglings ap-pointment guarantees that this Ger-man control will continue in the .Germanys control o Europes bailoutmechanism continues.

    U S o Europe, en Nations, EU Empire,German Dominance, German Empireall these termshave been used on more than one occasion by a multiplicityo media in past months to describe the European Union.All in er that the EU has become an imperial entity domi-nated by Germany.

    Tat the world remains largely ignorant to the act o onewhite-haired patriarch having prophesied this would be thecaseeven when Germany lay in abject de eat at the closeo World War is rather sad.

    What is even sadder is that multiple thousands who werewitness to Herbert Armstrongs detailed prophecies o thatwhich has become todays reality in Europepublicized byhim to millions or over ve decadesseem to be so blindedto that truth today, despite the massive amount o evidencethat now exists to support the ulllment o those prophecies!

    Partisans o the European project invariably arguethat nationalism leads to war, observes historian TierryBaudet. He continues, Nationalism does not lead to war.

    Attempts to build European empires lead to war. Te urge toimpose a straitjacket on the will o peoples will lead to war.In short, the European project will lead to war.

    Fascism and Nazism were both ocused on the creationo Europe. As early as , Mussolini declared that Europecould once again exert its power in the world i it succeeded

    in establishing a certain political unity ( Handelsblad, July; emphasis added throughout).

    Baudet is not alone in his view o the reviving EUempire. Tis current revival is the latest o six previous at-tempts at resurrecting the old Holy Roman Empire.

    Seton-Watson, o the University o Ox ord, concludesthat Hitlers intentions were not conned to what could bedescribed as German nationalism. His goal was to conquerall o Europe as well as a vast territory urther aeld. Forhis part, Mussolini wanted to ound a new Roman Empirecentered on the Mediterranean (ibid).

    o the ignorant it is a challenging exercise to read thetranslated Nazi documents that present the revival o this

    vision o imperial Europa way back in , and to admitthat vision has steadily evolved into a postwar reality.

    o the once-enlightened, it takes a degree o moral cour-age to admit the remarkable oresight that drove HerbertArmstrong to state that this whole Germanic vision wouldlive on, underground, through the waning years o WorldWar . o live on, only to be resurrected and brought toruition by many o the perpetrators o the horrors o that

    war, with the approval o the very allied nations that de eat-ed the Nazis the last time an attempt was made to resurrectthe old Holy Roman Empire o the German Nation.

    , dj vu indeed!

    1942 Nazi Vision Heralds Todays EuropeRon Fraser | July 13

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    n Spain protests againstEU-dictated cutsOver people were injured as thou-sands o protesters clashed withSpanish police in Madrid July and. Miners were joined by other dis-

    gruntled workers, and police used rub-ber bullets and batons to disperse thecrowds. Tey were protesting an earliercut to the subsidy the government gives

    the mining industry. But the riots alsocame as the government makes cutsand raises taxes in order to save billion over the next years. SpanishPrime Minister Mariano Rajoy previ-ously promised to cut taxes, but theEU orced him to change his decision.Te EU has given Spain an extra yearto bring its decit to within the levelsallowed under EU rules. In return, the

    eurozone will bail out Spains banks.As part o the austerity package, thesales tax will rise rom to percent.Spain has a huge unemployment prob-lemthe overall rate is at percent,rising to percent or under s. Withthese kinds o statistics, expect civilunrest to get worse, orcing nationsto accept any conditions in return orGerman bailout money.


    Grain Harvest to FallRIA NOVOSTI| July 12

    R harvest less than million tons o grain in , com-pared to the . million tons broughtin last year, Russias National Union oGrain Producers head Pavel Skurikhinsaid on Tursday.

    In late June, the Agriculture Min-istry orecast the harvest at million tons, with exports at milliontons. Russia downgraded its grain har-

    vest orecast rom million tons to million tons in June, owing to contin-ued rains in the south o the country.

    Te harvest seems to be less than million tons but anyway it is

    enough to meet internal demand [at million tons]. We do not expect anydecit, Skurikhin told reporters, add-ing the amount o exports or this yearwas still unknown.

    Te lower harvest has also beenattributed to the arming sectors hugedebts, including outstanding loans o. trillion rubles ( . billion), higherthan the industrys overall revenue.Te core problem is a high loan

    burden on arms which causes prob-lems with access to working capitaland hence a all in technical capabil-ity, Skurikhin added.

    Lack o ertilizer is also sapping out-put, with armers using only . mil-lion tons o ertilizers per year in thepast decade, down rom million tonsa year at the end o the Soviet period.

    TW I N B R I E Fn Russia sending ships to SyriaA Russian ship carrying military heli-copters and de ense equipment to theSyrian government, which was orcedto turn back three weeks ago afera British rm canceled the vessels

    insurance, was on the move again onTursday. Te ship, named the Alaed,is viewed as a kind o a barometer oMoscows aims regarding the regime oPresident Bashar al-Assad. On Turs-day, the Alaed was nearing a otilla oRussian naval ships bound or the coasto Syria. Te otilla is to include warships: one destroyer, ve amphibi-ous landing ships, two rescue tugs, twopatrol rigates and a tanker. Several

    o the vessels carry units o Russianmarines. Tis otilla marks the largestdisplay o Russian naval power in theMediterranean since the Soviet Unioncollapsed two decades ago. And toensure the world understands the mes-sage, Russian is broadcasting oot-age o the military ships charging outo bases in the Baltic, Black and Arcticseas. Yevgeny Michenko, director othe International Institute or PoliciesExpertise, says Moscow is letting theworld know that it doesnt want Syriato undergo the type o West-led regimechange that occurred in Libya last year.Analysts say the Russian warshipscould be used to counteract a Westernblockade o Syria, and that the am-

    phibious craf could evacuate the largenumbers o Russian civilians living inSyria. On Wednesday, the Kremlinsdesire to play a power broker in Syriawas urther accentuated when ForeignMinister Sergei Lavrov met with aSyrian opposition group in Moscow.As Russias desire to regain its Sovietsphere o inuence intensies, watchor its assertiveness against Westernpowers to increase.


    In South AfricasSlums, Mob JusticeRulesREUTERS | July 12

    B set alight, Ncedile Gi-gis unrecognizable remains havenot been buried since March, when a

    mob ed up with poor policing tookthe law into their own hands, torch-ing the -year-old in a crime-riddenSouth A rican township.

    Accused o thef, Gigi was one othree men who had petrol-laced tiresshoved over their shoulders in Khay-elitsha, a shanty town kilometers( miles) east o Cape own.

    Te heat used his body with that oanother and the charred remains werethen lef on a sandy patch o groundwhere children normally play soccera macabre warning to others and agrim reminder o the social problemsthat plague A ricas biggest and mostdeveloped economy.

    For South A ricans, the violence

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    also evokes the dark days o apartheidwhen suspected collaborators o thewhite-minority regime were executedby necklacea car tire wedged overthe torso, ollowed by a can o petrol,and then a match.

    Police removed the bodies a ewhours afer the attack, but, ve monthslater, have yet to release two o themor burial because they do not know

    which is which.Te way my brother died is very

    pain ul. We are waiting or tests, Gigis older sister, Kholiswa,told Reuters in her home, a tin andwood shack. Maybe i I was there Icould try to stop themmaybe justa beating only and not go so ar as toburn him.

    Te death o Gigi and otheryoung men in the township since Janu-ary reects an alarming loss o trustin the police in South A ricas slums,where rates o robbery, rape and mur-der are among the highest in the world.

    Tis is actually a deeply worryingtrend or the police and governmentbecause citizens do not have aith in

    ormal institutions and are resortingto violence, said Hennie van Vuuren,director o the Cape own office orthe Institute or Security Studies.

    Te police dont do their job, saidel ord Tanduxolo, tending a small

    vegetable patch close to where Gigiwas killed. And i the police ail to dotheir job, then the community musttake over.

    Most Khayelitsha residents livecheek by jowl in a squalid sea oshacksunnumbered homes on name-less streets that are per ect or crimi-nals, and a nightmare or police.

    With unemployment in Khayelitshaestimated at percenthigher thanthe percent nationallyit doesnttake much or mobs o jobless men toorm.

    TW I N B R I E Fn Mexican police, gunmen killed in firefightSeven Mexican state police officersand our gunmen died in a clash onMonday in the Pacic coast state o

    Sinaloa. Te officers were travelingon a road near the town o El Fuertewhen a group o gunmen ambushedthem. Te police returned re duringthe attack, killing our o the assail-ants. Local media said one o theslain gunmen was a lieutenant or theBeltran Leyva drug gang. Te areahas suffered a recent surge in violencebetween members o the BeltranLeyva gang and their ormer allies inthe power ul Sinaloa drug cartel. Ascartels battle each other, the policeand the military, parts o Mexico arebecoming war zones. In the past sixyears, drug-related violence in Mexicohas claimed the lives o more than, people. In , there were

    just over , cartel-related mur-ders. In , there were more than, . Approximately , died in. Americans continue to consume

    massive amounts o narcotics, send-ing an estimated billion a yearto the Mexican drug cartels. Te warcontinues to rage on, and the violenceis spilling across the border into theUnited States.


    On the Fast Track forFiscal RuinNEW YORK POST| July 11

    C broke and broken. Itsreeways and roads are crumbling.Many cities, like Stocktonwhichdeclared bankruptcy two weeksagoare straining under hundreds omillions in bond debt and un undedpensions or retired public workers.

    In the ace o a slow-motion s-cal train wreck, why would statelawmakers commit to spending .billion in state and ederal unds onthe rst phase o a high-speed railline that practically nobody wantsin part o the state where practicallynobody lives?

    Te state senate on Friday narrowlyapproved legislation to start workon a -mile stretch o rail betweenMadera and Bakerseld, where a

    tiny raction o Cali ornians live andworkmostly on arms.

    Never mind that Golden State tax-payers cant afford the long-term costso running a high-speed rail system, orthat voters have soured on the project.

    Yes, Cali ornians in approved. billion in bonds to nance what

    was sold as a billion train romAnaheim (home o Disneyland) to SanFrancisco (a different kind o Fantasyl-and), with trips starting in .

    But the states proposal turnedout to be mostly antasy, too. Almostevery estimatecost, ridership, speed,construction timeturned out to bewildly off, incomplete or too incred-ible to be believed.

    How incredible? At one point, stateofficials giddily promised millionpeople a year would ride the bullettrain rom L.A. to Frisco. Sorry: In agood year, just million people rideAmtraks Northeast Corridor, the

    nations busiest rail line.Cali ornia officials eventually

    revised their estimates to mil-lion passengers, still hal again whatAmtrak carries in states. And stillignoring the act that Cali ornians are( amously) wed to their cars.

    Te cost has been controversialrom the start. Te billion pricetag in quickly ballooned to billion, then billion, and eventu-ally billion. A revised business

    plan released this year supposedlybrought the price down to billion,with the rst trains expected to leavethe station in . Its a rip-off, nomatter what the cost.

    A ew weeks ago, Brown signed a billion budget deal to close a billiondecit. But or the budget to balance,

    voters must approve a massive .billion tax hike in November. Withoutthat cash, Brown says hell need to cut billion rom public education.

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    Sixty-Five U.S.Companies Drop Outof Fortune 500DAILY MAIL| July 10

    C boasts o the biggestglobal companiesstealing thenumber two spot on the Fortune list rom Japan.

    China has landed companies onthe list, Japan has and the U.S. has

    .Although the U.S. has a clear mar-

    gin, China added companies to the

    list since last year while the amount oU.S. companies has dropped by .In the last decade, the amount o

    U.S. companies on the list has allenrom to . Conversely, Chinaonly had companies on the list in

    compared to todays .Anglo-Dutch energy company

    Royal Dutch Shell clinched the topspot knocking U.S. retail giant Wal-Mart off rom its two-year reign.

    Although the U.S. still hosts the

    lions share o Global corporations,no country has lost more companies

    during the last decade. Tere are U.S.-headquartered businesses on thisyears list, down rom a decadeago, the U.S. business magazine said.

    Struggling with the eurozone debtcrisis, the number o European com-panies on the list dropped to , downrom in .

    Within the top , there were eightenergy companies. Te second-largestindustry on the Global were com-mercial banks ollowed by the autoindustry in third place.

    Kaspersky CEO Warnsof GlobalCyberwarfare CBN NEWS | July 12Te chie executive officer o securitysofware rm Kaspersky Lab warnedo what he calls a global cyberwar-are, citing the recent discovery o

    several types o malware targeted atbringing down technology-dependent

    organizations and industries.Kaspersky Lab EugeneKaspersky also urged nations to worktogether in managing these so-calledcyberweapons.

    Te international community hasto try to reach an agreement govern-ing the development, application andproli eration o these cyberweapons,he said in his blog. Tis will notsolve the problems, but at least it willhelp establish the rules o the game,integrating the new military technolo-

    gies into the structure o internationalrelations, preventing uncontrolled de- velopment and careless use, he added.

    According to Kaspersky, malwaresuch as Flame, Stuxnet and Duqu havebecome the weapon o choice or cy-berwar are, where certain individualsor groups attack technologies that aidin peoples lives. It is no less danger-ous to the lives o people, cyberwar arecan bring down economies especiallywhen technology is well-integrated

    T the countrys most prominent minds on U.S.budgetary problems issued a stark warning to lawmakerstoday as Congress approaches what many have called a s-cal cliff o tax hikes and spending cuts that are set to takeeffect January .

    Erskine Bowles, who served as President Clintons chieo staff, ormer Sen. Alan Simpson and billionaire inves-tor Warren Buffet all expressed pessimism as to whetherCongress and President Obama could reach a compromiseto reduce the debt and avoid another scal crisis, during aninterview with Tursday morning.

    While both Republicans and Democrats have said they donot want to let all the tax cuts expire and plan to stave off thebulk o the spending cuts, Bowles said partisan politics wouldlikely thwart any deal to avoid the looming taxmageddon.

    I think i I had to tell you the probability, Id say thechances are we are going over the scal cliff, Bowles said.

    I hate to say it, but I think thats probably right.Bowles, whom Obama appointed, along with Simpson,

    to create a bipartisan debt-reduction plan, said today thatbecause debt reduction was politically pain ul and reallytough, it was not likely Congress and the president wouldmake the tough choices to re orm entitlements, cut spend-ing and simpli y the tax code, as the Bowles-Simpson plansuggests.

    I think that i we dont get these politicians to cometogether we ace the most predictable economic crisis inhistory, Bowles said during this mornings interview inSun Valley, Idaho. I think its absolutely clear that the s-cal path we are on is not sustainable, and or me, the bestanalogy is these decits are like a cancer, and over timethey will destroy the country rom within.

    Te Congressional Budget Office estimated that i theBush tax cuts were allowed to expire and the automaticspending cuts went into effect, the country would plungeback into a recession.

    Bowles said that every nickel the country brings ineach year only paid or interest on the debt and manda-tory spending on entitlement programs, such as Medicare,Medicaid and Social Security.

    What that means is every single dollar we spent last yearon these two wars, national de ense, homeland security,education in rastructure, high-value-added research, everydollar was borrowed and hal o it was borrowed rom or-eign countries, he said. Tat is crazy. Crazy! Its a ormulaor ailure in any organization.

    But while Democrats and Republicans bicker in Wash-ington over which party was to blame or the current scalproblems, Simpson said its the average American who paysthe price.

    We Are Going Over the Fiscal Cliff ABC NEWS | July 12

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    T war against the amily in Britain contin-ues in the highest court o the land. Baroness Hale, the veteran li estyle choice radical who, as a member o theUK Supreme Court, is the countrys top emale judge, hascalled or cohabiting couples to be given more legal rights.

    According to the imes, Lady Hale admires the situationin Scotland where the law is different, and in which thesupreme court recently upheld a ruling by the EdinburghCourt o Session, which ordered a man to pay his ormercohabiting partner nearly , afer their relationshipbroke down.

    According to Lady Hale, Scottish law on this issue wasboth practicable and air. She said: It does not imposeupon unmarried couples the responsibilities o marriage,but redresses the gains and losses owing rom their rela-tionship.

    Family lawyers have backed her up, saying: Te cur-rent situation or people who live together in England andWales more ofen than not creates injustice and hardship,and our current law ails to reect the way people arechoosing to live their lives.

    But the whole point is that cohabitation is the way theyare choosing to live their lives. Tey could choose to getmarried. Tey choose not to, because they do not want tobe married. Tey may want to preserve their independence;they may be averse to making a commitment to anotherperson; they may think marriage is an outdated institution.Whatever the reason, it is their choice not to get married.

    But marriage is an institution, which inescapably con-

    ers obligations on those who enter into it. It is a solemncommitmentthe most solemn commitmentone personcan make to another. It entails above all obligations be-tween the spouses. Te benets that accrue to marriage areineradicably bound up with those obligations.

    Te absence o legal protection in cohabitation ollowsrom the act that, unlike marriage, cohabitation is a loose

    partnership between individuals who remain ultimatelyree o each other; they can walk out o the relationship

    with no strings attached. Tis is the li estyle choice theymake. I those benets are bestowed on people who choosenot to undertake their concomitant obligations, this is notonly undamentally unjust. It vitiates the very nature o acontractual or covenantal agreement. I those who chooseto duck the commitment o marriage can nevertheless ob-tain its benets, this makes a mockery o and underminesthe institution o marriage itsel .

    Cohabitation breaks down ar more requently thanmarriage, and even more so afer the birth o any children.Cohabitation is there ore one o the most signicant actorsbehind Britains catastrophic and galloping phenomenon omass atherlessness, the single most important cause o somuch misery and harm or both children and adults, andthe major cause in terms o unquantiable damage to society.

    I people want to avoid the hardship they very under-standably ear will result rom the absence o legal protec-tion under cohabitation, they can choose to get married.Tats what marriage is for . o bestow this legal protectionupon cohabitation is to turn the ratchet o amily break-down another notch. First you undermine marriage byremoving the stigma o living together, illegitimacyand unmarried motherhood; then you turn the ratchet byhymning the sanctity o li estyle choice and the socialacceptability o cohabitation as an alternative to marriage;then you turn it again by bestowing the benets o marriageupon un-marriage, thus incentivizing a socially destructive

    phenomenon which will create yet more misery and harm.Lady Hales call is not or justice in amily li e but grossinjustice. It is yet another boost to our rights-without-responsibilities, something- or-nothing, me-rst culture,which has already advanced the destruction o amily li ein Britain, created regional deserts o social and moralbreakdown and made victims out o the most vulnerable.

    The Real Meaning of Lifestyle ChoiceMELANIE PHILIPS, DAILY MAIL| July 9

    into major industries, he said.I certain countries are heav-

    ily dependent on technologies, thein rastructure and industrial acili-

    ties, nancial and transport systems,utilities and other critically impor-tant objects should be reappraised interms o the approach to in ormationsecurity, he added.

    Kaspersky believes that the recentlydiscovered malware are just the tip othe iceberg.

    We can only guess what othercyberweapons are circulating aroundthe world. Im sure we will have morediscoveries soon. I just hope it doesnt

    get too scary, he said. He said nations should not under-

    estimate the danger o cyberweaponsas some virus can cause an accident

    at a nuclear station, a re on an oilpipeline or a place crash.Im sure other countries have also

    made use o such technologies, butbe ore it wasnt simply just discussedand everything was done on the quiet,little by litt le and secretly, he said.

    Kaspersky said malware is idealor cyberwar are as these are effectiveand cheaper to build than traditionalweapons, are hard to detect, and canbe replicated at no extra cost.

    Chicago: Tribal Warfare on theStreetsCBS NEWS | July 11

    C in the grips o a deadlygang war. At least people havebeen killed in the city so ar this year,and many more have been shot, manyo them innocent bystanders to thegang violence. Among the latest vic-tims were - and -year-old girls shotuesday night. Tey survived.

    Sgt. Matt Little leads one o theteams in Chicagos Gang En orcement

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    Unit. Tere are about such o -

    cers in the cityversus , gangmembers.Almost all the violence were seeing

    now is rom the gangs, Little said.When theres a shooting well respondto the shooting. Well gure out wherewe believe the most likely area orretaliation is and well work that areatrying to both prevent retaliation andpossibly build a case on offenders.

    Te gangs have lost their hierarchy,so to speak, and without a chain ocommand, theres really nobody keep-

    ing things in check, Little said. Teleaders are mostly in prisonor dead.Tose lef are young, reckless, andofen terrible shots.

    Instead o a bullet with somebodysname on it, we have a bullet that reads o whom it may concern, Little said.Te result is a spate o shootings thathave killed or wounded young chil-dren, even toddlers.

    Sgt. Little is a decorated veterano Iraq and A ghanistan. He said that

    N in seven people world-wide believe the world will end intheir li etime.

    Its not exactly crazy to think so.Weather upsets, economic instabil-ity, signs o societal breakdown and atottering world order all make regularnews.

    What is crazy, though, is this: A great many people ap-parently base their apocalyptic ears on a supposed proph-ecy contained on ruins o a pre-Hispanic civilization inMexico. Tat same poll indicates that one in earthlingsbelieve the Mayan calendar could mean civilization as weknow it is crashing down this year .

    Its a bizarre belie that has been around since a stonetablet was ound in the s at a Mexican archeologicalsite that describes a Mayan god returning at the end o atime cycle believed to be Dec. , . Last November, anadditional Mayan arti act was ound with apparently thesame date mentioned, ueling additional hype. VariousMayan ruins have drawn a surge in tourism this year to thetune o tens o millions o people.

    Breathless stories ll the Internet about unusual geo-graphic or astronomical activity associated with the proph-ecy: a shif in Earths rotational axisviolent solar arescurious planetary alignmentscatastrophic earthquakesand/or tidal events.

    Te predictions o calamity are offset by other, morehope uland even wackierinterpretations o the proph-ecy: that December is more a new beginning than anend; that li e will go on, but differently, in some kind onew spiritual phase; that spiritually and technologicallyadvanced extraterrestrials will revitalize the planet andeducate humankind in the ways o peace.

    Why did so many people suddenly put so much stock inthe supposed wisdom o the ancient Mayans? What in theworld is the basis or peoples aith in this prophecy?

    Forget etchings on a ew stones in Mexico. Tere is onlyone reliable, veriable source o prophecy that has a proventrack record o accuracy: the Holy Bible.

    It repeatedly quotes the Being claiming to be God,speaking in the rst personand actually asserting thatHe alone has the power o prophecy.

    Te basis o that power is divine omnipotence: the power to proclaim major, earthshaking events in advance o theirhappeningand then to actually bring them to pass, evenmillennia later!

    Prophecy is, in act, a most compelling proof o Godsexistence and o the Bibles veracity and authority. Te es-sential message o prophecy is that God rules.

    When December rolls around this year, the Mayanprophecy will ail and be exposed as a raud.

    However, do not let that shake your aith in the onesource o true prophecy!

    Is the Mayan End of the World Prophecy Accurate?


    parts o Chicago are comparable to

    what he saw in combat.Its tribal war are, he said .

    Episcopal Liturgy forBlessing Gay UnionsREUTERS | July 10

    T E Church approved aliturgy on uesday that clergy canuse to bless same-sex unions, includ-ing gay marriages in states where

    they are legal, the rst U.S. religiousdenomination to approve such a ritual.Delegates to the triennial conven-

    tion o the th-largest U.S. religiousdenomination approved a resolutionestablishing a liturgy to be used insuch blessings. Episcopal bishops had

    voted to approve the resolution onMonday.

    Te United Church o Christ, theth-ranked denomination in the

    United States with about a million

    members, voted in to recognize

    same-sex unions, but no other churchhas established a liturgy.Te U.S. Episcopal Church is part o

    the worldwide Anglican Communionand has about million members.

    TW I N B R I E Fn British Army cut to smallest sizesince NapoleonTe British Army is to be cut to itssmallest size since the Napoleon warsby under money-saving plans

    announced July . It will shrink rom, regular soldiers to , making the army hal the size it was years ago when Britain ought the

    Falklands War. Te army will nolonger be able to conduct two large-scale operations at a time, as it did inIraq and A ghanistan. Predicting theuture is very difficult, said ormerhead o the army Gen. Lord Dannatton Radio . Strategic shocks hap-pen. We ofen dont get it right. So lets

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    B spend time around pet dogs have ewer earin ections and respiratory ailments than those whosehomes are animal- ree, said a study released on Monday.

    Te study, published in the U.S. journal Pediatrics, didnot say why but suggested that being around a dog thatspends at least part o its day outdoors may boost a childsimmune system in the rst year o li e.

    Cats, too, seemed to convey some protection to babies,though the effect observed was weaker than with dogs.Te research was based on children in Finland

    whose parents made diary entries each week recording thestate o their childs health during the in ants rst year,rom nine weeks to weeks o age.

    Overall, babies in homes with cats or dogs were about percent less likely to have respiratory in ectious symptomswhich included cough, wheezing, rhinitis (stuffy or runnynose) and everand about hal as likely to get ear in ections.

    I children had dog or cat contacts at home, they were

    signicantly healthier during the study period, said thestudy led by experts at Kuopio University Hospital in Fin-land.

    We offer preliminary evidence that dog ownership maybe protective against respiratory tract in ections during therst year o li e, said the study. We speculate that animalcontacts could help to mature the immunologic system,

    leading to more composed immunologic response andshorter duration o in ections.Te improvement was signicant, even afer research-

    ers ruled out other actors that could boost in ection risk,such as not having been breast ed, attending daycare, beingraised by smokers or parents with asthma, or having oldersiblings in the household.

    In addition to having less requent ear in ections and re-spiratory in ections, babies near dogs tended to need ewercourses o antibiotics compared to those who were rearedin pet- ree households, it said.

    Dogs May Protect Babies From Infections AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE| July 9

    hope the next decade is rather morepeace ul than the last decadebut Iwouldnt bet on it. Britains De enseSecretary Philip Hammond admit-ted that the cuts had lef the armysmorale in a ragile condition. Whatremains now is a small, i shinyspearhead attached to a slight andbreakable shaf, warned Dr. DanielGoure, vice president o the LexingtonInstitute. Britains economic woes andwarped spending priorities are puttingthe nation at risk.

    n Church of England supportsanti-Israel groupTe governing body o the Church oEngland voted to support a pro-Pales-tinian group dedicated to the demoni-zation o Israel on July . Te GeneralSynod passed a motion to endorse theEcumenical Accompaniment Pro-gram in Palestine and Israel ( ), agroup that blames Israel or the ail-ure o the peace process and calls ora boycott o the country, as well as thehacking o government websites and asit-in at Israels embassies. is aone-sided advocacy group promoting

    the Durban strategy o boycotts, di- vestment and sanctions against Israel,supporting the Palestinian claimo a right o return, which is codeor ending Israeli sovereignty, andsystematically ignoring continuousPalestinian terror attacks against Is-raeli civilianseach one a war crime,said Yitzhak Santis, the chie pro-grams officer at the Jerusalem-basedcharity Monitor. Te synodsdecision has put a major stumblingblock in the way o relations betweenAnglicans and Jews. Tis sundering oties between Britain and Israel is parto a key Bible prophecy. Unable to relyon its traditional Anglo-Americanallies, Israel will turn to a Catholic-dominated Europe or help.

    n Severe drought threatening U.S.corn harvestMuch o Americas corn belt is cur-rently trapped in drought, whichcould raise ood prices around theworld. Te adverse weather patternis continuing to deprive Missouri,Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohioo much-needed rain. Weve had

    some dry years: was dry, sthe big one that we all talk about. is probably going to surpass any othose and be the biggest historic eventthat we have, in my career anyway.Probably on the verge o , theDust Bowl era, those years. Weregoing to challenge that, said Illinoisarmer Steve Pitstick in an Associ-ated Press interview. Tis drought isparching the soil at a critical stagein the arming cycle. Corn is cur-rently in its reproductive stage, anearly process when plants need themost water. As a result o the drought,armers are expecting a much smallercrop yield this year. Tis expecta-tion has already affected corn prices,which have soared over the past ewweeks. High corn prices also meanmore expensive eed or livestock andhigher prices or meat and other ood.Government scientists have said thelast months have been the hottestin American history, with more than, record highs set across the

    country. Te rumpet expects adverseweather phenomena to worsen in theUnited States.

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    Scrantons police unions, reghters union and publicworks unions have taken the city to court over the reducedpay, but Doherty says he has no other choice because thecity is broke. His planned solution is to immediately raisetaxes by percent, and by percent over the next threeyears. But the council wants the city to instead borrowmoney to solve Scrantons scal woes.

    On Monday, Mishs Global Economic rend Analysis said, It should be per ectly obvious to every soul on theplanet that Scranton is bankrupt. ax hikes are not theanswer. Te solution is ling bankruptcy with the hope okilling public union wages and benets.

    But like many other states, Pennsylvania has rules inplace that prohibit cities rom ling bankruptcy withoutapproval rom the state. Mish s nal assessment is that In-ept city management, with public union wages and benetsat the heart o it, kil led Scranton. Whether or not Pennsyl- vania is prepared to admit it, Scranton is bankrupt, and thetensions there are rising.

    And Scranton is not the only U.S. city in such a condi-tion.

    San Bernardino is expected to become the third Cali-ornian city in two weeks to le or municipal bankruptcyprotection as it wrestles with increasing employee costs anddeclining tax revenues. Last all, Jefferson County, Ala-bama, led the biggest Chapter municipal bankruptcy inAmerican history, leaving county commissioners planningto de ault on a general obligation bond payment. In late

    , Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, said it would de ault on apayment coming due to general obligation bondholders.Stockton, Cali ornia, was in negotiations earlier this yearin hopes o avoiding becoming the biggest American city

    yet to declare bankruptcy. Te most recent reports said it isvery likely that Stockton will go bankrupt. Tese are justa ew o many examples.

    Many municipalities across the nation have ound them-selves pushed over the brink by the recession and its linger-ing afermath. Tey are in dire nancial straits with littlehope o recovery. Tis is truly a new era or dealing withtroubled municipalities, said Michael Stanton, publisher oTe Bond Buyer, a public nance newspaper.

    Cities are going belly up while states and the nationhang on, largely because cities cannot rely on the deus exmachina currency printing that the larger entities rely on.Mayor Doherty explained that he does not have the sameoptions as the Fed or even a state government, saying, Iwant the employees to get paid. Our people work hardour police and reI just dont have enough money, and Icant print it in the basement.

    Tese cities are the canaries in the toxic coalmine thatis the U.S. economy. Smaller and more ragile than states,they are succumbing to their economic ailments in tragicways. But the canary analogy breaks down at that pointbecause, unlike the coal miner who leaves the mine aferwatching his canary keel over, state and ederal policymak-ers are not heeding the warning.

    Te producers o Te Office chose to set the show inScranton, Pennsylvania, in part because it is a typicalAmerican city. And the nancial ailments afflicting it arebecoming more typical o American markets all the time.Washingtons ailure to reverse its debt-driven economiccourse means it will soon be in a situation ar more tensethan that o beleaguered Scranton. o understand thesobering underpinnings o the U.S.s economic anemiaatederal, state and local levelsread Character in Crisis.

    BANKRUPT from page 1

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