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S .Vatican CH|r —(NO)— A Vatican radio broadcast has

|half«ng*d *t**«aents made by the new Soviet Foreign Mini l^i, '^l#' |S]|5js^[Io^ in * speech in Cairo, Egypt

*T{ represent the nation ol so-' s% I | cS*Bscia, * m%m -Which has com- j K £ ( J $ L U T G pletely repudiated colontMIsm, a nation in' whose economic struc­ture there is no room for mon­opolies or for any kind ©I im­perialism which exploits the totality of • lesser ^welopea na­tion. % represent a nation which bases its relation With other countries, great or 'small on re­spect for sovereignty and non-in-toxtxa&im in internal Mlairs." " JU 'eftmptes' of the Soviet

Poles With 30-Day Trip

Pittsburgh. Pa. —(NO-* Two Polish Catholics here have issued a warning against a "very strong movement" to lure Poles back to their native country hy the _glm-

Union's "repudiation of colonial- "** °* inexpensive 30-day_toaTs. iUW the Vatican broadcast re- The warning came from Father i called the annexation In whole or Stanislaus R Labujewski. pastor in part of Poland, Estonia, Lithu- of St ^ f H S f " * , ^ ^ - J*1"'

, anla, Iditvla, puthenia, Czech* bridge, and Victor L, A ski. editor slcivaidrwid 13ast Prussia. J* Pittsburezanin (the Pitta-

— „ . « . « . « „ «»™.a..« burgher), a Polish newspaper REGARDING RUSSIAN re- h e r c -

Jectton of monopolies or "any T^K T W O ciaimed that the kind of imperi«li8ro which c*. Hmmmtmist* Imve set up to this /a&an |4dfe>. observed that the , „ . distributing attractive!^ illus.

jjrttth -sdjmecrtp fee quite ^*vtrated booklets offering Inexpen -"trary, even where' sore more highly dVyeiut>cu »M»U They ^ \S6v ie t Union i»ej i -Polish American Congress lm

*jr*£ what «eo\»t t h r ^ p e c t ^iiiisaelpfeia wspmmUWvm of j^lK^wi|hitt?"tli*V»Jein^a« t n | , W o travel agencies rented

Prelate Once HeliBy North Kofea Reds Denies Collaboration Charge Against GFs


Florence, Ilaly — CBN8I -?- Mayor Giorgio 1* JHr* of floreaeje, wto beMevei that Chritttan love can solve many of the world's problems, Uvea a life of cloistered simplicity la a mon­astery cell. He govcnn Florence, Italy** seventh city In population, according to tfae rule of St. Francis of Asstsl, founder of the Franciscan Order, who died in "1226. He even Imitates St. Francis, who had a deep-rooted love for all God's creatures, by talking to birds he keeps tag**

in hU office, This photo shows him with two birds in one ef the cages.

Seoul, ( Korea — (NG* — A Catholic Bishop and a Wtejthodjjst minister, both, former inmates of ivNorth Korean prison camps, de­nied the Chinese Indoctrination an'', propaganda program won cooperation from avhigh propor­tion of their fellow captives.

Bishop Thomai Qutnlan. pre­fect apostolic of Chunchon and regent of the Apostolic delega­tion hertr said that "very few" cooperated — "certainly not one-third," Bishop Quintan was ,a prisoner of the Reds for three years.

THE FBELA3X was referring to Information given to a U.S. Senate Investigation* Subcom­mittee at a psbUc hearing on;

brainwashing tactics. Dr. Julius* Segal, a psychologist told Sen-' ^I'lKVesflgators that TCI per­cent of Army men captured In Korea "contributed wittingly or, unwittingly tor communist prop­aganda effort*** In prison camps.

SS tesi**»»*^Jk*^« *»***'Even Reds Respect Florence's Ascetic inert***** In i *>

Mayor Who Lives In Monastery Room

• • ' / /

.... „...., ..., . the tvyo travel kgenclea _. « » ftsJ^sU. "What Kwuld * • the sattjiM in the ttotel and disttrlbut crliWfttom »| ^ o r d * . lat 'Ja, <sr «g;Qietrlite»turetodeJei:ates. My REV. JAMES L TUCEK 11904. However, there is probably las In Florence for their occmion-

/•fcSthti»*iato«"»^«ten5int*rjen' ^d*-rvmt vtt/m Xi<aaa lor « . . . . --.,-,. no Florentine who Is more fond al convenience, ^J»*-:*A hm.tmm m m±jJ^V,tiS 3?\JX*taJS5T?' lt$LZJ£C) ~ ^ ' o i h t a city than this transplanted They have queittooed the prop. r . n u ^ B r i S f a ^ r r o u t t ^ g Y "the, ^ P ^ P ^ l ^ - a t ^ a a a ^ a a ^ r l Qsmrt

tntHagatloHr i i ^ S ^ t a e ^ W S J i V o I PtH°S * n t li

C h r i 8 d ? " Civilization 30 o f h l a 5 2 vean! . »Mt„ moT. SMys that requisition can be made , l n l s h l n , f , o u e f a M on D l a n s i0T X V " * * - * « ^ V - I ^ « > M * V I * K ^ W *

(tors, and 80 per cent were mid­dle men who were not active at either extreme.

BISHOP QU1NLAN deela&d that "those who cooperated did so only to get extra privilege* and not because they bought the communist line." He agreed that of those who defected "only a few were genuine commu­nists."

The Rev. Kris Jenseni a Mejh-odist missionary and fellow in­ternee with Bishop Quinlan, said some of the prisoners "thought they could fool the guards, and obtain better living conditions by cooperating."

He sald these men fooled even . their fellow prisoners". He .added that on the whole "it was won­derful to see how well Amer­ican GI's stood up to the indig­nities of prison life."

Dr. Jensen is an American who has been In Korea since 1927.

Hr and his close friend, Bish­op Quinlan, are scheduled to make an eight-day lecture tour of U.S. Installations in Korea.

Dr. Segal stressed, however, that a study he conducted for the i BISHOP QUINLAN Army on the swldlers' reactions' He said his study showed that revealed that "only a harndfuPls per cent of Army men cap- J Their talks will be part of a VS. were converted to communism hired in Korea were "partlclpa-' Army Indoctrination program and those who cooperated with tors" or out-and-out coilabora- aimed at driving home full ta­ttle Reds did s o because of ex- tors; 5 per cent were resisters plications of the soldiers' tremi mental pressure. 1who refused to bow to their cap- of conduct


Vatican frwaits German Statesman

, , , .fe • h . - ~ — and Christian ~......~~~.. *fi*^ttttBtAV *mm hsn,lh. r ^ i i ^ L * »^d t L Stt^ahla°n . h l ^ h"i 3"st "T d ^ ^ r e ^ ^ e n c e" « e <*te» "J*, "there Is in the event of earthquakes,

fe^inciSnliS&r? th* ^ | % a » *R« * * U £ h u a n l , n hs founder and moving sptrtt;oniy heaven" floods, bombardment and tim-WmW&%mW.imto « * city.*!Vilnst, tnpmtmA 1 ° ^ " m a y o r ' g "^'he cU*'" he**>'*- "* » l « » l t e d l^terj .


Pope Pius IX's Remains

' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ ^ ' ' ' S % ^ ^ T i i *\Z2T: . immunity, where one big farn- t D I G i a m ^ S a s W U Pira

for; the ceremonies here on July 5 . . „ _ , . when West German Chancellor Vatican City — (NC) — The remains of Pope Piui IX Konrad Adenauer visit* HU wyj ^ exhumed soon as a part" of the process for his cause Holiness Pope Pius XII.

j f e f g u g a ^ y ^ ^ ^ ln a,,, per^n w h o h u n o „„, 0Vfr w ^ the Pope will take plr~ -* -•«»• - - - - - - -

V e l T ^ F Bothiiave based their ac- ^y fhati-elsewhere The city Is head, the earthquake has already sun.

ace at 9:30' Authorities are now studying the best means for •stab-After the audience. Mr. ijshirjg official "recognition" of the Pope's remains, Tht

^ S B ^ & S ^ & ^ ' ^ ^ - S ^ ^ ^ M ^ m *Vri*, Up°n., u ^ 1 , C!P*%? "nlndestoucibterealltyrihr^^ hap" enid. And^the same effects Adenauerwill return Jo his resl-. " Z T * . T V y - "n^'beneath the~rksUi"ca"Jf S t l l w r e n c e ^ ^ • < ^ S : » » ^ « * : Z 2 f .mei*,.!?_M-A:^milS,,l«^LVVlI° principles, and both, signincarrtly kingdoms, nations perish, but the of a flood are more than evident dou* There he will receive ^mb^ of Fiuf IX Ue» beneath the Basilica 01 ot lAwrence

**— Domenico Tardlni, Vatican 1 Outside-the-Wails. .Beneath it are the ancient catacombs of <3es4rW ^ftlncreas* disunity *«? fat been sadly disillusioned by

f - > ^ i %

****« -countries* • ' «5? . S . ^ ! s ^ S ^ « S l l n i & t h e B C meS# ^ V e c o m m a » d e d city remains. And 'there is one when his matress Is soaked with M y --^m«^2Sff i5lL« «fiiuH^ J i i - ^ t . * S « ^ ^ 2 f i s i t ? 2 S t V - ^ ^ ^ the attention and respect of the dl£ w h l c n w i l l remaln forever , rain. As for bombardmenU, don't ^ro*

^ % f f l ^ M y i ^ i g , ° g t ^ m P"e8t *Og!dltor- world. tn,. e x e m p t o f a l l ^ ^ a n d y o a »«. that the whole dty is - " ' " ' • S ^ ^ S S f ^ S S U S S ^ t C - - - - * 'imm 8 T 0 R V «* JMavor i*» that is the heavenly Jerusalem, under a bombardment ot the ^ t d f r t l L % & M & f t t % »«»k Woiwft Pries* Plr*** We and his success are as "I AM THK MAYOR, and homeless?"* ^SiSi^SSS^^a^wtA TftwdraJt*. Honauraa— <NC) , u , l ol 8eenilDB contradlcUcms therefore I am the father of the In La Pira's opinion the S ^ t P J K * * ! ^ l t q S : ^ f S n t t a f mn\T>or «m'.«>* *«rP^es as the philosophy city. Whom have I to help, the strength of the Unittd States is ^&^J^^^^£«!xmlS!r%^m^^>^ w W c h h e ^ based fais fortunate or the unfortunate? not contained In Its postesslon of ^ £ 3 ^ * $ t t 2 S l & a S fiTUt^earSttts p S S of ««>««• Foroxample. in the recent Why do the rich citizens criU- the atomic bomb. He believes, ^_ , * » » " » ! W . ^ j » * ^ ! % ^ g * ? f m^fimPi^mi^X I t * U a n d e c U o n s h B w» 8 c h o 8 e n «l» " » b***"" l h c lP *"»* hi-rather, that Its real strength lies *oj*'* wish that the

tamer, joss j o m o i w ^ ^ ^ over his opponent, a former com- need? They do not behave as to its conternplaUve orders which " " " *" '' mayoh In a city "which good brothers should. Hut as are"found[In^ theUhiiea SUteste solemnity possible,

has a strong communist vote. strangers and emlous egoists." greater number than in any other Among the reasons given lor , La Kra has often been vlo-;place In tha world.

victory li that, because of tola uniuy criUdzed for enacting the He keep* a plctur of. a group complete honesty and his ccm-ljaw that private dwellings could'of U. S. Trapplits «tx his

fifty* -i4jayW :'tmm*iit *ree^oi

L UnJcaa.

secretary of State for Extra-' Ciriaca. ordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1 who will make the return visit It WM planned at first to enter the Pope's tomb through in the name of the Pope. _ the catacombs so that no damage would be done to ths price­

less mosaics that decorate his crypt. The idea had to be abandoned, however, because the

It has now

According to Vatican officials. Chancellor Adenauer will meet the Holy Father in the Apostolic Palace. This ^ ^ J * ^ £ passageways of the catacomb, are too narrow

sttaF^SSwS•-'^5BliSttfjSl- JwSgfl'tn* ^ M ^ l y ~«»"fon. dfrfr his 0PP°"en*' • *W"» ««"• need? They do not behavi! M Jn ijU.«ntcrnjplaU^^ with the greatest, been decided that the passage to the tomb will have to be :«drtrit ;iriiujut-to48*&

#eW^ltf% 4iir-coc4tci



v- ^


I made through the crypt insuie tht basiHca.

sumlng desire for social Justice, be requisitioned in order to help Thomas Merton sent the picture ( he la loved by Catholics and com- the poor of thfe city. The most to him when he was unable to ' muhlst* alike. outspoken critics have been those attend a previous Congress for

There J| a colorful, almost who Med in other towns and ;Feace and Christian Civilization poetic flair about the little b e ­spectacled man, the veteran pro* feasor: M law at the University of iFtorence who ha« been- *le> scribed hi? some-as *'& St. Frar»ci« Assist in,politics;" He Hyes a monastic-like life in a clinic <op-erated by a group of Florentine nvirat.

maintained empty houses and vil-1 to which La Plra hsd invited him.

Ohio Law May Void $2<*Milliori Charity Gift - Cincinnati —» (NG) — A ^000 ,000 bequesfc to Cincln-

Af^r he m paid the cost of liati's Arclibisliptt Karl J. Alter ftrC»ttolic-ch«ritiM may hla simple needs, he gives the xe> be Moeiked by Ohio** mortmain (deld h*»d) itatate, malnder of his salary to Die poor. WALTER * . SCHOTT, J55, Cto1, r politically he la fearlessly bold,; ctanati tedustriailst who clledicblkiren or-Mrs oT etthtr, dies4

fc M» personal conduct he Is am {aboard ,th« liner Queen Wary, }3e«s'thin * year after tht datet examjple-of liumlllty and-chat*ey, April 2ft tnrhis ^ay-*»- 3E«r«pe)Sjof tht-wllfc Aistts is«-tot tstatii even toward his political op-j,,tfuded the bequest "for .the ,then. go to the le f^ rrtWijand po«itesi. ' support of sweh InstitttUons as | the pprtior! marked for charity J

0BQ£ OF HIS first sets am dispense only public charity lh'usually goes Into the residue.) Wayor, of Florence was to make tlie State of Ohio, to the stck arid Mr. Schotfa will was dated May 'a'peaisiorial contribution of a rMl- needy and to unwed mothers In 25, 1955, eleven months before llert"!^ toneftifof Ate city's ear-~dtre heed'/' his death.

0tifr1&JII?ktitt-ci«estioned'«boat -The-^nwrtoalrt--statute, how r j | rVM-TMKtt complication' Hfe-jh* aalcti^This is one of the ever, voids a will containing arises from the fact that the will 1 fhest flhsttclal Investments w e charitable bequests when the provides that sltei* the d«ath of > W f *?^ e ' A, ^Um. t6 t>€m P*rMn' h*vI»8 children, adopted the m b e i r o f M E > scjiott1*' Facibenl {fputtder-of the orphan- "* " I widow, the residue o t the estate1

a^TOeaw%bilHontothtdt^;"l#«.| ©mimlat i iwi {shouild go to Archbishop Alter i ItfhenJi Was called to hi* * t - U U l e a i l S rOpUiaUOI l w h l s f u c c e M O r g fop^charitable

largely Catholic :,r rS^fimte ,** ***&{ Maryknoli; New iferk — Aft Schott's* estate 'was ^iven. ~ "

ittnttote-that b\$ actibft was n o t 'teenrpag to the writings of a ffamoas - autljority on economics?,.. he artewerW^^at'* ouile trae^ «miual repori-front Chile of the mates of the worth of thi iridusv i W ^ ^ ' ^ f ^ * ! * ^ . * " ^ 6 0 * * ' ^ ^ " * ^ 6 o f Catholics among trial empire he and «tembsrs of m, -•sn»-«teki1 of the efarnwi* 4he-total population 4jf the area his family built up range as lit are d*«tuied to perislu lait entrusted to the Maryknoll mis- high as $25 500,000. not She words of the Gospel' ^t^ iB chile reveals that of. A Knight of St Gregory and *

GIORGIO IA PIRA %»s bocn t<-e 1323Q0 people in the area* Knight of Malta, Mr. Schott be> ih Foizallo'ln the FroVlnce of 118,100. or 90 per cent are gan his career a* a garage Raguaa. in Slc% on JanMry 29, Catholic " 1 mechanic.


W« Aim Stlllfig At . . .


Wt do not Know of anyone In the point business that hoi net advanced prices

over their fast year's prlets. So if you are going to point either inside or outside

come Jri eirtS'place your order-ror-your-needs for this summer. Remember this

offer is good unh'1 July 10th. For this week we will occepi your order and deliver

it at the time you select.



^ ^ • S W ^BF (SSSSr -^^SSf |BBS«*S[ £ SBSSSSSSSi + ^


& ^ • S 5 k :

Prfe. rturn. f» * 5 « Jli/y t*J^_ ** im f n w •s^ww-jw p f f • wajr i mm 4vmi sna \»eewe*nisf t

dfet*Ns)tP VrtOlKT ta^rJKStWM 4 l , * , ^ l A i r l t i f i i T M * * « « l f l / ^ ^ N t t H I H ^ i i tfsfltt&Hi OWOJsAttOiMi. rWtAo-|tt«iA» rA !'

% -

Hiust Paint Nt. I 5^6 j i l . trim FAINT . . &35 gal. HIGH-GLOSS . 3.86 j i l . Sami-Glots . . 3.85 gat. Flat Wall 25 calort 3^5 gal. Parch Enimal , 4410 gal. Shallac . . . 44M gal.

Snaw Whiti Enamel 1.95 ^t.

Bakalita Varnish. 1.65ft.

Enamel Unrfarcoat 3 JO gal.

Prlmar It Saalar 3.46 gal.

WairTeitHouia Paint 3.39 gal.

Paint Ramivar 1,95 gal. U l t l l i i Oil 2.25 gal.




DAILY: OWN; t to 6




vt. ~ » • * % »


