UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


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  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    UMTS Pilot Pollution AnalyzingGuide


  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    UMTS Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide Internal Use Only


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  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    UMTS Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide Internal Use Only

    Re!i"ion #i"to$y

    P$odu%t &e$"ion 'o%u(ent &e$"ion Se$ial Nu()e$ Rea"on *o$ Re!i"ion

    1)0 ,irst #u-lis*ed


    'ate 'o%u(ent &e$"ion P$e,a$ed )y Re!ie-ed )y A,,$o!ed )y

    %00./11/1% 1)0 S*eng z*engie in z*engtuan in z*engtuan

    A,,li%a)le to UMTS o,ti(ization enginee$"

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) II

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    UMTS Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide Internal Use Only

    A)out T+i" 'o%u(ent


    +a,te$ 'e"%$i,tion

    1 O+er+ie2 O+er+ie2 o" 3!4MA Pilot Pollution

    % Pilot Pollution 4e"inition 4e"inition o" 3!4MA Pilot Pollution

    !ause o" Pilot Pollution !ause o" 3!4MA Pilot Pollution

    & Pilot Pollution6s I#at on t*e (et2or9 I#at o" 3!4MA Pilot Pollution

    5 O#tiizing Met*ods o" Pilot Pollution O#tiizing Met*ods o" 3!4MA Pilot Pollution

    : Analyzing Proess o" Pilot Pollution Analyzing Proess o" Pilot Pollution

    7 Pilot Pollution O#tiization !ase Study O#tiization !ase Study o" Pilot Pollution

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) III

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    UMTS Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide Internal Use Only


  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    UMTS Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide Internal Use Only


    ,igure 5/1 Unreasona-le antenna aziut* leading to #ilot #ollution)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5

    ,igure 5/% Unreasona-le antenna do2ntilt leading to #ilot #ollution)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5

    ,igure 5/ Unreasona-le ell layout leading to #ilot #ollution))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

    ,igure 5/& n+ironent "ator leading to #ilot #ollution))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7

    ,igure 5/5 Pilot #olluted ell sur+ey)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 8

    ,igure 7/1 Piture o" air#ort roads)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .

    ,igure 7/% G diagra o" air#ort roads))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10,igure 7/ %008 #lanned sites in t*e trial net2or9)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10

    ,igure 7/& Planned sites in %00. oerial net2or9 #*ase 1))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))11

    ,igure 7/5 !o-ined 'S!P))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1%

    ,igure 7/: !o-ined >Io)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1%

    ,igure 7/7 (e2 site/air#ort @igangs*an #ar9)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1

    ,igure 7/8 !o-ined >Io a"ter o#tiization)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1

    ,igure 7/. !o-ined 'S!P a"ter o#tiization)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1&

    ,igure 7/10 ;e"ore o#tiization PS!51 o+erage)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))15,igure 7/11 A"ter o#tiization single ell PS!51 o+erage))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))15


  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    1 O!e$!ie-(et2or9 o#tiization is t*e 9ey lin9 in t*e net2or9 onstrution and de+elo#ent)

    T*eoretial #lanningB #ratial net2or9 onstrutionB and net2or9 o#tiization are t*e

    t*ree i#ortant o#onents o" t*e net2or9 onstrution) (et2or9 o#tiization is an

    i#ortant et*od to i#ro+e net2or9 CPIsB an i#ort lin9 o" net2or9 aintenaneB and

    an i#ortant o#onents in "uture net2or9 a#aity eD#ansion or reonstrution) In

    3!4MA net2or9 o#tiization #roessB #ilot #ollution is a 9ey issue needs to -e *andled

    -eause it is i#ortant "or net2or9 Euality en*aneent)

    T*e douent a9es detailed a resear* into t*e trou-les*ooting o" #ilot #ollution and

    gi+es a ase study -ased on ZT or#oration net2or9 #lanning and o#tiizationeD#erienes)

    / Pilot Pollution 'e*inition

    3!4MA is a sel"/inter"ering systeB eDessi+e inter"erene 2ill -ring any #ro-lesB

    and #ilot #ollution is one o" t*e) ,or 3!4MA systeB #ilot #ollution eans t*at t*e

    signal le+els reei+ed at one testing s#ot are u* t*e saeB eit*er too strong or too

    2ea9B and t*ereFs no #riary #ilot) ,or t*e testing UB t*e reei+ing #o2er is adeEuateB

    -ut >Io o" e+ery ell are o#arati+ely sall) !urrently t*e aDiu nu-er in one

    ati+e set su##orted -y ost 3!4MA eEui#ent is B i)e)B i" t*ere are o+er t*ree ells

    2it* siilar >IoB inter"erene 2ill -e generated to radio lin9s in t*e ati+e set)

    4i""erent algorit* an -e used 2*en udging #ilot #ollution) 4e"initions gi+en to #ilot

    #ollution are di""erentB and udgent t*res*old #araeters di""er tooB analyzing result 2ill

    t*ere"ore di+erge) Siulation so"t2are Assetg de+elo#ed -y Airo o#any de"ines

    t*e #ilot #ollution as "ollo2s #ilot #ollution re"ers to t*e #ilots t*at eDeed t*e t*res*old

    yet are not inluded in t*e ati+e set) In net2or9 analyzing so"t2are ZHPOS !(AB ZT

    !or#oration de"ines #ilot #ollution -ased on +arious analysis algorit*sB In one #roet

    o" !*ina UnioB t*e #ilot #ollution is de"ined as t*e s#ot satis"ying ell nu-er 2it*

    >Io o" t*e #ilot J >IoK"orK;estSer+ing!ell /5L is ore t*an ell 'S!P is ore

    t*an /100d;)

    !urrently t*ere are t*ree algorit*s used in ZHPOS !(AB a##lying t*e de"inition in

    !*ina Unio #roet) Ado#t #ilot #ollution algorit* 2*en analyzing #ilot #ollution) T*is

    algorit* is targeting at U testing dataB and #araeters are

    N1 'S!P a-solute t*res*old A

    N% >Io relati+e t*res*old ;

    N (u-er o" t*e ati+e set (

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 1

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    In t*e ell set 2it* 'S!P larger t*an AB i" t*e nu-er o" ell >Io o" 2*i* is saller

    t*an t*e -est >Io -y 8 eDeeds (/1B #ilot #ollution eDists and t*e ell nu-er 2it*

    #ollution s*all -e eD#orted)

    T*e a-o+e #araeters an use t*e de"ault +alue in !*ina Unio #roets)

    au"e o* Pilot Pollution

    Ideally signal o" t*e ell s*all -e 9e#t 2it*in t*e designed rangeB -ut due to t*e

    o#liated radio #ro#agation en+ironent inluding geogra#*ial onditionsB -uilding

    layoutB street 2inding and 2ater distri-utionB signal is *ard to -e ontrolled to eet

    desired reEuireents)

    Pilot #ollution is usually t*e interati+e result aused -y ulti#le sites and ours ainly

    in site/dense ur-an en+ironent) T*e ty#ial areas 2it* "reEuent ourrenes o" #ilot

    #ollution are *ig* -uildingsB 2ide streetsB o+er*ead roadsB rossroads and 2aterside


    .1 Un$ea"ona)le ell 'i"t$i)ution

    O2ing to site loation restrition and o#liated geogra#*i en+ironentB ell

    distri-ution ay -e "ound unreasona-leB 2*i* 2ill result in 2ea9 o+erage in #arts o"

    areas and ulti#le strong #ilot signals in ot*er areas)

    ./ Too #ig+ Site Lo%ation o$ Antenna In"tallation

    I" t*e loation o" one site is *ig*er t*an ost o" t*e a-ient -uildingsB t*en t*e signals is

    #ro#agated 2it*in a large range) Too *ig* site loation ay lead to unontrolla-le

    o+ers*ootingB t*us #ilot #ollution ours)

    . Un"uita)le Antenna Azi(ut+

    In a net2or9 2it* ulti/siteB antenna aziut* s*all -e suita-ly on"igured aording to

    t*e glo-al site layoutB o+erage reEuireents and tra""i distri-ution) GenerallyB design o"

    antenna aziut* o" di""erent setors s*all a9e o#ensating o+erageB ot*er2ise

    o+ers*ooting ay ourB or no #ilot signals or 2ea9 o+erage in ertain areas ay -e

    aused) All t*ese ay lead to #ilot #ollutionB t*ere"ore antenna aziut* s*all -e

    are"ully ali-rated in +ie2 o" #ratial #ro#agation ondition)

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) %

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    . Un$ea"ona)le Antenna 'o-ntilt

    Antenna do2ntilt s*all -e set -ased on t*e antenna *eig*t relati+e to surroundinggeogra#*i o-etsB o+erage range reEuireents and t*e antenna odel) 3*en

    antenna do2ntilt is unreasona-ly setB soe areas 2ill unneessarily reei+e strong

    signals 2*i* 2ill -ring inter"erene to ot*er areas and result in all dro#s)

    .4 Un$ea"ona)le Pilot Po-e$

    3*en sites are densely distri-utedB t*e #lanned o+erage range is sallB 2*ile t*e

    signal #o2er is too strongB and t*e o+erage range o" t*e #ilot is greater t*an t*e

    #lanned ell rangeB #ilot #ollution 2ill our)

    .5 Su$$ounding En!i$on(ent I(,a%t

    O2ing to t*e o#liated radio #ro#agation en+ironent inluding geogra#*ial

    onditionsB -uilding layoutB street 2inding and 2ater distri-utionB signal is *ard to -e

    ontrolled to eet desired reEuireents)

    T*e "ollo2ing t*ree ty#es o" onditions 2ould ause #ilot #ollution)

    =ig* -uildings or ountains -lo9 t*e signalsB t*en t*e target area ay reei+e

    2ea9 signals "ro t*e #lanned siteB and #ilot #ollution ay our due to signals"ro ot*er sites)

    3*en t*e o+erage diretion o" t*e antenna #arallels to t*e streetsB t*e o+erage

    range 2ill -e great and #ilot #ollution ay result)

    3*en t*ere are *ig* -uildings around t*e siteB t*e signals o" t*e site ay -e

    di""rated to ot*er areasB t*us #ilot #ollution ours)

    Pilot Pollution2" I(,a%t on t+e Net-o$3

    .1 E%9Io 'ete$io$ation

    O2ing to t*e inter"erene "ro ulti#le strong #ilotsB IoB >Io and ;

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ./ all '$o," 'ue to #ando!e$

    I" t*ere are o+er t*ree strong #ilots or t*ere is no #riary #ilotB "reEuent *ando+ers ayour leading to all dro#s)

    . a,a%ity 'e%$ea"e

    ,reEuent *ando+ers 2ill result in t*e redution o" t*e syste a#aity es#eially in t*e

    do2nlin9) One U ouniates 2it* ulti#le ellsB 2*i* 2ill add to t*e do2nlin9 load

    o" t*e site and redue t*e syste a#aity)

    4 O,ti(izing Met+od" o* Pilot Pollution

    4.1 Antenna Ad:u"t(ent

    ;ased on t*e testing resultB adust antenna aziut* and do2ntilt to *ange t*e #ilot

    signal le+el and t*e #riary signal distri-ution in ertain area) T*e adustent #rini#le

    is to -oost t*e #riary #ilot and redue ot*ers)

    To en*ane t*e o+erage o" soe areas ade -y t*e #ilotB a9e t*e antenna "ae t*earea -y adusting t*e antenna aziut* To redue t*e o+erage o" t*e #ilotB a9e t*e

    o+erage diretion o" t*e antenna a2ay "ro t*e area -y adusting t*e antenna aziut*)

    T*e do2ntilt adustent is siilar ell o+erage range an -e adusted -y t*e do2ntilt


    T*ere are liitations as to t*e adustent o" antenna do2ntilt too sall do2ntilt 2ill

    en*ane t*e o+erage -ut ay result in o+ers*ooting too -ig do2ntilt 2ill 2ea9en t*e

    o+erage -ut ay result in t*e de"oration o" antenna #attern)

    In "igure 5/1B #ilot #olluted area irled -y t*e -la9 line is aused -y t*e ina##ro#riate

    antenna aziut* setting o" t*e setor 2it* sra-ling ode 100) T*e area is designed to

    -e o+ered -y t*e setor 2it* sra-ling ode 100B -ut -eause t*e antenna aziut* is

    set to -e .0 degreeB #ilot signal is inadeEuate and #ilot #ollution ours)

    3e adust t*e antenna aziut* "ro .0 degree to 170 degree to en*ane t*e signal

    #o2er o" t*e #riary #ilot in t*is area and to eliinate t*e #ilot #ollution)

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) &

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ,igure 5/1 Unreasona-le antenna aziut* leading to #ilot #ollution

    In "igure 5/%B #ilot #olluted area irled -y t*e dar9 lin9 is ause -y t*e ina##ro#riate

    antenna do2ntilt o" t*e setor 2it* sra-ling ode :0) T*e antenna do2ntilt o" :0

    ell :0 is % degreeB t*e o+erage range is relati+ely great and o+ers*ooting is *ard to

    -e ontrolled)

    Adust t*e antenna do2ntilt 2it* ell :0 "ro % degree to 7 degree to redue

    o+ers*ooting #*enoena)

    Soe #olluted area is *ard to -e #er"etedB and easures s*all -e ado#ted -ased ont*e ondition su* as t*e *ange o" t*e antenna odelB t*e installation o" re"letion

    de+ies or isolation de+iesB t*e *ange o" antenna installation loation or site loation


    ,igure 5/% Unreasona-le antenna do2ntilt leading to #ilot #ollution

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 5

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    4./ Pilot Po-e$ Ad:u"t(ent

    Pilot #ollution is aused -y t*e o+erage o" ulti#le #ilots) One o" t*e solutions is toi#ro+e t*e #o2er o" a ell and redue t*e #o2er o" ot*er ells)

    3*en antenna do2ntilt is inreased to a ertain degreeB antenna #attern 2ill de"or) To

    redue t*e o+erage area o" t*e #ilotB #ilot #o2er s*all -e dedued 2*en antenna

    do2ntilt is dereased to a ertain degreeB o+ers*ooting ay result) To eD#and t*e

    o+erage rangeB #ilot #o2er s*all -e inreased) Po2er adustent and antenna

    ali-ration s*all -e o-ined to a*ie+e t*e target)

    In "igure 5/B unreasona-le ell layout leads to #ilot #ollution) Site s#aing o" site AB ;

    and ! are %)8%9B %):9 and 1)%:9B and un-alaned site s#aing 2ill a9e #ilot

    #ollution *ard to -e resol+ed) 3*en #er"oring o#tiizationB to ensure ontinuouso+erageB 9ee# t*e transission #o2er o" ell %0 and ell 0 un*anged to redue t*e

    #ilot #o2er o" ell 10B ell &0 and ell 50 -y d;) 'edue t*e #o2er o" 2ea9 #ilot to

    o#tiize #ilot #ollution)

    In ', o#tiization #*aseB try a+oiding #ilot #o2er adustent unless "eeder adustent

    is inon+enient)

    ,igure 5/ Unreasona-le ell layout leading to #ilot #ollution

    4. Ne- Site"

    As to t*e #ilot #ollution t*at an ne+er -e sol+ed -y #o2er adustent and antenna

    "eeder ali-rationB ne2 sites or ells s*all -e e#loyed)

    T*e #rini#le is #at* loss o" t*e #ilot o" t*e ne2ly onstruted site is u* less t*an t*at

    o" t*e #ilot o" t*e #re+ious sitesB t*ere"ore its #o2er 2ill -e greater t*at t*at o" ot*erZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) :

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    #ilotsB and ne2 sites -eoe t*e donor ell) O2ing to t*e introdution o" ne2 sitesB Io o"

    t*is area 2ill inrease o-+iously and >Io 2ill redue aordinglyB t*us #ilot #ollution

    #ro-le is sol+ed)

    ;ut t*is et*od 2ill 2aste resouresB add to t*e in+estentB and a9e sra-ling

    odes #lanning e+en ore o#liatedB 2*i* ay result in t*e a#aity 2aste)

    In "igure 5/&B #ilot #olluted s#ot irled -y t*e dar9 line is ainly aused -y t*e

    surrounding en+ironent) T*is area is #lanned to -e o+ered -y ell :0 o" site AB ell

    110 o" site ;B and ell 10 o" site !B -ut -eause t*ere is ountains -lo9ing t*e signal

    "ro site AB -uildings -lo9ing t*e signal "ro site ;B and -uildings -lo9ing t*e signal

    "ro site !B t*e signals designated are 2ea9) =o2e+erB ell %& and ell %5 o" site 4 *as

    "a+ora-le o+erage o" t*is areaB t*us #ilot #ollution ours)

    ,igure 5/& n+ironent "ator leading to #ilot #ollution

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 7

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ,igure 5/5 Pilot #olluted ell sur+ey

    O2ing to t*e -lo9age o" *ig* -uildings or ountains around t*e ellsB t*ere is no

    strong #ilot in t*is area) In t*is situationB adustent o" antenna do2ntilt *as no o-+ious

    e""et) (e2 sites s*all -e e#loyed)

    5 Analyzing P$o%e"" o* Pilot Pollution

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    Ma9e tests a"ter t*e adustent and t*en a9e analysis o" 'S!PB >Io and #ilot

    #ollution using 4T data) I" CPI reEuireents are not etB a9e anot*er round o"

    o#tiization and selet ne2 9ey areas until t*e reEuireent is et)

    7 Pilot Pollution O,ti(ization a"eStudy

    7.1 P+eno(enon 'e"%$i,tion

    ;ased on t*e #re+ious trial net2or9B 2e a9e t*e #*ase 1 onstrution o" t*e S*enz*en3!4MA oerial net2or9 "ro ,e-ruary o" %00. to A#ril o" %00. and t*e

    onstruted sites are a-out %008) P*ase 1 onstrution o" t*e oerial net2or9 is

    #er"ored along 2it* t*e o#tiizing 2or9)

    In t*e trial #*ase o" S*enz*en net2or9 in %008B t*ere is only one site onstruted along

    t*e air#ort roads onneting Guangz*ou/to/S*enz*en eD#ress2ay and t*e terinal

    -uildings An"u site) In t*e oerial net2or9 #*aseB : sites are onstruted along t*e

    air#ortB -ut o2ing to t*e ring/s*a#ed site distri-utionB #ilot #ollution ours 2*i* results

    in 2ea9 signal and -ad Euality leading to all dro#s) In +ie2 o" t*e #ro-leB add ne2

    sites aong t*e air#ort roads to en*ane t*e o+erage o" t*e #riary #ilot and at t*e

    sae tie resol+e t*e o+ers*ooting #ro-le "ro surrounding sites to eliinate t*e #ilot

    #ollution #ro-le)

    7./ Geog$a,+i% Lo%ation o* Ai$,o$t Road"

    T*e lengt* o" air#ort roads is a-out 1)% 9iloetersB and t*is setion "alls into ?IP road

    ategory aording to t*e i#ortane o" o#tiization) T*e onrete geogra#*i loation

    is as s*o2n in t*e "ollo2ing #*otos and G #is)

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) .

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ,igure 7/: Piture o" air#ort roads

    ,igure 7/7 G diagra o" air#ort roads

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 10

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ,igure 7/8 %008 #lanned sites in t*e trial net2or9

    ,igure 7/. Planned sites in %00. oerial net2or9 #*ase 1

    7. Pilot Pollution P+eno(enon 'e"%$i,tion

    (et2or9 struture o" t*e air#ort roads is ring/s*a#ed and is not reasona-le) In "igure 7/5B

    t*ere are 5 sites 700 eters a2ay "ro t*e s#ot irled -y a red lineB t*ey are

    =u-eis*an tunnelB Air#ort ,u2ei (e2 ?illageB Air#ot ,uanB =uangtianB and ,uyongZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 11

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    =uanyu Industrial zone N,uyong air#ort oanding ansion site *as not -een

    onstruted) Aording to t*e sur+ey o" t*e "ield en+ironentB t*ese sites are not

    designed "or t*e o+erage o" air#ort roads t*ere"ore signal le+els o" t*e air#ort roads

    are relati+ely sall 2it*out a #riary ell) As s*o2n in "igure 5B in t*is areaB 'S!P +alue

    is /105/.0d; and >Io is -elo2 /10 d;B 2*i* indiates t*e lo2 o+erage strengt*

    and #oor Euality o" t*is area) In t*e routine testB "reEuent *ando+er ours aong

    di""erent #ilots leading to all dro#s)

    ,igure 7/10 !o-ined 'S!P

    ,igure 7/11 !o-ined >Io

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 1%

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    7. O,ti(izing P$o%e""

    7..1 Gene$ate t+e P$i(a$y Pilot !ia Adding Ne- Site"

    In t*e iddle o" t*e air#ort roadsB Air#ort @igangs*an Par9 site is e#loyed N"igure 7/7B

    2it* t2o setors and t*e aziut*s are (80 and (%5) T*e site #er"ors t*e o+erage o"

    t*e eastern and 2estern #arts o" t*e air#ort roads and #riary #ilot ours 2*i*

    ontri-utes to t*e i#ro+eent o" signal strengt* and Euality) T*e indiators N>Io and

    'S!P are s*o2n in "igure 7/8 and "igure 7/.)

    ,igure 7/1% (e2 site/air#ort @igangs*an #ar9

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 1

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ,igure 7/1 !o-ined >Io a"ter o#tiization

    ,igure 7/1& !o-ined 'S!P a"ter o#tiization

    7../ O!e$"+ooting T$ou)le"+ooting

    A"ter installing Air#ort @igangs*an Par9 site to #ro+ide t*e #riary o+erageB signals

    "ro its surrounding sites -eoe inter"ering signals) On/site sur+ey s*o2s t*at t*e

    sites 2it* o+ers*ooting #ro-le are ounted *ig*B t*eir antenna "eeder #araeters are

    inonsistent 2it* t*e #araeter #lannedB and antenna do2ntilts are too sall) ;ased on

    t*e #lanning data and dri+e test dataB antenna "eeders in t*e surrounding site su* as

    t*e sites o" =uangtianB Air#ort ,uanB Air#ort ,u2ei Din*unB ,uyong =uanyu IndustrialZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 1&

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    zoneB Air#ort

  • 8/11/2019 UMTS RNO Subject-Pilot Pollution Analyzing Guide_R1.0


    Inte$nal U"e

    ,igure 7/1: A"ter o#tiization single ell PS!51 o+erage

    ', result analysis t*e site is % eters *ig*B and a"ter adding 5 degree to its do2ntiltB

    t*e o+ers*ooting #ro-le o+er t*e air#ort roads is -asially reo+ed) T*us t*e

    ontinuous o+erage o" t*e #riary signal is guaranteed and *ando+er ties are

    reduesB 2*i* ontri-utes to t*e dedution o" all dro#s)

    7.4 on%lu"ion

    As to t*e #ilot #ollution #ro-le in S*enz*en 3!4MA oerialized net2or9 air#ortroadsB it6s aused -y la9 o" t*e #riary #ilot leading to "reEueny *ando+er and all

    dro#s) To sol+e t*e #ro-leB "irst in t*e iddle o" t*e air#ort roadsB install a ne2 site "or

    #riary o+erage o" t*e roadsB t*en sol+e t*e o+ers*ooting #ro-le aused -y

    surrounding sites t*roug* ', adustent) A"ter t*e a-o+e o#erationsB #ilot #ollution

    #ro-le o" t*e air#ort roads is "inally resol+ed)

    ZT !on"idential Pro#rietary $ %01& ZT !O'PO'ATIO() All rig*ts reser+ed) 1:
