Unit 2 高级英语 1 Unit 2 Keeping up-to-date. 课件说明 1....


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Unit 2 高级英语 1

Unit 2 Keeping up-to-date

课件说明1. 本课件未把音频加入,老师使用时自行处理;2. 本课件宗旨是:尽量实用;3. 使用教师请提出宝贵修改意见

制作人:珠海电大 丁武联系方式: ironheart68@126.com 15363967067

本单元学习目标语法 : present perfect simple and present perfect continuous词汇: 1. computers and mobiles; 2. phrasal verbs听 : 1. the dangers of the Internet 2. learning to use computers说 : 1. interviewing a partner 2. giving instructions 3. talking about mobile phones and communication读 : 1. a personal website about a punk band 2. the first portable phones 3. personal letters 写 : a personal letter

About the Blog1. critical age “ ” “ ”意为 关键年龄 或 危机年龄 ,本单元为一庞克乐队的名称

2. 乐队相关专有名词 lead singer 领唱,主唱 lead guitarist 主吉他手 drummer 鼓手 rhythm guitarist 节奏吉他手 bass guitarist 贝斯手 demo CD CD原声带(示范带)

Grammar and ReadingWords Preparation1. advert noun. (BrE) = ADVERTISEMENT2. exhausted adj. extremely tired and without enough

energy to do anything else;very tired 精疲力竭的Eg. The anxieties of the past week left her exhausted. 上星期把她愁得没精打采。3. save up 储蓄 , 贮存Eg. I was looking for a temporary job so that I would save

up some money to go travelling. 我在找一个临时工作,以便节省一些钱供旅游用。

4. rehearse verb [intransitive or transitive] to practice a play, concert, opera, etc. before giving a

performance:eg. We've been rehearsing for weeks.

5. stressed out 紧张的 , 有压力的 ; 精疲力竭的Eg. After a hard day at work, and taking care of the kids,

and then handling most of the chores, a woman is stressed out.

一个女人在单位里劳累了一天以后 , 还要照顾孩子和做大部分家务 , 已是筋疲力尽了。

Feeling tired and stressed out?你是否感到疲惫不堪和压力重重呢 ?

Grammar Learning现在完成时与现在完成进行时1. 二者基本概念1) 现在完成时用来 :• 谈论新闻和新近行为。 We have made a demo CD!• 谈论完成的动作。可以不明确地说该动作是什么

时间发生的,但可以说它发生了多少次。 We have already played more than thirty gigs.

2) 现在完成进行时用来 : We have already played more than thirty gigs. • 谈论开始于过去,现在仍在进行的动作或行为。 I have been writing songs since I was sixteen.• 谈论对现在有影响的过去行为,而且这种影响还

可能继续。 I have been writing songs all day – I’m exhausted.

2. 二者区别1 )现在完成进行时有时有延续性,现在完成时往往

没有。如:   a. He has been repairing his bike.   b. He has repaired his bike.   a 句的意思是他一直在修理自行车,但尚未完成; b 句的意思则是已完工了。

2) 现在完成进行时比较生动,有时含有明显的感情色彩,而现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,平铺直叙,没有什么感情色彩可言。如:   a. What have you been doing?   B. What have you done ?  a 句表示惊异 , 而 b 句只是一个问题。

Key to 6(P.19)2. Colin has been going out with Tracy for about ayear. Colin has gone out for a drink with Tracy.3. Tracy has played in public many times. Tracy has been playing the piano since she was six.4. Stephen has acted in three music videos. Stephen has been acting in a music video all day.5. David has been saving up his money. David has saved up almost 3,000.

Key to 7(P.19)2. He has been playing games for ages.3. He has been lifting weights in the gym for two hours.4. She has been teaching Colin to drive since two o’clock.5. He hasn’t been eating much recently.6. I have been listening to the song all day.

Key to 8(P.19)My ear is sore! I 1_________ (talk) to a guy from a record

company all morning. He 2_________ (call) me six times since the Rock Garden gig! He 3_________ (offer) us all

sorts of things if we sign with his company. Last night he 4_________ (offer) to take us all on tour in America! We 5_________ (try) to decide if we should accept his offer, but we 6_________ (not/make) a decision yet.

7_________ (you/ever/be) on a plane? Well,right now, I feel the way you do when the plane

is taking off – I 8_________ (never/feel) soexcited. I 9_________ (think) about the future– and it’s looking good.

Vocabulary1. attach-5 chick-6 delete-4 download-1 install-2 press-3

2. 1 press 2 click 3 download 4 install 5 delete 6 attach

3. 1 ring tone 2 vibrating alert 3 voicemail 4 phonebook 5 signal strength 6 battery

4. 1 e 2 f 3 c 4 b 5 d 6 a

ListeningWords Preparation1. invention[C] a machine, tool, or system that someone has

made, designed, or thought of for the first time:eg. Inventions like the electric light bulb changed the way people lived.

[U] the act of inventing something:eg. (invention of) Global communication was transformed by the invention of the Internet.

(idm 习语 ) Necessity is the mother of invention. 比较: discovery

2. deadlyAdj. able or likely to kill people:

eg. This is a potentially deadly disease.a deadly weapon: The police charged him with possession of a deadly weapon.

3. arrest vt.if the police arrest someone, they take that person to a police station because they believe he or she has committed a crime. Someone who has been arrested is under arrest, and if they are not allowed to leave, they are in custody:Police raided the store at dawn, arresting six men and seizing hundreds of pirated CDs.

4. manipulate vt. to influence someone or control something in a clever or dishonest way:eg. He knows how to manipulate an audience.

A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion.

5. register vi. to put your name and other information on an official list in order to be allowed to vote, study, stay in a hotel, etc.:

Eg. You must register with the police, the embassy, etc.

Key to listening1. 1× 2 √ 3 √

2. You do not know who you are really talking to on chat sites.

3. a send; photos (3) b files; download (1) c believe; chat sites (2) d websites (4) e open; emails (5)

Speaking and Listening Words Preparation1. Yorkshire Accent 约克郡口音2. Estuary English 泰晤士港湾英语3. RP accent 标注英语口音4. Manchester accent 曼切斯特口音

5. relate vt. & vi. to show or make a connection between two different things:eg. I can't really see how the two issues relate.

relate to sth/sb1)to be connected with sth/sb; to refer to sth/sb:

Eg. We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case.

The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland.2) to be able to understand and have sympathy with sb/sth:

Eg . Many adults can't relate to children.

6. com·pli·cat·ed adj.1) difficult to do, deal with, or understand,

especially because of involving a lot of different processes or aspects:eg. The situation seems to be getting more and more complicated.a complicated voting system2) made up of many different but connected parts:eg. a series of complicated designs─ opposite SIMPLE

7. recipe noun [C] 1)a set of instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food:eg. a recipe for apple pie2)be a recipe for something means to make it extremely likely that something will happen:eg. Giving your kids too much freedom can be a recipe for disaster.

3) (fig ) method of achieving sth Eg. What is your recipe for success?

8. print off vt. [ 计 ] 晒印 , 复制Eg. They print off 3000 copies a day.

9. identify vt. to recognize someone and be able to say who they are:eg. Two of the suspects have been identified by witnesses.

One can not identify happiness with wealth.

Key to Speaking and Listening2 1, 2, 43 1 c 2 b 3 e 4 d 5 a

4 1 a 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 g 6 e 7 f

5 1 The next thing you need to do is2 Don’t forget to3 Make sure you4 Do you see? 5 The one with6 The thing that looks like 7 That’s right!

7 1 first 2 forget 3 Then 4 sure 5 alright? 6 Next 7 got

ReadingWords Preparation1. out of order 有毛病的 , 出故障的Eg. My clock is out of order and waked me up at 3 this


2. patent1) noun.an official document that gives someone who has

invented something the legal right to make or sell that invention for a particular period of time, and prevents anyone else from doing so:In 1878, Edison received a patent for his phonograph.

2) verb. to get a patent for something:eg. When was the first computer mouse patented?

3. restriction n. a rule, action, or situation that limits or controls someone or something

Eg. The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without restriction.

4. enormous adj. very large in size or quantity:eg. The enormous birthday cake dwarfed everything else on the table.The stress they're under is enormous.

5. flat battery 缺电的蓄电池

6. rival adj. [only before noun] used about a person or group that competes against someone or something else

Eg. He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms.


7. hang up 挂断 ( 电话 )I've got to hang up now. 我现在得挂断了。

8. impressed adj. admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill:eg. Dan looked impressed but slightly confused.

9. go off 响起Eg. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went


10. crystal ball n. 水晶球 , 预言工具 , 预言方法Eg. I haven't got a crystal ball so I do not know which

horse is going to win the Derby.

Difficult Sentences1. So , it was no surprise that they didn’t become

popular. 因此,他们不受欢迎就不足为奇了。no surprise that --- 不足为奇Eg. So it is no surprise that, in his tenth book, he turns

to Winston Churchill for inspiration.所以在其第十本书中,从邱吉尔身上找灵感就不足为怪了。

No surprise that he would do such a stupid thing.

2. -but I bet he felt pretty happy when he hung up. “ 但是我敢说他挂断电话时肯定很开心。” I bet ... 我敢说…… ,常用在口语中,表示自己对某事很肯定,后接从

句。Eg. I bet our team will win.我敢断定我们队准能获胜。

3. But until then, you could do worse than buy yourself a Motorola DynaTAC. 但是在那以前,你最好还是买款摩托罗拉 DynaTAC 手机吧。 someone can/could/might do worse (than do something) 的 意 思 是“ 倒 不如(做某事)”,相当于 it is a good idea to do something.

Eg. If you want a safe investment, you could do worse than put your money in the bank.

Key to Reading1 1 Science magazine 2 April 1, 19843 The first portable/mobile phone 4 Ss’ own answers

2. b

3 A 4 B 2 C 3 D 1 4 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 a

5 1 fix 2dial 3 gone off 4 comes down 5 turn down 6 dead out of order

61. Mobile phones have become smaller, lighter, have more

functions, Internet connection, games. 2&3 The predictions come in paragraph D: ‘people will forget

how to write because all communications will be oral’ - not true but it is true that email and texting have become much more important than pen and ink writing. ‘phones with 3D video screens (...) allow you to see your

friends and watch TV!’- this is becoming very close to reality with webcams and computer based TV, and phones already have computer screens; ‘ phone calls will be free’– not true but there are computer phone services such as Skype which are free (apart from the cost of having internet connection);‘phones in our brains’—not true yet.

WritingWords preparation1. alien n. a person or creature from a planet other than

Earth2. Seriously adv. 真的Eg. Seriously, I'm not joking.真的 , 我没开玩笑。3. big news 头条新闻,大消息Eg. I have some big news!我有重要消息 !

Writing skillsPersonal letters 私人信件1 用 Hi/Hello/Dear … 来开头。用 Cheers/All the best/Best wishes 来结尾。2 告诉对方你的近况。3 询问对方的近况。4 每一段谈论一个新话题。5 用祈使句和直接提问的方式来让对方参与谈话。6 给出结束信件的理由。7 通篇应采用非正式交谈的方式。
