Unit 3 Lesson 7 The Federalist Era- Washington...


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Warm Up ①  Explain how Shay’s Rebellion led to the Constitutional Convention?

②  Discuss three compromises made at the Constitutional Convention? ①  ②  ③ 

③  Compare the Federalists & Anti-Federalists

④  List & explain the six principles in the U.S. Constitution ①  ②  ③  ④  ⑤  ⑥ 

I.  Both Federalists & Anti-Federalists campaigned on subject of Constitution

A.  Federalists: B.  Anti-Federalists:

II.  Attempting to get the public to support their position on the Constitution

III.  Used newspapers to get their views across

IV.  2 Leading Documents:

The Campaign on the Constitution

I.  Pro- Constitution Writings

II.  85 essays in NY newspapers 1787-1788

III.  Published by signature “Publius”

IV.  Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay

V.  Provided an analysis and explanation of the Constitution

VI.  Influential & convinced many that the Constitution was needed

Federalist Papers

I.  Anti-Constitution

II.  written by Richard Henry Lee

III.  Insisted rights of individuals needed to be protected

IV. Argued that a strong government in the USA would be like Great Britain.

Letters from the Federal Farmer

I.  Since Constitution created a stronger national government many citizens believed we needed something in Central Gov. to protect Individual Rights

II.  Despite Federalist arguments, they yielded

III.  A Bill of Rights was added to protect individual rights of American citizens…

A.  The Federalists get their strong government B.  The Anti-Federalist get their rights protected

IV.  U.S. government is strong but not too strong

Reasons for Call for Bill of Rights

I.  First State to Ratify – Delaware – Dec. 1787

II.  New Hampshire 9th state to ratify = constitution is passed

III.  NY,VA, NC, and RI had not yet voted A.  Needed NY and VA to legitimize the Constitution

IV.  Last state to accept Constitution = RI (5/29/90)



① Create an episode map on the Constitution…

② This is not new, it should be engrained in your memory at this point… a


Election of 1788

I.  After the ratification of the U.S. Constitution the newly created USA needed a chief executive (President)

II.  The two political groups that emerged at the Constitution convention will argue over who should be president…

The Rise of Political Parties I.  Political Parties – groups of people with similar political

views II.  During the ratification fight, 2 different groups emerged,

Federalists and Anti-Federalists

III.  Federalists and Anti-Federalists would both run candidates in the first presidential elections

A.  Federalists = John Adams, John Jay B.  Anti-Federalists = George Clinton C.  Independent = George Washington

Judiciary Act of 1789 I.  Written to organize the

Judicial Branch of the United States

II.  Article III was left very short on purpose

III. Organized the Supreme Court to have 6 Justices

IV.  Also organized Federal District & Circuit Courts

V.  Created the office of the Attorney General

John Jay – 1st Chief Justice

Revenue Act of 1789 I.  The U.S. had a lot of debt II.  Congress decided to pay it off through the use of tariffs III.  Set the 1st national tariff at 8% to earn a revenue for the

national government

The State Department I.  Congress also needed to deal with problems with

foreign nations A.  Britain, Spain, & France

II.  Established the State Department to deal with them

III.  1st Federal Agency established IV.  Thomas Jefferson was the 1st

Secretary of State

1st President

I.  George Washington II.  Elected in 1789 III.  Only president ever to

be elected unanimously

A.  Runner up was John Adams, became VP

Mr. President I.  Elected Unanimously

(every state voted for him) II.  President from 1789 –

1797 III.  Took oath of office on April

30, 1789 in NYC IV.  John Adams would be the



George Washington’s Presidency

I.  Washington will begin his presidency by establishing many governmental precedents.

PRCEDENT: an example that would become a standard practice.

Establishment of the Cabinet I.  Washington knew he was not the most brilliant man II.  Appointed men with expertise in areas to become part

of the cabinet (executive advisors) III.  Cabinet members would assist Washington in his

decision making IV.  Set precedent that each President would have a

cabinet, but is not part of the Constitution

A.  Secretary of State -- Thomas Jefferson B.  Secretary of the Treasury -- Alexander Hamilton C.  Secretary of War -- Henry Knox D.  Attorney General --Edmund Randolph

Washington’s Cabinet

Political Parties I.  No political parties existed within the U.S. until

Washington’s Presidency II.  Disagreements over the interpretation of the

Constitution & the power of the national government would lead to political parties

III.  Since then, the U.S. has been dominated by two party system

Federalists I.  Led by Alexander Hamilton II.  Wanted a fiscally sound and strong nationalistic (FEDERAL) government

III. Had a strong following in the

North & with business owners

Democratic-Republicans I.  Led by Thomas Jefferson II.  Sometimes referred to as the Jeffersonian-

Republicans III.  Opposed a strong national government &

Hamilton’s financial plans

IV.  Support state governments & fear strong national governments

V.  Support from the south & farmers

Interpretation of the Constitution I.  Loose v. Strict

A.  Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution – the Constitution can bend & be flexible to meet the needs of the country

B.  D-R wanted a strict interpretation – what it says is what it mean – it is not open to interpretation à if its not in it you can’t do it

II.  The two sides will bitterly fight over which interpretation of the Constitution is correct/best for the USA

III. Washington will work to control these political parties and their leaders to hold the nation together
