Unit 6 Reserch Paper


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Is illegal immigration hurting or helping the economy

Show the effects of the economy with illegal immigration

Who supports illegal immigration

Who it is affecting

How it will impact the future generations

illegal immigrants are cheaper than American citizens because they dont have to calm them at all because either they dont have a green card or there using one of their long dead relatives to get in to the country no our president is handing out free passes in to the country we are on a climb to the highest debt in the history of our government and the fact is we are laying off more and more people every day because employers are failing in business. witch drives them to hire more and more illegal immigrants because they can hire three of them to the one guy that they laid off that may lose his house car and everything he owns because he is not able to find work that will support his family Ive heard it Sayed many times even said by our president who got rid of extended unemployment benefits because you should be able to find a job in six months of being unemployed

Since there are no supporting documents either way on the facts of this matter only a few tad bits out there and I will elaborate on my own from all the news media and presidential help I believe that illegal immigration is majorly hurting their American economy because the president has now passed a bill that allow all illegal immigrants free housing, food benefits and insurance no matter their citizen ship stations

this is why I believe that I is not helping our economy to have illegal immigrants in the US yes I believe in equality but when our economy cannot support it then it should not be able to go on

Works Cited

Dinan, S. (2014, 11 12). washintion times. Retrieved 11 13, 2014, from washintion times: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/nov/12/gop-pressure-builds-block-obama-immigration-order/

Johansson, A. (2009, 10 24). new york times. Retrieved 13 13, 2014, from new york times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/24/business/economy/24older.html

Post, T. W. (n.d.). Transcript: President Obamas Jan. 7 remarks on unemployment insurance extension. Retrieved 11 13, 2014, from washington post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/transcript-president-obamas-jan-7-remarks-on-unemployment/2014/01/07/79c65704-77bc-11e3-b1c5-739e63e9c9a7_story.html