Unit 6 – Unit Test Review!. This defined America ’ s fear that if one Asian country fell to...


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Unit 6 – Unit Test Review!

This defined America’s fear that if one Asian country fell to communist forces, others would follow, causing an imbalance of power in the world.

This defined America’s fear that if one Asian country fell to communist forces, others would follow, causing an imbalance of power in the world.

The Domino Theory

What was the Taft-Hartley Act?

What was the Taft-Hartley Act?

It allowed the president to intervene in commerce, to protect the American consumer. For example, when President Eisenhower ended the US Steel strike and force the workers back to work for 80 days to cool off.

What was Brown v. Board of Education?

What was Brown v. Board of Education?

The Supreme Court case that ended school desegregation. It wasn’t an immediate end, but it did bring about an end in most areas in a relatively short period of time.

What was the Cold War, really?

What was the Cold War, really?

A major ideological difference between the Soviet Union and the democratic nations of the world, that brought about a huge increase in the number of nuclear weapons on both sides.

What did the Oil Embargo accomplish?

What did the Oil Embargo accomplish?

When OPEC stopped selling the US oil as a result of our support for Israel, America had to start looking elsewhere for oil supplies.

Why were they rioting on college campuses around the country in the late 60s and early 70s?

Why were they rioting on college campuses around the country in the late 60s and early 70s?

College students were unhappy with America’s involvement in the war in Vietnam

What was Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society?

What was Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society?

An attempt to change American society by ending racism and poverty through social programs and Civil Rights acts.

Who was Malcolm X?

Who was Malcolm X?

The leader of black Moslems who supported the idea that the blacks in America needed to create their own society free of interference by the white man.

At first, what effect did Watergate have on the Nixon administration?

At first, what effect did Watergate have on the Nixon administration?

Not much, as they won re-election with 49 state landslide. It wasn’t until after re-election that the cover-up began and Nixon was hoping to complete his second term to the end.

Who was Thurgood Marshall?

Who was Thurgood Marshall?

The NAACP lawyer who handled the Brown v. Board of Education case in front of the Supreme Court, and the first black justice on the Supreme Court

What was Sputnik?

What was Sputnik?

The first Russian satellite in space. It created fears that if the Russians could put a satellite into orbit, they could drop nuclear bombs on us as well. It also focused America’s education system on math & science to aid the growing spaces program through NASA

Why did President Richard Nixon visit China?

Why did President Richard Nixon visit China?

China was a growing nuclear power, and it was his successful attempt at détente, or cutting back on the tensions between two nuclear powers

Who was Joseph McCarthy, what did he do?

Who was Joseph McCarthy, what did he do?

Senator who made many allegations that our government had been infiltrated by Communist spies. Held hearings, covered on TV, ruined people’s careers, created black lists, trampled on their civil rights because he did not have shred of proof of any wrong doing.

When did Martin Luther King, Jr. come into national attention?

When did Martin Luther King, Jr. come into national attention?

During the Montgomery Bus boycott. It was the start of the Civil Rights movement. King advocated non-violent protest as a way of correcting laws that were made that were wrong. Remember Gandhi from India?

Who was Yuri Gagarin?

Who was Yuri Gagarin?

A Russian, obviously by his name, but he was the first man in space to orbit the plant. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon, but the Russians beat us into space.

What was the Viet-congsang?

What was the Viet-congsang?

It is a Vietnamese word that means “Vietnamese who are Communists”. It became shortened to Viet Cong, who were the communist insurgents in South Vietnam – they’re the ones the American military was fighting against.

What were the Pentagon Papers?

What were the Pentagon Papers?

It was a classified Pentagon study of America’s involvement in Indochina, published in the New York Times. In short, it showed drastic differences between what the government was telling us, and what was really happening. This is when the American people began to distrust what the government was telling them.

What was the main issue of the Watergate scandal?

What was the main issue of the Watergate scandal?

While the break-in of the Democratic headquarters is what started people looking around, the main issue is the President of the United States being involved in a conspiracy to cover-up of a felony – which by the way, is worse than the actual crime.

What was the Panama Canal Treaty?

What was the Panama Canal Treaty?

It was a treaty signed by Jimmy Carter, that would give control of the Panama Canal back to the Panamanians by the year 1999. Very controversial at the time, because America built and paid for the canal and many American’s died building the Canal.

Who was Ronald Reagan?

Who was Ronald Reagan?

Two-term president, elected in 1980, large tax cuts, few scandals, very popular, won by a landslide both times he ran.

What was the Twenty-sixth Amendment?

What was the Twenty-sixth Amendment?

It allowed people to vote who were as young as 18 years old. Brought about as a result of sending young men to fight, but those men couldn’t vote for the one’s sending them.

Who did Nixon have as a vice-president?

Who did Nixon have as a vice-president?

First, Spiro T. Agnew, who resigned as a result of his dishonest dealings while governor of Maryland. Then Nixon nominated Gerald Ford to be his VP. When Gerald Ford eventually pardoned Nixon, there were allegations that Nixon made Ford a deal, he would nominate him as VP if Ford would pardon Nixon. However, it is pretty clear that no such deal ever existed.

What was brinkmanship?

What was brinkmanship?

Foreign relations between another nuclear country, kept tense, so we were on the verge (or the brink) of a nuclear war. Probably not the best foreign policy strategy the federal government has come up with.

What was MAD?

What was MAD?

Mutual Assured Destruction – we (and they) have enough bombs that we would destroy each other, so there was little point in starting a war. The acronym is fitting, as clearly a mad-man had to come up with it.

What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

Kind of like the Truman Doctrine, but for the Middle East. It said the US would aid any country (militarily or financially) in the Middle East threatened by Communism

Who was Francis Powers?

Who was Francis Powers?

A US pilot who was shot down over the Soviet Union in a U2 spy plane, and tried by the Russians for spying. Found guilty. Hurt US – Soviet relations.

What was Roe v. Wade?

What was Roe v. Wade?

The Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. While there is nothing in the constitution that clearly guarantees this right to women, the Ninth Amendment talks of rights not listed in the Bill of Rights – Just because you don’t see a specific right listed here, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

What is Indochina?

What is Indochina?

The land between India and China. More specifically, it includes Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the three countries that most involved the US in the Vietnam War.

What was the Warren Commission?

What was the Warren Commission?

It was a Senate committee that investigated the assassination of JFK. After much testimony and fact finding, they ruled that there was no conspiracy to kill the president and that Lee Harvey Oswald acted on his own.

The End