Unit I Assignment 09.07.2014


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KALAVAKKAM – 603 110


Assignment for Unit Test – I

Class: V Sem Civil Date : 09.07.2014



1. State the factors considered in deciding number and depth of bore holes.

2. What is significant depth?

3. What are the factors affecting quality of the sample?

4. Define: (a) Area ratio and (b) Inside clearance of a sampler.

5. List out different methods of sampling techniques?

6. Define Recovery Ratio.

7. How do you decide the depth of soil exploration?

8. Distinguish between (a) representative and non representative samples and (b) disturbed and undisturbed


9. What is site reconnaissance?

10. What is detailed exploration?


1. (a) What are the contents in a standard soil investigation report?

(b) What are the limitations in

(i) SPT (ii) SCPT (iii) Vane Shear Test and (iv) Plate Load Test.

2. (a) Write the explanatory note on the following:

i. Chunk Sampling

ii. Rotary Drilling.

(b) Explain different methods of obtaining undisturbed samples in

(i) Clay layer and

(ii) Sand Deposits


1. (a-1) Determine the area ratios for the following soil samplers and comment on the nature of samples

obtained in each of the samplers.

(i) Core cutter: 165 mm OD 150mm ID

(ii) Split barrel : 51mm OD 35mm ID

(iii) Seamless tube (Shelby): 51mm OD 48mm ID

(a-2) The observed SPT value in a deposit of fully submerged sand was 45 at a depth of 6.5m. The

average effective unit weight of the soil is 9.69KN/cu.m. The other data given are (a) hammer

efficiency = 0.8 (b) the drill rod length correction factor = 0.9 and (c) bore hole correction

factor = 1.05. Determine the corrected SPT value for standard energy (a) Res = 60% and (b)

(a) Res = 70%.

(b-1) (i) What are the objectives of soil exploration?

(ii) Discuss the selection of foundation based on soil conditions?

2. ( a) (i) Explain the four methods of site exploration?

(ii) Explain three important types of soil samplers with neat sketches?

(b-1) (i) What is SPT “N” value? Discuss in detail how it is interpreted to arrive at the bearing capacity

of the soil?

(ii) Write the explanatory note on Electrical resistivity method of ground exploration.

(b-2) Describe with the neat sketches of different methods of soil exploration. State their advantages and


(b-3) Explain the SPT procedure and describe how different soil properties can be interpreted based on

SPT values.

3.( a-1) Explain the arrangements and operation of stationary piston sampler? State its advantages over

other samplers?

(a-2) Write the explanatory note on Electrical resistivity method of ground exploration.

(b) (i) Discuss the features of bore log report in detail?

(ii) Explain wash boring method of advancing borehole? .