University of Groningen Circadian clocks - from genes to ......Review article Circadian clocks -...


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University of Groningen

Circadian clocks - from genes to complex behaviourRoenneberg, Till; Merrow, Martha

Published in:Reproduction, Nutrition, Development


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Citation for published version (APA):Roenneberg, T., & Merrow, M. (1999). Circadian clocks - from genes to complex behaviour. Reproduction,Nutrition, Development, 39(3), 277-294.

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Review article

Circadian clocks - from genes to complex behaviour

Till Roenneberg Martha Merrow

Institute for Medical Psychology, Ludwig Maximilians University,Goethestr. 31-33, 80336 Munich, Germany

(Received 4 February 1999; accepted 16 April 1999)

Abstract - Circadian clocks control temporal structure in practically all organisms and on all lev-els of biology, from gene expression to complex behaviour and cognition. Over the last decades,research has begun to unravel the physiological and, more recently, molecular mechanisms thatunderlie this endogenous temporal programme. The generation of circadian rhythms can be explained,at the molecular level, by a model based upon a set of genes and their products which form anautoregulating negative feedback loop. The elements contributing to this transcriptional feedback appearto be conserved from insects to mammals. Here, we summarize the process of the genetic and molec-ular research that led to ’closing the molecular loop’. Now that the reductionist approach has led tothe description of a detailed clock model at the molecular level, further insights into the circadian sys-tem can be provided by combining the extensive knowledge gained from decades of physiologicalresearch with molecular tools, thereby reconstructing the clock within the organism and its envi-ronment. We describe experiments combining old and new tools and show that they constitute apowerful approach to understanding the mechanisms that lead to temporal structure in complexbehaviour. © Inra/Elsevier, Paris

circadian rhythm / transcription / entrainment / clock gene / autoregulating negative feedback

Résumé ― Les horloges circadiennes - depuis les gènes jusqu’aux comportements les pluscomplexes. Les horloges circadiennes contrôlent l’organisation du temps chez pratiquement tousles organismes et à tous les niveaux de la biologie, depuis l’expression des gènes jusqu’aux com-portements les plus complexes et à la cognition. Au cours des dernières décennies, la recherche a com-mencé à dévoiler les mécanismes physiologiques et moléculaires sous-jacents à ce programme tem-porel endogène. L’origine des rythmes circadiens peut être expliquée, au niveau moléculaire, parune série de gènes et leurs produits, qui forment une boucle de rétroaction négative autorégulée.Les éléments qui contribuent à cette rétroaction transcriptionnelle apparaissent conservés depuis lesinsectes jusqu’aux mammifères. Nous avons résumé ici les résultats les plus récents des recherchesgénétiques et moléculaires qui conduisent à « refermer la bouche moléculaire ». Alors que l’approcheréductionniste a conduit à la description d’un modèle détaillé d’horloge au niveau moléculaire, unevision plus perspicace des systèmes circadiens peut être effectuée en combinant les connaissances trèsétendues obtenues depuis plusieurs décades de recherche en physiologie, avec les outils molécu-

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laires, ce qui permet une reconstruction de l’horloge à l’intérieur de l’organisme placé dans sonenvironnement. Nous décrivons des expériences qui combinent des outils anciens et nouveaux etqui montrent qu’ils constituent une approche puissante afin de comprendre les mécanismes quiconduisent à une organisation temporelle des comportements les plus complexes. © Inra/Elsevier, Paris

rythme / transcription / entraînement / gène clock / boucle d’autorégulation


One of the most fascinating questions inbiology concerns the mechanisms by whichorganisms direct metabolism quasi inde-pendently of astronomical time. These tem-poral programmes are controlled by bio-logical clocks that reflect the four temporal‘spaces’ governing life on our planet (tides,day, lunar cycle and year). Among these,the circadian system has been investigatedmost intensively, and we are beginning tounderstand how a circa-24-h rhythmicity isgenerated.

In his classic paper that appeared in theproceedings of the first dedicated interna-tional conference on biological clocks inCold Spring Harbor, Colin Pittendrighdefined circadian systems by their uniqueproperties [76]. These properties have beena guideline ever since to describe, dissectand to model circadian systems in organ-isms of all phyla. The change in models overthe past decades reflects both fresh insightsand the development of experimental tools.Methods open new possibilities, shape theapproach to the overlying questions, andthus, have an impact on how explanationsare found. In the 1960s and 1970s, bio-chemical methods allowed the dissection ofcellular metabolism, and cybernetics pro-vided formal tools for the description ofcomplex systems. Accordingly, the modelsdescribing the mechanisms underlying cir-cadian rhythmicity, involved a cyberneticview of cellular metabolism [25]. With theadvent of molecular tools, circadian mod-els centred around gene regulation.

The mechanisms underlying circadianrhythmicity are implemented, in all organ-

isms, at the cellular level. Even at this level- for example in unicellular organisms -circadian systems have to cope with a tem-

poral environment influencing metabolism.Not only does the external environment havean impact, but so do endogenous states, suchas energy charge or nutrient stores, whichare modified regularly over time. Like uni-cells, individual cells of multicellular organ-isms (e.g. pacemaker neurons) may alsocontain all the elements of a circadian sys-tem (input ! oscillator ! output): recep-tors, intracellular signal transduction, amachinery that generates the rhythm andoutputs (e.g. rhythmic electric activity).These cell clocks are entrained by a tempo-rally structured micro-environment, involv-ing transmitters, hormones or other chemi-cal signals [12]. Some of these cells (e.g. inthe retina and the pineal) respond directlyto exogenous signals (zeitgeber) such aslight [15, 75].

The descriptions established in the pre-molecular era provided us with the basicconcepts that are unique to intact circadiansystems [9] and have served as the basis forall subsequent genetic and molecularresearch. They, for example, help us to dis-tinguish between rhythms that are merelydriven by environmental changes and thosethat respond actively through the robustnessof an ongoing endogenous circadian oscil-lator. They, however, describe the contentsof a Pandora’s box: i) a feedback loop pro-ducing rhythmicity (independent of its fre-quency); ii) the circadian range of the period;iii) an amplitude sufficiently robust to driveoutput rhythms; iv) the fact that the rhyth-micity is sufficiently self-sustained to con-

tinue unabated; v) temperature compensa-tion; and vi) entrainability [90]. Now, thatthe box is being opened by molecular cir-cadian biology, the generalized features of aclock producing the known circadian phe-notype may turn out to be a sum of qualities,each implemented by different cellular func-tions.

Neither rhythmicity nor autoregulatingfeedback are exclusive to elements of theoscillator but may also be inherent in inputsand outputs [26, 91]. The discovery of genesthat affect circadian properties when mutatedis currently progressing with breathtakingspeed. All of these can be regarded as impor-tant elements within the complex circadian

system. A future task is to determine thefunction of these clock elements and their’location’ within the system. Figure 7 sum-marizes schematically the circadian pheno-types that can result from mutations of clockgenes and indicates their possible locationwithin the circadian system.


2.1. The search for circadian genes

First attempts to identify circadian clockgenes used the unicellular alga Chlamy-domonas [ 14], the fungus Neurospora [27]and the fruit fly Drosophila [50] as classicmodel organisms for genetic research. Theyresulted in the identification of severalmutant strains - mainly with altered circa-dian periods in constant conditions. Amongthese, the period gene (per) in Drosophilaand the frequency gene (frq) in Neurosporawere the first to be cloned [13, 66, 83].

While the search for circadian mutants in

Chlamydomonas, Neurospora and Droso-phila was based on mutagenesis and subse-quent screening for stable and heritableperiod changes, the first step into mam-malian circadian genetics was fortuitous. Anormal hamster shipment contained an indi-vidual male (the tau mutant) that displayeda significantly shorter period than any ham-ster previously recorded [82]. Subsequentmutagenesis and screening were initiated inthe superior genetic model system, themouse, and resulted in the identification ofa gene (clock) that lengthens the circadianperiod [114].

The finding that prokaryotes (Syne-chococcus) also co-ordinated their dailymetabolism with the help of an endogenoustemporal programme [110] toppled thedogma that circadian clocks were unique toeukaryotes [76]. For purposes of isolatingclock genes, cyanobacteria offer severaladvantages. The generation time is shortand the number of individual organismsavailable for mutagenesis and screening is -by orders of magnitude - larger than in anyof the other model systems; recording ofcircadian rhythmicity was made very simplewith the help of a luciferase reporter geneconstruct; and finally, automation enablesthe screening of thousands of individualcells (or rather their colonies) concurrently.With these tools, mutants were identifiedwith decreased amplitudes, bimodal struc-ture and altered periods in circadian rhyth-micity [49].

For the mutant search in Synechococcus,the open reading frame of the bacterialluciferase gene was fused with a clock-con-trolled promoter (psbAl, a photosystemII gene). This construct reports circadianrhythmicity by emitting light when thefusion gene is expressed. Similarly, in Ara-bidopsis, the firefly luciferase gene wasfused with a rhythmically expressed pro-moter involved in photosynthesis (cab2,chlorophyll a/b binding protein). The trans-formants were mutagenized, and short and

long period mutants were obtained, as wellas one with reduced amplitude [69, 106].Bioluminescent reporter constructs werelater also used for Drosophila (see below).

The identification of a genetic mutationresulting in altered circadian qualities, (e.g.period length), is by itself not enough toconclude that this gene is centrally involvedin circadian rhythmicity (see also figure 1 ).Many cellular functions must be involvedin circadian rhythmicity: transcription, trans-lation, protein modification, RNA and pro-tein degradation, energy metabolism, andelements transducing zeitgeber signals tothe clock. There are good examples showingthat altered circadian properties can be dueto mutants affecting other cellular functions.The mutation of a gene encoding a neuronalcell adhesion molecule (ncam-1 ) results in aphenotype similar to the clock mutation inmice [103]. Neurospora mutants defective inlipid metabolism (chol-I and cel) haveextremely long periods (up to 70 h) and indi-cate complicated interactions with frq (asshown with double mutants) [51]. Finally,biochemical experiments in algae show thatcircadian rhythmicity can be influenced byphotosynthesis, as well as by peroxisomaland nitrate metabolism [86, 91]. Althoughthese effects appear to be non-specific, with-out the information as to how these genesand metabolic functions affect circadian

properties, our understanding of the systemremains incomplete.

In view of the numerous ways that cir-cadian properties can be affected, it is sur-prising that relatively few clock genes wereoriginally identified in the genetic screens.The majority of alleles originally isolatedin Drosophila and Neurospora mapped toper and frq, respectively, giving rise to theoptimism that few genes are involved in thegeneration of circadian rhythmicity. Thir-teen years after per was identified, a mutantscreen in Drosophila revealed another clockgene, timeless (tim), conferring short or longperiods as well as arhythmicity [100].

2.2. Building a simple molecularclock

Demonstration that a gene and its prod-ucts are directly responsible for the molec-ular generation of the circa-24-h rhythmic-ity has been based on a set of five criteriawhich were first formulated 20 years agoand have been marginally modified since[7] (for additional references, see [90]).1) Mutations in a clock component shouldaffect canonical clock properties and nullmutations should abolish normal rhythmic-ity. 2) The amount (activity) of the compo-nent must oscillate in a self-sustained man-ner with an appropriate periodicity. 3) Inducedchanges in the amount (activity) of the com-ponent must (by feedback) act to change theamount (activity) of the component. 4) Thephase of the component’s oscillation must bereset by shifts in the light/dark growth reg-imen, and conversely, the overt rhythm mustbe reset by changes in the amount (activ-ity) of the component. 5) Prevention of thecomponent’s oscillation should result in lossof the overt rhythm. In particular, thereshould be no degree of constitutive expres-sion that will support rhythmicity. Thesecriteria basically describe the behaviour ofan element involved in an autoregulatingnegative feedback loop that constitutes thecircadian oscillator, i.e. a molecule that isrhythmic with the same periodicity as theobserved circadian outputs, which affectsits own oscillation via feedback, and whichresponds to zeitgeber signals. A machinerygenerating rhythmicity has to involve neg-ative feedback; this has long been knownfrom modelling oscillations mathematically(for references, see [90]). ).

Are these criteria fulfilled for per and

frq? Null mutants are arhythmic [22, 116]and in free-running conditions mRNA andprotein levels oscillate rhythmically [23,30]. Innovative experiments with inducibleor constitutive promoters (rhodopsin andheat shock promoters in Drosophila and thequinic acid inducible qa-2 promoter in Neu-rospora) allowed the remaining questions

to be experimentally addressed. Both perand frq participate in a negative feedbackloop [7, 34, 117]. Discrete induction resultsin a stable phase shift of the overt rhythm[7, 24], and conversely, zeitgebers caninduce changes in the phase of the molecu-lar oscillation of per and frq [18, 52, 58].Constitutive expression results in arhyth-micity [7, 117].

As a result of the experiments in

Drosophila and Neurospora the first molec-ular clock model was constructed, a modelthat had been proposed several years beforebased on the fact that per mRNA was con-

stitutively expressed in the per null mutant[34]. The clock gene (per or frq) produces aprotein that in turn inhibits the transcriptionof its mRNA. Due to RNA and proteindegradation, the self-inhibitory effect iseventually relieved and the cycle startsagain.

2.3. A matter of details

Once the basic molecular models wereconstructed and the criteria fulfilled for perand frq, several questions had to beanswered concerning the detailed progres-sion of the loop. Which processes areresponsible for the long time constant in thecircadian range? How much does de novotranscription and how much does turnover ofRNA and proteins contribute to the oscilla-tion? What are the details of inhibition andactivation? How is the loop affected by zeit-geber signals (see section 2.5)? The hardwork of molecular biochemistry began tofill in the details about the progression ofthis autoregulating negative feedback loop.

2.3.1. The circadian time range

Both PER [23] and FRQ [30] are phos-phorylated in a time-dependent manner. Thisprogressive phosphorylation, together withthe lag of 4-6 h between mRNA and pro-tein peaks [30, 65], are thought to be respon-sible for the circadian time range generated

by the feedback loop. Strong support for thephosphorylation hypothesis came with thediscovery of a new clock gene. Various alle-les of doubletime (dbt) produce phenotypessimilar to per and tim mutants; dbt is, how-ever, different in two important qualities.Unlike in the former two genes, the mRNAis not rhythmic (though DBT is essentialfor rhythmicity) and null mutations are lethal[47, 80]. DBT is a casein kinase I homo-logue [80] and is responsible for the phos-phorylation of PER. Gene dosage studiesindicate that dbt function negatively corre-lates with period [116]; thus, phosphoryla-tion contributes to the circadian periodlength.

2.3.2. Transcription and turnover

Theoretically, the degradation kineticsof mRNA and protein are crucial i) for thesystem to oscillate, ii) for it not to damp,and iii) for the length of the period. So far,little is known about the degradation kinet-ics in the different model systems. A time-

of-day-specific, i.e. cyclic, degradation hasbeen suggested for per mRNA [21 Resultsalso strongly suggested that the rhythm inmRNA levels (of per, tim and frq) are due tochanging transcription rates, rather than dueto controlled degradation. Recently, nuclearrun-on experiments were able to correlateper and tim rhythmicity with de novo tran-scription [105]; yet, per cycling is not onlycontrolled at the transcriptional level [16,29, 105].

2.3.3. The inhibiting process

From the ’simple’ molecular clock model,the role of PER as an inhibitory elementwas known but what was the role of TIMin this negative feedback? tim was discov-ered independently by two approaches -once by mutagenesis, as described above,and once in a search for protein partnersbinding to PER (using the two-hybrid sys-tem) [31]. Subsequent experiments showedthat per and tim oscillations are interdepen-

dent, and that PER and TIM form a com-plex (thereby stabilizing monomers) whichis necessary for both proteins to enter thenucleus [116]. It became clear that both con-tributed to the negative feedback.

2.3.4. The activating process

After clock was cloned in the mouse [6,46], a search for partners of the CLOCKprotein began. The rationale for this search[32] was based on the following results:i) analysis of the Drosophila per-promoterrevealed a short enhancing sequence (E-box,CACGTG) that was responsible for therobust rhythmic transcription of per [33];ii) basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) tran-scription factors are known to bind toE-boxes, but only when they form het-erodimers with a partner protein; and iii)CLOCK itself contains a bHLH motif [32].Using the two-hybrid system, a protein bind-ing to CLOCK was found and its gene wascloned. By sequence homology, it was iden-tified as bmall (brain and muscle arnt-likeprotein 1) [32, 43], an isoform of the inde-pendently cloned mop3 (members of the PASsuperfamily) [38]. These discoveries finally’closed the circadian loop’ [19, 32] predicted8 years before. Two recently identified clockmutants in Drosophila, cycle and jerk, turnedout to be homologues of bmall and clock,respectively [5, 93]. They also bind as het-erodimers to the E-box of the Drosophilaper promoter [19], thereby activating pertranscription. Experiments using promotersof Drosophila per and tim as well as ofmouse perl , showed that binding of theCLOCK/BMAL1 heterodimer is necessaryas the activating element for per and timRNA rhythmicity [19, 32], while interac-tions of PER/TIM heterodimers withCLOCK/BMALl are inhibitory.

Within a few years, the missing elementsof the ’simple’ molecular clock model hadbeen discovered and numerous homologueswere found indicating that the molecularmechanisms of the circadian system havebeen conserved between insects and mam-

mals. Table I summarizes those genes thatled to the full description of the molecularcircadian loop in animals as well as thosewhich are candidates for the completion ofthe circadian loop in micro-organisms andhigher plants. First insights into the func-tion of clock genes came from structuralsimilarities (table In. The PAS domain(named after the three Drosophila genesPER, ARNT, SIM), which mediates pro-tein-protein interaction, was one of the firstcommon elements recognized [18]. Fur-thermore, DNA-binding domains andsequences controlling cytoplasmatic ornuclear localization (CLS and NLS) indi-cate the involvement of heterodimers thatare translocated to the nucleus at some partof the circadian cycle to control transcrip-tion.

2.4. The current models

The detailed model for the molecular cir-cadian oscillator in animals (figure 2A) isbased on two pairs of heterodimers.

BMAL1/CLOCK constitutes the transcrip-tional activator of the per and tim promoter.Their products, PER and TIM, also form aheterodimer, necessary for their translocationto the nucleus and for inhibition of their

transcription via interaction with BMAL1/CLOCK. Thus, the function of clock genes,described so far, is to control transcription.Most recently, it has been shown how anoutput rhythm in the mammalian SCN iscontrolled by this autoregulating negativefeedback loop [45]. The promoter of thevasopressin gene, is also activated by theBMAL1/CLOCK complex (again via an E-box) and is, thus, controlled in the same wayas the clock components themselves. An

important aspect of the circadian regulationof vasopressin is the fact that the vasopressinpromoter and its expressed peptide do notconstitute a negative feedback and are, thus,clearly downstream of the mechanism thatgenerates the circadian rhythmicity. Basedon the vasopressin model, it will be inter-esting to see how the circadian clock cancontrol different output rhythms that do notoscillate in phase. Phase specificity may be

achieved by further transcriptional elementsthat are activated at other circadian phases.In mammals, this could involve differentper genes (mPerl and mPer2) which oscil-late out of phase by 4 h [4]. There are, ofcourse, many other scenarios by which out-put rhythms could be regulated at differentcircadian times. For example, all outputrhythms so far described in the marine algaGonyaulax, are controlled at the transla-tional level [86] with a constitutive expres-sion of the respective RNAs. Another pos-sibility is the existence of ’slave oscillators’,a concept that was first advocated by Pit-tendrigh for the eclosion rhythm in

Drosophila [76]. A clock-driven feedbackloop involving an RNA binding protein wasfound in Arabidopsis [35], which can beregarded as a ’slave’ to the circadian feed-back loop. It could act as a gear in the cir-cadian pathway determining a specific phaseof the output.

Although the basic molecular mecha-nisms of the circadian loop in animalsinvolve the same elements, there are sev-eral interspecific differences. The mam-malian per RNAs peak during the day phase[4, 45, 104, 109, 112], but they reach theirmaxima during the night in Drosophila [34,

65]. In the fly, tim mRNA levels cycle [42,101], while they are constitutive in themouse [96, 120]. CLOCK is weakly rhyth-mic in flies but it is constitutive in the mouse

[53]. BMALI is robustly rhythmic in therat SCN [39] but is constitutive in

Drosophila S2 cells in culture [19]. Thus,in mammals and in flies both the inhibitoryand the activating heterodimers are rhyth-mic (rhythmicity of the functional element,the heterodimer, requires only one rhyth-mic partner). In mammals, BMALl/CLOCKis rhythmic owing to the rhythmicity ofBMAL1, in flies owing to the cycling ofCLOCK. In mammals, PER/TIM is rhyth-mic owing to PER and in flies owing toboth. These statements, of course, rely onthe demonstration that rhythmicity of RNAalso corresponds to rhythmicity of protein,which has yet to be shown for some of thecomponents. But what makes the activat-ing elements rhythmic? In Drosophila,CLOCK is absent in tim° and pero flies [53],thus constituting another possible feedbackloop, while this interaction has not yet beenshown in mammals.

Unlike in animals, the details of the tran-scriptional feedback loop have not been for-mally identified in Neurospora, though sev-eral good candidates exist (figure 2B). Thestriking conservation of elements betweeninsects and mammals apparently does notextend to fungi, which raises the importantquestion of analogy versus homology amongthe circadian systems across different phyla.Will the strategies that divergent organismsdeveloped be similar, or will there be impor-tant differences? What specific biochemi-cal/metabolic mechanisms will be adopted toaccommodate species-specific needs accord-ing to life cycle, spatial and temporal niche?

2.5. Shedding light on the clock

The endogenous generation of circadianrhythmicity is one of the important quali-ties of circadian systems. Synchronization to

the 24-h cycle of the environment is another[88]. Several experiments over the last fewyears have addressed the molecular mecha-nism of light entrainment. In some cases,the distinction between oscillator and lightinput pathway is difficult to make. Themouse perl promoter, which has kineticsreminiscent of an oscillator component, con-tains light regulative elements [4, 104] andis induced by light similar to immediateearly genes [113]. Mouse per2 is also light-inducible, but the kinetics are much slower[4, 104]. Light regulation of the per pro-moter has not been shown in Drosophila,where photic entrainment is mediated via arapid light-dependent degradation of TIM,thereby, also destabilizing PER [42, 73].The differences in temporal expression ofclock genes (see section 2.4) reflect the dif-ferences in regulation by light.

The rapid light induction of the mam-malian perl gene is analogous to the rapidinduction of frq mRNA after exposure tolight [17]. In Neurospora, almost all lightresponses are induced by blue light. Twosets of mutants, white collar-1 and whitecollar-2 (wc-1 and wc-2) [20] lack all char-acterized responses to blue light, includingcircadian entrainment [92]. Thus, it is con-ceivable that a single, discrete photorecep-tor system is responsible for light receptionin Neurospora. The white collar mutantsare arhythmic in constant conditions, evenfollowing synchronization with a tempera-ture pulse [ 18]. Both WC-proteins are DNA-binding transcription factors responsible fordifferent aspects of positive induction inlight responses [11, 57], including frqexpression [18]. The absence of WC-1impairs light induction of both frq and itself(thus, wc-1 transcription is positivelyautoregulated). In the absence of WC-2,wc-1 is not light-inducible but frq is, how-ever, with altered baseline and saturationlevels [18]. Recently, a wc-2 allele wasdescribed with an altered period and defec-tive temperature compensation (Colette M.,Dunlap J., pers. comm.). One interpretation

of the white collar findings is that they areoscillator components [22]. They could,however, also be part of the circadian lightinput pathway and still lead to arhythmicityof the oscillator (see section 3.1).

In higher plants, phytochromes had longbeen candidates for circadian photorecep-tors [62] but they could account only forpart of the circadian light responses [70]. Inalgae, for example, two independent lightinputs with different spectral sensitivitieshave opposite effects on the circadian clock[84]. The identification of a class of bluelight-sensitive receptors in plants, the cryp-tochromes, led to discoveries well beyondthe plant kingdom. Cryptochrome (cry) ishomologous (by sequence) to the DNArepair enzyme DNA-photolyase, but lacksDNA-repair function. Its role in light recep-tion was first discovered in connection with

hypocotyl elongation [2]. Cryptochromesare flavin-binding, redox-sensitive, solubleproteins [1, 56]. Loss of either of the cryp-tochrome genes cryl or cry2 in Arabidopsisresults in period changes of the free-run-ning rhythms in constant blue light. Simi-lar to the phytochrome mutant phyA, cryl 1exhibits a longer period at low blue lightfluences compared to wild-type, consistentwith the physical association of phyA andcryl [3]. Period is less affected in both phyBand cry2 [107] suggesting different mecha-nism than for the responses via phyA andcry 7.

Recently, homologues of the DNA pho-tolyase and plant cryptochrome family havebeen found in insects [26, 108] and mam-mals, including humans [40, 113], and ithas been postulated that they constitute aconserved type of circadian photoreceptoracross several phyla. However, the story iscomplicated [60]. Unlike PER and TIM,Drosophila cry is considered to be an ele-ment of the circadian light transduction path-way that is under the control of the circa-dian oscillator [26]. Locomotor activity aswell as tim and per expression in the lateralneurons, the circadian pacemakers in theDrosophila [36] brain, are rhythmic in cryb

mutants [108]. In contrast, when total headextracts are analysed for per and tim or whentheir expression is recorded from whole fliesvia a bioluminescence reporter gene [78],they are arhythmic [108]. Besides the lat-eral neurons, circadian oscillators are presentthroughout the entire fly [79] and theseappear to become arhythmic in the crymutant. Although biochemical photorecep-tion remains to be demonstrated for the ani-mal cryptochromes, cry plays some impor-tant role in circadian light reception. Itsoverexpression results in stronger responsesto brief light pulses compared to wild-type,while these responses are absent in crymutants [26]. The activity rhythm of themutant, however, remains entrainable tolight/dark cycles, maybe via feed back fromlight/dark-driven activity (Rosbash, pers.comm.). These results also substantiate thatthe Drosophila activity rhythm is controlledprimarily by the lateral neurons [36] andnot by any of the numerous other oscilla-tors [79].

As in Arabidopsis, two photolyase/cryp-tochrome homologues were found in miceand humans, cry] and cry2 [40, 113]. mCrylexpression in the mouse SCN is circadian.Mouse strains lacking mCry2 are still highlysensitive for phase shifting by light pulsesand show altered periods in the circadianactivity rhythm [113]. It had already beenshown in mammals that circadian entrain-

ment was transduced through the eyes, but -as in actively swimming algae - not by thephotoreceptors used for spatial orientation[88]. The finding in mammals is based oneliminating the known ocular receptor typesby molecular, cell-specific methods with-out losing the ability of the circadian sys-tem to respond to light (measured both forphase shifting and melatonin suppression)[28, 61 ]. Thus, due to the redundancy in cir-cadian photic input, the direct involvementof a gene product as a receptor has to betested using strains as genetic backgroundsthat are already impaired in other receptorcandidates.


3.1. A complicated assignment

Like many other functions in biology,circadian systems can be regarded as com-plex pathways, integrating exogenous andendogenous information and regulating cel-lular and systemic processes accordingly.At their sensory end, information about thecyclic environment is received and trans-duced to the mechanisms that produce thecircadian rhythmicity which will then con-trol the different output rhythms of theorganism. This pathway may involve feed-back not only within the oscillator but alsoin the inputs and outputs. Furthermore,inputs themselves can be under circadiancontrol [26, 89] and outputs may feed backto the oscillator [87]. Due to the complexityof this pathway, all elements involved couldtheoretically be rhythmic as well as producearhythmicity when their function is

destroyed (e.g. by mutation of a gene), mak-ing the assignment of clock genes and theirproducts within the circadian pathway dif-ficult. In addition, physiological experimentshave shown that single cells can containmore than one circadian oscillator [86], sothat mutations of genes that produce keyelements within one of the oscillators maynot necessarily lead to an arhythmic phe-notype.We have shown theoretically that ele-

ments of input pathways can comply with allof the criteria also used to characterize ele-ments of the oscillator [90]. When differ-ent properties are assigned to an input ele-ment in a mathematical model (therebysimulating alleles of a gene involved in sig-nal transduction to the circadian oscillator aswell as their overproduction and induction),the resulting rhythm adopts different periods,becomes arhythmic, or responds with phaseshifts (see section 2.2).

3.2. Combining old and new

Free-running rhythms are the most con-spicuous trait of all circadian clocks and

they, therefore, have been predominantlyused to find out whether genes are involvedin circadian mechanisms. They are, how-ever, artefacts of laboratory experimentsand do not reflect the reality which wasresponsible for the evolution of circadianclocks. A majority of the circadian rules thathave been developed by physiologicalresearch deal with the behaviour of circa-dian systems under zeitgeber conditions [9,68, 77] and help us understand how endoge-nous rhythms are entrained (rather than syn-chronized by being driven) in a very sys-tematic way into the rhythmic structure ofthe environment. The interactions of themolecular oscillator components will even-tually have to explain all the characteristicfeatures which have been described in detail

by physiological research (including themore ’esoteric’ features such as after-effects,splitting or internal desynchronization [9,77, 86]). Conversely, the physiologicalmethods and protocols can be used to elu-cidate the role and function of the molecu-lar components. Although all circadian sys-tems strongly respond to light signals, theycan also be entrained by non-photic stim-uli. These can also be an important tool inprobing the function of the different molec-ular components.

We have addressed the difficulties shownin our theoretical model, described above,experimentally using the Neurospora modelsystem. In a series of experiments [68], wewere able to show that Neurospora strainsthat are impaired or non-functional for FRQretain qualities characteristic for circadiansystems. Namely, all Neurospora periodmutant frq strains, as well as those deficientfor FRQ protein (e.g. frq9, which cannotproduce functional FRQ), are entrainableby temperature cycles. During this temper-ature entrainment of spore formation, frg9mRNA remains arhythmic at high levels.When temperature cycles of different peri-ods are applied, the different strains (includ-ingfrq9) show a systematic range of phaseangles, typical for intact circadian clocks.FRQ-less strains are, however, not entrain-

able by light cycles, and all other rhythmicfrq strains appear to be driven by light ratherthan being entrained via the circadian mech-anisms of a running clock. Their rhythmsare locked to ’lights off’, developing thefirst conidial band after a fixed but strain-

specific lag, regardless of zeitgeber period.These results indicate that the role of FRQ inthe Neurospora clock is associated with acircadianly regulated light input pathway.Without FRQ, the clock cannot functionproperly. FRQ provides the circadian rangeof the period and a robustness to the oscil-lator necessary for self-sustainment and todrive output rhythms. These experimentsexemplify the importance of investigatingthe molecular elements (both RNA and pro-tein) under the different entrainment proto-cols developed for the characterization ofcircadian systems, using both light and other,non-photic zeitgebers.


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