Urban Design and Transportation Creating options and opportunities


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Urban Design and Urban Design and TransportationTransportation

Creating options and Creating options and opportunitiesopportunities

Community Service Community Service IntegrationIntegration

►Thinking of transportation as more than Thinking of transportation as more than traveltravel Remember, transportation is a Remember, transportation is a derived derived

goodgood Integrating opportunities to accomplish Integrating opportunities to accomplish

many tasks other than commutingmany tasks other than commuting►Child CareChild Care►Retail servicesRetail services►Employment opportunitiesEmployment opportunities►Opportunities for mode transfersOpportunities for mode transfers

Community Service Community Service IntegrationIntegration

Community Service Community Service IntegrationIntegration

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Stations as Community HubsStations as Community Hubs►Tapering of Densities from StationsTapering of Densities from Stations►Presence of a Major Public AmenityPresence of a Major Public Amenity►Mixed Land UsesMixed Land Uses► IntermodalismIntermodalism►Accent on LivabilityAccent on Livability►Parking ManagementParking Management

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Stations as Community HubsStations as Community Hubs The center of the neighborhoodThe center of the neighborhood Hub has a visual focusHub has a visual focus Hub has a functional focusHub has a functional focus

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Tapering Densities from StationsTapering Densities from Stations Concentration of activities (the functional Concentration of activities (the functional

focus of the station)focus of the station) Supply of transportation proximate to Supply of transportation proximate to

demanddemand ““LivableLivable”” areas further removed from areas further removed from

majority of traffic and congestionmajority of traffic and congestion

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Presence of Major Public AmenityPresence of Major Public Amenity The The ““Visual FocusVisual Focus”” Public Square or ParkPublic Square or Park Administrative CenterAdministrative Center Harkening back to the AgoraHarkening back to the Agora Public Space = Public Use, Public Public Space = Public Use, Public


Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Mixed Land UsesMixed Land Uses Provision of Provision of ““All-Day, All-WeekAll-Day, All-Week”” Trip Trip

GeneratorsGenerators Promotion of Travel EfficienciesPromotion of Travel Efficiencies Creation of a Vibrant Neighborhood (aside Creation of a Vibrant Neighborhood (aside

from transportation issues)from transportation issues)

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

► IntermodalismIntermodalism Seamless ConnectivitySeamless Connectivity MultimodalMultimodal

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Accent on LivabilityAccent on Livability LandscapingLandscaping Public AmenitiesPublic Amenities Public ArtPublic Art Public FurniturePublic Furniture ShadeShade

Successful Design PrinciplesSuccessful Design Principles

►Parking ManagementParking Management PricingPricing

►Make cost of auto use more visibleMake cost of auto use more visible

SitingSiting►Balancing Balancing ““seamless transferseamless transfer”” with access to with access to

non-transport activitynon-transport activity

Considerations for DesignConsiderations for Design

►DensityDensity►Land Use CompositionLand Use Composition►Public EnvironmentPublic Environment

►Urban TOD or Neighborhood TOD?Urban TOD or Neighborhood TOD?


►Density accomplishes a number of Density accomplishes a number of thingsthings Shortens tripsShortens trips Encourages non-motorized travelEncourages non-motorized travel Increases private and public mode Increases private and public mode


► Increased Density = Decrease in VMTIncreased Density = Decrease in VMT Vehicle Miles TravelledVehicle Miles Travelled


►Rules of Thumb:Rules of Thumb: 7 units / acre supports basic bus service7 units / acre supports basic bus service 15 units / acre supports premium bus 15 units / acre supports premium bus

serviceservice 20-30 units / acre supports light rail20-30 units / acre supports light rail


►TypeType of density matters of density matters Employment DensityEmployment Density

►~ 25 jobs per acre (bus)~ 25 jobs per acre (bus)►~ 15,000 jobs within a half mile~ 15,000 jobs within a half mile

Residential DensityResidential Density

Land UseLand Use

►Goal is to internalize trip makingGoal is to internalize trip making Analogous to internalizing costs of tripsAnalogous to internalizing costs of trips

►Reduce feeling of being strandedReduce feeling of being stranded►Shared parking reduces demand for Shared parking reduces demand for


Land UseLand Use

Design QualityDesign Quality

►Makes you want to be thereMakes you want to be there►Pedestrian FriendlyPedestrian Friendly

Design QualityDesign Quality

Design QualityDesign Quality

►Create Pedestrian StreetsCreate Pedestrian Streets►Orient Buildings to the streetsOrient Buildings to the streets►Set minimum FARsSet minimum FARs

Minimizes dead spaceMinimizes dead space .35.35 22

►Grids are goodGrids are good►Traffic CalmingTraffic Calming

►Short BlocksShort Blocks►Continuous sidewalk networkContinuous sidewalk network►SafetySafety►LandscapingLandscaping

Design QualityDesign Quality
