Use of Internet - Sweden


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Social Media for youths

Use of computers

What do youths use their computer to?

Games: 23 % Films/series: 24% Social media: 21 % School work: 16% Music: 10% Others: 6%

What computer games does youths play?

No games: 55% Counter strike: 25% Others: 20%

How many hours per day does youths spend on the computer?

Hours per day 0-1: 76% 2-5: 19% More then 6: 5%

What does parents think about it?

Dont care: 86% Good: 7% Bad: 7%

How does media affect youths?

Feel bad: 23% Not affected: 57% Motivated: 19%

Use of mobiletelephones

Which apps do youths use?

Instagram: 26% Spotify: 25% Facebook: 19% Snapchat: 16% Twitter: 14%

How many hours per day does youths use their telephones?

Hours per day 0-1: 1% 2-5: 35% 6-10: 42% All the time: 22%

What does the youths use telephones to?

Facebook Instagram Sportify Text messages Phone calls Snapchats Games

Apps mostly used

Spotify Instagram Snapchat Facebook Twitter Youtube Kik

How many snapchats does youths send per day?

Snaps per day0-5: 35%5-20: 30%20 and more: 35%

Does the telephone effect the youths weekdays in a negative way? How?







Nej Stress Sömnproblem Skola Socialt Fritid

What does the parents of the youths think about the mobile usage?

Tycker att ungdomen använder den för mycket


Bryr sig inte63%

Tycker att ungdomen använder den för mycket Bryr sig inte
