Using UDL, Accommodations and AT to Address Common Core ...€¦ · Using UDL (Universal Design for...


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Using UDL (Universal Design for Learning),

Accommodations and Assistive Technology to Address Common Core

Arkansas LEA Administrators’ AcademyAcademy

Holiday Inn Airport, Little Rock, ARSeptember 23, 2013

Technology and Curriculum Access Center3920 Woodland Heights Road3920 Woodland Heights RoadLittle Rock, AR 72212501-227-3612Toll-free: 877-533-3600Fax:



Easter Seals Technology& Curriculum Access Center

Bryan Ayres, Director Technology & Curriculum Access CenterTechnology & Curriculum Access

Susie Branon, Education

Jill Simpson, Education Consultantjsimpson@eastersealsar.comj p @

www.eastersealsar.com501 227 3612

877 533 3600 toll free


• Introduction• Policy/Standards• Universal Design• Lunch• Instructional Accommodations• Assistive Technology• Resources



POLICYArkansas Department of Education



– CC Crosswalk with SLEs

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities EducationIDEA– Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

Overall Organization of Common Core State Standards

• A comprehensive K‐5 section– Reading Strand ‐ Writing Strand– Speaking and Listening Strands ‐ Language StrandSpeaking and Listening Strands Language Strand

• Two content‐area specific sections for grades 6‐12– ELA

• Reading Strand ‐ Writing Strand• Speaking and Listening Strands ‐ Language Strand

– History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects• Reading and Writing Strands

• Three appendicesAppendix A: contains supplementary material on reading writing speaking– Appendix A: contains supplementary material on reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language as well as a glossary of key terms.

– Appendix B: consists of text and accompanying sample performance tasks.

– Appendix C: includes annotated samples demonstrating at least adequate performance in student writing at various grade levels.

From: Common Core Standards: What Difference Will They Make? Sally Hampton America’s Choice, ppt 2010



Overall Organization of Common Core State Standards

• Eight Standards for Math Practice– Problem solving, reasoning,

constructing arguments modelingconstructing arguments, modeling,use appropriate tools, attend to precision, look for and use structure, look for and express repeated reasoning

• K‐8 Standards– Number of operations in base 10, measurement and data,

geometry, operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations‐fractions, ratios and proportions, number system,operations fractions, ratios and proportions, number system, expressions and equations, and statistics and probability.

• High School: Components of Algebra and Geometry Courses.

From: Common Core Standards: What Difference Will They Make?Sally Hampton America’s Choice, ppt 2010

• Are a heterogeneous group with one common h t i ti th f di bli diti th t

Individuals with Disabilities

characteristic: the presence of disabling conditions that significantly hinder their abilities to benefit from general education (IDEA 34 CFR §300.39, 2004).

• Therefore, how these high standards are taught and assessed is of the utmost importance in reaching this diverse group of studentsdiverse group of students.




• High expectations for all students is a fundamental goal of the Common Core State Standards.

• Participation with success in the general curriculum.

• May be provided additional supports and services, such as:– Instructional supports for learning――which fosterInstructional supports for learning which foster

student engagement by presenting information in multiple ways and allowing for diverse avenues of action and expression.



PARCC’s goals for promoting student access:

• Applying principles of Universal Design for accessible assessments throughout every stage of accessible assessments throughout every stage of developing assessment components, items, and performance tasks;

• Minimizing/eliminating features of the assessment that are irrelevant to what is being measured so that all students can more accurately demonstrate their knowledge and accurately demonstrate their knowledge andskills;

• Measuring the full range of complexity of the standards

PARCC’s goals (cont.)

• Leveraging technology for delivering assessment components as widely accessible as possible;

• Building accessibility throughout the test itself with no trade off between accessibility and validity;

• Using a combination of ‘accessible’ authoring and accessible technologies from the inception of items and tasks; andtasks; and

• Engaging state and national experts in the development process through item review, bias and sensitivity review, policy development and review, and research.



PARCC (cont.)

Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual‐accessibility‐features‐and‐accommodations‐manual

NCSC: Professional Development



Additional supports and services (like intervention) are required to meet these more rigorous academic standards.

Charlotte Danielson’s quote

• “the common standards only describe what students will learn ”students will learn.

• Formative assessment‐‐‐ “my definition of formative assessment. I consider formative assessment to be a part of teaching, something that is assimilated into lesson plans and instructional decision making. It’s ongoing g g gmonitoring done by the teacher, not just of the group as a whole but of individuals as well. It’s an integral part of instruction.”



The Formative Assessment Process

What It Is… What It Isn’t…A planned process Unplanned

Based on assessment evidence Individual strategies

Using evidence to make Moving on regardless of instructional adjustments and/or verifying learning

Moving on regardless of student evidence

“Actionable” feedback for students Grading



Council for Chief State School Officers

Three recommendations for students who need

support beyond what they get in the classroom:

– Instructional supports for learning based on UDL principles

– Instructional accommodations (changes in materials or procedures)materials or procedures)

– Assistive technology

Core Principals of UDL

A Universally Designed Curriculum includes:

1. Multiple means of presentation to allow various ways of acquiring information and knowledge,

2. Multiple means of expression to allow alternatives for demonstrating knowledge, and

3. Multiple means of engagement to challenge p g g gappropriately, to motivate, and to allow learners to express and participate in their interests.



UDL Video


Universal Design for Learning: Creating a L i E i t th t Ch ll dLearning Environment that Challenges and Engages All Students: This module examines the three principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)



Multiple Means of Representation:

• Homework written on the board for students to copy into their agenda

• Homework posted on a class website for all to access• Directions for class work visually displayed to supplement the

auditory modality• Graphic organizers used routinely• Aim and lesson objectives are posted on the board• Outlines of class notes provided to guide understanding of key

ideas• use clear language and repeat key words and ideas• use document cameras and interactive whiteboard slides to model

thinking and key concepts‐a‐teaching‐masterpiece/



Multiple Means of Expression

• Quick‐writes• Dry erase boards as response cards• Provide visual and auditory feedback• Provide visual and auditory feedback• Students complete graphic organizers• They sketch/write/speak to express their understanding• Allow use of spell‐check, dictionaries, thesaurus• Students discuss thinking with a partner before responding• Use checklist/outlines/organizers to check off steps towardUse checklist/outlines/organizers to check off steps toward

task completion‐a‐teaching‐masterpiece/

ELA.W.11.12.3b – Use narrative techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.experiences, events, and/or characters.

Narrative techniques might include having thestudent draw a cartoon strip, do an oralpresentation, complete a work of art, composea musical piece, or a write graphic novel.



ELA.RL.4.3. – Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., ah t ’ d th ht character’s words, thoughts, or


Let the student use text-to-speech software,or an interactive digital book to help with theor an interactive digital book to help with thereading of the story or drama.

Resources Galore



■ Presentation (e.g., repeat directions, read‐aloud, large print, Braille);

The National Center on The National Center on Educational Outcomes Educational Outcomes indicates that indicates that accommodations are accommodations are generally grouped generally grouped into the into the following following categories:categories:

■ Equipment and material (e.g., calculator, amplification equipment,manipulative, assistive and instructional technologies);

■ Response (e.g., mark answers in book, scribe records response, use apointer);

■ Setting (e.g., study carrel, student’s home, separate room); and

■ Timing/scheduling (e.g., extended time, frequent breaks).

Accommodations are only truly supportive if the curriculum and instruction that came before the assessment was accessible to these students in the first place. That means high quality teaching that guides students with disabilities to build their knowledge base and readiness skills.‐and‐the‐common‐core/



ACCOMMODATIONS• Fuchs and Fuchs (2001) found that teacher

decisions did not correspond well to thosedecisions did not correspond well to those students who benefitted from the accommodation.

• Research‐‐65% to 93% of students were assigned accommodations, only 40% of the students benefitted.

• Students w/accommodations were disproportionally African American and receiving free and reduced priced meals.

Accommodation considerations

Thurlow, Elliot, Ysseldyke, 2007

• Knowledge of the student’s abilities and disabilities • Knowledge about the student’s instructional• Knowledge about the student s instructional

accommodations • Knowledge about the state’s or district’s testing

guidelines • Familiarity with the test’s item content and format • An understanding of the concept of validity and what

it means to invalidate a test score • Knowledge of any previous accommodations

successfully used with the student



Accommodations, examples

• An accommodation is a change that helps a student overcome or work around the disabilitystudent overcome or work around the disability. These changes are typically physical or environmental changes.

• Teacher provides notes/outlines, allows type‐written work, allows printed work, provides awritten work, allows printed work, provides a peer note‐taker, allows the use of wider lined paper for written tasks, provides highlighted text, allows the use of spell‐checker

Accommodations, examples continued

• Daily agenda checks between home/school• Preferential seating, ability to leave room withoutPreferential seating, ability to leave room without

permission, peer buddy, behavior reward system• Extended time on assignments, shortened

assignments• Tests read aloud to student, verbal response

acceptable in lieu of written response, fewer multiple choice responses (2 instead of 4), multiple

h i i t d f fill i th bl k-choice response instead of fill -in -the -blank or short answer/essay

Kori Hamilton and Elizabeth Kessler, professional special educator and NICHCY advisor




• Reduction of homework, reduction of class work• Omitting story problems, using specialized/alternative g y p , g p /

curricula written at lower level, simplified vocabulary and concepts, alternative reading books at independent reading level

• Tests are written at lower level of understanding, preview tests provided as study guide, picture supports are provided, use of calculator

• Grading based on pass/fail, grading based on work g p / , g gcompletion

Kori Hamilton and Elizabeth Kessler, professional special educator and NICHCYadvisor



Technology in the classroom

•There is freedom in being willing to fail in front of students. If that technology didn’t work, model “let’s try another way.”

•Creativity is key . Model using apps with different subject areas. Nutrition app typical for science, use in social studies – cities across world – obesity.

• Your class is your co‐teacher. Challenge students before you study unit to find an app to go with thatan app to go with that.

SmartBlogs on Education

Teaching the last backpack generationBy Zachary Walker on March 6th, 2013

PAR Protocol for Accommodations in Reading

Dr. Denise DeCoste, occupational therapist and a special educator


Linda Bastiani Wilson, special educator and assistive technology specialistand assistive technology specialist



Application for students with disabilities

Acrostic Poem Revisited

• Take your Acrostic Poem with your name.

• Find a partner.

• Take a few minutes to read with your partner

• As a pair, discuss ways you could accommodate presenting this to a person with a disability.



The Case Against Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology• Description on addressing AT

• Penny Reed, PhD AT Consultant Roseburg, Listen as Penny Reed discusses the IEP team's process for considering whether a student needs AT.

• The AT module provides best practice descriptions for AT as does the UDL module



Joy Zabala—SETT Framework

• id th t d t th i ift d d– Consider the student, their gifts, needs and abilities.

– Consider the environments currently accessed and that might be accessed in the future

– Consider the tasks and activities that the person needs to accomplishp

– Consider the tools and devices that the student might utilize to accomplish tasks and activities that currently are unable to do effectively.

www.wati.orgAssistive Technology Quick Wheel‐45d0‐49b9‐9769‐40de3a48419c

• Math

M t t f

• Control of the environment• Motor aspects of


• Composition of written materials

• Communication


• Positioning and seating

• Mobility

• Activities of daily living

• Vision• Reading

• Learning and Studying• Hearing

• Recreation



Let’s Consider a Few Examples

• Text to Speech– Reading

• Reading apps– Format

– Writing– Study

• Speech to Text– Writing– Efficiency

• Speech Generating Devices– To aid speech


– Flexibility– Sensory Use etc.

• Learning and Studying– Schedules and deadlines– Organization

• Composition of Written Materials

Pl i d D li f– To serve as an alternative to verbal speech

– Planning and Delivery of Instruction

• Math– Multi‐media

There are tons of other examples

• Consider the results of a recent AT Googling diti O 2 000 000 ltexpedition. Over 2,000,000 results.

• The Bottom Line: There are resources and tools that need to be considered for support for all studentsfor all students.



Protocols for Assessment and Implementation

• WATI Assistive Technology Consideration GuideGierach J (2009) Assessing Students’ Needs for Assistive Technology (ASNAT) MiltonGierach, J. (2009). Assessing Students Needs for Assistive Technology (ASNAT). Milton,

WI: Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative.

• Assistive Technology Implementation PlannerHasselbring, T. (2006). Assistive Technology Planner. Alexandria, VA: TAM

Division, CEC.

• Matching Person and TechnologyScherer, M.J. (2008). Matching Person and Technology. Webster, NY: Institute for Matching Person and Technology.

Protocols for Assessment and Implementation, Continued

• Functional Evaluation for Assistive TechnologyR ki d M H & B t B R (2002) FEAT P t Ch t NY N ti l P f i lRaskind, M.H. & Bryant, B. R. (2002). FEAT. Port Chester, NY: National Professional

Resources, Inc.

• Stages Assessment SoftwarePugliese, M. (2005). Stages Assessment Software. Natick, MA: Cambium Learning


• Education Tech Points: A Framework for Assistive Technology PlanningBowser, G. & Reed, P. (2012). Education Tech Points: A Framework for Assistive

Technology Planning, 3rd Edition. Winchester, OR: Coalition for Assistive Technology in Oregon.



Protocols for Assessment and Implementation, Continued

• Georgia Program for Assistive TechnologyG l G (2012) C id i A i ti T h l f St d t ith Di bilitiGalenas, G. (2012). Considering Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities.

Atlanta, GA: Georgia Department of Education.‐Project‐for‐Assistive‐Technology/Pages/Considering‐Assistive‐Technology‐for‐Students‐with‐Disabilities.aspx

• Georgia Project for Assistive TechnologyGeorgia Assistive Technology Tools for Life (2012). Tools for Life. Forest Park, GA:


• Quality Indicators for Assistive TechnologyQIAT Leadership Team (2011). Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services


Resources for AT


• “LearnZillion” has lessons for each element of the Common Core. You have to check this out and make sure to share your thoughts!

h //l ll / / l•– Ruth Ziolkowski



National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials

• AIM Navigator is a process facilitator that guides the work of a

ll b i h k h h h AIM l d d fcollaborative team as they work through the AIM‐related needs of individual students. It is not a screening or diagnostic tool. The Navigator consists of a series of guiding questions to assist teams with decision‐making about need, selection, acquisition, and use of accessible instructional materials. Learning supports for completing each decision‐making step are available throughout.

GET STARTED: Video• Accessible Instructional Materials(AIM): Simply Said (3 min)

CAST—National Center on Universal Design for Learning

Resources• The IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University is a federally funded

national center that provides free, online resources useful in th d ti f t d t h h di bilitithe education of students who have disabilities


• Learning Strategy Modules




DreamBox Learning: What We Do

Reinvent the Learning Experience • Truly Formative Learning: Eliminate the wall• Truly Formative Learning: Eliminate the wall

between Instruction and Assessment • Conceptual Understanding & Procedural Fluency • Common Core Aligned: Consistent Progressions &

Coherent Connections • Dynamic, continuous & real‐time data feed the

adaptive engine – averaging 50,000 data points per hour per student


Intervention Central

• An excellent website for teachers as they begin to monitor student progress and use data for making instructional decisions. FREE




• This site provides over 2,600 free mini‐lessons and example videos with no ads. The videos are organized by course and topic.

• AbleData is a national resource for assistive technology devices

• The Technology and Curriculum Access Center, Easter Seals Arkansas offers consultation, training, assessment and loans for AT in Arkansas schools and the Easter Seals Outreach Program provides technology assistance, consultation and training throughout Arkansas schools.

• www.arkansas‐ The Arkansas program for assistive technology, which maintains the AT4All program.



• A good national resource directory for AT information

• A resource directory and conference that is very comprehensive

• The Assistive Technology Industry Association web links

Many More Resources

• Research

• Brainstorm

• Interests



Easter Seals Technology& Curriculum Access Center

Bryan Ayres, Director Technology & Curriculum Access CenterTechnology & Curriculum Access

Susie Branon, Education

Jill Simpson, Education Consultantjsimpson@eastersealsar.comj p @

www.eastersealsar.com501 227 3612

877 533 3600 toll free