Uso de portafolios


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Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciatura Modular Semiescolarizada en la Docencia del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

Testing and Evaluation

Enriqueta Margarita Villa Olvera

Student: Diana Gutiérrez Luque


Unit IV: Actividad Integradora

30th April, 2016


Nowadays, there are many was of evaluating and assessing learners in a language class

different from traditional assessment. “Because of the incompatibility of process learning

and product assessment and the discrepancy between the information needed and the

information derived through standardized testing, educators have begun to explore

alternative forms of student assessment.” (Sharon 1994, 1) Portfolio, although it is still not

so common in Mexican education, is gaining power since it provides with more advantages

than disadvantages. The objective of this work is to evaluate the use of portfolio, as a

method of assessment, in my particular teaching context for three weeks.

Before explaining the process and results, it is necessary to talk about the context

itself. Currently, I am teaching one-to-one English classes in the afternoon. In my classes, a

formal evaluation is not given; we work on achieved and not achieved goals. Since in these

classes there is not quantifying method, I thought it would be a great opportunity to begin

using portfolios in order to help students see their progress. I chose two one-to-one classes

to use this method. The first class is given to Jhonatan Salas, a student in elementary level;

the second, to Emmanuel Vargas, who is a pre-intermediate English speaker.


How were the portfolios used?

“Portfolio that is based on a systematic assessment procedure can provide accurate

information about the depth and breadth of a student's capabilities in many domains of

learning.” (Sharon 1994, 2) For this project, I chose to work with written activities only.

Students in one-to-one classes are looking for an improvement in their speaking and

listening skill, more than the other two. Therefore, I found necessary to make them work

on their writing skill. Portfolios were used in two ways, the first as a collection of drafts and

final works, and the second only as a collection of final works. This collection of works is

used to asses their achievements and progress of their writing skill in order to develop

different styles and formats.

The evaluation of their portfolios was made informally. There is no final grade or

rubric, just an evaluation of achieved and not achieved aspects. There is also a section

where they are able to self-assess themselves. “Unlike formal scoring of written

compositions, an informal approach to evaluating students’ writing can allow you to view

writing as a social process and not simply as a demonstration of knowledge.” (Glencoe

McGraw-Hill NY, 9) Turned into a social activity, writings provide valuable information for

both teacher and students that help improving communication.

To finish with, there is also an opportunity for feedback. “Providing frequent

feedback can also be valuable in helping to identify patterns of growth, providing direction

for a student’s individual development.” (Glencoe McGraw-Hill NY, 7) Oral and written

feedback is always helpful for any student, and giving it correctly makes learners feel

confident. Portfolios should never miss this part of the process.

Did you mention the type of items that were to be included in the portfolio?

Once contents were discussed with learners, the types of items that were going to be

included were mentioned from the beginning. Students were given a list of items which will

continue growing according to their needs. I explained the purpose, format and content

each written piece should have. Both learners handled final works, however, Jhonatan

wanted to put together all his work, drafts and final results.

What advantages and/or disadvantages did you encounter in the use of portfolios? 

“Assessments may be conducted for many purposes, but the ultimate goal is always

to improve instruction for each student.” (Glencoe McGraw-Hill NY, 6) I found more

advantages than disadvantages in assessing through Portfolios, although I had never used

them before. With a portfolio, I could make learners work in a more systematically way.

They are able to actually see their progress and they feel more confident.

One obstacle I found, because it is not a disadvantage, is time. For this type of classes

it is even more difficult to make learners work, since they can give little time to English

classes due to all their activities. Once they understand it is not homework but a

communicative, practical and useful activity, they take some time to do it. “An exemplary

portfolio procedure is tailored to the purpose for which it will be used, to classroom goals

and objectives and to individual student assessment needs.” (Glencoe McGraw-Hill NY, 6)

What was the role of the student in this method of assessment?

Students have an active role in the process of working with any Portfolio. In this

Writing Portfolio they helped choosing the types of writings they wanted to do, together

with the teacher. Thy chose the topics but they also made their own assessment on their

own improvements.

What was the teacher's role?  

I also had an active role; however, it was not the last word. I gave suggestions to

both learners in relation to what activities might fit what they were learning in class, as

well as explaining the purpose and real communicative skill they would develop. At the

end, they decided how to apply those suggestions.


As a conclusion and part of the last question, my personal experience after using this

method of assessment helped me understand that it really works in one-to-one classes. I

also made learners see another way of assessing, one in which they are more important

than grades.

Making student take an active part in evaluation, makes them more confident and

open-minded. I will continue using this assessment method because it proved to be useful

and made students aware of their learning process. It is a great opportunity to continue

improving my teaching.


Moya, S. and O’Malley, M. (1994) “A Portfolio Assessment Model for ESL” in The Journal of

Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, Spring, V 13.

Writer´s Choice (NY) “Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics” Glencoe McGraw-Hill,



My Portfolio – Jhonatan Salas Mecalco

My Portfolio

It is a collection of my works used to asses my achievements and progress. This portfolio

will be used as a showcase portfolio, where only the final version of writings is shown.

There is also a section where the teacher gives me feedback and I self-assess the process

and final result.

Main Goal - To develop different styles of writings according to social context and language


Evaluation - This portfolio is not evaluated formally; therefore, it does not show rubrics.

However, it helps to see the final result of activities made in class.

Basic and pre-intermediate level

1. An Autobiography

2. A day in the life of a person

3. A letter to a penpal

4. The biography of a famous person

5. An invitation

6. A review

Name of the writing activity: AUTOBIOGRAPHYPurpose: Talk about myself.Language style needed: InformalGrammar points: Present and like



My name is Jhonatan. I am a guitar player. I am 30 years old.

I live in Mexico City. I am Mexican. I work in UNAM. I am the

conductor of the Guitar Orchestra. I like playing guitar,

watching soccer and playing videogames. In my free time I

watch movies.

Guide to Writing Assignments

1.- I met the intended purpose

2.- It is well organized

3.- It demonstrates concerted effort

4.- It shows imagination and creativity

5.- It shows improvement

6.- I used the grammar studied in class

7.- I used the correct format

8.- I made a prewriting plan or draft

9.- I used the correct language style

10.- I present my personal opinion (if necessary)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Self-assessment Guide

Use this form to evaluate your own writing by completing each sentence below:

What I like best about this piece of writing is:Hablé de mi mismo

The most difficult part of this writing was:Usar gramática correctamente

One thing I learned from this project was:Puedo hablar sobre mí en inglés

One thing I need to improve in my next writing project is:

OrtografíaOne goal I would like to focus on in the future is:

Escribir sin faltas de ortografía

Name of the writing activity: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MY MOMPurpose: Talk about another person, a family member or a friend.Language style needed: InformalGrammar points: Present, adverbs of frequency



My mother is Angeles. She works in ISSTE. She usually wakes up at 4:00. First, she takes a

shower. Then, she goes to work. Later, she always drives. She works from 8:00 to 5:00. She

never takes a day off. She usually goes to bed at 9:00.


Guide to Writing Assignments

1.- I met the intended purpose

2.- It is well organized

3.- It demonstrates concerted effort

4.- It shows imagination and creativity

5.- It shows improvement

6.- I used the grammar studied in class

7.- I used the correct format

8.- I made a prewriting plan or draft

9.- I used the correct language style

10.- I present my personal opinion (if necessary)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Self-assessment Guide

Use this form to evaluate your own writing by completing each sentence below:

What I like best about this piece of writing is:Hablo sobre otra persona que no soy yo.

The most difficult part of this writing was:Pensar en las actividades.

One thing I learned from this project was:day off

One thing I need to improve in my next writing project is:Vocabulario

One goal I would like to focus on in the future is:Revisar vocabulario por mi cuenta. Escribir más.

Name of the writing activity: A LETTER FOR A PENPALPurpose: Invite a person to visit your countryLanguage style needed: InformalGrammar points: Present, can and can’t, there is, there are.



Dear Alfonso Moreno,

I invite you to Mexico City. Mexico City is a beautiful place. There are many things to do. We

can visit museums and go to concerts. We can go to UNAM. We can play guitar together.

There are many concerts.


Jhonatan Salas

Guide to Writing Assignments

1.- I met the intended purpose

2.- It is well organized

3.- It demonstrates concerted effort

4.- It shows imagination and creativity

5.- It shows improvement

6.- I used the grammar studied in class

7.- I used the correct format

8.- I made a prewriting plan or draft

9.- I used the correct language style

10.- I present my personal opinion (if necessary)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Self-assessment Guide

Use this form to evaluate your own writing by completing each sentence below:

What I like best about this piece of writing is:I invite people in English. I need invite people.

The most difficult part of this writing was:Ideas

One thing I learned from this project was:I use it in my work.

One thing I need to improve in my next writing project is:Spelling and commas

One goal I would like to focus on in the future is:More write

Name of the writing activity: THE BIOGRAPHY OF A FAMOUS PERSONPurpose: Make a biography of a famous person.Language style needed: FormalGrammar points: Present, Past



He is Julio Cesar Oliva. He is Mexican. He is a music

composer and guitar player. He was born in 1987. He

studied in the National Cnservatory of Music, in Mexico.

He was the first guitar player in Sala Nezahualcoyotl. His

CD “La guitarra de cristal” is one of the best in Classical


Guide to Writing Assignments

1.- I met the intended purpose

2.- It is well organized

3.- It demonstrates concerted effort

4.- It shows imagination and creativity

5.- It shows improvement

6.- I used the grammar studied in class

7.- I used the correct format

8.- I made a prewriting plan or draft

9.- I used the correct language style

10.- I present my personal opinion (if necessary)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Self-assessment Guide

Use this form to evaluate your own writing by completing each sentence below:

What I like best about this piece of writing is:I write about my favorite composer

The most difficult part of this writing was:Think Spanish and write English

One thing I learned from this project was:I use past

One thing I need to improve in my next writing project is:write more

One goal I would like to focus on in the future is:verbs in past