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Volume 4 Number 6 June 2021


Hello Nobles: We remember our Veterans who gave all on Memorial Day and then on the 14th we honor the Flag that they served. Please take a moment the next time you are at our building, look at the Flag and remember all the people that have and continue to serve our great nation. The last meeting had 27 nobles enjoying a fest by Noble Butch Miller and his wife JoAnn, thank you. We have 3 petitions for membership which we will act on at the June 15th meeting and few more should follow. The patio upgrade and sound system is planned for completion by July 4th. The Wagon of Cheer still needs some bottles donated with the drawing set for the December Christmas Party. We should be returning to “Hospital Days” at the end of the year we need to continue to help with the health of Shrine Children. We will continue to meet monthly and wish those who have headed North a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you and some new members. Please stay safe and may God Bless you and your families.

Richard Moyer

Email: Cell: (941) 408-4772

Noble President

Richard Moyer

Editor- Noble Russ Mattson

HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAY David Fosnough 6/11

Scott Gardner 6/17

Donald Koleson 6/30

Bob Neumeister 6/21

Bob Ziringer 6/11



Noble Robert (Barney) Bonsall

Noble Norman Groh


PARADE MARSHALL Parades-Parades-Parades With Florida returning to normal, we anticipate that our social activities will also get back to normal and for us Shriners (Keystone Kops) that means parades. I’ve listed below the parades I am confident will be returning and would like our participation: 1 Sun Festival Parade held in Venice in late October 2 Venice Holiday Parade held late November after Thanksgiving 3 North Port Poinsettia Parade held in early December 4 Arcadia Parade held in mid-March Also, in the past we have participated in the Englewood Pioneer Days parade. I have no word on if Englewood will be holding this parade but we will keep our options open. Our equipment is in excellent shape and we have extra uniforms for those who might consider being part of the fun. There is always room for more Nobles and ladies to get involved. We have walking and riding participants so don’t let any physical problems from keeping you away. The parade dates have not yet been firmed up, but when we return in the fall, I am sure the dates will be announced. Let me not forget to tell everyone that after the parade(s) we meet back at the Club house for an afterglow to celebrate our outing. Have a safe and enjoyable summer. See you in October! Bob Parkinson Parade Marshall Venice Shrine Club

Dates for your calendar

June 3, 11:30am lunch at Sahib Heroes Grill

June 15, 11am Stated meeting Venice Shrine Club

First Thursday lunch at Sahib

June 3rd, wear your VSC Blue Shirt and meet about 11:30 at Sahib Heroes

Grill for lunch from the menu. No meeting just Fellowship. Bring a Friend,

Brother, Noble and meet us there. You can car pool from the VSC building.

HOW WOULD YOU REACT? I was sitting at a stop light this morning and the lady in front of me was going through papers on the seat

of her car. When the light changed to green she did not obey its command - a green light is a

commandment -NOT a suggestion. When the light turned to red and she had still not moved, I began

(with my windows up) screaming epithets and beating on my steering wheel.

My expressions of distress were interrupted by a policeman, gun drawn, tapping on my window. Against

my protestations of, "You can't arrest me for hollering in my car," he ordered me into the back seat of his

car. After about two hours in a holding cell, the arresting officer advised me I was free to go. I said, "I

knew you couldn't arrest me for what I was yelling in my own car. You haven't heard the last of this."

The officer replied, "I didn't arrest you for shouting in your car. I was directly behind you at the light. I

saw you screaming and beating your steering wheel, and I said to myself, "What a jerk. But there is

nothing I can do to him for throwing a fit in his own car. Then I noticed the Square and Compasses on

your tail lights, the Scottish Rite emblem on the trunk and the ‘Proud to be a Shriner’ bumper sticker and I

thought you must have stolen the car.”

Submitted proudly with a smile.

Bob Collins


May 18th meeting with over 25 Nobles; next meeting June 15th.

" Richard Moyer, Venice Shrine Club President and Dana Pratt, Venice Shrine Club

Past President give Herman Meats & Deli a well-deserved recognition for

collecting donations for the Shriners Healthcare for Children - Florida. Using a

well-recognized, famous Shrine canister, Herman Meats has been one of our top

performers for a while now. Left to right in the picture, we have Dana Pratt,

Valerie Reina (Co-owner/Operator of Herman Meats & Deli), Richard Moyer and

behind Valerie is Dominik Reina (Co-Owner/Operator of Herman Meats and

Deli). The Shriners have always been well known for helping the kids and having


Best, Dana


“ Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision.

The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who

couldn’t make a decision.”


Ill Sir George Wolfe sends you this information from the Dummies books website:

How Shriners and Freemasons Relate

The Shrine has often been called the “playground of Freemasonry.” Before a man can become a Shriner, he must

become a Freemason. In fact, if you look carefully at the full name — Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the

Mystic Shrine — you can rearrange the letters A.A.O.N.M.S. and spell “A MASON.”

All Shriners are Freemasons, but not all Freemasons become Shriners. The Shrine isn’t a Masonic organization — it

doesn’t confer any degree that continues or enlarges on the Masonic degrees. It’s simply an organization that

requires Masonic lodge membership as a prerequisite for joining.

From the beginning, the Shrine was intentionally designed to be fun — actually, even a bit juvenile. Freemasons

looking for deep, intellectual symbolism and knowledge won’t find it in the Shrine. What they will find is old-

fashioned, back-slapping, glass-raising, cigar-puffing, high-volume socializing. Their history is filled with tales of the

antics of Shriners, especially when collected together at their annual conventions.

Temples: Shrine temples (or centers, as more of them are referred to these days) are often very large, and only a

few exist in any given state. So, each temple draws on dozens or even hundreds of Masonic lodges for their

membership. Shrine temples often have thousands of members.

The Shrine built its own dedicated buildings during prosperous times, and they were generally designed with Middle

Eastern architectural details. In keeping with the functions of the Shrine, they often have large auditoriums, plus

social rooms, dance halls, restaurants, and bars.

The Al Malaikah Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles was built in 1926. With 6,300 seats, it’s the largest theater in the world.

Units: Most Shrine Temples are divided up into clubs or units. Clowns, motorcycle groups, horse patrols, marching

bands, railroad clubs, bagpipers, classic-car owners — the variety is endless. Because the Shrine is intended to be

more socially involving, members are encouraged to find a unit that appeals to their interests or hobbies.

Fundraising: Shriners hold fundraising events to support both themselves and the hospitals. One of the most

visible is the Shrine Circus. Any event that’s designated as a hospital fundraiser sends 100 percent of the proceeds

to Shriners Hospitals.

Parades: A tradition has developed over the years between Shriners and parades. Anybody can march in a parade,

and Shriners pride themselves on their marching bands and wild costumes. But as a way to become more

distinctive, Shriners began introducing cars, motorcycles, mini-bikes, go-karts, and tiny cars into the parades. It

seems Shriners took to anything with wheels


Venice Lodge #301

June Schedule

Stated meetings June 21st


Venice Masonic Lodge No. 301 F. & A.M., meets the 1st and 3rd (dinner @6 on the 3rd Monday) Monday at 7:30, visiting Brothers are always welcome. {Dark 1st Monday in

June, July, August, September}

Do you want to visit 301? The lodge has new visitors at almost every meeting so greeting a Brother is easy- if you have a paid up dues card- Just see the Tyler either Walt or Vince and they will explain the process which is easy.

WAGON OF CHEER $5 each or 3 for $10

Drawing December 12th, 2021

For Tickets or Donation to the Wagon contact:

Barney Bonsall or Bill Moore.

Bring to a meeting or contact them for a pickup.


**********SAHIB TEMPLE *********


On Thursday June 17, 2021 we will hold a Widow’s Luncheon for our Nobles who are no longer with us. Lunch will be served by the Cabiri.

Heroes Grill is OPEN for Business!!

Please consider stopping in and supporting YOUR Club and Restaurant.

We are ready for your TO-GO orders or Delivery through DoorDash. For TO-GO and Pickup Call: 941-365-4412

The QUEEN is BACK!!!

The Jackpot next week will be $38,958! ANNOUNCEMENT

There will be a SHRINE CEREMONIAL on August 28th. Our Oriental Guide Ill. Barry D. Hart will be in Charge and Promises a Good, Hot Time for all Initiates!

This should be a GREAT Ceremonial as we will have almost 50 New Nobles to initiate into the

Ancient and Accepted Order of the Noble and Mystic Shrine


From Gary Schweinshaupt

VSC members please use the Sahib Twitter account.

Tabs and empty Cans welcome, leave at the VSC door or bring to a meeting.

Remember any Shriner is welcome at monthly meetings. CONTACT US:


Special Group / Born Between 1930 - 1946. Today, they range in ages from 75 to 90. Are you or do you know someone “still here”?

Interesting Facts for you: You are the smallest group of children, born since the early 1900s.

You are the last generation, climbing out of the depression, who can remember the winds of war

and the impact of a world at war which rattled the structure of our daily lives for years.

You are the last to remember ration books for everything from gas to sugar to shoes to stoves.

You saved tin foil and poured fat into tin cans.

You saw cars up on blocks because tires weren't available.

You can remember milk being delivered to your house early in the morning and placed in the

"milk box" on the porch.

You are the last to see the gold stars in the front windows of grieving neighbors whose sons died in the War.

You saw the 'boys' home from the war, build their little houses.

You are the last generation who spent childhood without television; instead, you imagined what

you heard on the radio.

With no TV until the 50's, you spent your childhood "playing outside".

There was no little league. There was no city playground for kids.

The lack of television in your early years meant, that you had little real understanding of what

the world was like.

On Saturday afternoons, the movies gave you newsreels sandwiched in between westerns and


Telephones were one to a house, often shared (party lines) and hung on the wall in the kitchen

(no cares about privacy).

Typewriters were driven by pounding fingers, throwing the carriage and changing the ribbon.

“INTERNET” and “GOOGLE” were words that did not exist.

Newspapers and magazines were written for adults and the news was broadcast on your radio

in the evening. As you grew up, the country was exploding with growth.

The Government gave returning Veterans the means to get an education and spurred colleges

to grow. Loans fanned a housing boom.

Pent up demand coupled with new installment payment plans opened many factories for work.

New highways would bring jobs and mobility.

The Veterans joined civic clubs and became active in politics.

The radio network expanded from 3 stations to thousands.

Your parents were suddenly free from the confines of the depression and the war, and they

threw themselves into exploring opportunities they had never imagined.

You weren't neglected, but you weren't today's all-consuming family focus. They were glad you

played by yourselves until the street lights came on. They were busy discovering the post war


You entered a world of overflowing plenty and opportunity; a world where you were welcomed,

enjoyed yourselves and felt secure in your future though depression poverty was deeply


Polio was still a crippler.

You came of age in the 50s and 60s. You are the last generation to experience an interlude when there were no threats to our homeland. The Second World War was over and the Cold War, terrorism, global warming, and perpetual economic insecurity had yet to haunt life with unease.

Only your generation can remember both a time of great war, and a time when our world was

secure and full of bright promise and plenty. You grew up at the best possible time, a time when

the world was getting better...

You are "The Last Ones." More than 99 % of you are either retired or deceased, and you

feel privileged to have "lived in the best of times!"

Have a Good Summer; Bill Moore, Da Chief ________________________________________________________

If you know a Man who you think would make a good Mason, maybe a son, father, brother, friend,

pass along this website for info and get him interested.

This website organized by the Shrine and Scottish Rite.


Englewood Masonic Lodge #360 June 1st – No First Stated Meeting in June Due to Grand Lodge June 12th - Englewood Masonic lodges 1st Annual Duffers Golf Tournament June 13th – Chicken BBQ 11:30 to 1pm

June 15th – Second Stated Meeting – DDGM Visit – NO Family night June 19th – Spaghetti Supper – 5 to 7pm all you can eat June 24th – Master Mason Association meeting

June 27th – Chicken BBQ – 11: 30 to 1pm

June 29th – Officers Meeting – 6:30

June 12th Englewood Masonic lodge’s 1st Annual Duffers Golf Tournament

Englewood Masonic Lodge No. 360

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 265 Pine St. Englewood, Florida 34223-3929

Support the business that help in collection of Funds for our children.

Herman’s Meats & Deli

701 Shamrock Blvd. Venice

Soos Jewelry Design 530 41 Bypass S. 23A, Venice

Contemporary Hearing Tamiami Trail on "The Island”, Venice Sun Country Cleaners 1096 Jacaranda Blvd, Venice.

Palms Golf Course 1990 Beneva Rd Sarasota

Marco’s Pizza

735 Shamrock- Venice

229 Tamiami Trail- Nokomis


Sarasota Wine & Spirts

4295 Tamiami Trail S Venice

Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America

Venice Shriners Contact: Nobles Irv Hopkins, Bill Bond, Jim Jobe

Meets at Punta Gorda Lodge, 2nd Sunday at 2:30 PM

Welcome to the Palms Golf Club at Forest Lakes Contact: Sven Nelson III for a Monday/Thursday Early Shriners Discount

1990 Beneva Rd. Sarasota, FL



Ride to and from any Airport?

Within 100 miles of Venice, FL

Noble Richard Moyer

(941) 408-4772 Shriners identify yourself

Englewood Masonic Lodge’s

1st Annual Duffers Golf Tournament

Saturday, June, 12th, 2021

Long Marsh Golf Club

7:30 Registration $65 Per Player 8:30 Shot Gun Start

Join us for a fun day of Golf, Games, and Prizes. Lunch and awards immediately following.

Don’t Delay! Completed forms and Checks by June 5th

Team Name/Contact: ___________________________________

Player Name_________________________________ Phone___________________________ HCP_____

Player Name_________________________________ Phone___________________________ HCP_____

Player Name_________________________________ Phone___________________________ HCP_____

Player Name_________________________________ Phone___________________________ HCP_____

Hole Sponsors $100. 00 – includes hole sign

Mail form and fees to: Englewood Masonic Lodge 360, 265 Pine Street, Englewood FL 34223

Question Contact:

Long Marsh Golf Club, 20 White Marsh rd. Rotonda, FL 33947
