Veridian Resort Noosa p2


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Master Builders Winners Page 19

From Concept to Completion


95 Maud St Maroochydore


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MASTER BUILDERSHousing & Construction 2010 Awards Winners

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The construction of the firstmain structure came to agrinding halt when MatrixProjects confronted unforseenground conditions.Project manager Clint Sloan

said the substructure had tobe re-engineered because ofinadequate compaction of thesubgrade of the two blocks.The problem was overcomeby setting down a mixture ofperimeter CFA piers and in-ternal bored piers.Further obstacles were

faced when drilling the1200mm diameter, 20+ metredeep holes for the bored piers.Granite boulders, someexceeding four metres indiameter, required coreholingor full excavation and removalfrom the site.A tight program and issuesarising from material designand procurement, however, ledto some innovative solutions.Worldwide demand for steel

and typical lead times on steeldrafting, fabrication, galvanis-

ing and delivery was com-pounded by civil works delaysand handover outside of MatrixProject’s control.Mr Sloan said this forcedstructural steel design andshop drawings for the villas toproceed ahead of typicalprogram boundaries.To meet strict programdeadlines, Matrix Projects setup an onsite aluminium win-dows and doors facility, whichenabled it to site measure,fabricate and install bi-foldand sliding door systems muchquicker than conventionalmethods. The same methodswere used to manufacture andinstall aluminium glazed ba-lustrade systems.To maintain continuity ofmaterials and resources on-site, Matrix Projects appointeda fulltime site and materialshandling coordinator andlogistics team.This initiative was critical tothe successful running of thesite including the 75m tower

crane, fulltime telehandler andother specialist equipment.With clockwork precision,the builder was able to con-struct all 11 buildings concur-rently, resulting in outstandingefficiencies.Mr Sloan said the mostrewarding aspect of the pro-ject was delivering the projecton time and on budget while

satisfying the requirementsand expectations of all stake-holders.The judges believe ViridianResort met all the criteria to bedeemed Project of the Year.“With such a difficult site,substantial environmentalissues and strict conditions tobe adhered to during construc-tion, Viridian Resort is a tri-

project management company,which is ranked 26 in Queens-land’s top 400 list of privatelyowned companies.It has delivered over 250

projects, with a total value inexcess of $1.5billion, and isaccredited nationally andinternationally for safety,quality and environmentalstandards.

umph for Matrix Projects andfor the Sunshine Coast com-munity,” said Mr Robinson.“The judges commented on

the striking fixtures and finish-es of the units and townhous-es and applauded the builder’squality and attention to de-tail.”Matrix Projects is a Queens-

land-owned construction and

set in the subtropics’
