Volume 15 v 1.00



Volume 15 v 1.00. Created by: Hipapheralkus. Chapters. Babylon 5 Original Treatment 01.09.1988. Commander Jeffrey Sinclair Vice Commander Laurel Chang Dr. Chakri Mendak Security Chief Michael Garibaldi Carolyn Sykes Delenn Khosh Naranek Londo Collari Jackarr. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Volume 15Volume 15v 1.00v 1.00

Created by: Created by: HipapheralkusHipapheralkus


Babylon 5 Original Treatment01.09.1988

• Commander Jeffrey Sinclair• Vice Commander Laurel Chang• Dr. Chakri Mendak• Security Chief Michael Garibaldi• Carolyn Sykes• Delenn• Khosh Naranek• Londo Collari• Jackarr

Babylon 5 Writer's BibleSeason One: 20.05.1993

• Commander Jeffrey Sinclair (Michael O’Hare)• Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova ()• Security Chief Michael Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle)• Dr. Stephen Franklin ()• Lyta Alexander (Patricia Tallman)• Catherine Sakai ()• Delenn (Mira Furlan)• Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik)• G’Kar (Andreas Katsulas)• Kosh Naranek ()• Mr. Jones ()• The Boss ()• Ombuds Edgar Wellington ()• Ko D’ath ()• Virell ()• Lennier ()

History• 2075-2170 – Interstellar exploration and

colonisation• 2184 – prvý kontakt s Centaurami• 2230 – prvý kontakt s Narnami• 2242 – prvý kontakt s Minbarmi• 2243-2247 – Earth-Minbari War• 2250-2254 – zahájený projekt Babylon• 2254-2256 – Stavba Babylonu 5• 2257 – prvý kontakt s Vorlonmi• 2262 – Príbeh končí


• Jumpgates• Ships• PPG• Links• Encounter Suit• Universal Translator• Transporters• Artificial Gravity

The Exercise of Vital Powers(bogus script)

• Act One• Act Two• Act Three• Act Four• Taq

Joe Cuts• Jan Schroeder porovnala všetkých 92 scenárov z Volume 1-14

riadok po riadku s DVD edíciou• 160 hodín seriálu, spolu našla 526 zmien – v priemere 6 zmien na

epizódu• porovnanie 1 epizódy so scenármi trvalo 75-150 minút• najviac zmien je v častiach War Without End (29 zmien)• kritéria na porovnávanie:

– Added – bolo na DVD, nebolo v scenároch – niektoré verzie scenárov boli staršie ako finálne

– Deleted – ukázali sa v scenároch ale neboli na DVD – väčšinou boli vyhodené z dôvodu časového aby mala časť potrebnú minutáž

– Changed – zmena v DVD edícii a scenároch– Extended – zmena dialógov v DVD edícii a scenároch

• názov epizódy / označenie časti / Volume / scéna = kritérium

• Soul Hunter / 102 / 1 / 57 = Changed• Infection / 101 / 1 / 66-67 = Changed• The Parliament of Dreams / 108 / 1 / 30-31 = Deleted• The Parliament of Dreams / 108 / 1 / 34-35 = Deleted• And the Sky, Full of Stars / 103 / 2 / 38 = Deleted• Revelations / 202 / 3 / 36 = Extended• The Comming od the Shadows / 209 / 3 / 13 = Deleted• Acts of Sacrifice / 212 / 3 / 28 = Extended• Hunter, Prey / 213 / 4 / 47 = Deleted• In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum / 217 / 4 / 40 = Deleted• Confessions and Lamentations / 218 / 4 / 50 = Changed• The Long, Twilight Struggle / 219 / 4 / 93 = Extended

• Comes of the Inquisitor / 221 / 4 / 45 = Extended• Comes of the Inquisitor / 221 / 4 / 55 = Deleted• Comes of the Inquisitor / 221 / 4 / 37 = Deleted• Voices of Authority / 304 / 5 / 25 = Extended• Voices of Authority / 304 / 5 / 15 = Extended• Severed Dreams / 310 / 6 / 123 = Extended• Severed Dreams / 310 / 6 / 124-125 = Deleted• A Late Delivery from Avalon / 312 / 6 / 17 = Deleted• A Late Delivery from Avalon / 312 / 6 / 19 = Deleted• A Late Delivery from Avalon / 312 / 6 / 39 = Extended• Interludes and Examinations / 315 / 7 / 17 = Deleted• Interludes and Examinations / 315 / 7 / 30 = Extended

• War Without End, Part 1 / 316 / 7 / 21 = Changed• War Without End, Part 1 / 316 / 7 / 45-49 = Deleted• War Without End, Part 1 / 316 / 7 / 69 = Changed• War Without End, Part 2 / 317 / 7 / 113 = Deleted• War Without End, Part 2 / 317 / 7 / 116 = Extended• War Without End, Part 2 / 317 / 7 / 130 = Deleted• Grey 17 is Missing / 319 / 7 / 15-24 = Deleted• Grey 17 is Missing / 319 / 7 / 61 = Extended• Z’ha’dum / 322 / 8 / 3 = Changed• Z’ha’dum / 322 / 8 / 4 = Deleted• Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi? / 402 / 8 / 33 =

Extended• Into the Fire / 406 / 9 / 70 = Deleted• Into the Fire / 406 / 9 / 117 = Extended

• Epiphanies / 407 / 9 / 16 = Extended• Epiphanies / 407 / 9 / 49 = Extended• Atonement / 409 / 9 / 2 = Extended• Conflicts of Interest / 412 / 9 / 19 = Changed• Moments of Transition / 414 / 10 / 64 = Deleted• No Surrender, No Retreat / 415 / 10 / 21 = Extended• Between Darkness and the Light / 419 / 10 / 13-14 = Extended• Rising Star / 421 / 11 / 14 = Deleted• Rising Star / 421 / 11 / 53 = Extended• Sleeping in Light / 422 / 11 / 14 = Deleted• No Compromises / 502 / 11 / 16 = Changed• Phoenix Rising / 512 / 12 / 68-71 = Deleted• And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder / 517 / 13 / 61-63 = Extended• The Wheel of Fire / 520 / 14 / 38 = Extended• Objects in Motion / 521 / 14 / 7 = Extended• Objects in Motion / 521 / 14 / 39 = Changed
