Volume 3, Issue 12 DECEMBER 2014 Wendy’s Restaurant...


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8 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014

Bethany has been situated on the corner of 15 Mile Road and Beaconsfield for more

than 50 years, and has a rich heritage that involves a group of Christ followers who are devoted

to seeking the will of God. We know it is no accident that we have been placed on this corner and

we strive to reach out to our community with the love of Christ.


Registration Card

We use the registration cards to help us keep a record of our guests and members who attend Bethany. This information is

used to send letters to our guests, to update our directory, and encourage membership.

Wendy’s Restaurant Fundraiser December 28th @ 12-3pm

Bethany’s Camper Fund will receive 15%

of all proceeds on Gratiot north of 16 Mile

Road. Remember to mention ‘Bethany’ to

the cashier for your purchase to qualify. Your participation

helps send Bethany’s youth to camp.

Online Giving System (E.A.T.S.)

Bethany offers an Electronic Automated Tithing System

(E.A.T.S). This is an automated banking system that will

directly debit your bank account. Additional information

can be found on the registration forms located at the

Welcome Center. If you have further questions, feel free to

see Marlene Bruder, Denny Prentis or Jay Sumner.

For all who use tithing envelopes, they can be picked

up at the Welcome Center December 14th.

Military Ministry

At this time of the year,

remember to pray for our

deployed men and

women. Many will be

away from their families during

Christmas & New Years, while we are

safe and secure at our homes.

If you have a family member serving,

we would like to send to them. Please

give their name & contact information

to Gladys or Ron Buck.

A list of items that benefit our military

is at the Welcome Center. Donated

items can be placed in bin in below the

mailboxes in the foyer.

19700 15 Mile Road

Clinton Twp. Mi 48035

Phone: 586-791-1190

Fax: 586-791-2959

Email: info@connect2bethany.org

Website: connect2bethany.org

1 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014

Events This Month

Dec 7 Communion AM

Dec 10 Single Seniors

& PrimeTimers


Dec 14 Christmas Concert

Dec 21 Music Night &

Reception for Gladys Buck

Dec 24 Christmas Eve


Dec 25 Jesus’ Birthday

Dec 28 Baby Dedication

Inside this issue:

Classes 2

Missions 3

Church Calendar 5

Upcoming events 6

Youth group events 7

Welcome to Bethany!

I am very thankful to have

you with us. If you are a first

time guest to Bethany,

please stop by the Welcome

Center, and give us the

opportunity to meet you!

For information on any of

Bethany’s ministries, pick

up a flyer at the Welcome

Center or see Bethany’s

web page. Please join us

again to discover the

difference God can make in

your life.

Pastor Mark Reynolds


Volume 3, Issue 12 DECEMBER 2014

Christmas Concert December 14th @ 11am

Bethany choir and soloists will perform

“What a Glorious Night”. A Christmas Concert of

special music and worship to reflect on the birth of our Saviour.

“Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace,

good will toward men”.

Luke 2:14

2 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014



9:45am Connection Bible Classes;

for All Ages Nursery through Adults

11:00am Worship Service

6:00pm Worship Service

CrossRoads (18-29 year olds)


7:00pm Celebrate Recovery

Committee Meetings (see Calendar)


9:30am Ladies Bible Study

1:00pm Quilting Time


7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Service

BIA-Boys In Action, GEMS Girls,

Souled Out Teens, Women’s Bible Study


7:00pm Choir practice


8:00am Men’s Bible Study

Winter Weekly Schedule

Ladies Bible Study/Potluck Luncheon December 16th

Ladies Bible Study will have a potluck

luncheon at 11:15 am. This will be the

last meeting for 2014. We will resume

in April. Thank you and have a wonderful

winter. Submitted by Ev Prentis

Children’s Choir

Begins January 7th

Sunday, March 22 at

11am, the Children's Choir

will be doing the musical,

‘Agape League’, at Bethany.

Parents please encourage your kids to be a part of

this musical! Rehearsals will be every Wednesday,

from 6-6:50pm for Grades K-6. See Erin Madak for

more information.

Retirement Announcement December 21st @ 7pm

With mixed emotions we announce the retirement of

Gladys Buck our church secretary. She has been an

outstanding part of the Bethany staff for more than

27 years. She has been a true inspiration for all of us

and her contributions have been an integral part to our

success as a church. Bethany is grateful to have had

Gladys here as a faithful and trustworthy member of the

staff. Sunday, December 21st at 7pm, we would like to

acknowledge Gladys with a dessert celebration.

Gladys’ letter to the Church

“When I was young in Tennessee, we lived in the country

and it wasn't a priority to go to church. The times we did

attend, I loved it. I asked Jesus to be my Savior after we came

to Michigan when I was about 13 and attended Hope Gospel

where Pastor Westenberg was the minister. As a teenager, I

wanted to work in church.

Then after being a "stay at home mom," when my three

sons were teenagers, I was offered the job as secretary at

Bethany. How awesome is our God to let me go to church

almost every day!

Thank you for the privilege of serving

at Bethany for over 27 years. Thank you

for the prayers, friendships and

support, during this time. It has been a

great learning and growing experience

for me. God has shown His goodness

and love to me through the dear people

at Bethany. We have all grown together,

and hopefully continue to grow closer to

our Lord and Savior.

It’s my desire to retire this year. December 12, 2014, will

be my last day in the Bethany office. Lord willing, Ron and I will

still serve in our volunteer ministries to the military, gardening,

ushering, etc. Thanks for your continued prayer and support of


Gladys Buck”

Baby Dedication December 28th @ 11am

A Baby Dedication is a ceremony in

which believing parents, and

sometimes entire families, make a

commitment before the Lord to

dedicate a child to God's will and to

raise that child according to God's

Word and God's ways.

If the Lord is leading you to dedicate

your child, please contact the church

office for details of the next

dedication ceremony. Baby

dedications are every few months or

when needed.

7 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014

Souled Out Teens

A Souled Out Christmas

Presents and parties are fun.

But isn’t there something more

to the Christmas season? Each

Wednesday night, we’ll explore a different angle on what

Christmas really means. Trust me … most Christmas TV

specials or movies get it all wrong. Students … make

sure you make our weekly Souled Out youth meetings

and events a priority on your calendar. Of course, each

Wednesday night everyone will experience the fun of

building relationships with others while discovering

something about themselves. God loves them and He

has a plan for their lives. Don’t miss a single Wednesday

night, starting at 7pm each Wednesday.

Souled Out Christmas Party

Hey, all JR & SR HI students…Christmas is coming!!

That means Souled Out will be celebrating together by

throwing a party! Mark the date down: December 17

from 7-9pm. That’s right…it will go a little later than

normal. You need to bring two items to this party: a

food/drink item that you sign up for with Robyn Miller

and a white elephant gift (something that you already

have that someone else might actually want or use).

Camp Barakel Winter Retreat

Our JR & SR HI students are headed to Camp Barakel

on January 30-February 1 for the annual winter retreat.

Think broom hockey, tubing (with a tow rope!), great

food, ice skating, cross country skiing, all you can drink

hot chocolate, and so much more! Get your $40 non-

refundable but transferable deposit to Robyn Miller no

later than Jan. 21. Flyers will be available at the

Welcome Center or online (check the church webpage or

on the Souled Out Facebook page). See Pastor Mike if

you have any questions.

Souled Out Online

If you are looking for information about Souled Out

and the events that we are doing, you’ve got two great

sources: Facebook and the church’s website. While

there may be several down sides to Facebook, one of

the good things about it is that it allows us to quickly get

detailed information out to everyone about upcoming

events. That same information will always be placed on

our church website as well for those of you who do not

have Facebook accounts. The Facebook address is

https://www.facebook.com/SouledOutBBC and the

website address is http://connect2bethany.org/#/


Youth Groups Holiday Celebration December 17th

Wednesday, the Youth Groups will be celebrating Christmas with various activities.

This is the last night youth groups will meet for 2014.

Meetings will resume on January 7, 2015 at 7pm. Have a joyful & blessed season.

GEMS Girls GEMS Girls meet weekly in the newly

remodeled lower level. So far this year, they

are having a blast enjoying parties, going on

field trips, and doing service projects all for

God’s Glory. They sure are staying busy and

having fun!

November’s focus was; ‘How thankful we

should be’...for the beds we sleep in, the

many clothes we have to wear, and that we

can worship an Awesome God openly.

GEMS are thankful for all that God does

and gives us daily!


January 14, 2015

Crazy hair &

Mismatch day.

Make sure to invite a

friend to GEMS.


The Faithful Leaders

6 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014

2 Tony Rodriguez

4 Gregory Quay, Tracy Maison

5 Linda Mick, Annie Vander Veen

8 Kyle Smith, Tim Cole

10 Rose Marie Adamy, Carlin Loving

11 Grant Arbitter, Jenifer Reed

12 Tara Sumner, Anne Mayer, Jonathan Mayer

14 Ann Carolan, Janice Campbell

15 Betty McIntyre

16 Christiani Levos

18 Kathy Walker, Rebecca Gascho

19 Kendra Gosk, Mark Levos

22 Bill Poynter III, Frank Rude, Rodrick Nutridge

23 Dolly Owens

25 Carl Bulak, Gerald Hewitt II

27 David Reed

28 Bob Early, Bob Washburn

29 Jeff Madak

30 Shirley Howery, Sue Maracle

31 Dick Winter, Amanda Bishop

4 Ralph & Betty McIntyre 1948

9 Scott & Nicole Agbay 1989

23 Sigi & Shirley Bossner 1961

26 Jim & Erma Smith 1959


Upcoming Events


1 Communion-am

8 Donut Sunday/ Time Change

Spring Forward

14 Bible Quiz Tournament

20 All Nighter—Youth

22 Children’s Spring Concert

22 Wendy’s Fundraiser

29 Palm Sunday


1 Communion-am

6 GEM Girls overnighter

7 Rifle Shoot Teen Guys

8 Donut Sunday

21 Souled Out Event

22 Wendy’s Fundraiser

28 Shape-n-Race Weekend

See the Community

Board, located across

from the gym, for more

local events.


2-4 CrossRoads/Barakel Retreat

4 Communion-am

7 Youth Groups resume

11 Donut Sunday

25 Quarterly Business Meeting

Wendy’s Fundraiser

30 BIA/Boys In Action

Winter Camp-In

30-Feb 1 Souled Out/Barakel


Bethany has mailboxes for our church family located in

the lobby near the front doors. This is a great way to

give birthday & holiday cards. The names above that are

color coded don’t have a mailbox so will need to be

mailed. Make sure you check your mailbox weekly. If

you are a regular attender and would like a mailbox,

please fill out a church directory information form.

Color Code

Missionary Child of Missionary

Shut-In or Nursing Home Military

3 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014


Missions News Pastor Saeed update

We at Bethany Baptist Church have been praying for

Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American citizen, who has been

held in an Iranian prison for his faith in Christ. He has

served nearly two years of an eight-year sentence. Pastor

Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh, and her two children, Rebecca

and Jacob, live in Idaho. Recently, three Bethany

members were privileged to hear Naghmeh speak of her

husband and his ordeal.

Pastor Saeed had been moved to the worst prison in

the country. This prison is for murderers and rapists. The

reason for the move was that he was leading many

prisoners and others to the Lord. Authorities were sure he

would not be able to win anyone to Christ in that awful

prison, but God intervened. Some prisoners began to

dream about Jesus; then they would come to Pastor

Saeed and ask questions. So even there men are being

saved. Please continue to pray for Pastor Saeed and others

of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are imprisoned

around the world, and their families. Normally, when a

pastor is arrested the authorities try to convert his wife

and children to Islam. The children are told that their

parents did not love them enough to keep them. Then the

children are taught Islam. Imagine a pastor serving his

time, coming out of prison only to find that his family is

now Muslim. Submitted by Carol Meinhardt

The goals of Bethany’s Missions Committee...to equip

and enable members and friends of Bethany to be

personally involved in obeying the Great Commission...to

provide a support system for our missions families who

are following the Lord in reaching out into the world.

If you would like to join the Missions Committee or know more about

missions, please see one of Bethany’s missions members.

They would be glad to give you more information. Missions Members—Ele Bittner, Henrietta Braxton, Randy Hoover, Sue Kassin,

Dave & Jo Kuhnle, Sheryl MacPhee, Carol Meinhardt, Sharon Samson,

John & Darlene Sexton, Harold Warntz, Calvin Wolf

Spotlight on Missionaries PHIL & JULIE PARSHALL

have served in

Bangladesh and the

Philippines. Now retired

and living in Sebring,

Florida they continue to

work with Bengali

Muslims. They are saddened when they see Muslim

converts suffer for their faith.


started two different churches in the

Netherlands over the last 46 years.

They look forward to retirement in

2015, and are praying for people to

take over their present

responsibilities. Some of their

favorite games include Boggle and


SHARON SAMSON has served in

both Liberia and Ethiopia in Africa.

Currently she is retired and serves

here at Bethany. Sharon has written

a nine-year Bible Curriculum, which

is ‘Easy to Teach and Fun to Learn.’

She enjoys table games and jigsaw

puzzles. Ask her about Huggems.

JOSHUA JAVERY has just completed Polish language

school, and moved to Opole in

southern Poland. There he joins a

church planting team. Previously he

taught English and worked with young

people in Poland. Joshua finds

missionary work very exciting.

4 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014


Ladies Auction benefits the Children’s

Worship Center

The recent Ladies

Auction raised $2,456 to

benefit phase 1. Thank

You…to all that

contributed their time, talents & finances. This

completes Phase 1 renovations on the Children’s

Worship Center.

There is always room for improvement stay tuned

for the next Phase of lower level renovations.

Fall Festival Need

The fall festival was a great

success thanks to you. As this is

a successful outreach we plan to

continue next year. We are

asking for you, over the next

couple months, to donate clean,

used, and empty, gallon size ice

cream tubs. They are used during the

event to sort & store the candy for all

the youngsters. After you enjoy the

ice cream, you can drop them off at

the Welcome Center or give to Barb Shovan.

CrossRoads—Winter Retreat January 2-4, 2015

The Winter Retreat will be a great

weekend of fun and fellowship in the

snow! This is a time to refresh and reconnect. The

Cost is $75 for full-time college students, $95 if

you are not; $50 of your fee should be sent in with

your registration form. The balance is due on your


Transportation is provided to

and from Bethany.

Register online@

www.campbarakel.org or

complete the registration slip

and return it along with a $50

deposit directly to Camp

Barakel. See Christopher

Reynolds with any questions.

BIA / Boys in Action January 30-31

Boys 1st thru 6th grades will have a

sleepover and enjoy watching the

Plymouth Whaler Hockey Game. Make sure you

sign up for this night for sports & fun. See Dave

White for more info.

Christmas Luncheon PrimeTimers & Single Seniors

December 10th

The Single Seniors &

PrimeTimers will have a

Christmas Luncheon at the

Barrister House. It is located at

21801 Harper Ave in St Clair Shores.

Wear your favorite Christmas sweater,

sweatshirt, or socks. Sign up at the Welcome

Center for a wonderful afternoon of great food and

special entertainment. You’ll enjoy “Howie the

Great,” who takes magic to a new level and

hear some special music. There will also be

a guest appearance by “The Right

Reverend” Bishop Sad Sam Jones, Pastor of

the New Greater Charlotte of Whatever’s

Happening in Calhoun, GA. See Sheryl for

your ticket; the cost is $16.50 and the

deadline for this is December 3rd.

There is no PrimeTimers event scheduled for

January 2015.

PrimeTimers Corner PrimeTimers—for individuals and couples 50 and

above. Committed to enjoying life together.


Trip to


May 18th -22nd

Bethany PrimeTimers Presents the Pigeon Forge and

Smoky Mountains Show Trip with Diamond Tours

Inc. This 5 days, 4 nights trip includes: 4 nights

lodging, 8 meals, 6 shows, and a guided tour of the

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, all for $420.

A deposit of $75 is due by Jan 19th.

See Sheryl MacPhee for more information.

5 Bethany Newsletter DECEMBER 2014



Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

12 pm PrimeTimers

& Single Seniors Luncheon

9:00am– Donut Sunday 9:45am - Connection

Groups 11am - Christmas

Concert 6pm - Evening Service 6pm - CrossRoads

9:45am - Connection Groups 11am - Worship Service

w/ Communion Kidz Konnection

4pm – CE Meeting 6pm - Evening Service 6pm - CrossRoads

7pm Celebrate Recovery;

Deacons Meeting

7pm Celebrate Recovery; Missions Committee


7pm Celebrate Recovery;

Youth Committee Meeting

7pm Celebrate Recovery;

Trustee Meeting

9:45am - Connection Groups;

11am - Worship Service Kidz Konnection 12-3pm - Wendy’s Fundraiser 6pm - Evening Service 6pm - CrossRoads

9:45am - Connection Groups

11am - Worship Service Kidz Konnection

6pm - Music Night 7pm - Gladys Buck’s Retirement Party





7pm Bible Study & Prayer;

Boys In Action; GEMS Girls;

Souled Out Teens; Women’s Study Group

7pm Bible Study & Prayer; Youth Groups Holiday Celebration; Women’s

Study Group

7pm Choir Practice


Quilting Time


Quilting Time

8am Men’s Bible Study

9am Rifle Shoot

for Teen Guys

8am Men’s Bible Study

8am Men’s Bible Study

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,

because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

7pm Choir Practice

6pm Christmas Eve

Service Happy

Birthday Jesus!

6pm Souled Out All-Nighter


Ladies Bible Study

& Potluck Luncheon


Quilting Time


Ladies Bible Study


Quilting Time


Ladies Bible Study


Quilting Time

11:30am Men’s Luncheon

7pm Bible Study & Prayer;

Boys In Action; GEMS Girls;

Souled Out Teens; Women’s Study Group
