Volume IIID Env. Man. Plan for Proposed Drainage and ... · Ministry of Foreign Affairs -Danida 0...


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Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Danida 0

Socialist Republic of Vietnam .


E-256VOL. 6

Halong City Water Supply andSanitation Project

Sanitation Feasibility -Study Volume IIID

Env. Man. Plan for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System December 1998REVISED



In associaton with Soil and Water, Danwaste, -

Danish Water Suppy and Vietname-e con.'tantsVWASE and HADECON




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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME" IIID EMP for Proposed Drainage anid Sewerage System






1. INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT . . .............................1

1.1 Introduction ......................................... . I1.2'Objectives of the Project .......................................... l1.3 Project Description .......................................... 21.4 Environmental Setting .......................................... 5

1.4.1 General ....................................................................................................... 5 ........... 51.4.2 Ha Long Bay Water and Sediment Quality ........................ 6............. .61.4.3 Present Sanitation Situation .8


2.1 General ... 92.2 Environmental Law and Decree.. 92.3 Environmental Standards and Regulations ............................................. 102.4 World Bank Guidelines on EMP ............................................. 10

3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ...................................................... . 12

3.1 General ............................................... 23.2 Imrpacts of Channel Rehabilitation and Sewer Construction . ......................................... 123.3 Impacts of Wastewater Treatment on Ha Long Bay ............................................. 133.4 Impacts of Septage Treatment .. 17


4.1 General .. 304.2 Mitigation Measures during Design Phase .. 31

4.2.1 General ................................. ' 314.2.2 Overflow Devices and Interceptor Sewers .32

4.3 Mitigation Measures during Rehabilitation and Construction Works . .324.3.1 General ........ 324.3.2 Noise, Odour, Litter and Dust .334.3.3 Health and Safety .334.3.4 Traffic and Transportation Arrangements .354.3.5 Working Time and Site Arrangements ................................. 364.3.6 Public Relations .37

4.4 Mitigation Measures during Operation .. 374.5 Summary of Mitigation Measures .. 38

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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME IIID EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System ii

E. INSTITUTIONAL SET-UP ..................................................... 39

5.1 Implementation Arrangements for the Project ............................................ 395.2 Present Situation of Urban Environmental Companies .......................................... 405.3 Strengtheniing of the Sanitation Management System .......................................... 415.4 Training ....... .......................................................................................................... 42


7. MONITORING PROGRAMMES ................................................................... 46

7.1 Monitoring System ......................................................... 467.2 Present Monitoring and Investigations ......................................................... 467.3 Monitoring during Construction Works ......................................................... 467.4 Monitoring during Operations ......................................................... 47


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Table 1.1 Project components and performance indicatorsTable 1.2 Variation of hydroclhemical and water quality parameters in 24 hour

station at Ha Long Bay in January 1997Table 1.3 Variation of heavy metal concentrations in water and sediment at Ila

Long Bay in January 1997Table 3.1 Estimated major pollution loads without and with treatment in Bai Chay

and Hon GaiTable 3.2 Sewerage quantity to be treatedTable 3.3 Drainage rehabilitation and construction, planning and detailed design

phaseTable 3.4 Sewerage system, planning and detailed design phaseTable 3.5 WWTP, planning and detailed design phaseTable 3.6 Septage collection and treatment, planning and detailed design phaseTable 3.7 Drainage rehabilitation and construction, construction phaseTable 3.8 Sewerage system, construction phaseTable 3.9 WWTP, construction phaseTable 3.10 Septage collection and treatment, construction phaseTable 3.11 Drainage rehabilitation and construction, operation phaseTable 3.12 Sewerage system, operation and maintenance phaseTable 3.13 WWTP, operation and maintenance phaseTable3.14 Septage collection and treatment, operation and maintenanceTable 4.1 Summary of general mitigation measuresTable 7.1 Proposed monitoring of wastewater treatment process and septage

treatmentTable 8.1 Project cost estimate in December 1998Table 8.2 Estimated project costs of drainage and sewerage component in

December 1998Table 8.3 Estimated monitoring costs in December 1998


Figure 1/1 Project Area, Location of the Main Components of the project, WorldHeritage Area and Location of the Most Important Activities in the Area


Annex 1 Implementation Schedule


Drawing 1 Proposed Sewerage System in Bai ChayDrawing 2 Proposed Drainage System in Hon GaiDrawing 3 Proposed combined Drainage System in Cam Pha

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OrganisationsCBI Carl Bro InternationalCPESC Cam Pha Environmental Sanitation CompanyDanida Danish International Development AgencyDOSTE Department of Science Technology and EnvironmentFINNIDA Finnish International Development AgencyHADECON Hanoi Design ConsultantsHCESC Halong City Environmental Sanitation CompanyJICA Japan International Cooperation AgencyPC People's CommitteePPC Provincial People's CommitteeMPC Municipal People's CommitteeMOC Ministry of ConstructionMOSTE Ministry of Science, Technology and EnvironmentSIDA Swedish International Development AgencyQNWSC Quang Ninh Water Supply CompanyIJNDP United Nations Development ProgramVIWASE Vietnam Water Supply, Environment and Sanitation Consulting


OtherBOD Biological Oxygen DemandDO Dissolved OxygenEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentEMP Environmental Management PlanHRD Human Resource DevelopmentO&M Operation and MaintenancePIP Project Implementation PlanRAP Resettlement Action PlanVND Vietnamese DongTSS Total Suspended SolidsUSD American DollarWWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME IIID EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System


Termi(s) Definitioni.Wastewater The spent or used water of a community or industry, which contains

dissolved and suspended matter.Sewage Wastewater from households containing human faeces, soap and other

matter.Drainage Precipitation, normally from rain running off the surface of an area. In urbanStonrm water areas it contains organic and non-organic material - especially during the firstSurface run-off 10-20 minutes of a rainfall.

Drainage can also be from groundwater, and then it is almost clean water.Natural strearn A surface run-off route as found in natureChannel Routing of water in a man-made conduit, normally with a rectangular or a

.trapezoidal cross-section, either lined or unlined. In urban areas it often has aconcrete cover.

Pipe system Wastewater -system using pipes, normally placed below ground, as conduitsand transporting the fluids by gravity and/or pumping

Combined sewer A sewer system intended to receive both sewage and drainageMain sewer In larger systems, the principal sewer to which branch sewer and sub-mainsTrunk sewer are tributaryIntercepting A sewer that receives dry-weather flow from a number of transverse sewersseweer or outlets and frequently an additional predetermined quantities of stormCollector sewer water, and conducts such waters to a point for treatment and disposalOverflow device Concrete chamber with an overflow wall guiding small flows away from theOverflow stream outlet and into a piped system for pumping or gravity flow to thechamber intercepting sewer. During storm water the rain mixed with wastewater flows

directly to the sea.Outfill 1) The point, location or structure where wastewater discharges from a sewer,

drain or other conduit.2) The conduit leading to the ultimate disposal area

New Establish a channel/pipe system in a new alignment.constructionReliabilitation I)Repairs and replacement of elements in an existinu channel or pipe system.

2) Establish a new channel (lined) in the same alignment as the (old) unlinedstream or tlrough a partly filled pond.

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Halong Water Supply and Sanitation Project is part of the World Bank financedwater supply and sanitation project in Vietnam which covers the three cities ofHanoi, Haiphong and Danang and in Quang Ninh province Halong City and CamPha town. The Danish international Development Agency (DANIDA) hadprovided a bilateral grant for project preparation for the Quang Ninh component.This includes the first phase prefeasibility studies to define a priority investmentproject to upgrade water supply, drainage, sewerage and solid waste services.

Objectives and Description of the Project

The objectives of the project, which cover Halong City (Bai Chay and Hon Gai)and Cam Pha are to:- improve environmental conditions in the urban areas- help preserve the unique natural environment of Ha Long Bay that has been

designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO- encourage economic growth- reduce flooding- promote self-financing (user pays) of sanitation services- development of the Environmental Sanitation Companies as efficient customer-

oriented organisations

The project will be implemented through the following components:- Solid waste management- Sewerage- Drainage- Credit Facility /Revolving Fund- Institutional Strengthening I Technical Assistance

The proposed sewerage and drainage component includes mneasures forrehabilitation and extension of the drainage system; installation of new collectorsewers; limited installation of new separate sewers in the centre of Bai Chay;wastewater treatment, septage treatment in Kenh Dong in Bai Chay; theconstruction of septage treatment facilities in Deo Sen in Hon Gai and in Cam Pha;and improvement of on-site sanitation facilities in Hon Gai and Cam Pha throughthe provision of revolving fund for septic tank construction.

This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared during theCompletion of Feasibility Study phase in November and revised in December1998. It follows the World Bank Operational Directive OD 4.01 Annex C.

Impacts of the Project

The proposed project will mainly affect the aquatic and human environment, and toa lesser extent, the atmospheric and terrestrial environment. The atmospheric andterrestrial impacts are mainly temporary during rehabilitation and construction

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works and therefore of short duration. The biggest impacts are temporary increaseof traffic, noise and dust.

The overall impacts of thie proposed project are positive and will be an importantstep in improving sanitation in Quang Ninh province. This is the first sanitationproject aimed at rehabilitation and extension of the existing drainage channelsystem. In addition a new interceptor sewer system and wastewater treatment plantwill be constructed in the main tourist area of Bai Chay and new septage treatmentfacilities will be built in Bai Chay, Hon Gai and Cam Pha.

Improvement of the drainage channel capacity will prevent flooding in low-lyingareas. Wastewater and septage collection and treatment will improve considerablythe living conditions in the project area. The health situation will be improvedwhen risks from water related diseases are reduced due to improved sanitation.

Wastewater treatment will reduce the direct pollution load to Ha Long Bay fromthe human population, which is considered the biggest pollution source in theproject area. Reduced pollution will improve the water quality and aquatic lifeespecially near the shoreline of Bai Chay. In waste stabilisation pond system theremoval of sludge from anaerobic ponds has to .be done according to theinstructions to minimise the foul odour from sludge.

Financing of septic tank construction from revolving funds will improve sanitaryconditions at the household level and reduce the pollution load discharged todrainage system and eventually to the sea.

Mitigation Measures

Mitigation measures are given separately for design, construction and operationphases. A summary of the mitigation measures is presented on the following table:

Phase Main mitigation measures Responsibleorganisation

Design - Design works have to be done according to the Vietnamese and Designinternational design standard and criteria Consultant

- Works have to be designed to be implemented during dry season- Local conditions have to be considered in the design of channel

rehabilitation- Wastewater discharge has to be diverted from tourist areas- In Bai Chay dry weather sewege flow is to be diverted to the

interceptor sewer using overflow structures in the channels- Spare pumps have to be specified and reverse system designed

for each pumping station, there has to be enough storagecapacity in sewer network

- De-watering and land reclamation of treatment sites has to bedesigned according to applicable standards and regulations

- Waste stabilisation ponds and other structures have to bedesigned to avoid leakage, land slides, soil subsidence andcontamination of groundwater or seawater

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Constmiction - Minimise dust, odour, litter and traffic emissions by good Contractoroperation, management and site supervision

- Appropriate working metlhods hlave to be followed- Sites have to be kept clean and safe during and after the work- Safety and health regulations have to be strictly followed- Protective clothing and operational training for workers is

essential- Transportation has to be minimised and routes selected to avoid

public nuisance and traffic congestion- Transportationi during rush lhours has to be avoided- Construction sites and times have to be informed to the local

people in advanceO&M - Appropriate training for use of equipment and for regular ESCs

operation has to be arranged- Appropriate working methods have to be followed- Minimise dust, odour, litter, noise and traffic emissions and

congestion durinig septic desludging by good operationmanagement and site supervision

- Well maintained equipment to transport septic sludge must beused to avoid accidental spills and odour nuisance

- Operational guidelines for pumping stations, WWTP andseptage treatment nmust be strictly followed

- Protective clothing for workers is essential

Implementationi Arrangements and Schedule

Day-to-day management of the project will. be delegated to a Project ManagementUnit (PMU). The PMU will report to the director of HCESC.

The procurement process has been scheduled to commence in January 1999, andshould be completed by the award of contracts in mid 2000. Completion ofconstruction is scheduled for the end of April 2004 which allows for a 44 monthconstruction period for the longest contract. The bidding process will be phased sothat the bid evaluations do not occur at the same time. The consultants for the TAcomponent should be mobilised by the end of 2000 prior to the startup ofconstruction. Consultancy inputs will continue also up until the end of April 2004.

Construction works will be tendered in three ICB packages and procurement ofvehicles and equipment in two ICB packages. Procurement of works and goodswould follow World Bank guidelines and consulting services will be recruitedaccording to Danish regulations.


The monitoring is mainly based on the Environmental Standards of Vietnam. Theproposed monitoring programme is preliminary and will be clarified during theimplementation of the project. The sampling and laboratory analysing of water andsludge has to be carried out by an experienced and authorised laboratory hired byHCESC. Daily on-site analysing will be carried out by the staff of HCESC.

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Type of Monitorinig / Frequency Parameters to beanalysedNumber of SamplesWastewater treatment On-site:Ponds Daily Dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature

On-site:I raw wastewater 1 / month (15t year) Dissolved oxygen, pH, temperatureI treated wastewater 4 / year (next years) Laboratory:I discharge point BODS, COD, total phosphorus, total

nitrogen, total suspended solids,faecal coliform

Septaue treatment Laboratory:I raw septage 2 / year Moisture, volatile solids, total solids,I treated septage total nitrogen, total phosphorus,

ammonium, sulphate,As, Cd, total Cr, Cr6+, Pb, Hg, Ni,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z n

Cost Estimates

The total value of the proposed investment is 37.25 million USD. The total basecost is 28.95 million USD. The estimated total cost for drainage and seweragecomponent, including 50 % from technical assistance, is 16.51 million USD ofwhich estimated mitigation cost is roughly 36 %. All the cost estimations areaccording to the situation in December 1998.

Environmental related training is given through Technical Assistance, which totalbudget is 5.27 million USD, of which 50 % is estimated to be allocated fordrainage and sewerage component. For environmental related training andcommunity participation has been proposed to be allocated roughly 13 % of TAbudget.

Estimated monitoring costs are as follows:

Activity Cost USD PayerWastewater process 3,000 i" year HCESC (O&M)monitoring 1,000 / 2 nd and 3t yearsSeptic sludge 1,000 / year during three years HCESC (O&M).treatment monitoring .

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1.1 liitrodtictioii

Halong Water Supply and Sanitation Project is part of the World Bank financedwater supply and sanitation project in Vietnam which covers the three cities ofHanoi, Haiphong and Danang and in Quang Ninh province Halong City and CamPha town.

The present contract was signed by DANIDA with the Danish consultant KampsaxInternational in association with Soil and Water Ltd (Finland), Danish Waste,Danish Water supply and Vietnamese consulting firms VIWASE and HADECON.The consultant services cover detailed design and construction supervision of thewater supply component as well as completion of Sanitation Feasibility Studyincluding the following reports:

- Volume I Main Report;- Volume IA Main Report Annexes;- Volume II Institutional Development, BRD and Community Involvement;- Volume IIIA Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Landfills;- Volume IIIB Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Drainage and

Sewerage System;- Volume IIIC Environmental Management Plan for Proposed Landfills;- Volume IIID Environmental Management Plan for Proposed Drainage and

Sewerage System;- Volume IHE Environmental Impact Assessment Summary- Volume IV Project Implementation Plan;- Volume V Resettlement Action Plan.

Supporting reports prepared for the environmental studies include; A BiologicalStudy for an EIA for three Landfills and three Wastewater Treatment Plant Sites inHalong; and Data of Socio-economic Survey and Summary of Results ofHousehold Survey in the Surroundings of the proposed Yet Kieu - Bai Chay -Hung Thang Wastewater Treatment Plant Sites.

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared during thecompletion of feasibility study phase of the project and is based on the conditionsin November 1998. The report is revised in December 1998. The EMP follows theWorld Bank Operational Directive OD 4.01 Annex C.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of the project, which cover Halong City (Bai Chay and Hon Gai)and Cam Pha are to:- improve environmental conditions in the urban areas- help preserve the unique natural environment of Ha Long Bay that has been

designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO- encourage economic growth

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- reduce flooding- promote self-financing (user pays) of sanitation services- development of the Environmental Sanitation Companies as efficient customer-

oriented organisations

1.3 Project Description

The proposed sanitation project includes measures for rehabilitation (39.3 km) andextension (22.9 km) of drainage system; installation of new collector sewers (9.9km); limited installation of new separate sewers in the centre of Bai Cliay,wastewater treatment, septage treatment in Kenh Dong in Bai Chay, theconstruction of septage treatment facilities in Deo Sen in Hon Gai and Cam Pha;and improvement of on-site sanitation facilities in Hon Gai and Cam Pha througlthe proyision of revolving fund for septic tanks.

The project area, the main components and location of the most important activitiesare presented in Figure 1/1 and Drawings BC-3, HG-3 and CP-4.

The sewerage system function and main elements are as follows:1. Wastewater discharged from septic tanks and other sources are conveyed

towards the sea in channels. In Bai Chay the dry weather flow will be divertedby an overflow structure before reaching the sea.

2. In Bai Chay an interceptor sewer will collect wastewater from the overflowstructures. It is carried via gravity and pumping to a wastewater treatment plant.During storm water conditions the storm water and wastewater will overflow todischarge in the sea

Main types of project elements and work are:Drainage Channels.

New Construction Rehabilitation- Unlined channel - Cleaning of silt, trash and dcbris from channel- Lined channel - Removal of trees and bushes in and near channel- Lined channel with cover - repairs to channel wall- inlets (into the channel) - repairs to channel bottom- Channel intersection/junction - install channel cover- Culverts (under road and - culvert inlet and outlet

railway) - culvert conduit- sea outlet - inlet pipes- (tidal) gate - channel intersections/junctions- Associated road, footpath, stairs - sea outlet

paved areas, walls and fence. - (tidal) gate- Associated building and - associated road, footpath, stairs etc.

structure - paved areas, walls and fence.- Re-establish severed utility - associated building and structure

installations - re-establish severed utility installations

Sewerage System (piped)

Main types of project elements and are (all new construction):- gravity pipe with manholes- pressure pipe

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- overflow device (connecting to channels)- pumping station including power supply

Wastewater treatmenlt planIt (an(d sltidge trcatiliclut plant)Main types of project elements are (all new construction):- Reclamation works- Coastal protection- Earthworks- Internal drainage- Inflow pipe- Basin / tank- Inter basin/tank connections with valves, gates and pumps- Sludge drying beds- Buildings, incl. laboratory and chemical storage- Water supply; electricity and other installations- Access roads and paved areas- Fences and gates- Bushes and vegetation internally and at perimeter fence

The rehabilitation and extension of the drainage system and location of wastewatertreatment plants including needed construction of new sewers has been selected inco-operation with the local authorities. The selection has been done based on theapproved master plan and the spatial development of the area.

Table 1.1 Project components and performance indicatorsComponents Performance Indicators Means of VerificationDrainage Number of days in which flooding Establish "before project" and

occurs in specified locations measure "after project"occurences

Sanitation Reduction of pollution in water Measure faecal coliformsadjacent to Bai Chay tourist beachesWastewater discharged from Bai Measure BOD, SS and faecalChay WWTP in compliance with coliformsdesignAdditional households have septic Agree targets beforetanks negotiationsSeptic tanks are emptied at least Volume of septage delivered toevery three years, sludge transported the septage treatment facilitiesto safe disposal site

Solid Waste Solid waste collection service Weight of solid waste deliveredexpanded and improved and solid to sanitary landfillswaste is safely disposedLandfill sites are well maintained and Surface and groundwatercreate no environmental damage monitoring

TA Human resource development Annual training programs andnumbers of staff achievingindependently certifiedqualifications

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Figure 1/1 Project Area, Location of the Main Components of the Project, WorldHeritage Area and Location of the Most Important Activities in the Area

Luong Ky Reservoir

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HALONG CITY WATER SUpPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME IIID EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System s

1.4 jniivironiinieiital Setting

1.4.1 General

The environmentally sensitive subjects in the project area are: coal minlingactivities in Cam Pha; sewerage and drainage discharge area inito Halong Bay;shipping, and raw water sources.

The coal mining activities in Cam Pha have a significant impact on theenvironmental. The open-pit mining produces coal dust and tailings. These aregenerally tipped over the mountain cliffs, which are facing the township. There isno buffer zone between the mining site and the township and the coal dust iscarried by rainwater down towards the town. The coal dust settles over a wide areaand blocks the drains and channels. Coal dust and coal particles contaminate in-shore and offshore waters and bottom sediments thus damaging shoreline terrestrialand aquatic habitats, especially the coral reefs. Large quantities of sulphur dioxideare released into the air and water body causing acidification. Coal mining is alsocausing deforestation and land destruction, thus increasing erosion, surface runoffand lowering of the groundwater level. After mining activities are completed largebarren areas are created with no soil cover and the natural scenic beauty isdestroyed. Coal dust and inadequate mine safety increase the health hazards.

The provincial administration is conscious of the negative environmental impact ofthe coal industry and it's conflict with the tourist development. Processing andshipment of coal will be moved from Halong City to Cam Pha, and the harbourpresently used for coal shipment will be changed to cater for passenger ships. It hasbeen decided to encourage only underground mining in the Hon Gai area in orderto minimise the dust problems.

Discharge of untreated wastewater and solid waste into the channels, naturalstreams and into the sea causes deterioration of the bay water quality and affectsfishing and tourism activities. Deterioration of the bay water quality poses a healthrisk both for bathers and seafood consumers.

Sea traffic and harbour activities increase the risk of marine pollution. At presentthere is no bilge water collection system, and in spite of existing regulations allvessels just throw the garbage and bilge water into the sea causing seriouspollution. The harbour areas are very dirty and there is often a visible oil film inthe water.

The amount of surface water is limited in the project area. Reservoirs used as raw.water sources are located quite far from city centres and other pollution sourcessuch as the coal mines in Cam Pha. Surface run-off and uncontrolled wastewaterdischarges can easily pollute the shallow wells in the upper aquifer.

There are several large and small rivers discharging to Halong Bay and TonkinGulf bringing large amounts of suspended solids from upstream areas. Non-pointsource pollution is an important contributor to pollution loads in this area.

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1.4.2 hla Long Bay Water anid Sedinieiit Quality

Ha Long Bay is characterised by over 3,000 limestone outcrops and islands alongthe coastline for over 100 km from Quang Ninh to the Northern border of China.The bay is relatively shallow, the depth is only 1-1.5 m adjacent to the coastlineand 4-5 m on average. However, there are narrow deep depressions up to 20 m onthe sea bed, which allow large coal ships to approach the coastline near HalongCity and Cam Pha. The sea adjacent to Ha Long Bay has strong currents, but due tothe numerous outcrops and islands, the flow in the bay reduces to an averagecurrent of 0.1 m/s.

The Haiphong Institute of Oceanography (HIO) has carried out water qualitystudies in Ha Long Bay. The study included hydrographic and chemicalmeasurements at 12 sampling points in 1994. The Institute for Hydro-Metereologyhas also collected data on Ha Long Bay during 1990-1994. There have also beensome other limited scientific studies done by HIO e.g. collection of studies 1991 -93. Effective monitoring is lacking and sampling has been scattered andinfrequent.

Ha Long Bay Environmental Pollution study included different types of waterquality studies from several points. HIO has analysed oil, indicator bacteria,transparency, concentration of coal fragments in the bottom, hydrochemical andwater quality parameters during 5-days measurement time (Table 1.2), and heavymetals in water and sediment (Table 1.3) from 4-16 sampling points in January1997. In July 1997 samples have been taken from 33 sampling points.

Table 1.2 Variation in hydrochemical and water quality parameters in 24hour stations at Ha Long Bay in January 1997 (According to HaLonig Bay Pollution Study 1997)

Parameter TCVN 5943-1995 Surface BottomCoastal water quality

SwimmingAir T °C 13.1 - 19.5WaterT"C 17.0 - 19.3 17.4 - 19.6Salinity (504o) 31.0 - 34.0 31.0 - 34.0PH 6.5-8.5 7.96 - 8.18 7.92 - 8.17Turbidity (FTU) 1 - 23 1 - 26Suspended matterimg/l 81.40- 147.05 87.20 - 174.75DO mg/I > 4 6.25 - 8.16 6.65 - 8.21COD mg/l 2.54 - 3.50 1.79 - 3.85BOD5 mg/l <20 0.38 - 1.29 0.39 - 1.63N02- mgN/I 0.002 - 0.070 0.002 - 0.12SiO3-2 ~LgSi/l 572 -2900 643 -2952P-total mg/l 0.01 - 0.36 0.01 - 0.26SOQ2 mg/l 570- 1300 580 - 1100

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Tablc 1.3 Variation of lheavy metal concentrations in wate aniid se(inmenit atIla Lonig Bay int Januar-y 1997 (Accor-ding to Ila Lonig BayPollutiont Study 1997)

Parameter TCVN 5943-1995 Water SedimentCoastal water


Zn12+ mg/l 0.1 0.0035 - 0.0156 0.00006 - 0.020Cd2 mg/l 0.005 0.0002 - 0.0011 < 0.000002Pb2+ mg/l 0.1 0.0061 - 0.0202 0.00007 - 0.026Cu2 + mg/l 0.02 0.0032 - 0.0204 0.00006 - 0.0020Hg2+mg/l 0.005 < 0.0002 < 0.000002

According to the bay water analysis, the water quality mainly fulfils theVietnamese parameter limits for coastal waters (TCVN 5943 - 1995), except for thehigh value of suspended solids. The values of heavy metals like cadmium andcopper show an increase towards to the upper parameter limits.

According to computerised data on seawater quality provided by Ha Long BaiEnvironmental Pollution Study the strong impact of rivers can be seen in thleconcentrations of suspended solids. The impact of wastewater is the strongest inCua Luc estuary and on the shoreline of Hon Gai, where the concentrations ofBOD and indicator bacteria are the highest. Concentration of oil is the highest inareas where the ships load their cargoes indicating discharging of bilge water.

The latest studies have been done in July - August 1998 for the EnvironmentalManagement Plan for Ha Long Bay funded by JICA. Haiphong Institute ofOceanology carried out the field surveys and analysing.

The study consists of- hydrological surveys at three stations,- water quality surveys including 30 sampling points at sea, 15 sampling points

on rivers, 20 sampling points from industry and 14 sampling points fromdomestic wastewater

- bottom sediment survey from 13 sampling points,- dust survey from 5 sampling points- biological indictor survey including terrestrial vegetation, mangrove, plankton,

zoobenthos, marine fish, algae, seagrass and coral

The reporting of the study has not been finalised yet and no data in figures isavailable. However, according to the preliminary results the impact of coal-minesis considerable both on both water and sediment quality. During the sampling, thedischarge of industrial and domestic wastewater was small. The samples weretaken from drainage channels, where there was also a lot of solid waste.

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1.4.3 Present Sanitatioin Situation

The overall development of the cities and household facilities has been very rapidduring the last decade. The urban water supply has improved and increased theamount of the water which people have available for their daily life. This alsoincreases the amount of wastewater and sullage, but the improvements to thesanitation system have been neglected.

Throughout the project area all wastewater is at present discharged through thedrainage channels to the sea. The existing system was constructed about 50 yeamsago as a drainage system, but later wastewater was discharged to the same system.Many of the drainage channels are now in poor condition because maintenance hasbeen neglected or is inefficient. In Bai Chay and Hon Gai drainage channels areblocked with solid waste and soil. In Cam Pha coal fines from the coal miningareas increase the problem.

All wastewater is now discharged to the sea creating a pollution load on the coastalwaters or else infiltrates the underlying aquifers. The upper aquifer can thus easilybecome polluted and residents inadvertently contaminate their own and theirneighbour's wells. No drainage fields exist at present.

Most wastewater is domestic wastewater, and the amount of industrial wastewateris limited. In accordance with the master plan, new industrial areas are to beconstructed with their own wastewater collection and treatment systems.

New houses are constructed with septic tanks under the ground floor, but overallthe percentage of houses with septic tanks is very small. Very few of the existingseptic tanks are being emptied regularly. The majority of houses still have doublevault latrines with buckets which are traditionally used to fertilise crops butnowadays are also emptied straight to the drainage channels. This can potentiallypose a serious health risk.

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2.1 General

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is the top decision-makingbody with overall responsibility within the environmental sector. MOSTE's mainrole is to assist the Government with the strategies and policy-planning issuesrelated to science, technology and environment. Besides the Ministry, there areseveral other agencies involved in the management and protection of theenvironment.

Within the Ministry, the National Environmental Agency (NEA) is theenvironmental arm, whose main task is to act as co-ordinating body for otherMinistries with environmental responsibilities. It is also charged with developinglegislation and regulations, programme, control and monitoring systems to enforcethe protection of the environment throughout the country.

Depending on the local People's Committee, the local environmental authoritieshave an important role in environmental management and enforcement ofregulations.

2.2 Environmental Law and Decree

In Vietnam, the basic national environmental policy is based on the Law onOrganisation of the Government (September 30, 1992), the Law on EnvironmentalProtection (December, 27, 1993) and the Decree No. 175-CP (October 18, 1994).Draft guidelines for preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments werepresented in a workshop in September 1998.

In the Law, there are articles designed to prevent environmental pollution ingeneral, and also articles concerning wastewater management. The GovernmentDecree provides the guidance for implementation of the law on environmentalprotection.

The Environmental Law and Decree describes the EIA procedure, but does notspecifically mention a separate Environmental Management Plan. Appendix 1.2 is"The Contents for a Detailed Environment Impact Assessment Report". Mitigationmeasures to limit negative impacts of the project on the environment are listed asfollows:- Present in a detailed manner the technical measures, technology, and

management for overcoming the negative impact on the environment of theproject

- Compare the resulting benefits with the costs for each alternative of the project.

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is the responsible authorityof the approval of Environmental Impact Assessments.

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2.3 Eiivi-oniiiieiital Standards aiid Regulations

The Government shall stipulate the nomenclature of environmental standards anddelegate the authority at different levels for promulgating and supervising theimplementation of such standards.

MOSTE has published in 1995 the Vietnamese Environmental Standards, andstandardisation work is in progress. In cases, where the relevant Vietnamesestandard is inadequate, not regulated or inapplicable, project agencies must obtainMOSTE's approval for the use of equivalent standards from the countries that haveprovided the technology and equipment to Vietnam, or apply equivalent standardsfrom a third country. The related standards are listed in this EMP report in Chapter7 - Monitoring.

The standard TCVN 5298-1995 defines the requirements for use of wastewater andsludge for watering and fertilising purposes. According to the requirements in thestandard, the wastewater and sludge should not contain any harmful and toxicmatters and the sludge can only be used for fertilising purposes after treatment oftoxic constituents. The wastewater and sludge should be tested before use under thecontrol of the responsible environmental management authority. In this standardthere are also requirements for the use of wastewater and sludge. However, thereare no required parameters and therefore no maximum allowable concentrations toapply.

The Dutch Soil Cleanup Guidelines (Dutch Ministry of Housing, Physical Planningand Environment, 1995) has been used to assess the septage quality. The referencevalues for use of sludge in agriculture are from the EU upper limit values(Commission of the European Communities, 1997). Since there are no referencevalues for landfill landscaping in the Vietnamese legislation, the FinnishEnvironmental Ministry Guidelines (1998) have been applied as reference valuesfor the use of treated sludge in landscaping purposes.

2.4 World Banjk Guidelines on EMP

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared according to theWorld Bank Operational Directive 4.01 Annex C. According to the World Bank'scategorisation this Project belongs to category A and a full Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) has to be prepared. The Environmental Management Plan hasthen to be integrated with the EIA. The EMP is a legally binding documentregarding how to implement the mitigation measures during design, constructionand operation of the Project.

The submission of satisfactory EIA, EMP and EA Summary reports for the Bank'sreview and clearance is a Bank requirement to enable project appraisal to proceed.

According to the World Bank Operational Directive 4.01 a project's EMP consistsof the set of measures to be taken during implementation and operation toeliminate, offset, or to reduce adverse environmental impacts to acceptable levels

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and the actions needed to implement them. Environmental mitigation plans areessential elements of category A projects.

The EMIP should include the following items:- Identification and summary of all the significant adverse environmental impacts

that are anticipated,- Description and teclhnical details for each mitigation measure, including the

type of impact to which it relates and the conditions under which it is required,- Institutional arrangements and the assignment of each of the various

responsibilities for carrying out the mitigation measures- An implementation schedule for the measures that must be carried out as part of

the project, showing phasing and co-ordination with overall projectimplementation plans,

- Monitoring and reporting procedures- Integration into the total project cost tables of the cost estimates and sources of

funds for both the initial investment and the recurring expenses forimplementing the mitigation plan.

Specific links should exist for (1) funding, (2) management and training and (3)monitoring. The purpose of the first link is to ensure that the proposed actions areadequately financed. The second link helps embed in the overall management plantraining, technical assistance, staffing, and other institutional strengthening neededto implement the mitigatory measures. The third link is necessary to provide acritical path for implementation and to enable the sponsors and the Bank to projectsupervision and as a means for future projects.

These linkages may be part of the conditionality in Loan Agreements or in theMinutes of Negotiations.

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3.1 General

The Environmental Impact Assessment study has analysed and specified bothpositive and negative impacts on the physical, biological and human environmentcaused by the rehabilitation and construction of the drainage and sewer system andconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant. The linkages between potentialenvironmental impacts, management or mitigation measures, net effects andmanagement information or monitoring are made explicit. The background for theestimation of impacts is given in Chapter 1, together with a description of theproject components.

The proposed project will mainly affect the aquatic and human environment, and ina lesser amount the atmospheric and terrestrial environment. The atmospheric andterrestrial impacts. are mainly temporary during rehabilitation and constructionworks and therefore of short duration.

The overall impacts of the proposed project are positive and are an important stepin improving sanitation in Quang Ninh province. Improvement of the drainagechannel capacity will prevent flooding in low-lying areas. Wastewater and septicsludge collection and treatment will improve considerably the living conditions inthe project area. Wastewater treatment will reduce the direct pollution load to HaLong Bay from the human population, which is considered the biggest pollutionsource in the project area. Reduced pollution will improve the water quality andaquatic life especially near the shoreline of Bai Chay. Financing of septic tankconstruction from revolving funds will improve sanitary conditions at thehousehold level and reduce the pollution load discharged to drainage system andeventually to the sea.

A comprehensive summary of environmental impacts, mitigation measures,monitoring and responsibility and their linkages is presented in the tables at the endof this chapter.

3.2 lmpacts of Cliaiiiel Rehabilitationi and Sewer Construction

In Bai Chay there are several channel outlets in the tourist and beach area thatcause a serious health and aesthetic problem. These outlets will be connected to thesewer system, and dry season wastewater will be collected and treated. This willprotect the most sensitive areas from further pollution.

Wastewater flow in open channels will decrease when wastewater is dischargedthrough the new sewer pipes. This will also decrease the discharge of untreatedwastewater to the sea since most of the wastewater is discharged to wastewatertreatment plants.

In Hon Gai in some low-lying areas it is not possible to construct over-low devicesand during the first phase of the project these houses are not connected to sewer

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system. The impact of this wastewater is not big, especially if the houses haveseptic tanks through revolving fiund. Extension of the existing short sea outfallsbelow the low-tide level in Hon Gai, especially in Cua Luc Estuary side, willimprove the water quality on the shallow shoreline.

Rehabilitation of drainage channels will improve the living quality and healthsituation, but at the same time there should be an improvement in solid wastemanagement. Strong public awareness campaigns are needed to give peopleinformation about the importance of their own contribution to the quality of theirliving environment and to make clear the connection between their poor sanitar5ypractices and their frequent illness.

Traffic and noise will increase temporarily due to the transportation of equipmentand excavated material during construction phase. During the removal of excavatedmaterial, which includes a lot of solid waste, there might be increase of bad odour.

In general the foul odour in the vicinity of channels will decrease and the risk ofwater related health problems will decrease due to the improved sanitationsituation.

Breakdowns in wastewater pumping might cause serious environmental risks ifthere are no spare pumps or enough capacity in the system.

A strong O&M component has to be related to the rehabilitation of drainagechannels, or otherwise the positive impacts will be very short lasting.

Detailed impacts of drainage rehabilitation during construction are presented inTable 3.7 and during operation in Table 3.11. Impacts of sewerage systemconstruction are presented during construction phase in Table 3.8 and duringoperation in Table 3.12. r

3.3 lmlpacts of Wastewater Treatment on Ha Long Bay


The general and long-term impacts of wastewater treatment are discussed for bothBai Chay and Hon Gai although there will be a wastewater treatment plant only inBai Chay during the first phase of the project.

In general the positive impact of wastewater treatment is the decrease of thepollution load to the environment and especially to the sea. The waste stabilisationpond system that has been selected can reduce the pollution load by 85 - 95 %. Thiswill improve the health situation and decrease the risk of water related diseases.The decreased pollution load to the sea will also improve the living condition ofaquatic life and therefore improve the fishing catch.

Detailed impacts of wastewater treatment during construction phase are presentedin Table 3.9 and during operation in Table 3.13.

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Impacts According to Water Quality Model

The impact of the proposed wastewater treatment plant on the Bay has beensimulated by the Water Quality Model prepared by the Ha Long BayEnvironmental Pollution Study (February 1998). The final report presents thescenario for year 2000 with and without a wastewater treatment. In that scenariothe WWTP is assumed to be located in the Vuon Dao area but the area of collectionof dry weather sewage is the same.

Dilution capacity is defined as the ability of the receiving water to reduce pollutantconcentration to below the Vietnam national water quality standards or otherappropriate standard.

The dilution capacity depends on:- The type of pollutant,- The location in. the study area (Ha Long Bay and Cua Luc estuary);- The level of treatment applied to the pollutant;- The methods of disposal whether close to shore or through a marine outfall.

The primary pollutants considered here are:1. BOD, biochemical oxygen demand, which affects the dissolved oxygen (DO)

content in the receiving water. DO is mainly related to marine ecosystemhealth and to the ability of the receiving water to oxidise other contaminantse.g. ammonium nitrogen;

2. Coliform bacteria, which is an indicator of safe water conditions for publichealth, both recreation and edible shellfish;

3. TSS, total suspended solids, derived from land-based contaminant discharges,storm water runoff being a large source near the urban areas. The impacts fromsuspended solids are concerned with coral reef health, and aesthetics such aswater clarity. The latter is related mainly to tourist activities and the perceptionequating low visibility with polluted water.

Dilution capacity has been investigated for BOD/DO, TSS and coliform bacteriausing the C2DTD model and with pollution loads from five different scenarios. Theresults were presented visually on a VDU using the Seainfo software (Table 3. 1).

According to the Final Report of the Ha Long Bay Environmental Pollution Studythe key findings from the scenario results are:- DO level is generally not a problem, and BOD is well assimilated now.- Coliform bacteria is a potential problem now and in the future. The benefits

from the proposed treatment option are large and treatment appears effective inreducing coliform levels in the receiving waters near shore. The benefit issignificant for Bai Chay in both the short-term and long-term options.

- TSS from upland runoff dominates conditions in Cua Luc, but may not be themain source of low transparency in Halong Bay.

Several conclusions have been reached based on the model and the scenariosimulations:

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- The water quality model is an effective tool to relate land-based sources ofpollutant loads to the receiving water quality conditions. The hydrodynamic

model is accurate, and the software system has proved to be easy to use.

- The model provides a good understanding of the dilution and flushingprocesses.

- The results show that the dilution capacity of Ha Long Bay is large, whiich is

expected because of its connection with the Gulf of Tonkin. On the other hand,the dilution capacity of Cua Luc estuary (Hon Gai Bay) is limited and isrelated in a large measure to the area of estuary. If the bay is reduced in size by

reclamation, the dilution capacity will be also reduced.

- Pollutant concentrations are the highest close to shore, and decrease rapidly

out from the shore. Concentrations are reduced to below background in HaLong Bay. Generally pollution impacts are confined to within 1-2 km of shore,and problem areas tend to be localised around discharge points. For thisreason, pollution loads can be reduced through treatment and will improvewater quality in the bay.

Table 3.1 Estimated major pollution loads without and with wastewatertreatment in Bai Chay anid Hon Gai (no treatment in lIon Gaiduring the first phase of the project) according to lla Long BayEnvironmental Pollution Study Final Report February 1998

Baseline scenario Year 2000 scenario Year 2000 scenario with WW(1997) Without WW treatment

____________ .____ treatmentTotal Load from Total Load from Total Load from Impactload Human load Human load Human of

population population population WWTBai Chay _____BOD (kg/day) 633 494 720 578 138 87 85 %

TSS (kg/day) 1,54 1,070 1,72 1,252 660 188 85 %2 4

Coliform 478 475 559 555 87 83 85 %(102 /day) _ .Hon Gai _

BOD (kg/day) 518 402 597 470 (106) (70) (85 %)TSS (kg/day) 1,05 870 1,20 1,018 (334) (153) (85 %)

1 0_ __

Coliform 387 386 453 452 (69) (68) (85 %)(1012 /day)

For estimating the impacts of the proposed wastewater treatment plant an

additional run of the model was requested from DOSTE. The input data wasaccording the situation in April 1998. The following baseline information wasgiven:

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Table 3.2 Sewage quantity to be treated

Year Location Quantity BOD will BOD afterm3/day be treated treatment plant

kg/day kg/dayBai Chay

2008 Cai Dam area - Kenh Dong Pond 930 338 33.82008 Vuon Dao area 1650 600 602015 VuonDao area 3884 1362 136

Hon Gai2008 North Sato (nearby Deo Sen cemetery) (7000) (1400) (175)2015 North Sato (nearby Deo Sen cemetery) (14000) (2800) (350)

The following discharging points were asked to be included to the calculations:1. Outfall of Cai Dam shrimp pond nearby Hung Thang island;2. Cai Lan new port nearby Ship Building Enterprise;3. North Sato island nearby Deo Sen cemetery;4. 1 km far from Hon Gai Km 5 sea shore.

Pollution loads were calculated for dry season, and winter 1997 was used as thebaseline scenario. The model was run for BOD/DO and coliform bacteria. Unlikethe previous Ha Long Bay Environmental Pollution Study presentation the resultswere inconclusive and seemed to indicate that the impact of other load sources is sobig that the impact of the proposed wastewater treatment plant is minimal. Areview of the input data printouts shows that there was a misunderstanding of howit was to be used to create the with and without WWTP scenarios

Comparing the baseline condition in 1997 with the 2008 scenario it can be seenthat the number of bacteria in the shoreline will decrease. However, the number ofbacteria is still over the limit of 1000 MPN/100 ml in the Vietnamese standard(TCVN 5943-1995) for pollutants in coastal waters for bathing and recreationareas.

It can be estimated that if the collection and treatment of wastewater is done in theproper way there will be an improvement of the aquatic environmental quality.According to the pollution load model based on the WHO Rapid Methodology theimpacts of treated effluent are minor. Special attention has to be paid to theoperation of waste stabilisation pond system to minimise possible foul odourduring operation.

Impacts of the Option without Wastewater Treatment in Hon Gai

Most of the existing outlets are located on the Ha Long Bay side of Hon Gai wherethe dilution capacity is better than in the Cua Luc Estuary side. The BOD load fromthe human population to Cua Luc Estuary from Hon Gai has been estimated to beabout 1,000 kg/day. The load can be minimised with septic tank treatment. Atpresent the main health risk comes from the discharge of raw sewage onto thebeaches at low tide. There it comes in direct contact with people who use theforeshore for shellfish collection and other sea-related activities. The impact can

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be mitigated by construction of longer sea outfalls to reach out beyond theshoreline to below the level of low-tide.

3.4 Inmpacts of Septage Treatment

Treatment of septic sludge will improve the present situation when sludge isdisposed of uncontrolled even into drainage channels where it flows straight to thesea. Treated and dried sludge, which will be disposed of in landfills in specialsections or used in agriculture, and does not have any direct impact on the aquaticenvironment. Disposal of untreated septic sludge before the implementation of thenew treatment facilities should be minimised whenever possible.

Proper collection and treatment of septic sludge will improve the health situationand minimise the pollution risks and health risks.

Most of the septic tanks are located under the houses and emptying them can bequite difficult especially along narrow and steep alleys. There will be temporarynuisance during the emptying if the hose of the vacuum tank has to be drawnthrough the house.

Transportation of septage has to be done carefully to avoid spills. To minimisepossible health risks for workers during emptying, transportation and treatment ofsludge appropriate procedural instructions and safe working practices must befollowed and protective clothing used.

Detailed impacts of septage treatment during construction are presented in Table3.10 and during operation phase in Table 3.14.

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Table 3.3 Drainage rehabilitation and construction, planning and detailed design phase

WPkter' _......... ... Isct X * i- t : : eaito .Unlined channel No impacts during Existing channel locations have to be used where Intemational design critenia Design ConsultantLined channel (with cover) design possible to minimise site clearance and resettlement. and standardsInlets (into the channel)Channel intersection/junction Rehabilitation methods have to be designed Vietnamese design criteriaCulverts (under road and according various local conditions. Machines can be and standards. e.g. 20 TCN-railway) used in areas where there is enough space, but 51-84 Standard branchSea outlet of channels manual methods can be used in narrow lanes where sewerage and drainageTidal gate there is no proper access to minimise the need of systems and works

access roads.No monitoring required.

Transportation and disposal of excavated material,which is including a lot of solid waste, has to bedesigned.

Table 3.4 Sewerage system, planning and detailed design phase

Werk~~~ ~~teu~~ 1min~~~cts itig~~.t -0i. 0 n meu~r eeec esponsi, iiyGravity pipe with manholes No impacts during design. Stop discharge of untreated International design criteria Design ConsultantPressure pipe wastewater in the vicinity of the and standards

swimming beachesVietnamese design criteria and

Beaches and other tourist areas standards. e.g. 20 TCN-5 1-84have to protected and solid waste Standard branch sewerage andmanagement improved. drainage systems and works

No monitoring requircd.

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I Overflow device (connecting l Ditto I Overflow devices have to be I Ditto Design Consultantto channels) designed on combined sewers to

divert dry weather flow (DWF) tocollector sewer and allowexcessive flows, consistingmostly storm water during heavyrains, to overflow to downstreambasis. The location of outlets ofthis flow is not allowed to be inthe vicinity of swimming beaches

Pumping station including Ditto Spare pumps have to be provided Ditto Design Consultantpower supply for each pumping station and

there has to be enough storagecapacity in the network.

Table 3.5 WWTP, planning and detailed design phase

-::.tWo .:-.::-'iim Ite.. 9npacts~ M.t.i.gati~rn measure e;i~dereuet.Reclamation works No impacts De-watering, land reclamation and possible construction of International design criteria DesignCoastal protection during design. embankments of the proposed wastewater treatment plant site in Kenh and standards ConsultantEarthworks Dong in Bai Chay has to be designed according to the Vietnamese

environmental standards and international standard criteria. Vietnamese design criteria andstandards. e.g. 20 TCN-5 1-84

Designing of ground works has to be based on soil investigations to Standard branch sewerage andavoid possible leakage, land slides, collapses, settlings and soil drainage svstems and workssubsidence.

Internal drainage The surface runoff from the surrounding areas and inside working area Designinflow pipe has to be discharged outside the WWTP site. Consultant

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Basins / tanks The exact location of waste stabilisation ponds and other necessary International design criteria DesignInter basin/tank structures in the proposed WWTP site have to be designed considering and standards Consultantconnections with the land use of surrounding areas and wind directions.valves, gates andpuMps The embankments have to be water tight.

The structures of the ponds have to be designed so that there will be noleakage. Lining of ponds has to be designed.

Sludge drying beds Drying beds have to be located separately from the pond system. International design criteria Designand standards Consultant

Groundwork has to be based on soil investigations and to be designedto be watertight enough to prevent any infiltration.

There has to be enough storage capacity for the treated sludge.Buildings, incl. Buildings have to be located so that possible odour nuisance is as Designlaboratory and small as possible. Consultantchemical storageAccess roads and Existing roads have to be used as much as possible to avoid site- Designpaved areas clearance. ConsultantFences and gates Fences and gates have to be designed around the treatment facilities to Design

prevent unnecessary access to the area. ConsultantBushes and Planting of trees around the treatment facilities has to be designed. The Designvegetation internally already existing vegetation has to be used as much as possible. Consultantand at perimeterfence

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Table.36 Septage collection and treatment, planning and detailed design phase

.... .... ... 'a :: :

Septic tanks Project will provide technical advise how to design and construct Existing Vietnamese Revolving fiund willseptic tanks. instruction should be be established in Hon

used. Gai and Cam Pha toconstruct householdor communal septic

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ tanks.Septage collection Present procedure will Septage disposal has to be designed in proper way using tankers. Environmental

continue during design Along narrow streets small tankers will collect the septage. Large Sanitation Companiestankers will be used for septage collection from houses locatedalong main roads and for transportation of sludge to the disposalsites

Septage treatment No designed treatment Septage treatment will be including to wastewater treatment plant International design Design Consultantduring design phase. in Bai Chay. During the first phase in Hon Gai and Cam Pha there criteria and standards

will be only septage treatment. A series of simple digestors will Vietnamese designretain the sludge for 30 days before it is spread over drving beds criteria andfor another 30 days. Dried sludge will be transported to the standards. e.g. 20landfills or used as fertiliser. In each landfill will be reserved a TCN-5 1-84 Standardseparate area for dried sludge. branch sewerage and

drainage systems and._________________ _____works

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Table 3.7 Drainage rehabilitation and construction, construction phase

.................... -X.H'.°',. .' ;'"' '' ''- -' '.' m '''''''' t "'~~~~~....... ..... .Unlined channel The noise will increase temporarily near Construction noise has to be minimised by using proper Regulations of ContractorLined channel (with construction sites. During the removal of equipment and by strict site supervision. Ayoid working SIPE and/orcover) sludge, which is including human waste, in residential and tourist areas during the night between FIDIC have toInlets (into the there might be an increase of foul odour. 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. be followedchannel) At the beginning of cleaning and Dust, litter and public inconvenience has to beChannel rehabilitation of channels there will be a minimised by good construction management and site Noise standardIntersection/ junction local odour nuisance to the public supervision. To minimise dust emissions, sprinkling the TCVN 5949-95Culverts (under road streets with water is recommended in the vicinity ofand railway) Traffic will increase due to the construction sites. DOSTE isSea outlet of transportation of equipment and excavated monitoring thatchannels material. There might be temporary traffic Sign to show the names of Project, Employer and VietnameseTidal gate congestion during the works. Contractor to be located in visible place in construction environmental

site. standards areRehabilitation work might cause some followeddisturbance to tourists. In Bai Chay there Appropriate equipment should be used forare several outlets in the tourist and beach transportation of excavated material and to collectarea which cause a health risk and which accidental spills (sludge, oils from equipment, etc.) Theare an aesthetic problem. Contractor is responsible to collect all of the solid waste

from channels to be rehabilitated and transport it to thelandfill.

Some sections of channels are underhouses or other structures, and this will To minimise the odour nuisance and disturbance tocause some difficulties both for tourism the rehabilitation has to be carried out duringrehabilitation and people living nearby the dry season when the amount of storm water and

surface runoff smallest in channels.Site clearance might be needed in someareas. Outlets will be connected to sewer svstem, and dry

season wastewater is collected and treated. and the mostsensitive areas protected from further pollution.Detailed survev has been done for RAP.

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Table 3.8 Sewerage s stem, construction phaseWorks ttem nwact~ 'M~tiga i5t -stzr Reference Rs-: -n-ibiltyGravity pipe with manholes The foul odour in the vicinity of Regulations of ContractorPressure pipe channels will decrease and the SIPE and/or FIDICOverflow device (connecting risk of water related health have to be followedto channels) problems would decrease due toPumping station including the improved sanitation DOSTE ispower supply situation. monitoring that

VietnameseThere will be a temporary Appropriate equipment should be used for environmentalnuisance to traffic and traffic transportation of excavated material and to collect standards arecongestion due to the accidental spills (sludge, oils from equipment, etc.) followedconstruction. On highway 18 inBai Chay there might be some Dust, litter and public inconvenience has to bedisturbance for tourist minimised by good construction management and sitetransportation. supervision. To minimise dust emissions caused by

construction works, sprinkling the streets with water isThe traffic will increase due to recommended in the vicinity of construction sites.the transportation of equipment,pipes and excavated material. Construction noise has to be minimised by using properDust and noise will increase equipment and by strict site supervision. Avoid working Noise standardtemporarily in the vicinity of in residential and tourist areas during the night between TCVN 5949-1995construction sites. 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Sewers will be constructed in Contractor is responsible to collect all the solid wastestreet areas and there is no need from construction sites and transport it to the landfill.for site-clearance andresettlement. However, some Open ditches might be dangerous if not clearlv markedemporary disturbance might becaused to businesses along the As-built drawings have to be prepared.streets during the excavation of Locate a sign to show the names of Project. Employersewer ditches. and Contractor in a visible place in construction site.

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Table 3.9 WWTP, construction phaseW~~wks Jtem ~~~~~~mpaets~~: Mitigaio meisre Reference ;epni

Reclamation works Wastewater treatment plants will be The increase of turbidity in the receiving water has to be Land ContractorCoastal protection constructed on pond and bay areas, which mininmised by using a settling pond reclamation inEarthworks need de-watering and land reclamation Kenhi Dong in

before construction. The material to be used for fill has to be of proper quality for Bai Chay has tothat purpose and must not contain any toxic or hazardous be done

The de-watering of the pond in Kenh substances exceeding standard limits. To minimise followingDong can be toCua Luc estuary on the transportation the fill material should be found as near as Generalother side of the road next to the possible to the land reclamation areas requirements forreclaimed area, if there is still open water soil reclamationduring the construction. During the de- Dust, litter and public inconvenience has to be minimised by (TCVN 5302-watering and filling there will be good construction management and site supervision. To 1995j).pumping noise. Turbidity of puniped minimise dust emissions caused by construction works,water would be higher than in seawater sprinkling the streets with water is recommended in the Regulations ofdue to the mixture of bottom sediment vicinity of construction sites. Construction noise has to be SIPE and/orand water minirnised by using proper equipment and by strict site FID)IC have to

supervision. Avoid working in residential and tourist areas be followedLand use of areas will be changed. during the night between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.Ecology of the areas will be changed Noise standardfrom aquatic system to terrestrial system. Appropriate equipment should be used for transportation of TCVN 5949-95According to the biological studies there excavated material and to collect accidental spills (sludge, oilsare no valuable or endangered species to from equipment, etc.) The Contractor is responsible for DOSTE isbe protected in Kenh Dong. collecting all the solid waste from work site during and after monitoring that

the construction and transporting it to the landfill. Vietnameseenvironmental

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A sign to show the names of Project, Employer and Contractor standards arehas to be located in a visible place in the construction site follonved.

Changes of groundwvater level are to beavoided. Fishing in the pond will be stopped and the fishermen who use Groundwater

the pond have to. be compensated. level monitoring...... .. .D. .. cm er19

_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . .......

Reclaationwork Wastwate treament lant willbe T e icreasmbtridtntereevnaer ha tob99X otrco

Sanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME IUD EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System 25

Basins / tanks During the construction of waste Appropriate equipment should be used for transportation of | Regulations of Contractorinter basin/tank stabilisation ponds there will be increase excavated material and to collect accidental spills (sludge, oils SIPE andi/orconnections with of traffic due to the transportation of from equipment, etc.) FIDIC have tovalves, gates and excavated material and construction be followedpumps equipment and material. Noise, dust and Contractor is responsible for collecting all the solid waste from

traffic congestion would be increased, construction site and transporting it to the landfill. DOSTE istoo, on highway 18 in Bai Chay, and monitoring thatmight cause some disturbance to normal Dust, litter and public inconvenience has to be minimised by Vietnameseand tourist transportation. good construction management and site supervision. To environmental

minimise dust emissions caused by construction works, standards aresprinkling the streets with water is recommended in the followedvicinity of construction sites.

Sludge drying beds All works have to be constructed according to the design. ContractorBuildings, incl. Some construction work might need Contractorlaboratory and piling, which will temporarily cause anchemical storage increase of noise in the vicinity of

construction sites.

Access roads and Temporary noise and dust nuisance Good construction management and site supervision. Contractornaved areas during the construction.Fences and gates Fences and gates have to be constructed around the treatment Contractor

facilities to prevent unnecessary access to the area.There has to be a sign board in the local language to warn

____________ about the possible health risk from the WWTP.

Bushes and Trees have to be planted around the treatment facilities to Contractorvegetation minimise spread of foul odour and to screen the areas. In Kenhinternally and at Dong, if treated effluent will be discharged to the pond,perimeter fence _ vegetation used for wetland treatment should be planted.

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Table 3.10 Septage collection and treatment, construction phaseW ,_ .;,r,,k,E, ,.., . Imps Mit ,in m,ea .e r.. Re iiit..i.

Septic tanks If construction Construction of septic tanks is highly recommended. Easy finance Existing Vietnamese Revolving fundinstructions are not will be provided a revolving fund. The work should be done instructions should be Householdfollowed or the quality of according to approved designs with three chambers and with an used. Phuongs should ownersthe work is not good acceptable of workmanship. Connection to the sewer has to be done provide information on Phuongsenough there will be in proper way. technologyinfiltration to the soil,groundwater and surfacewater.

Septage collection __Septage treatment Septage treatment facilities will be constructed at the WVWTP site or SIPE and FIDIC Contractor

septage treatment site. All the work has to be done according to thedesign.

Table 3.11 Drainage rehabilitation and construction, operation and maintenance phase~~em Impacts Mit ujneas1~~~~~ir~~ Referv~ne. '.M oTitoringg- Repniblt

Unlined channel After the rehabilitation the flow A strong O&M component must be related to Frequent inspection of the EnvironmentalLined channel (with will increase and there will be no the rehabilitation of drainage channels, or condition of channels. Sanitationcover) stagnant water. otherwise the positive impacts will be short CompaniesWlets (into the channel) lasting. There should be an improvement of theChannel solid waste management.Intersection/junctionCulverts (under road and Rehabilitation of drainage channels Very strong public awareness campaigns torailway) will improve the living quality and inform people about importance of keepingSea outlet health situation their own environment clean and theTidal gate connection of sanitation and health

Hon Gai will be provided with asewer system onlv during the Household owner /

.______________________ second phase of the project. ._ _ Revolving fund

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Table 3.12 Sewerage system, operation and maintenance phase

Gravity pipe with manholes Wastewater flow in open channels A strong O&M component has to be Frequent inspection of EnvironmentalPressure pipe will decrease when wastewater is related to the rehabilitation of drainage the condition of sewers. Sanitation Companies

discharged through the new sewver channels, or otherwise the positivepipes. This will also decrease the impacts will not last. There should be andischarge of untreated wastewater improvement of the solid wasteto the sea since most of the management.wastewater is discharged towastewater treatnent plants. A strong public awareness campaign

aimed at stopping people throwing solidwaste into the channels

Overflow device (connecting Solid waste and sand might block Overflow devices have to be inspected Environmentalto channels) overflow devices and prevent flow. and cleaned regularly. CompaniesPumping station including Breakdowns in wastewater Spare pumps have to be in working Environmentalpower supply pumping might cause serious condition in each pumping station. Sanitation Companies

environmental risks if there are nospare pumps and not enoughstorage capacity in the system.

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Table 3.13 WWTP, operation and maintenance PhaseWorks item Itxtpactr M. ............... Refe -e. l}tt...... Respsibility:-i:000

Coastal protection Erosion possible. Condition of embankments has to be Environmentalinspected regularly. Surroundings of Sanitationtreatment facilities have to be kept clean. No Companiessolid waste is allowed to throw onsurrounding land or water.

Internal drainageinflow pipe .Basins / tanks Foul odour from anaerobic In waste stabilisation pond system-the Monitoring according to EnvironmentalInter basin/tank connections ponds, if O&M guidelines are removal of sludge from anaerobic ponds has the proposed programme Sanitationwith valves, gates and pumps not followed. to be done according to given instructions to Companies

minimise the foul odour caused by sludge. Groundwater levelmonitoring

Special attention has to be paid tooccupational health and workers are to betrained to avoid straight contact withwastewater. Protective clothing includingoveralls, gloves and wellingtons has to beprovided to workers.

Sludge drying beds Leakage possible. Leachate has to be collected and discharged Monitoring according to Enviromnentalto wastewater treatment process. the proposed programme Companies

Buildings, incl. laboratory and Environmentalchemical storage CompaniesAccess roads and paved areas ESCsFences and gates Fences and gates have to be kept in good Environmental

condition. SanitationCompanies

Bushes and vegetation Surrounding vegetation has to be kept in Environmentalinternally and at perimeter good condition and anv necessarv replanting Companiesfence has to be done.

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Table 3.14 l Septage collection and treatment, operation and maintenance phase

WffisJte.~ bnpa.ts Mtjgati4mm~asure. . . ; + ERefer~nce/Mg 1spo is!iby :-Septic tanks Overflow from septic tanks will contaminate Legislation and regulations have to be developed Environmental

surrounding areas, if tanks are not emptied to force house owners empty the tanks. Sanitationregularly. Companies

Septage Proper coilection and treatment of septage Transportation of septage has to be done carefully Environmentalcollection will improve the health situation and to avoid spills. To minimise possible health risks Sanitation

minnimise the pollution risks and health risks. for workers during emptying, transportation and CompaniesMost of the septic tanks are located under the treatment of sludge, operational instructi6ns andhouses and emptying might be quite difficult safety procedures are to be followed andespecially along narrow and steep alleys. protective clothing used.

There would be a temporary nuisance during Access to holding tanks has to be restricted by athe emptying if the hose of vacuum tanks has fence. Warning signs in the local language has toto be drawn through the house. be provided.

Septage O&M has to be arranged to avoid contamination Monitoring according to Environmentaltreatment of surface water, groundwater and soil. proposed programme. Sanitation


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4.1 General

This Environmental Management Plan is based on the information available at theend of the Feasibility Study Phase in November and December 1998. The designstrategies and exact details will be specified during the detailed designl plhase of tileproject.

The Environmental Management Plan is based on the following:- World Bank Operational Directive OD 4.01 Annex C Environmental

Mitigation or Environmental Management Plan- Standard Bidding Documents. Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment.

The World Bank, January 1996- Guide to Use of FIDIC. Conditions of Contract for Works of civil Engineering

Construction. Fourth Edition 1989- Vietnamese Environmental Standards, Volume I: Water Standards, Volume I1:

Air Standards, MOSTE 1995- Standard branch sewerage and drainage system and works, standard designs, 20

TCN-51-84, MOC- Vietnam construction regulation and standard, Volume I, MOC- Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation. A Planner's Guide.

World Bank December 1989- Waste Stabilisation Bonds. A Design Manual for Eastern Africa. Lagoon

Technology International, ODA- Collection of background data in situ in Halong City- Site visits in Halong City and Cam Pha- Meetings with HCESC- Discussions with the Feasibility Study Team- Review of documents and project overview- Feasibility Study Reports: Main Report (April 1998), Main Report Annexes

(April 1998), Institutional Development, HRD and Community Involvement(April 1998), ELA for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System (November1998), Project Implementation Plan (April 1998, revised in December 1998)

- Supporting Feasibility Study Reports: A Biological Study for E1A of threeLandfills and three Wastewater Treatment Plant Sites of Halong and Data ofSocio-economic Survey and Summary of Results of Household Survey in theSurroundings of the proposed Yet Kieu - Bai Chay - Hung Thang WastewaterTreatment Plant Sites.

This chapter discusses the general mitigation measures and other measures, whichneed to be considered for each project component during design, construction andoperation. Mitigation measures have been discussed with the available feasibilitystudy team. The mitigation measures and responsibilities for each projectcomponent are presented in Tables 3.3 - 3.14.

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4.2 Mitigationi Measures during Design Plhase

4.2.1 GeneralEnvironmental matters have to be integrated to all the design work and planning ofthe project. The designing has to be done in such a way that the adverse impacts onenvironment are minimised as much as possible by using existing facilities andselecting the location of new facilities in areas where the disturbance toenvironment, people and existing structures is the smallest. Where possible existingrights-of-way are to be used rather than create new ones. The key mitigationmeasures are noted in the Feasibility Study Main Report and ProjeciImplementation Plan.

Detailed mitigation measures and responsibilities are presented as follows:drainage rehabilitation design in Table 3.3, sewerage design in Table 3.4,wastewater treatment design in Table 3.5 and septage collection and treatment inTable 3.6. Design of overflow devices and interceptor sewers is discussedseparately in chapter 4.2.2 below.

According to the Vietnamese Construction Regulation Standard Article 3.3Protection of Natural Resources and Environment construction projects should:- Not cause adverse effect to the environment, and technical regulations on

scenery and environment protection should be observed;- Protect the natural preservation areas, and historical, cultural and architectural

places;- Extraction of natural resources must be done in a rational manner and cause no

obstacle to the next exploitation;- Respect traditional customs, practices, religions of people living in and around

the construction area.

In the Construction Regulation Standard there are instructions especially for masterplaning which includes general instructions for designing sewerage and drainagesystems. Urban drainage systems should take the -following into account: todischarge safely all types of urban waste water; and to provide a suitable solutionfor treating wastewater so that the urban area is not flooded, and the environmentand water sources are not polluted.

In the Standard Works for Sewerage and Drainage System - Standard Designs thereare more detailed design instructions. However, international design standards haveto be introduced and used in design work.

Drainage channel rehabilitation, sewer system construction and wastewatertreatment has to be connected to the other proposed improvements and todevelopment of sanitation management and institutional strengthening.

The general design and development philosophy has been described in the MainReport is to be used as the basis of design work. In the Main Report AnnexesVolume IA there are chapters dealing with On Site Sanitation including septicsludge treatment (Volume IA Annex 1), Sewerage and Drainage Component

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including sewer design (Volume lA Annex 2) and Discussion of WWTP Options(Volume IA Annex 3).

4.2.2 Overflow Devices and Interceptor Sewers

Overflow devices have to be constructed on combined sewers to divert dry wcatlhelflow (DWF) into collector sewers and to allow excessive flows, consisting mostlyof storm water during heavy rains, to overflow to the sea. During stornis thesewage in the channels is greatly diluted and the beaches are not used so there islittle health risk.

The following special problems in the project area have to be considered during thledesign of overflow devices:- Dur'ing and after rains the overflow will usually pass much more than the DWF

to the collector sewer and eventually to the pump station. Therefore duringrains power is used to pump runoff water containing little sewage since most ofthe sewage is passed to the sea. In such cases the pumps can be switched off.

- Channels in low lying areas are flooded at high tide so there is a risk that theoverflow device also becomes flooded and sea water is passed to the pumpstation and to the wastewater treatment plant.

- A major problem of overflow devices is the possibility of large items and deprisfrom the open channels entering the piped sewerage system. Some types ofscreens and grates must be introduced and this again may cause blockage if thedevice is not inspected and cleaned regularly.

To avoid the problems the following proposals have to be followed:- Wherever possible the overflow has to be located above high tide- Where this is not possible a tidal gate has to be installed- On a trial basis the flows to the pump station could be controlled by a simple

float operated gate on a pivot, which will close off the access to the interceptoras the water level in the channel rises. This will avoid wasting power bypumping large amounts of relatively unpolluted runoff during rain periods.

The elevation of the interceptor sewer has to be carefully considered so that it isbelow all storm water channels and can collect wastewater from the existingchannels by either by gravity or by installing a small pump to pump from theoverflow up to the interceptor. The interceptor sewer must be fairly deep alreadyat it's highest point and will deepen towards the pumping station. When designinginterceptor sewers in reclaimed areas the impact of tides on the groundwater levelhas to be considered.

4.3 Mitigation Measures durinig Rehabilitation and Construction Works

4.3.1 Geueral

All works included in the project have to be implemented-following the appropriatestandards, specifications and working methods given in the Contract Agreement.The General Conditions of Contract will be in accordance with The Conditions ofContract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction given by FIDIC.

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The Contractor has the general responsibility to carry out the mitigation measuresduring the construction.

Special attention has to be paid to the tourist areas, and all possible nuisance has tobe avoided. In small and narrow construction sites, damage to existing structures,especially permanent houses has to be avoided.

Detailed mitigation measures during construction phase are presented as follows:drainage rehabilitation in Table 3.7, sewerage system in Table 3.8, wastewatertreatment in Table 3.9 and septage treatment in Table 3.10.

4.3.2 Noise, Odour, Litter and Dust

General.. mitigation measures for noise, odour, litter and dust concerning allconstruction are as follows:

Dust, litter and public inconvenience are to be minimised by good constructionmanagement and site supervision. To minimise dust emissions caused byconstruction works, sprinkling the streets with water is recommended in thevicinity of construction sites.

Construction noise has to be minimised. The following Vietnamese standards are tobe applied: Road motor vehicle noise, maximum permitted noise level (TCVN5948-1995), Noise in public and residential areas, maximum permitted noise level(TCVN 5949-1995). The strongest limitations are from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. in thevicinity of hospitals, sanatoriums, libraries and kindergartens where maximumnoise level is 40 dB. Anti-vibration mountings and noise insulation on equipmenthas to be used when possible. There is no official standard for vibration, butMOSTE Decree No. 175/CP, 18 October 1994 gives permissible levels ofvibration.

Appropriate equipment should be used for transportation of excavated material andto collect accidental spills (sludge, oils from equipment, etc.) during rehabilitationand construction works.

4.3.3 Healtlh and Safety


In all construction works local health and safety working methods and Guidelinesgiven by the World Bank or FIDIC have to be followed.

Safety. Security and protection of the Environment (FIDIC 19. 1)The Contractor shall, throughout the execution and completion of the works andremedying of any defects therein:- Have full regard for the safety of all persons entitled to be upon the site and

keep the site and the works (so far as the same are not completed or occupiedby the Employer) in an orderly state appropriate to the avoidance of danger tosuch persons.

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- Provide and maintain at his own cost all lights, guards, fencing, warning signsand watching, when and where necessary or required by the Engineer or by anyduly constituted authority, for the protection of the Works or for the safety andconvenience of the public or others, and

- Take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the Site and toavoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the public or otlhersresulting from pollution, noise or other causes arising as a consequence of hismethods of operation.

Accident or Iniury to Workmen (FIDIC 24. 1)The Employer has no responsibility for injuries that may be suffered by employeesof the Contractor, unless such injury results from an act or default of the Employer.In such circumstances the injured person would be regarded as a "third party" tothe Employer and the Employer would have the benefit of the Third Partyinsurance.

Insurance Against Accident to Workmen (FIDIC 24.2)The Contractor is required to insure his liability for death or injury to his ownemployees and he should also ascertain that all Subcontractors have similarinsurance in force in regard to their employees.

During the execution of the works the Contractor shall keep the site reasonably freefrom all unnecessary obstructions and shall store or dispose of any Contractor'sequipment and surplus materials and clear away and remove from the site anywreckage, rubbish or temporary works no longer required.

Engagement of Staff and Labour (FIDIC 34.1) Sub-clause Accident preventionOfficer: AccidentsThe Contractor shall have on his staff at the Site an officer dealing only withquestions regarding the safety and protection against accidents of all staff andlabour. This officer shall be qualified for his work and shall have the authority toissue instructions and shall take protective measures to prevent accidents.

Engagement of Staff and Labour (FIDIC 34.1) Sub-clause Health and SafetyDue precautions shall be taken by the Contractor, and at his own cost,, to ensure thesafety of his staff and labour and, in collaboration with and to the requirements ofthe local health authorities, to ensure that medical staff, first aid equipment andstores, sick bay and suitable ambulance service are available at the camps, housingand on the Site at all times throughout the period of the Contract and that suitablearrangements are made for the prevention of epidemics and for all necessarywelfare and hygienic requirements.

Engagement of Staff and Labour (FIDIC 34.1) Sub-clause Reporting of AccidentsThe Contractor shall report to the Engineer details of any accident as soon aspossible after its occurrence. In the case of any fatality or serious accident, theContractor shall, in addition, notify the Engineer immediately by the quickestavailable means.

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Engagement of Staff and Labour (FIDIC 34.1) Sub-clause Water SupplyThe Contractor shall, so far as is reasonably practical, having regard the localconditions, provide on the Site an adequate supply of drinking water and otherwater for the use of his staff and labour.

The local Service of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for safetyinspections. The Labour Unit of each company is responsible for safety regulationsin the work places.

The Contractor is responsible for provision of appropriate equipment, tools andprotective clothing to the workers.

The Contractor has to ensure that appropriate working methods are applied.

The Contractor has to provide and train his staff in the use of ear protectors whennoise level in the working place exceeds 85 dB.

The removed material from channels has to be handled, transported and disposed ofaccording to the safety instructions.

Appropriate safety equipment to prevent overfilling of tanks and collect accidentalspills of chemical, oils etc. must be installed and used. Special attention has to bepaid to avoid any spills into water or soil.

A fence has to be constructed around wastewater and septage treatment plant sitesto separate sites from surrounding areas and to prevent unnecessary access totreatment plant sites. On the site there has to be a sign board to warn in locallanguage about the possible health risks caused by the treatment plant.

4.3.4 Traffic and Transportation Arrangements


Interference with- Traffic and Adjoining Properties (FIDIC 29.1)All operations necessary for the execution and completion of the works and theremedying of any defects therein shall, so far as compliance with the requirementsof the contract permits, be carried on so as not to interfere unnecessarily orimproperly with:- The convenience of the public- The access to, use and occupation of public or private roads and footpaths to or

of properties whether in the possession of the Employer or of any other person.

Avoidance of Damage to Roads (FIDIC 30.1)The contractor shall use every reasonable means to prevent any of the roads orbridges communicating with or on the routes to the site from being damaged orinjured by any traffic of the Contractor or any of his Subcontractors. In particular,the Contractor shall select routes, choose and use vehicles and restrict anddistribute loads so that any such extraordinary traffic as will inevitably arise from

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the moving of materials, plant, Contractor's equipment or temporary works fromand to the site shall be limited, as far as reasonably possible.

The nuisance caused by transportation of materials and by construction activities,must be minimised by permitting transportation and construction on busy butnarrow main streets in residential areas only during the day.

The loads must be covered to minimise the spread of dust and preventing droppingof material from the load to the roads. The ferry connection between Bai Chay andHon Gai has to be considered when planning the transporting of construction'material and land reclamation works.

4.3.5 Working Time and Site Arrangements

Site Regulations and Safety (SIPE 22.3)The Employer and the Contractor shall establish Site regulations setting out therules to be observed in the execution of the Contract at the Site and shall complytherewith. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer, with a copy tothe Project Manager, proposed Site regulations for the Employer's approval, whichapproval shall not be unreasonable withheld.

Such Site regulations shall include, but shall not be limited to, rules in respect ofsecurity, safety of the Facilities, gate control, sanitation, medical care, and fireprevention.

Site Clearance (SIPE 22.6) (FIDIC 32.1 and 33.1)Site Clearance in course of Performance of Works' In the course of carrying out theContract, the Contractor shall keep the Site reasonably free from all unnecessaryobstruction, store or remove any surplus materials, clear away any wreckage,rubbish or temporary works from the Site, and remove any Contractor's Equipmentno longer required for execution of the Contract.

Clearance of the Site after Completion: After Completion of all parts of theFacilities, the Contractor shall clear away and remove all wreckage, rubbish anddebris of any kind from the Site, and shall leave the Site and Facilities clean andsafe.

Watching and Lighting (SIPE 22.7)The Contractor shall provide and maintain at its own expense all lighting, fencing,and watching when and where necessary for the proper execution and theprotection of the Facilities, or for the safety of the owners and occupiers of adjacentproperty and for the safety of the public.

Work at Night and on Holidays (SIPE 22.8)Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, no work shall be carried out during thenight and on public holidays of the country where the Site is located without priorwritten consent of the Employer, except where work is necessary or required toensure safety of the Facilities or for the protection of life, or to prevent loss or

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damage to property, when the Contractor shall immediately advise the ProjectManager.

A sign to show the name of the Project, the name of Employer and the name ofContractor has to be located in a visible place at the construction site.

4.3.6 Public Relations

Rehabilitation works and new traffic arrangements during rehabilitation worksshould be announced to the public regionally in newspapers, TV and radio. Locallythe announcement is given to the phuong representatives who will inform thleresidents. Loudspeakers can be used during the construction work to give the latestinformation in concerning areas.

Local people have to be informed in advance about the public nuisance andespecially about possible changes and disturbance for traffic.

4.4 Mitigation Measures during Operation

HCESC has the responsibility to carry out all operation and maintenance work.They have the responsibility to arrange all works using proper methods andavoiding noise, odour, litter, dust and traffic nuisance during the operation.

Very special attention has to be paid to the strengthening of the managementsystem and long-term O&M training because in practice these will be weak points,and will be a serious project risk if not arranged carefully. Waste stabilisationponds are reasonably easy to manage, but if O&M is neglected wastewatertreatment plants can cause even bigger environmental problems than at present,because then all wastewater is discharged from one outlet instead of several, andthe localised impact might be significant.

The staff of HCESC has to follow strictly safety and health regulations duringtransportation and treatment of septic sludge.

Special attention has to be paid to avoid direct contact with sludge. HCESC has toprovide protective clothing including waterproof overalls, safety wellingtons andgloves. Workers have to use protective measures to avoid skin or eye contact andmasks have to be used during dusty work periods, e.g. during drying of sludge,loading and unloading of the dried sludge and any direct contact with the sludge.Proper PVC gloves have to be used as well as masks to protect face and eyes.

Proper washing facilities with clean water and soap have to be arranged during andafter working.

A first aid kit has to be available to wash and treat possible cuts and wounds.

The detailed mitigation measures for operation phase are presented as follows:drainage rehabilitation in Table 3.11, sewerage system in Table 3.12, wastewatertreatment in Table 3.12 and septage collection and treatment in Table 3.14.

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4.5 Summary of Mitigation Measures

Table 4.1 Suinmary of general mitigation measures

Phase Main mitigation measures Responsible.______________ organisation

Design - Design works have to be done according to the Vietnamese and Designintemational design standard and criteria Consultant

- Works have to be designed to be implemented during dry season- Local conditions have to be considered in the design of channel

rehabilitation- Wastewater discharge has to be diverted from tourist areas- In Bai Chay dry weather sewege flow is to be diverted to the

interceptor sewer usillg overflow structures in the channels-Spare pumps have to be specified and reverse system designed

for each pumping station, there has to be enough storagecapacity in sewer network

- De-watering and land reclamation of treatment sites has to bedesigned according to applicable standards and regulations

- Waste stabilisation ponds and other structures have to bedesigned to avoid leakage, land slides, soil subsidence andcontamination of groundwater or seawater

Construction - Minimise dust, odour, litter and traffic emissions by good Coiitractoroperation, management and site supervision

-Appropriate working methods have to be followed-Sites have to be kept clean and safe during and after the work-Safety and health regulations have to be strictly followed-Protective clothing and operational training for workers is

essential-Transportation has to be minimised and routes selected to avoid

public nuisance and traffic congestion-Transportation during rush hours has to be avoided-Construction sites and times have to be informed to the. local

people in advanceO&M - Appropriate training for use of equipment and for regular ESCs

operation has to be arranged-Appropriate working methods have to be followed-Minimise dust, odour, litter, noise and traffic emissions and

congestion during septic desludging by good operationmanagement and site supervision

-Well maintained equipment to transport septic sludge must beused to avoid accidental spills and odour nuisance

-Operational guidelines for pumping stations, WWTP andseptage treatment must be strictly followed

-Protective clothing for workers is essential -

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5.1 Implementation Arrangenments for the Project

The Director of HCESC will take responsibility for the implementation of theHalong Component.

The QNPPC will establish a Project Steering Committee (PSC) at provincial level,to manage, control and supervise the project implementation. The Vice Chairmanof the PPC will be appointed as the chairperson of the PSC.

The PSC will co-ordinate, the input of the local organisations and provide a forumfor intersectoral co-operation in the province. During the project preparation andimplementation phase, a Project Management Unit (PM1) will be established.

The PMU will be directly responsible for implementing the project and will reportto the Director of HCESC. The Director of HCESC will also be the person whosigns the credit agreement on behalf of the Government of Vietnam.

The actual management of sanitation activities in Halong City and Cam Pha ispresently under the jurisdiction of QNPPC and the municipal People's Committeesadministrations. However, day-to-day management of the sanitation activities is theresponsibility of HCESC and CPESC. During the sanitation project implementationperiod HCESC and CPESC will co-operate with the main contractor and theconsultants to ensure a smooth implemnentation and will provide staff as requiredfor commissioning. The sanitation companies will also provide staff as required fortraining.

The communes will be mainly involved in the project through the communityawareness campaigns but key members of the commune administration will also beselected for training programmes.

The PMU must maintain very close.relations with the other provincial levelgovernment departments. The most important of these are:

Construction department Responsible for approval of planning issues ofconstruction permits and implementation of

. construction contractsDepartment of Planning Responsible for budget allocations and approvalsand InvestmentDepartment of Transport Responsible for approval of any proposed

developments which affect the city roads such aschannels or sewers either crossing or running parallel

____ ____ ____ ____ ___ with the roads

A high level of co-ordination will be required with the Quang Ninh Water SupplyCompany as there are many common interest and possible conflict such asrelocation of pipes in sidewalks and combined tariffs.

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The Ministry of Construction (MOC) is the principal government agencyresponsible for co-ordinating the design and implementation stages of foreigndonor funded sanitation projects. Once loan agreements for foreign donor fundedprojects have been signed, and a project commences its implementation stage, theMOC presides over the State Council for cost estimation Since the project isclassed as a Grade A project it will require central Government approval for bothdetailed design and evaluation of tenders. The PMU through the ConstructionDepartment will be responsible for making the necessary arrangements forobtaining such approvals from the MOC.

The PMt will be directly assisted in project implementation by the consultancyservices for construction supervision and technical assistance which it is assumed,but has yet to be confirmed, will be provided by the Government of Denmark. Theteam oftechnical assistance consultants will be based in the HCESC office and willprovide support to both companies in the following areas:

- institutional development- help establish rules and procedures to enable the Municipal People's

Committee to regulate the operations of the sanitation companies under asystem of service contracts

- develop O&M policy, procedures, guidelines and manuals- human resources development- construction supervision

The consultants will also assist with co-ordination between the PMU and thebilateral donor.

5.2 Present Situation, of Urban Environmental Companies

In the project area there are two different Environmental Sanitation Companies.Halong Environmental Sanitation Company (HCESC) operates in Bai Chay andHon Gai and Cam Pha Environmental Sanitation Company (CPESC) in Cam Pha.

The following services are including within the duties of the companies, thoughpart of the services has no connection to sanitation:- solid waste collection;- management of landfills;- cleaning of streets;- maintenance of public parks;- maintenance of drainage system;- maintenance of sewerage system;- management of street lightning system;- maintenance of cemeteries;- maintenance of public toilets.

The total staff of HCESC is 292, of which the number of sanitation productionworkers is 277 and the rest are administrative or other public service employees.The total staff of CPESC is 181, and the number of sanitation production workersis 145 of which 36 are administrative employees.

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In the Institutional Development, HIRD and Community Involvement Report(Feasibility Study Report IT) are listed numerous weaknesses and problems of thecompanies, which have impacts also on environmental matters. The present statusreflects a wide range of operational and financial problems of which most arerelated to the subsidised system, and lack of autonomy and budget. The mostimportant issues concerning drainage are as follows: lack of operational budget;lack of equipment and tools; poor condition of channels; negative attitude tosanitation business; residents' "Company is responsible for cleaning" thinking;roles and responsibilities are mixed and overlapping between the city authorities;poor management system; and customers are not satisfied with the quality ofservices.

5.3 Strenigtlheninig of the Sanitationi Management System

Institutional strengthening programme will focus on preparing and supporting thelocal organisations.to build up management capability to be able to carry out thesanitation services with existing and rehabilitated facilities.

Quang Ninh People's Committee has approved the transition of HCESC andCPESC from public administrative unit to be state-owned business enterprises forpublic services.

Mandates of the companies are proposed to be:1. Management of the environment and sanitation in urban areas including;

cleaning pavements and roads; collecting, transporting and treatment ofdifferent kinds of waste; cleaning of drainage and sewerage channels, ensuringurban drainage, watering the main roads to prevent dust;

2. Management and maintenance of public areas such as: public lighting system;parks and trees; public hygiene; cemeteries; monuments and other publicfacilities which are assigned for the company's management;

3. Arranging funeral services and other specialised services;4. Repairing, maintenance and upgrading of public facilities which are assigned

for the company's management.

in the Institutional Development, HRD and Community Involvement Report thechapter on Organisation Development proposes that:- The sewerage and drainage section operations should be emptying of the septic

tanks, sewerage maintenance, cleaning and maintenance of drainage channels- The responsibility of drainage channels maintenance will be taken over by the

company even in the tertiary area.- The maintenance of the sewers and drainage channels is the responsibility of

the companies- Individual households maintain their own sewerage system including septic

tanks, on-site treatment and connection to public sewer system.

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5.4 Training


The training philosophy, needs and facilities are described in details in Volume 11Institutional Development, HRD and Community Involvement Report.

The training philosophy is to provide support to assist the companies in reachingtheir public service goals. This is done by comparing company objectives with theaccomplishments of the company staff that leads to the creation of acomprehensive upgrading programme. This programme will ensure that the staffhas the necessary skills to guide and to manage the company in a manner that willallow it to achieve its objectives.

Training has to be given to all levels, including provincial and city management,and from all possible subjects from management skills to on-the-job training.Training the trainers is a very essential part of the training programme.

The following conditions should be met to achieve the objectives of an integratedtraining programme; involvement of experienced trainers; good training curricula;provision of supporting training material and facilities; and suitable environmentfor training.

Both foreign and local specialists will give the training. The training programmewill be planned and implemented as part of the Technical Assistance component ofthe project.

Environmental Awareness

The environmental awareness improvement has to be started from training the staffof both companies to understand the relation between their day-to-day sanitationpractises and the impact to the environmental quality of the surrounding area. Thetraining has to cover all staff of the companies from managers to street sweepers.Separate training will be given to different target groups focusing on the mostessential matters on their own work such as:- environmental management,- environmental health including water related disease and occupational health- impacts of wastewater treatment- relation between improved sewerage and drainage and solid waste management- etc.

Oii-tlie-job training

On-the-job training is one of the most important items of the training programmefor successful project implementation and setting up effective O&M activities. Thisrequires the involvement of not only teachers and trainers, but also consultants andcontractors.

The company field workers must adapt new technical work practices and learn howto oper.ate existing facilities and also new facilities and equipment, such as thewastewater treatment plant. This will be done through skills training, up-grading

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programmes, thleoretical training, specific courses and training modules foridentified groups and on-the-job training.

The workers of proposed wastewater treatment plants have to be trained to use theequipment for on-site monitoring in the wastewater treatment plant, The recordingand reporting of results has to be learned, and also the utilisation of analysed data.

Coniinuiiity Participation

Public awareness campaigns are proposed in the Community Participation report. fthas been proposed that awareness raising materials will be produced for solidwaste, sewerage and drainage and for general environmental and healtlh issues.Organisation, implementation and supervision of the campaigns will be done in co-operation with representatives of phuongs, local project staff, representatives of theinvolved company and the Women Union.

It is clear that an important part of the approach of the project relates to fosteringthe participation of the community in the development process promulgated by theproject activity. To address this issue a comprehensive community participationprogramme had been recommended. This process will have three main thrusts:1. Public campaigns that concentrate on Information, Education and

communication of the health linkages;2. Bottom up community involvement in micro activities;3. Primary school education.initiatives

Revolving fund for construction of septic tanks will be part of the communityparticipation.

Other Traininig

The training needs of basic environmental information and environmentalmanagement can be fulfilled through the training programme proposed in Ha LongBay Environmental Pollution Study. That training is proposed to be started in 1998and will continue until 2015, and this sanitation project will be implemented 2000-2004. It is recommended that the staff of HCESC and CPESC should join thistraining.

Training Needs of QNDOSTE

Training of the staff of DOSTE and other general environmental related trainingfor various potential partner agencies should be carried out through the Ha LongBay Enviromnental Pollution Study. A pollution abatement short- and long-termaction plan has been prepared, as well as a series of practical short-term actions,which can contribute significantly to the sustainable development and managementof the Ha Long Bay watershed. Long-term goals '(3-18 years) have also beenproposed for the environmental protection and management of Ha Long Bay,which can be achieved through continued international co-operation and support.The training is proposed to be started in 1998 and continue until 2015. Thissanitation project will be implemented 2000 -2004.

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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME lIlD EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System 44

Additioilally tlle JICA funded study on Environimental Management for Ha LongBay, which also includes training, workshops and seminars, is now in progress

The training needs of DOSTE would be fulfilled through these environmentalprojects, which are in progress at the same time and in the same area as theproposed sanitation project.

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The procurement process has been scheduled to commence in January 1999, andshould be completed by the award of contracts in mid 2000. Completion ofconstruction is scheduled for the end of April 2004 which allows for a 44 monthconstruction period for the longest contract. The bidding process will be phased sothat the bid evaluations do not occur at the same time. The consultants for the TAcomponent should be mobilised by the end of 2000 prior to the startup ofconstruction. Consultancy inputs will continue also up until the end of April 2004.

Construction works will be tendered in three ICB packages and procurement ofvehicles and equipment in two ICB packages. Procurement of works and goodswould follow World Bank guidelines and consulting services will be recruuitedaccording to Danish regulations.

The preliminary implementation schedule for the proposed sanitation projectaccording to the situation in Decemberl998 is presented in Annex 1. Certain workshave to be done in the correct order, e.g. proper landfills have to available beforecollection of solid waste from channels and transportation of treated septage fromthe treatment site.

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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSaniitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME hI1D EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System 46


7.1 Moniitorinig System

General environmental monitoring is proposed in the Ha Long Bay EnvironmentalPollution Study, the Study on Environmental Management for Ha Long Bay(JICA) and Coal Mining Monitoring proposed by UNDP.

The Halong Bay Water Supply and Sanitation Project proposes that the monitoringactivities should be concentrated on the operation and maintenance of thewastewater treatment plant and septage treatment plants and their immediateimpacts.

The mohitoring system for wastewater treatment is mainly based on thieenvironmental standards of Vietnam. There are no specific standards for sludgetreatment or contamination of soil, except the limits for maximum concentration ofpesticides or fertilisers. As reference values the European Union (Commission ofEuropean Communities, 1997) limits for sludge utilisation and FinnishEnvironmental Ministry Guidelines (1998) for landscaping can be used.

The following Vietnamese standards are recommended to be followed up:- Industrial wastewater (TCVN 5945-1995).- Coastal water quality standard (TCVN 5943-1995),- Surface water quality standard (TCVN 5942-1995)- Groundwater quality standard (TCVN 5944-1995)- Requirements to the use of wastewater and the sludge for watering and

fertilising purposes (TCVN 5245-1995)- General requirements for soil reclamation (TCVN 5302-1995)- Allowed limitations values for road motor vehicle noise (TCVN 5948-1995)

and noise in public and residential areas (TCVN 5949-1995)

Water and sludge analyses have to be carried out in experienced authorisedlaboratories.

7.2 Present Monitoring and Investigations

Coastal water quality has been studied in the Ha Long Bay EnvironmentalPollution Study and in the Study on Environmental Management for Ha Long Bay.Monitoring of the surrounding sea area is included in the- duties of the localenvironmental authorities as is proposed also in the Ha Long Bay EnvironmentalPollution Study. If possible, it is recommended that the already existing samplingstations should be used to have longer analysing periods.

7.3 Monitoring during Construction Works

Monitoring during construction has to concentrate on safety aspects. TheContractor has to measure noise in the construction sites. DOSTE is monitoringthat Vietnamese environmental regulations are followed during the construction.

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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitationi Fcasibility StudyVOLUME IIID EMP for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System 47

"7.4 Monitoring durinig Operations

Monitoring of wastewater treatment has to be carried out regularly. The quality oftreated septic sludge has to be analysed when treated sludge is used forl agricultureand/or landscaping. The end product, after appropriate treatment has to be regularlyanalysed to eliminate the health risks.

The responsible authority for the monitoring is DOSTE. HCESC slhould providethe funding of the monitoring.

The proposed wastewater treatment system will be waste stabilisation ponds inKenh Dong in Bai Chay. In Deo Sen in Hon Gai and in Cam Pha there will be onlyseptage treatment.

Two levels of effluent monitoring are recommended:- Level 1: representative samples of the final effluent should be taken at least

monthly, and the analysed parameters will be according to dischargerequirements

- Level 2: when level I monitoring shows that a pond effluent is failing to meetits reuse quality, a more detailed study is necessary.

Since pond effluent quality shows a significant diurnal variation, 24-hour flow-weighted composite samples are preferable for most parameters. One off samplesare necessary for pH, temperature and faecal coliform.

Table 7.1 Proposed monitoring of wastewater treatment process and septagetreatment

Type of Monitoring / Frequency Parameters to be analysedNumber of SamplesWastewater treatment On-site:Ponds Daily Dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature

……-- - - - --__ _ … _ _ _ _ _- -_

On-site: .I raw wastewater 1 / month (I" year) Dissolved oxygen, pH, temperatureI treated wastewater 4 / year (next years) Laboratory:I discharge point BOD5, COD, total phosphorus, total

nitrogen, total suspended solids,faecal coliform

Septage treatment Laboraton:1 raw septage 2/ year Moisture, volatile solids, total solids,1 treated septage total nitrogen, total phosphorus,

ammonium, sulphate,As, Cd, total Cr, Cr6+, Pb, Hg, Ni,

._._____._______ Zn

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Samples are taken from the raw wastewater and treated effluent for the needs ofreduction calculations. Water quality in the vicinity of outlet is analysed to controlthe impact on the discharge area. From waste stabilisation ponds on-site oxygenmeasurements will be taken to check the condition and state of the process.

There will be three sampling points from the WWTP in Kenh Dong in Bai Chayand one sampling point from each of the septage treatment facilities in Kenh Dongin Bai Chay, in Deo Sen in Hon Gai and Cam Pha. Sampling points have to be thesame all the time to compare the results.

The staff of the Environmental Sanitation Companies will do on-site analyses witha portable equipment kit. Laboratory analyses have to be done in a laboratory,which is specialised in wastewater analysing.

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The total value of the proposed project investment is 37.25 million USD inDecember 1998. The cost estimate includes provisions for inflation (pricecontingency) and cost overruns (physical contingency). Duties and taxes areincluded in the project base cost. Duty rates vary substantially, but in the costestimate and average rate of 10 % has been applied for duties and taxes. The totalbase cost is 28.95 million USD.

Table 8.1 Project cost estimate in December 1998

Project Component Total Costmillion USD

A Subtotal for Drainage Component 6.73B Subtotal for Sew.erage Component 4.77C Subtotal for Solid Waste Component 7.30D Sub-total for Equipment & Vehicles 3.38E Subtotal for Technical Assistance 5.27F Credit Facility for Septic Tanks 1.50

Total Base Cost 28.95

Physical Contingencies 3.59Price Contingencies 4.71

Total Cost (IncL. Contingencies) 37.25

Most of the costs for mitigation measures created by environmental demands arealready included in the investment costs of the proposed project, or they should bepart of normal operation and maintenance procedures.

Total costs concerning drainage and sewerage component are presented in Table8.2. Some changes inside and between the components are possible during thedesign phase. ,Division for engineering cost and mitigation cost is preliminary andwill be clarified during design phase of the project. The estimated total cost fordrainage and sewerage component, including 50 % from technical assistance, is16.51 million USD of which estimated mitigation cost is roughly 36 %.

Environmental related training is given through Technical Assistance, which totalbudget is 5.27 million USD, of which 50 % is estimated to be allocated fordrainage and sewerage component. For environmental related training andcommunity participation has been proposed to be allocated roughly 13 % of TAbudget.

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Table 8.2 Estimated Project Costs of Draiiiage aid Sewerage Componelnt inDecember 1998

Project Component Total Cost Engineering MitigationA+B+D+E+F cost costMillion USD million USD Million USD

A Drainage SystemI Rehabilitation and construction of channels 6.73 5.05 1.68

Subtotal for Drainage Component 6.73 5.05 1.68

B Sewerage ComponentI Sewers and Pumping Stations 1.33 1.00 0.332 WWTPs and Sludge Treatment 2.94 2.35 0.593 Land Acquisition & Compensation 0.50 0 0.50

Subtotal for Sewerage Component 4.77 3.35 1.42

C Solid Waste Collection aiid Disposal

D Non-Installed Equipment & VehiclesSludge Tankers, equipment 0.88 0.84 0.04Sub-total for Equipment & Vehicles 0.88 0.84 0.04

E Technical Assistance (total 5.27)CS etc. (total 3.93 for D&S 50 %) 1.96 1.96 0Other Items (total 1.34 for D&S 50 %) 0.67 0 0.67Subtotal for Technical Assistance 2.63 1.96 0.67

F Credit Facility for Septic Tanks 1.50 0 1.50

Total Base Cost of A+B+D+E+F 16.51 11.20 5.31

Total Base Cost of the Project 28.95

Some simple laboratory equipment is needed for the on-site measurement ofwastewater treatment plant operation monitoring. The same portable analysing kitis recommended to be used for on-site analysing both in wastewater and landfills. Itis proposed to have two set of analysing kits, one for Bai Chay and Hon Gai. Thecost estimation is about 10,000 USD including reagencies for three years. Theneeded equipment is including to the lump sum of the project equipment.

Table 8.3 Estimated monitoring costs

Activity | Cost USD . PayerWastewater process 3,000 /st year HCESC (O&M)monitoring 1,000 , 2nd and 3t yearsSeptic sludge ~ 1,000 / year during three years HCESC (O&M)treatment monitoring

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HALONG CITY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECTSanitation Feasibility StudyVOLUME HID EM? for Proposed Drainage and Sewerage System


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