VV 64



BottesfordVillage Voice

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Issue No. 64 March/April 2013

Village Voice The newsletter of Bottesford, Easthorpe, Muston & Normanton

Youth Council Success

Bottesford Youth Council was set up in January, by Youth Workers from Leicestershire County Council. The Youth Council will give the young people in the parish a voice and an opportunity to review and improve facilities for young people. It will work closely with the Parish Council and by the time this publication has been distributed, they will have taken the Youth Council on a visit to the Houses of Parliament for a tour and tea on the terrace! Meetings will be held in the Fuller Room in the old school every 2nd Thursday and any young person aged between 11-18 is more than welcome to attend. For more information contact Teresa Patchett LCC Youth Worker on 07549 695111.

Village Voice has a Facebook page Want to send a message, comment or idea to the Village Voice team? Apart from emailing us on vv@bottesford.org.uk you can also use our new Facebook page. Search for ‘Village Voice, Bot-tesford’ and enter your ideas for articles, and ‘Like’ our page to get updates from the team.

Achievement Awards 2013 What are you proud of in our community? The Rural Community Council (Leicestershire and Rutland) have in-vited all Parish Councils to enter this year’s RCC Achievement Awards. They are looking for successful projects that make their communities proud. Bottesford Parish Council are considering nominating The Skate Park re-vamp, The Peace Garden or the Bin-Day Club. But is there any other community project which you would like to put forward? Please drop a note to clerk@bottesfordpc.org.uk or post a note on www.facebook.com/bottesfordparishcouncil In addition, the Parish Council would love to hear of your reasons why any of the above should be nominated. What do you like about them? How have you used them? What benefits have they brought you, or your family and friends? All comments to the above addresses.

Bottesford Pre-School news The Pre-school group raised £60 for Children in Need. The Group organised a teddy bears’ picnic and the children came dressed in pyjamas with their bears ready to "go on a bear hunt" (one of their favourite stories). Unfortunately the book, ‘Go On A Bear Hunt’, had seen better days and has been replaced using a do-nation from Village Voice. Pictured are some of the Pre-School children enjoying having the book read to them by a member of the team. To contact Pre-School speak to Kim Doleman or Lucinda Tongue on 844489 or email enquiries@bottesfordpreschool.org.uk

Darts Match In early January the Bowls Club chal-lenged Bottesford WI to an evening of darts matches. They enjoyed a really good night with excellent refreshments - so they may be making this an annual event. For information about the Bowls Club see page 8, and for information on Bottesford WI contact Marian Orr on 843629

Pictured right: Margaret Millington presenting the winners cup to Bowls captain Roger Payne Presentation of cheques to Charities from the Belvoir Castle Fun Run Having raised a magnificent £6,600 from the Fun Run held at Belvoir Castle last year, the Lions presentation evening saw his Grace, the Duke of Rutland (centre) making the official presentation of the cheques to representatives from the three charities, namely the RNLI, Help4Heroes and Macmillan.

The Lions raised even more funds towards their charitable works with the help of Santa and his sleigh which raised £4,500. The traditional Boxing Day Duck Race raised a super £1,186. Boxing Day Celebrations St Mary’s also joined in the fun on Boxing Day by selling mulled wine to those watching the ‘ducks’, Foresters Morris and the Clog dancers. Pictured (right) are mulled wine sellers, Ian and Glenda Gibson. (Duck race photo ©Ted Rayson)

Energetic professional musicians in Bottesford village hall on Friday 19th April Brittany-based musicians 'The Churchfitters' will perform in the Village Hall on 19th April at 7.30pm, as part of the Centre Stage programme of events through-out Leicestershire.

The Churchfitters have taken audiences by storm with their unique and ener-getic performances using an array of instruments including fiddle, double bass, bouzouki, saxophone, guitar, banjo, whistle and mandolin. They also sing! For more information about the performers go to www.churchfitters.com. To see more local Centre Stage events go to www.centrestagetouring.org.uk. Tickets cost £8 and will be available from the SPAR, Zaro's and by phone from Gill Chiswell on 842868.

Keep donations coming for Grantham Food Bank The collection point for Food Bank donations in St Mary’s Church is there for everyone to donate - not just church members. If you are able to drop non-perishable food items into the church on any day between 8.00am and 5.00pm, your donation will be welcomed by the increasing numbers of local individuals and families in emergency need of food. Since the appeal was launched in November, by the St Mary’s Social Responsibil-ity Group, a shopping trolley-full each month has gone to Grantham Food Bank to meet an essential and growing need. Sadly, there is no sign that demand will reduce, so please consider making regular donations. With thanks to those who already donate – and in anticipation to all who re-spond to this appeal.

Ice skating fox Looking out from an upstairs window one snowy day in January a local photog-rapher was surprised to spot a fox walking across a field, and a frozen pond, near Barkestone Lane.


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Bottesford Heritage Group to commemorate the First World War The group is proposing to organise events to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. Volunteers will be welcome to join in the planning and or-ganisation of the activities. Proposals so far include: the organisation of visits to the Commonwealth War Graves of those named on the Bottesford and Muston war memorials; the tracing and contacting of the relatives of those named on the memorials and those who served from the Parish, with a view to recording any family memorabilia concerning their war time service and lives; the prepara-tion of a commemorative volume that focuses on the contributions to the war effort made by families from Bottesford, Easthorpe, Normanton and Muston; the organisation of Centenary exhibitions sometime during the period 2104 to 2018; the preparation of articles for the Bottesford History website and the Bottesford Heritage notice board. Please get in touch with the Bottesford Heritage Group if you or any organisa-tion you represent would like to be involved. They will be organising a meeting to coordinate these activities in the near fu-ture. Please look out for further details on the Heritage notice board outside the Coop or check the Bottesford History website: http://www.bottesfordhistory.org.uk Phone: Dave and Sue Middleton - 842215 Email: bottesfordww1centenary@gmail.com

Coronation Year 1953 The Grantham Journal reported that a meeting held in Bottesford in January was well attended and a Coronation committee was formed. The proposed pro-gramme included Church services and concert, a pensioners lunch, a dance, a bonfire on Palmer’s Hill and prizes for the best-decorated shop, house and gar-den. Village organisations held events such as dances, bazaars and whist drives and a portion of their profits went to the Coronation Fund.

Events of June 1953 The Grantham Journal reported that Coronation Week in Bottesford commenced on the Sunday with the Parish Sunday Schools joining for a concert at St Mary’s, where a tableau of the Coronation service was enacted. On the Monday, all the children were presented with a commemorative cup, saucer and plate. Sports on a very wet Coronation Day (Tuesday) were cancelled until later in the week but elderly parishioners were entertained to lunch after viewing the Coronation Ser-vice on television. The children had a lovely tea in the afternoon and there was a dance at the VC Hall in the evening.

During the week the Youth Club gave a concert to a large appreciative audience but the climax of the week was on Saturday.

The weather was glorious and there was a procession of villagers in fancy cos-tumes and tableaux on decorated vehicles led by the Radcliffe Silver Band. Dr and Mrs Spalding were the judges for the fancy dress. Tableaux winners were the Brownies and the Angling Association; a decorated farm vehicle - Mr Jackson of The Chestnuts, and a decorated car - Keith Samuel. A Fancy Dress dance was held in the evening at the VC Hall. Captain Mould lit a 43-foot bonfire on Palmer’s Hill at 10pm. Rockets were set off and sandwiches were served around the fire.

Prizes for the best-decorated premises in the village were: 1st Mr Christmas (High Street garage), 2nd Mr Monty (shop and café) and 3rd Mr Haslam (The Red Lion Inn) Best-decorated houses were: 1st Mrs Guy (The Square), 2nd Mrs Bugg (Queen Street) and 3rd Mrs Asher (Station Road).

In October the Coronation Committee held its closing meeting. A balance was left of £98.7s.11d and thanks were expressed to all who had worked so hard. What a wonderful effort by the community!

The Lite Bite Ladies produce a hot lunch for up to 40 people in the Methodist Chapel Schoolroom on Devon Lane.

The ladies involved are Irene Pacey (who started the group), Jean Turner, Margaret George, and June Gribben, the original five, who were later joined by Margaret Pacey, Carol Fisher, and Ann Garratt (not in the picture). The group has been going for the past eight and a half years. It was started to provide a place where villagers could meet for lunch and have a chat, and at the same time, raise funds for charities such as Cancer Research, The Air Ambulance, Rainbows Children's Hospice, and Dove Cottage. The lunch consists of a bowl of soup (choice of flavours) with bread and butter, and a selection of puddings of which apple pie is very popular. The lunches are held on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of the month at 12.00 noon until 1.00 pm at £2 a head. It is very popular - don't be late. For more information phone Irene Pacey on 843138.

SPOTLIGHT ON….The Lite Bite Ladies

The Trefoil Guild - 'Guiding for Adults' The Grantham group is a very friendly gang of people who enjoy the spirit of Guiding and like to spend time together doing fun things, going on outings, listening to speakers, craft evenings and helping out at guiding events. Currently the Guild members meet at the Methodist Church Schoolroom in Bottesford at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month during winter months and are 'out and about' during the summer months. The Programme for 2013 includes pork pie making in Melton, AGM in Glas-gow, visits to Grimsthorpe Castle and the International Scout/Guide camp ‘Poacher 2013’ at the Lincolnshire Show ground, hand bell ringing and more. Some of the members have been guiders in the past, some are currently Guiders, or they have had some connection with guiding or scouting at some point in their lives or within their family. The Guild also offers affiliated mem-bership to those who subscribe to the aims and principles of Guiding and Scouting. If you are over 18 and interested in joining please ring Maureen Hill (secretary) on 01476 978308 for more details or email maureen-jhill6@gmail.com for a full programme of events.

What’s On in March.... Sun 3rd 2pm The Homestead, Normanton. Garden open for the National Gar-

den Scheme. Snowdrops and hellebores should be flowering.

Sun 10th 10.30am St Mary's Church Mothering Sunday Family Service

Mon 11th 7.15pm Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council meeting. Fuller Rooms. Residents may question the council prior to the meeting.

Tues 12th 2pm U3A – Tales from a Farmer's Wife - Jane Barnes. VC Hall.

Thurs 14th 7.30pm Local History Society. Fuller Rooms. William Stukeley – Archaeolo-gist and Grantham Resident – Michael & Diana Honeybone.

Sat 16th 8pm Bowls Club. Horse Racing Evening. All welcome. Entry £1 includes raffle. Contact Margaret 842257, or Pauline 842212.

Sun 17th 2.30pm East Midlands Orchid Society. VC Hall. Members’ meeting. Non-members very welcome, refreshments served.

Tues 19th 2pm - 4pm

Police Team Beat Surgery. Zaro’s Coffee Shop, Queen Street. Come and chat to your Local Police Beat Team.

Tues 19th 7.30pm W.I. 'Morris Dancing' – Mr J Evans. VC Hall. Contact Marian Orr 843629.

Thurs 21st 2.30pm Methodist Church Friendship Group 2013 programme begins with a talk by David Taylor, 'Spring into Easter.' in the chapel schoolroom, Devon Lane. Refreshments served. Everyone welcome. Ring Glenys Bradshaw 842893 for further details.

Sun 24th 11am Bottesford Egg Run. Red Lion to Grantham then Melton. all mo-torcyclists welcome - John Bartlett 01780762531 / 07790583082

Weds 27th 10am VoB Ramblers – Wilsford, Lincs - 8 miles - day walk, Ancaster Valley and Culverthorpe Park. Good views. See www.ramblers.org.uk for more details of Ramblers local walks.

Thurs 28th 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Churches Together Service, St Mary's Church Fri 29th 10am

12 noon - 1pm

Good Friday – Walk of Witness starts at Methodist Church, fin-ishes by 11.15am with hot cross buns at St Mary's Stations of the Cross, St Mary's Church.

Sat 30th to Mon 1st 10am - 4pm

Shelford Group of Artists Exhibition and Sale of Original Painting at Shelford Village Hall, nr Radcliffe-on-Trent. Entry free with donations for Clicsargeant gratefully received. Refreshments and parking available. Contact Pauline Stephens 01476 567148.

Sat 30th 9pm Easter Vigil at St Mary's Church

Sun 31st 10.30am Easter Day Eucharist at St Mary's Church

Fri 8th 7pm for 7.30pm

'Brains of Belvoir' Music Qujiz, VC Hall. £7 per Team Member, incl Supper. Teams of six, ('extras' are welcome/can be found to make up numbers). To enter call Nigel Davies 079734 377726.

Sun 3 11.30am -2pm Table Top Sale in aid of St Barnabas Hospice in the VC Hall.

Fri 8th 7pm Pamper Evening at Hair Razr, High Street. Choice of mini treat-ments at £5, stalls with gifts for Mother’s Day, wine & nibbles. In aid of Dove Hospice. To book tickets at £1 call 844807

And in April….. Thurs 4th 2.30pm Bottesford Methodist Friendship Group. Chapel schoolroom,

Devon Lane. A talk by John Asher about 'Trade Aid'. Mon 8th 7.15pm Parish Council meeting. Old School, Muston. Residents are

welcome as observers and for 15 minutes at the start may address the council with concerns or questions.

Tues 9th 2pm U3A – The Swinging 60s – Gerry Burrows. VC Hall Thurs 11th 7.30pm Local History Society. Fuller Rooms. 'Bottesford Exposed – 60

Years at f8' – Ted Rayson. Sat 13th 7.30pm Bowls Club Quiz Night. £6 incl. supper. Contact 842257/842212 Sun 14th 2.30pm East Midlands Orchid Society. VC Hall. 'Singapore Orchid Show' –

Chris Barker. Non-members welcome, refreshments served. Tues 16th 7.30pm W.I. 'Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance' – Mr J Vickrage. VC Hall.

Contact Marian Orr 843629. Thurs 18th 2.30pm Methodist Church Friendship Group, Chapel schoolroom, speaker

Rev'd Lesley Taylor. (Other information, see 21st March) Tues 23rd 2pm - 4pm Police Team Beat Surgery. Zaro’s Coffee Shop. See 19th March


Important: To publicise your event in the ‘What’s On’ column for May or June, please ring 844823 or email t.taffs@btinternet.com by 27th March.

Are You The Burglars Best Friend? Last year a local resident wrote in Village Voice about their experience of being burgled. Anyone who has ever suffered this crime will recognise the sense of violation and disbelief that victims feel. The author very honestly recognised that their own complacency about security had left them vulnerable. Complacency is the burglar’s very best friend. There is a wealth of advice available from the Police and from NHW (Neighbourhood Watch) to help people reduce their risk of becoming victims. Burglars rely absolutely on us ignoring it. It makes their lives easier and reduces the risks they run in their activities. To ignore that advice is to be complacent and to thus become the burglar’s best friend. Although, in relative terms, our village is not a high crime area, ironically that very fact can encourage the com-placency that helps burglars conduct their illegal activities successfully. In 2013 let's all make life more difficult for those who prey on the law abiding majority. To sign up for email alerts and advice from NHW email: JohnS@BottesfordParishNHW.org.uk or call 07725636626.

Can you knit? Would you like to help newborn babies in Africa? Newborn babies, many suffering from Aids are being called "fish & chip babies" because they are sent home from hospital in newspaper for warmth. In order to assist these tiny babies there is a plea to anyone who can help to knit a small jumper/vest which will be sent to Africa to keep them warm. Average knitters can complete a jumper in an evening. You will need double knitting wool in bright or mixed colours. Pastel shades or white often used here are not suitable as these jumpers may never get washed. Dark mixed stripes look good. If you would like a pattern, or can donate knitting wool, please contact Judith Wells on 842804 or email her at judithwells@hotmail.co.uk.

Belvoir High school Just before Christmas the school received a document from OFSTED / Depart-ment for Education which analysed the performance of last year’s Year 11 stu-dents. We were delighted to see that on a whole range of measures those stu-dents performed significantly above the national average. In fact there were a greater number of high performing measures than there had been for the Year 11 of 2010/11.

Police Report The move of the police office to Belvoir High School has led to more involve-ment with pupils. Students’ parents and the the general public are also ‘calling in’ to the office. The Wednesday opening hours are 4-6pm. The police teams that serve the community are PC Mark Longden and PC Sharon Roscoe as well as PCSO Stuart Hallam and PCSO Mike Walker. Police staff also attend the regular ‘drop in’ sessions at Zaro’s in Bottesford; see the What’s On page for details.

Pooh! Recently, the Parish Council has had many comments and complaints about the piles of dog-dirt adorning our paths, verges and green spaces. Please remember the message “Bag it. Bin it. Banish it!”. FREE Poo bags are available from the library. Help us make our villages the first to be dog-poo free by the end of the year.

Poppy Appeal, November 2012 The District Total for the Bottesford area in last Autumn's Poppy collection was £2,740. Our Local Honorary Organiser, Anne Ablewhite, thanks all who gave so generously.

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Village Voice Contacts Advertising: Email vvadverts@hotmail.com or phone 842141 Editorial: Dilys Shepherd on 843505 or Susan Meech on 843402 Deadline for May/June Edition (Issue 65): 20th March. E-mail: vv@bottesford.org.uk Facebook: ‘Village Voice, Bottesford’ To view in colour see our website: www.villagevoice.bottesford.org.uk Whilst every care is taken in the printing of notices and advertisements, the committee accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or consequences which may arise from them. Views expressed in the Village Voice do not necessarily reflect those of the committee.

Why should you play bowls? Because you’re competitive and want to help Bottesford Bowls Club defend the titles won in 2011. The Club has a bar where you can remind everyone what wonderful shots you played. Informal sessions are held on Monday nights which are free and bowls can be borrowed. The Club also arranges social events. If you’re worried about coming alone, bring a friend – new members are always welcome. Contact Pauline on 842212 or paulinep775@aol.com

Girls Football The newly-formed girls section of Bottesford FC were recently invited onto the pitch at the King Power Stadium when Leicester City hosted Ipswich Town as part of the Leicestershire FA Girls awareness fixture. The girls met England International Rachel Yankey and went onto the pitch to ‘Shake the Shirt’ before kick-off. At half time they were applauded as they paraded round the stadium. The event was all about raising the profile of girls’ football in Leicestershire, and it certainly created a great deal of excitement amongst Bottesford’s young female footballers! For information contact Matt Burton (07540935478) or Steve Ryan (07809 493835).

Cricket Indoor nets will be held at Grantham College on 27th February for 6 weeks, after which it is hoped they will be using the facilities at Bottesford Cricket Club. The new season may have Kwik Cricket on Friday nights. Both 1st and 2nd teams won promotion in the South Notts Cricket League - congratulations to Andy Norris and Dan Robinson as Captains.
