Warm Up 1/22/13 Identify the verbs and label what type each is


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Warm Up 1/22/13

Identify the verbs and label what type each is.

Warm Up 1/22/13

Identify the verbs and label what type each is.


we’re could‘ve







Warm Up 1/23/13

Warm Up 1/23/13

I Was Slimed by an Atlantic Hagfish

The person may be a deep sea diver.

The gulper eel’s tail is like a whip; its mouth is wide and deep like a pelican’s.

a, a, b, b, c, c, c, c

Warm Up 1/24/13

Warm Up 1/24/13

Of all animals on Earth, the blue whale is the largest.

The longest fish migration on record was a trip by a blue fin tuna. The fish traveled 5,800 miles from Baja, California, Mexico to the sea south of Tokyo, Japan.


Ocean fish

Just like other animals, fish need oxygen, which they get from water, to stay alive. Water flows into a fish’s mouth and passes over its gills. Blood flows through the tissue in the gills that is known as lamellae tissue. This blood absorbs oxygen and carries it to all the fish’s cells. The water then flows out of the fish through the gill openings on the sides of the fish’s head.

Warm Up 1/25/13

Warm Up 1/25/13

“Come in,” Mrs. Lynch said, “and make yourself comfortable.”

“Can you wait for another hour?” Oscar asked.

“Look,” Bob whispered, “there are baby birds in that nest.”

“Julie started studying karate three years ago,” her mother explained.

“Are you ready for the game?” Coach Pensky inquired.
