WEEKDAY CONNECTION GROUPS - Amazon S3 · Our Connection Groups are a great place to begin new...


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SUNDAY CONNECTION GROUPS These groups gather here every Sunday morning at 10:45 AM.

Kum Dubble Genesis Senior High Youth

Senior Adults Adults Grades 9-12

Double Ring Beginnings Junior High Youth

Senior Adults Young Adults Grades 6-8

Life Preservers The Walk Children’s Connections

Senior Adults Young Adults Children in Pre-K

through 5th grade.

New Covenant The Journey

Adults Young Adults

WEEKDAY CONNECTION GROUPS Ladies in Fellowship Together Northside Small Group

Saturday Mornings at 9:30 AM Thursday Evenings at 6:30 PM

Contact Fran Campbell for info Contact Glen Cardwell for Info

eddydale@frontier.com bgcardwell@frontier.com

Eastside Small Group The Yahweh Tribe

Monday Afternoons at 2:00 PM Monday nights at 6:00 PM

Contact Venita Gastineau for info 6-12 grade girls

(812) 235-7586 jcampbell@thfbc.org

Women’s Bible Study Bible Seekers: Grades K-5

Thursday Mornings at 9:30 AM Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM

Beginning Thursday, September 7th Bible Study and games

Contact Connie Sheehan at Meets here at the church


The Patriarchs by Beth Moore FBC Youth Gathering

Wednesday nights 5:30-7:30 PM

Adult Bible Study For grades 6-12

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM Meets here at the church

Led by Rev. Jackson

Meets here at the church

July 23, 2017


First Baptist Church

Proclaiming Christ,

Promoting Disciples FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH

OUR VISION We will be an intergenerational community of warmth where disciples

are nurtured into passionate obedience to God our Father-expressed

and extended into our community through the lives of our members as

they go out to love, serve, and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

Proclaiming Christ, Promoting Disciples


DISCIPLESHIP: Learning to worship, serve, and witness within the context

of relationships so that we become more like Christ.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Developing relationships with and caring for the

needs of our neighbors for the cause of Christ.

STRENGTHEN CHURCH CONNECTIONS: Developing relationships within the

Christian community that provide care for each other’s needs and

encourage the discipleship of each other for the cause of Christ.


community outreach, and strengthening church connections across

generational lines.

GOVERNANCE: Structuring leadership to best serve as guides the

congregation as we carry out the mission of Christ through the church.

IMPROVE and UPDATE FACILITIES: Completing any necessary renovations

and expansions to ensure that the building is a hub for discipleship,

outreach, and church connections.

Welcome guests! Welcome to First Baptist Church! It’s good to have you! Come say,

“Hi!” at our Welcome Desk in the church atrium so we can learn a little

bit more about each other. Have questions? We’ve got answers,

refreshments in our First Link area… and a gift for you too!

While you are here… Connect over coffee Our First Link area is stocked with fresh coffee, donuts, and other snacks

every Sunday morning. Feel free to have a seat, mingle, and enjoy the


Connect through worship We worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM and on Sunday evenings at

6:00 PM. Our morning service follows a more traditional pattern of

worship, while our evening service reflects more modern patterns of


Connect through fellowship and study We have Connection Groups meeting every Sunday morning and

throughout the week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Our Connection Groups are a great place to begin new relationships

through Bible Study and mission together with other Christians. Flip to

the back page for a full list of current Connection Groups and when

they gather.

Connect through membership We’d love to have you as a part of our church family. Speak with a

member of our pastoral staff for more info or email us at


Connect the whole family Children of all ages are welcome to join us during worship, but we also

offer childcare and children’s groups for all ages. Stop by our

Welcome Desk for directions.

MEMORIAL GARDEN OPPORTUNITY Now is an excellent time to consider lasting gifts for the Memorial

Garden to permanently recognize individuals in the church.

Stroll through the garden and think of the contribution these individuals

have made and then think of someone you would add: a loved one no

longer with us, someone who has made a recognizable contribution to

the church, etc. Contact the church office or Marvin Henry for wording.

The process will conclude with planting within a short time.

Memorial bricks require a contribution of $100

each—a real bargain considering our special

individuals may be permanently etched in the

church archives.

Nursery Ministry Staff—July 23, 2017

1st Hour: Kirsten Morrison, Amy Sizemore,

Sharon Cordray

2nd Hour: Kirsten Morrison, Gina Dorsett,

Connie Ralston

Toddlers Ministry Staff

1st Hour: Djanedi Cardwell, Sue Funk

2nd Hour: Judy Harris, Nathalie Rozo


Union Hospital

Barbara Thomas

Health Concerns/


Sharon Barbour

Jim Booe

Bill Kauffman

Joyce Little

Granville Lowe

Roy Thompson

Our full prayer list is

available at the

Welcome Desk.

Children’s Ministry Staff


1st Hour:

Intermediates – Jessica Petscher, Karen Lyon,

Jake Lyon

PreK – Misty Keathley, Erin Bose

2nd Hour:

Intermediates – Sally Chiu, Alissa McKinney

PreK – Kerri Price, Mandy Chaney


K/1st – Mabel & Allen Keathley, Misti Corrigan

2nd/3rd – Shirley Ellis

4th/5th – Marty Cardwell, Beverly Farnsworth

Music –Jean Penry

Children’s Church –Jill Kirchoff, Beth Cohen,

Samantha Lyon

From Sunday, July 16th: Worship/Sunday Connections

BUDGET WEEKLY: $ 12,946.00 AM Worship: 264

GENERAL GIVING TOTAL: $ 13,682.12 Connection Groups: 110


YTD Budgeted Expenses: $362,458.83

Van Driver: Chad White 812-234-6702 Emergency Contact:

Driver 7/30: Jim Rayburn 812-917-3769 Bernie Jackson: 812-466-1887

Welcome Desk: Lori Moon Greeters:

Prayer Chain: Kamela Farmer The Vega Family

812-201-0263 The Pineda Family


812-877-2354 - www.THFBC.org

Bernie Jackson John Campbell Jill Kirchoff

Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Children’s Minister

Gina Dorsett Jackie Reeves William H Griffith

Preschool Director Interim Music Director Pastor Emeritus

BACKPACK PROGRAM The Walk Connection Group is collecting items for the

backpack program at Fuqua Elementary through the

month of July. Items needed are: pudding cups,

cheese crackers, individual mini cereal boxes, oatmeal,

fruit snacks, pop tarts and individual macaroni and

cheese cups. Donations may be taken to the Walk Classroom (last

classroom in the back hallway).

FBC WEEKLY Volume No. XCV Sunday, July 23, 2017 No. 29 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY AT FBC Morning Worship 9:30 AM

Connection Groups 10:45 AM

POOL PARTY! 6:00 PM _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LATER THIS WEEK Tuesday, July 25th

PASTOR BERNIE will be on vacation from July 18th—31st

Fitness Class 6:00 PM

Wednesday, July 26th

Parents Time Out 9:00 AM

Fellowship at MCL (All Invited) 5:30 PM

Youth Gathering 5:30 PM

Card Making Class 6:30 PM

Thursday, July 27th

Senior Lunch Bunch—Arthur, IL 10:30 AM


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! July 24th—30th

24th—Chris Cordray

25th—Megan Keathley, Andrew Newman, Julie Sherrod

26th—Scot Kellett, Susan Kiger

27th—Sarah Barnes, Kerry Norris

28th—Alyssa Petscher

29th—Emma Lubbehusen


SENIOR LUNCH BUNCH The next Lunch Bunch outing will take place on July 27th. The bus will

leave at 10:30 AM for Arthur, IL. Call Venita Gastineau for reservations at

(812) 235-7586.


THANK YOU Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored me and the other youth

for our trip to Generate. Your generosity means more than I can say.-

Hannah Petscher

MESSAGE FROM JOHN Do you want to be a good Christian? Well, quit trying so hard.

I know that this seems like an odd recommendation. We can all look

around and see rather quickly that most Christians do not put much

effort into our relationship with God. What was once considered regular

church attendance is now reserved for only those iron men and women

of the faith. The rest of us “regularly” attend about 1-2 times a month.

And forget about the spiritual disciplines. How much time do you spend

every day reading scripture… praying… serving others… discipling

someone else… How much do you tithe? You get the point.

I want to share with you a story that our youth heard from Chad Poe

during Camp Generate last week. It was a story about Chucky Cheese

and the Gospel. Yep. Chucky Cheese.

Chad told the story about spending hours at the restaurant with his

daughter. They dominated skeet-ball. They mastered the timing of the

ticket wheel. And when it was time to go, his daughter proudly walked

to the counter, dumped arm loads of tickets onto the glass, and pointed

at the soft, bright, purple bear hanging on the wall behind the girl

working the counter. Her face was full of expectation and excitement...

Until the worker spoke.

“You don’t have enough tickets,” she said.

You’ve been there. We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt that feeling of

coming up short. In Matthew, Jesus describes judgement—that time

when we all will come up to God’s counter, lay out all of our works, all of

our accomplishments, and receive our reward. Jesus says that many will

come to him and call him Lord. They will point to how they cast out

demons and did other amazing things in his name. What will Jesus say?

“I don’t know you. Depart from me you evil doer.”

I think most of the time, we hear those scary words and we immediately

think of someone else. But here’s the truth. These are Jesus’ word for all

of us who come to him trying to earn his love and our salvation through

our works. Those are Jesus’ words to Abraham, to Moses, to Joshua, to

David… those are Jesus’ words to Peter, Paul, James, and John. Think

about that! Think about the amazing things these men did for God’s

Kingdom! And still—all of those things piled on top of each other are

not enough to earn any of them or any of us a ticket into heaven.

So stop trying so hard to save yourself. Because you can’t. Stop trying

so hard to earn his love and respect. Because you can’t. It’s a gift won

and given by Jesus Christ alone. For we have been saved by grace

through faith so that no man can boast. That’s my advice this week.

Next week? Try harder… It will make sense. I promise. - Pastor John

September begins a new opportunity for your Connection Group! We

are excited about bringing to you a Sermon Based Discussion


Here’s how it works: In September, we will begin a year long journey

through the Bible during our Sunday morning worship services that we

are calling “The Story of God.” The goal is to understand the stories in

the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation - in relation to their connection to

the bigger story of God so that once we’ve zoomed out and looked at

the whole picture, we can then zoom in and understand how our own

lives are a part of that same story, even today.

The Sermon Based Discussion Curriculum will give your Connection

Group the opportunity to look longer and deeper into that week’s

scripture and sermon. The format of the curriculum is discussion based

(instead of a lecture format) and will really give your group a chance to

learn from each other and grow in faith, not just as individuals, but as a

family. If you or your group is interested in joining with us in the

discussion, or if you have any questions, please contact John Campbell

at jcampbell@thfbc.org. If you are not a part of a group, but would still

like to participate, we can help find you a place where you are

comfortable and we will be looking to form a new group starting in

September that you could be a part of as well.

SPECIAL EVENT A special called business meeting has been scheduled for August 6,

2017 at 11:30 AM following connection groups. The Trustees and the

Strategic Planning Team are requesting your support to approve $11,500

for James Daus and Associates Architects to draft a building and

remodeling plan for our church.

The request arises from the six priority initiatives our congregation

identified in the strategic planning survey. The initiatives are listed each

week in our bulletin. Special teams have worked with ways to

implement your priorities.

Some recurring themes have emerged and bring us to this request.

1. How can we establish an effective outreach for Christ with families in

our neighborhood and the community?

2. How can we strengthen bonds within our church and develop more

meaningful intergenerational connections?

3. How can we make our church a special place for our children, our

grandchildren, for young adults, and for young families?

The building of a family life center has again been identified as a key

place to expand and center many of the proposed activities. When this

church was built a family life center was part of the master plan. The

center was also part of the master plan when space was added in the

1990’s and in subsequent church-wide meetings.

We have studied the possible uses of a family life center. We are

excited about the possibilities of outreach for Christ and ways to

strengthen our church internally.

The approval for a draft plan will give us a base for discussion of priorities

and will give everyone an opportunity for input.


THANK YOU Our First Baptist Church Family, We wanted to say thank you and to tell

our church family how much their love and compassion during this time

was appreciated. We are truly blessed! Thank you—The Corrigan Family


The beautiful planter was so appreciated. Pete had a long battle with

Alzheimer's, but went peacefully at home. We had help from neighbors,

friends, Hospice, and wonderful family. Thank you, Clarena Mathews

and family.

MISSION OPPORTUNITY Tentatively June 18-29, 2018!

A 15-member team of skilled and unskilled FBC

workers is being formed for the 2018 mission trip

to Kodiak Baptist Mission. Fundraising will begin

soon but our team needs to be established first.

If you are interested in helping the mission next summer and joining the

team, contact the office or Jessica Petscher at 812-244-9183.

Also, Ed and Fran Campbell have been doing missionary work in Kodiak

this summer. If you would like to send them a greeting, the envelopes

are in the rack at the Welcome Desk! The church office would be happy

to mail your message for you!

Order of Worship—July 23, 2017

*HYMN Great is the Lord Screen (Please pass the attendance register located on the inner aisle)

*SCRIPTURE LESSON Micah 7:18-20 Pastor John



*HYMN I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 576


SCRIPTURE LESSON Micah 6:1-8 Pastor John

SPECIAL MUSIC The Heart of Worship Melissa Lindsay

SERMON What Does God Require Pastor John

*HYMN Living for Jesus a Life That is True (Vs 1,3) 569 (During the singing of the hymn those who would like to profess their faith

in Christ and be baptized; rededicate their life to Christ; or unite with this

church membership, please come to the front of the sanctuary and

speak with one of the pastors.)







*Congregation please stand if you are able.


Please join us as we discuss our stewardship of time, talent and treasure.

Time and Place: Sunday, July 23rd at 10:45 AM in Esken Hall.

This week’s topic: We continue our discussion regarding the best use of

insurance—Life, Health, Property, Casualty, etc.

All are welcome!!

WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP DINNERS Our fellowship dinners are being well attended as our FBC family shares

in food, fellowship, and fun at the MCL Cafeteria. Come join us

Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. You’ll be glad you did!!
