WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITêRE VETERANE : BERIG 09/2016 WEE ... EN WEE 9_2016.pdf · * Jos Rabie van...


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WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITêRE VETERANE : BERIG 09/2016 WEE VAN DIE VETERANE 1. Afsterwe van Dries Moller van die Genie Kassie Kasselman van die Infanterie verwittig met leedwese “… dat Dries op 29/06/2016 oorlede is. Dries was ‘n voormalige Dir Genie en befaamde Nasionale Bisleyskut. Die begrafnisdiens vind op Maandag 04/07/2016 vanuit die NG Gemeente Rooihuiskraal te Hofsangerweg 140 plaas. Die familie versoek dat die begrafnisgangers hulle kleurbaadjies met die hoogste sporttoekenning dra”. 1.a. Afsterwe van Daantjie Haarhoff van die SALM Richard Knipe van Regsdienste verwittig met leedwese “… dat Daantjie op 17/06/2016 in Stilbaai in die ouderdom van 85 jaar oorlede is. Hy het in 1985 as Dir Fin by SALM HK afgetree. Daantjie word oorleef deur sy eggenote, Christine, twee seuns en vier dogters. Christine se telno is 028-754 2365”. 2. Afsterwe van Phil (Jakkals) Jäckel van die Paratroopers * Jos Rabie van die Paratroopers verwittig met leedwese “… dat Jakkals op 27/06/2016 in 2 Mil Hosp oorlede is. Jakkals het vir ‘n geruime tyd ‘n stryd teen kanker gevoer en sy roudiens sal om 12:00 op Maandag 04/07/2016 by die NG Gemeente Kleinmond plaasvind. Sy vrou, Ronel, se selno is 083 288 8761. Jakkals was vir ‘n lang tyd Bev LWT by 1 Valsk Bn, waarna hy op die staf van HK 44 Valsk Bde gedien het. Hy was nie net ‘n bekwame valskermsoldaat nie, maar het as operasionele Tiffie vir hom in besonder naam gemaak. Sy vertellings is in Deel I, Hoofstukke 18 & 19 van Ons Was Daar. Jakkals het later as ‘n kolonel in die SAGD afgetree. Dit is gepas dat die lugneerlaatbare voertuig, die Jakkals, waarvan hy die ontwerper en bouer was, na hom vernoem is, vandag voor Rooiplaas se hoofhek as monument vir sy nagedagtenis staan. Rus sag ou makker, ons salueer jou”. * Willem Matthee van die TDK voeg by “… dat Jakkals een van die kleurvolle karakters van die TDK was. Die Jakkals-voertuig was sy inisiatief en sy naam is aan die voertuig gekoppel”. 3. Afsterwe van Anton Dekker van Spes Magte Paul Els verwittig met leedwese “… dat Anton, ‘n veteraan van Op Savannah en groot soldaat, op 14/06/2016 aan huis in Mosselbaai oorlede is. Rus in vrede my groot vriend. Die foto toon vir Anton by die Gedenkmuur met die re-unie van Op Savannah in Sep 2015”.

4. Afsterwe van JHN (Jo) van der Hoven (Jo) van Personeel Shai Mulder van die Genie verwittig met leedwese dat “…Jo op 23/06/2016 in die geseënde ouderdom van 95 jaar op Brits oorlede is. Jo was oorspronklik 1 Mobiele Wag se hoofklerk in 1962 en was n baie bekwame administrateur en ‘n allemansvriend. Hy het later kommissierang ontvang en as ‘n lid van PDK afgetree. Sy vrou, Joyce, was die hooftikster by 1 Mobiele Wag wat later 1 Konstruksie Regt geword het. Joyce is reeds baie jare gelede oorlede en Jo is later met Tienie getroud en hulle was vir 26 jaar gelukkig saam. Tienie se selno is 079 248 9235. Ons salueer n lojale soldaat wat alles vir ons land gegee het. Tienie getuig dat Jo gereed was om die Here te ontmoet”. 5. Afsterwe van Mauritz Swanepoel van die SALM Johan Bauer van die SALM verwittig met leedwese “…van die afsterwe van Mauritz. ’n Gedenkdiens is op 23/06/2016 by die Gereformeerde Gemeente Eldoraigne gehou, waarna verversings by die kerk, asook by die Hartbeesklubte LMB Swartkop aangebied is”. 6. Afsterwe van AO1 Kapp van die TDK Willem Matthee van die TDK verwittig met leedwese “…dat hy verneem het dat AO1 Kapp gedurende die week 13-18/06/2016 oorlede is. Hy was voorheen aan die LWT by die Seinformasie verbonde”. 7. Afsterwe van Marie : Vrou van Bokkie Olivier van die Seiners Vroeër het Deon Van Zyl van die Seiners verwittig dat Marie se een been by Unitas Hospitaal in Centurion afgesit moes word. Gangreen het in die amputasie-wond ontstaan en Marie is na 1 Mil Hosp vir behandeling oorgeplaas. Bokkie het Deon nou met leedwese verwittig dat Marie op 30/06/2016 in 1 Mil Hosp oorlede is. Sy selno is 082 668 4203”. 8. Begrafnis van George du Preez van Afd Inl Verlede week het Jan de Bruyn van Afd Inl met leedwese verwittig dat Lang Doep van DTI op 04/06/2016 aan 'n hartaanval oorlede is. Koos Maritz van die Infanterie het op 10/06/2016 die begrafnisdiens in die Kapel by die Voortrekkermonument bygewoon en ons meegevoel aan Veronika en kinders oorgedra. 9. Operasie vir Toon Slabbert van die Kavallerie Tina sê “... dat die vergroeisels in Toon se blaas suksesvol by 1 Mil Hosp verwyder is en dat hy tans by die huis herstel. Die dokter is tevrede en dankie aan almal vir die belangstelling en goeie wense. Toon se e-posadres is rooitoon@googlemail.com”. Toon voeg by dat hy “… vir almal wat gebel het baie dankie sê. Ek waardeer dit baie en voel al klaar beter”. 10. Siekte van Johan Crous van die Infanterie Voorheen is genoem dat Johan “… feitlik sorgbehoewend is” en daar word steeds gepoog om Johan se kontakbesonderhede te verkry. 11. Terugslag vir Norman Minne van die SALM Johan Bauer van die SALM noem dat hy “… die ontstellende nuus ontvang het dat die groot K vir Norman aangeval het en dat dit glad nie met hom goed gaan nie. Ek vra dat ons hierdie vegtervlieënier van weleer en sy geliefdes, daar in die distrik buite Graaf-Reinette, in ons gebede aan ons Hemelse Vader opdra. Sy vrou, Mariaan, se selno is 083 6585 184”.

12. Gen Ian Gleeson is Back at Home “I returned home on 10/06/2016 after nearly two months in hospital. There is still a long recovery ahead but being at home with Helen will be a great help. We would again like to thank everybody for their support and good wishes during this time, especially when Helen was on her own. The wonderful spirit of camaraderie and support is still very much alive and very encouraging. Thank you all and may God bless you”. 13. Mediese Behandeling vir MS du Toit van die Infanterie en Afd Inl “Ek moet nou na mekaar ‘n diëtkundige, uroloog en interne medikasie raadpleeg en vir almal moet ek bloed skenk. Dit is goed dat julle nog ‘n foto van my het, anders sal dit later net vel en been wees. Baie dankie aan almal wat my bygestaan en moed ingepraat het”. HULDEBLYKE 14. Huldeblyk aan Oom Chopper Fourie van Personeel Chris Wehrmann noem dat Chopper ‘n indruk gelaat het op elkeen wat hy tee gekom het. Ek het hom in 1963 as die KM ontmoet, toe ons as ‘n groep offisiere en onderoffisiere vir 2 SAI Bn Gp in Walvisbaai gestig het. Dit was ‘n ervaring wat ‘n blywende indruk op my as jong Infanteris gelaat het. Chopper het ‘n sentrale rol gespeel, veral ook op sosiale terrein. Hy het later met Ouna getrou en hulle het ‘n dogter en ook sy seun ‘n paar dae voor sy dood afgestaan. Hy was ‘n storie-verteller van formaat en ek het baie ure by hom spandeer om na sy vertellings geluister. Hy wou so graag dat ek Walvisbaai toe kom ‘… want hy het nog baie om te vertel’ maar dit het nie gerealiseer nie. Op die foto hieronder wat in die vroeë jare op Walvisbaai geneem is, verskyn voor van links na regs Derek Crous, Chopper, Shorty Brown en Hilton Lee. Agter is Chris, Vos Benade, genl Wessel Kritzinger, Thos du Toit en onbekend. Die ander een is ‘n foto van Wessel en myself by Chopper wat tydens die begrafnis van Chopper se dogter in Valhalla geneem is”.

15. Gedagte oor Phil (Jakkals) Jäckel van die Paratroopers Chris le Roux van die Paratroopers noem “… dat Jakkals uiters bekwaam was. Saam met baie Valskermsoldate is ons jammer oor sy heengaan”.

GEDAGTES OOR WYLE MARETHA : VROU VAN TINUS (AK) DE JAGER VAN DIE INFANTERIE 16. John Lizamore : Nasionale President, SA Infanterievereniging “Ontvang asseblief hiermee ons innige simpatie en meegevoel met u groot verlies. Mag ons Hemelse Vader u in hierdie moeilike tyd vashou, ondersteun en troos. Met al ons lede se beste en vriendelike groete”. 17. Roland de Vries van die Meg Infanterie Ek en Henriette is baie jammer om te verneem van Maretha se skielike heengaan. Ons innige meegevoel en gebede gaan met AK en sy familie en vriende. Ons vertrou dat tyd sal heel en vertroosting sal bring. Ek en Henriette dink insgelyks aan die voorreg van spesiale momente wat ons saam met AK en Maretha kon geniet en waardeer het”. 18. Tinus de Jager “Baie dankie vir almal se belangstelling en simpatie. Ek en die kinders waardeer dit opreg”. PERSOONLIKE BOODSKAPPE 19. Verjaarsdag van Genl H de V du Toit : Voormalige HSI Koos Louw van die SAV verwittig “… dat genl du Toit ‘n rype 90 op 20/07/2016 word. Hy is op die been en by die huis. Sy telno is 012-430 5923”. MILITêRE AANGELEENTHEDE 20. Naamborde by SA Leër HK Paul Els sê hy het “... die vier naamborde by die MOTHS opgespoor wat in die gange van Leër HK gehang het. Die MOTHs het hulle gered maar die een se glas is gebreek en kan by die MOTHS se tak besigtig word, wat langs die Sentrale Gevangenis in die vorige lyne van die Pretoria Regt geleë is. Die Old Bill is Francois Viljoen wie se selno 082 707 5563 is”. 21. Newsletter of the SA Military Veterans’ Association (SAMIVA) The first AGM of SAMIVA was held on 28/05/2016 in Centurion during which a Management Committee was elected consisting of Gawie Lotter as Chairman, Pieter Liebenberg as Vice-Chairperson, as well as a Secretary and Financial Member. The following members were co-opted: * Lt-Col Kevin Ridden representing the SANDF * Anton Marais representing the SAAF * Dr Jos Chadinha representing SAMID * Piet Bester representing SAMHS The motto of the Association, namely ‘Looking after our own’ was emphasized and feedback was given regarding assistance to members in need. The Chairperson emphasised the independence and un-affiliated status of SAMIVA. The Association will be working with and supporting any Veterans Organisation that reflects the values of SAMIVA, but no formal affiliation to any governing Veterans Organisation is considered at this stage. The Newsletter is available from the e-mail address of the Secretary, Deon Dohne, at deon@dohneenfourie.co.za.

22. Roy Andersen Asked to Stay on as Reserve Force Chief According to DefenceWeb, Maj-Gen Roy Andersen, who should have handed over responsibilities as Chief of SANDF Reserves at the end of May 2016 to a successor, is in his own words “…staying on a bit longer” after having held this position since Oct 2003. He has been asked by C SANDF to keep on contributing as the country’s most senior Reserve Force officer and to carry on as a trustee of the Education Trust set up by C SANDF to assist the dependents of soldiers killed or seriously injured while on duty. The trust has this year made available 68 bursaries, nine more than planned for, at a value of more than R1.1 million. Out of 22 500 active Reserves, just over 14 500 are called up an annual basis for an average period of 183 days and many are deployed on border safeguarding operations. More than half of the soldiers deployed on the border protection are Reserve Force members. At any one time there are about 2 200 soldiers deployed on border protection along all six of South Africa’s landward borders. Roy was born and educated in Johannesburg and was commissioned into the artillery in 1966. He commanded the Transvaal Horse Artillery (THA) from 1976 to 1979 and was subsequently appointed as SSO Art and then as SSO Ops at HQ 7 SA Inf Div. He has also served as General of the Gunners and is Honorary Colonel of the THA.

23. New Combat Vehicle can Withstand Landmines In a RFC Newsflash mention was made of a new-generation 8x8 vehicle developed by the Paramount Group, a SA privately-owned manufacturer of defence equipment, which says that its new armoured vehicle has set the company ahead of competitors in the land force environment. The founder and executive chairman of Paramount, Ivor Ichikowitz, said the Mbombe 8 (photo below) is a sophisticated infantry combat vehicles that can withstand landmines and is the first 8x8 in the world to be mine-hardened while still capable of carrying a nine-ton load and having high mobility. Paramount was in the final stages of concluding a number of deals for the Mbombe 8 with interested countries. However, in 2013, Armscor awarded a multibillion rand contract to Denel to manufacture over 200 armoured vehicles for the SANDF over a 10-year period. The new Badger infantry combat vehicle is an 8x8 and would eventually replace the SANDF’s existing fleet of armoured protected combat vehicles like the Ratel.

24. Some Gripen Fighters of the SAAF are Active In DefenceWeb of 09/06/2016 it was reported that exactly half the SAAF’s fleet of 26 Gripen fighter aircraft is actively flying while the other half is in rotational storage due to a lack of funding.

25. Comparison Between the Gripens and Hawks In Sep 2013 the Dir Combat Systems of the SAAF, Brig-Gen John Bayne, told the Seriti Commission that The Hawks have flown more hours as it is much cheaper to fly them than the Gripens. According to Bayne, it cost approximately R135 400 an hour to fly a Gripen and R82 900 an hour to fly a Hawk. 26. Pilots of the Nigerian Air Force to Train in South Africa According to DefenceWeb ten Nigerian Air Force officers are to be sent to South Africa on a one-year training course for pilots, while another ten will be sent to the United Kingdom. The pilots will be trained in combat operations aimed at supporting deployments to troubled areas ofNigeria. Nigeria has previously in 2007 sent six pilots to train at the SAAF Flying Training School. Photo shows a Hawk trainer.

27. Boeing Showcases New Sub-Hunting Torpedo In Arne’s MN it was said that Boeing has showed off its newest sub-killing flying torpedo, the P-8 Poseidon, that will enable the USN to hunt enemy submarines from great heights. This lightweight torpedo has the ability to glide through the air high above the clouds, like a miniature jet, complete with wings, a tail and a GPS-guided navigation system. Once it nears the water, the system activates a parachute that lowers the weapon to the water. The engine then starts and the torpedo begins its run toward its target. The major advantage is that P-8 can track and kill enemy submarines from an altitudes as high as 30,000 feet and for long distances.

28. USN Eases Alcohol Restriction for US Sailors in Japan The USN has partially relaxed its alcohol ban on their sailors in Japan and Sailors are now allowed to drink alcohol when they are on-base or in their own personal housing, but they are not to drink off-base. Earlier this month, the Navy imposed restrictions on drinking and travelling after several recent alcohol-related incidents, which were said to harm USA/Japan relations. Earlier a NCO was accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on the wrong side of the road, hitting two cars and injuring two people, while in Mar 2016 a Sailor was arrested on suspicion of rape. 29. The Railgun According to Angel’s MN the USN is pushing ahead with a radical new electromagnetic cannon that could transform how wars are fought, even though some have voiced concerns over its cost and viability. The Railgun represents a paradigm shift in ballistic technology. Instead of using gunpowder and explosive charges to shoot a shell from its barrel, it employs vast amounts of electromagnetic energy to zoom a projectile along a set of copper-alloy rails. Thanks to four small fins on its rear, the hefty round can then be guided toward a moving object, relying purely on kinetic energy. scientists expect the railgun rounds to travel at speeds up to Mach 7.5, which at 9 100 kph is more than seven times the speed of sound over a distance of about 160 km.

VERKRYGING VAN SERTIFIKATE VAN VORIGE MILITêRE DIENS EN MEDALJES 30. Agtergrond * Voorheen is genoem dat Lourens Etchell in staat is om vir lede hulle sertifikate van diens by die SAW en SANW op te spoor en teen ’n fooi te verskaf. Hy kan ook enige navorsing oor ou soldate onderneem en veral vir mense wat wil immigreer, geboorte- en trousertifikate, asook skeibriewe opspoor. Sy e-posadres is lourensetchell@gmail.com”. 31. Peter van der Merwe of Finance “I would like to give feedback regarding the SADF service certificate I requested through Lourens Etchel some months back. The job was professionally finalized and I recommend the use of his services for previous members of the SADF, SANDF and SAP. Thanks to those who referred him to me as well”. EIETYDSE MILITêRE GESKIEDENIS 34. History of the SA Air Def Art Lionel Crook of the Gunners state that “... a start has been made at recording and writing the story of the SA Air Def Art and chapters covering the period 1933 to 1950 have already appeared in draft form. These cover the first thoughts that air defense might be needed, the establishment of units, WW2 and new beginnings in 1949. However, available records of recent history from 1950 until now are scarse, annual history returns were either not completed or without any detail. To liven up the history of air defense, members who served at any time in the last fifty years are asked to submit stories; humorous, sad, strange, funny or personnel stories of the bush war. Stories that can make one laugh and can make one cry. They are not needed immediately, but sit down and think about it, put pen to paper or e-mail, add to it slowly, put it together and send whatever you have written to the History Committee, Chief of Staff Air Def Form, or by e-mail to Lionel Crook at resfcape@webafrica.org.za”. 35. Harvards by Sentrale Vliegskool (SVS) Theuns Prinsloo van die SALM vertel “... dat die foto hieronder op LMB Langebaanweg tydens een van die Republiekfeeste of die SAW se 50ste verjaarsdagfees geneem is. Dit is egter in die vroeë 1960s aangesien die C130 nog sy silwer kleure vertoon. Hierdie foto weergee `n tipiese werkdag by die ou SVS en daar is miskien meer Harvards op die foto as wat die SALM se totale inventaris vandag is! Tot vandag, word die Harvard beskou as een van die beste opleidingsvliegtuie wat ooit vervaardig is. Dit was `n voorreg om hierdie vliegtuig te kon vlieg. Die algemene gevoel was dat ‘... as jy `n Harvard kan vlieg, dan kan jy enigiets vlieg".

36. Soweto Town Council Asks SADF Troops to Stay in Soweto In Angel’s MN it was stated that in Jun 1986 there were many neck lacing incidents in Soweto, with people being brutally killed. The Soweto Civic Association (SCA) demanded that the SADF should withdraw its troops from the township and that the councillors resign. On 04/06/1986 the Soweto Town Council rejected the demands made by the SCA and asked the SADF to remain in the Soweto Township as long as people were being ruthlessly killed. The Council declared that such demands made by SCA were not from an organization that loves the people of Soweto and was emphatic that the troops should remain in Soweto”. 37. Verhaal van die Vier Tiffies by Brug 14 Piet Uys van die Geskut meld “... dat op Facebook se ‘Op Savannah Public Group’ die verhaal van die vier Tiffies vertel word wat net na die Slag van Brug 14 deur Kubane krygsgevange geneem is. Die datum by die verhaal is 12/06/19. Die opsteller van die berig is Graham Danney, wat een van die vier was. Dit is ‘n interessante verhaal”. 38. Kursusfoto Olivier Henning van die SAGD het die foto hieronder verskaf. Dit lyk asof dit by die SA Inf Skool geneem is. Vir geskiedkundige redes sal die kursusbesonderhede, asook name van die staflede in die eerste ry, graag bepaal wil word.

39. Wyle Frans Botes van die Infanterie se Goed Verlede week het Annatjie Botes genoem dat sy uniformstukke van Frans het wat sy graag aan iemand wil skenk. Annatjie se telnos is 021-919 9171 en 0716076060. * Annatjie noem nou “… dat ‘n hele aantal mense in Frans se valskerm-baret belanggestel het, terwyl die res aan ‘n museum in Durban geskenk word. Nou moet ek net die tyd en energie kry om alles uit te haal en verpak”. 40. Positive Relationship Between Crew Members A reader of Angel’s MN tells that in 1972 the crew of the new ship, SAS Protea, included a reasonable representation of sailors from the coloured community. During their stay in Portland while taking over the ship, I as the Naval Attaché in London received many compliments on the competency and good behaviour of this crew throughout their time in the UK. On one occasion even a cab driver expressed surprise, after all the negative publicity about apartheid, at how well the white and coloured crew members got on together. He stated further that all the cabbies in that area, many of whom who had suffered from unhappy experiences with sailors from other navies, were also impressed. From the odd stories I hear, this good behaviour continues with all our ships to this day. Many people fail to realise what an enduring positive impression of our country this sort of thing makes on foreigners when our ships visit their ports”.

41. Foto van Spyker Oulike foto van Gert van Niekerk van die Geskut saam met dr Jonas Savimbi van UNITA.

42. Nongqai : Tydskrif oor Ons Land se Veiligheidsinligting Hennie Heymans van die ZARPe is die redakteur en noem dat hy ‘n artikel oor vroue in die Weermag en Polisie wil skryf. Hy benodig insette en noem dat President Kruger se ZARP reeds vroue-ondersoekers te Marshallplein, terwyl die Natal Police vroue as verpleegsters in diens gehad het. Vroue het ook vir die UVM in Duits Oos-Afrika as verpleegsters gedien. In beide WO1 en WO2 en daarna is vroue as lede van die Militêre Polisie aangewend. Vroue het ook by die SAV en by Afd Inl en die weermagsdele se inligtingorganisasies gewerk. My e-posadres is heymanshb@gmail.com”. 43. Betrokkenheid van die SALM by Sharpeville Hennie Heymans noem dat hy besig is “… met 'n spesiale uitgawe van die Nongqai. Ek lees in ou verslae van die SAP dat die SALM ook by die bekamping van die oproer by Sharpeville en omgewing gedurende 1960 betrokke was, deurdat hulle verbyvlugte nogal gehelp het om die skares uiteen te dryf. Enige inligting van ooggetuies oor die rol van die SALM hiertydens sal waardeer word, sodat dit by die spesiale uitgawe ingesluit kan word”. 44. Special Edition of the Nongqai on 'The Fighting Police of Southern Africa' Hennie refers to the “… special edition of the Nongqai which will focus on the ‘Fighting Police of Southern Africa’. Since Oom Jan van Riebeeck landed at the Kaap, we have had police in one form or another right up to this day. We have been excellent, we have made some bad mistakes, however, we have had only one mission, namely to serve and protect. There has always been a symbiotic relationship between the Police and the magistrate, the veld-cornet and the Commando's, as well as a close relationship between the Colonial Police and the Imperial Troops. Police were established in various forms, first in the Cape Colony and later in Natal. The Boer Republics had their own police and North of the ZAR we had the British South African Company Police, later the famous BSAP of Rhodesia. The police also invaded other countries, like the Mashonaland Mounted Police that invaded the ZAR during 1896 as the Jameson Rebellion and the Natal Mounted Police which invaded the ZAR when Sir T Shepstone annexed the ZAR. Because of fiscal restraints the British found it cheaper to have police forces which could double up as soldiers, as the Natal Mounted Police, while great areas of South Africa was policed by the military in the form of the Cape Mounted Rifles and 2 and 3 Bdes of the SA Mounted Rifles. Later Police on the sub-continent were used in both world wars, in many cases as mounted infantry and in intelligence and since 1960 in a counter-insurgency role.

We have to tell our side of the story in the various wars, revolts and revolutions and contributions are requested. Articles may be in Afrikaans or English but many of our readers are in the USA, Australia, Europe and even in Croatia & Russia, and their Afrikaans is not what it should be. Articles are requested from our colleagues in die SADF and their views, comments and impressions in this matter would be appreciated”. 45. Crowd Control Louis Coetzee of the Gunners has provided an article which shows that the Israelis have come up with an ingenious crowd control method! They now use skunk spray as a non-toxic and non-lethal riot control weapon that really works. Great stuff. The Israeli biomedical engineers have done it again. 46. Kom Ons Onthou. Paul Els het die versoek gerig:

47. Ode To Stupid Commanders and Planners : Battle of the Somme. The following was placed on the webpage of the SA Legion: On 01/07/1916, exactly 100 years ago, whistles shrilled at 07:30 along the trenches to signal the troops to go over the top into what was going to become the single bloodiest battle the world has ever known, with it’s staggering legacy of 1 million casualties for 10 km of ground gained along the length of the front. The first day of the Somme Offensive saw the British take over 57 000 casualties alone and a few days later the South Africans on the front were holding Delville Wood at all costs against withering German artillery fire of 600 rounds a minute. NUWE MILITêRE BOEKE 48. Boek deur Tian Schutte Die Erfenisstigting het belangstellendes genooi na “… die bekendstelling van Tian se boek, Guerrillastryd, op 25/06/2016 by die Voortrekkermonument. Verskeie gevegte en skermutselings in die Oos-Transvaal, asook twee minder bekende gevegte in Wes-Transvaal naby Lichtenburg, is bespreek en met foto’s toegelig wat plaaslik en van die Britse regimente se museums bekom is. Boere en Engelse dagboeke is gebruik om die aanvalsroetes van beide Boere- en Engelse magte te bepaal, volgens ou Britse inligtingkaarte van 1900 en wat ruimskoots in die boek geïllustreer word. Daar is ook met behulp van hedendaagse satellietfoto’s, waarop ou kaarte geplaas word, gedemonstreer presies waar die gevegte plaasgevind het”.

49. Bekendstelling van 61 Meg Bn Gp se Boek Die eerste bekendstelling van 61 Meg Bn Gp se boek, Mobility Conquers, vind plaas op 19/08/2016 in Pretoria waartydens dit teen 'n spesiale afslagprys aangebied sal word. Die plek, tyd en kostes sal bevestig word sodra ons weet hoeveel mense die funksie gaan bywoon. Ons het reeds op die 61 MVV se Facebook-blad by https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.61Mech.org.za/ 'n proeflopie gehad om die belangstelling te toets, maar ons wil graag nou met meer sekerheid aan 'n formele gastelys werk. Bevestig bywoning asseblief so gou as moontlik met 'n e-posberig na admin@61Mech.org.za met naam en getal mense, asook hoeveel boeke gekoop gaan word. Ons sal dan teen einde Jun 2016 die details van die plek en koste deurstuur aan die mense wat bywoning bevestig het.

PAUL ELS SE BOEKE 50. Gedenksteen by Oshivelo Weet iemand waar die gedenksteen is wat by Oshivelo opgerig was om die dood van vyf lede van 1 SAI Bn te gedenk? 51. Die Witkerk in Voortrekkerhoogte (VTH) “Die eerste druk van my nuwe boek oor die Witkerk is nou by die publiseerder beskikbaar en kan by epos@groep7.co.za bestel word. Die boek behandel die geskiedenis van die Witkerk en sluit die werksaamhede van die Europa-wyk in. Die prys is R180, bevat 256 bladsye en is in A5 druk”.

ALGEMENE ASPEKTE 52. Opgrawe van Oorskot van Vier Oud-lede van die SALM Gert Opperman is Voorsitter van die Ebo Trust en verwittig “… dat daar heelwat vordering gemaak is met die projek in Kenia om die oorskot van vier oud-lede van die SALM op te grawe en in 'n plaaslike militêre begraafplaas te herbegrawe. Die vier oorledenes was 2Lte CH Allen (vlieënier) en HJP (Bokkie) Lemmer (die waarnemer), asook lugserse S Eliastam en L Murphy (die radiobediener en kanonnier). Die projek word op versoek van die naasbestaande van wyle Bokkie Lemmer deur die Ebo Trust hanteer, aangesien geen van die ander gestorwenes se naasbestaandes opgespoor kon word nie. Hulle was die bemanning van 'n Blenheim bomwerper wat tydens 'n opleidingsvlug op 23/07/1942 weens swak weer en kommunikasie, asook lae wolke, teen Berg Kenia vasgevlieg het. Die vliegtuigwrak is eers in 2002 op ‘n hoogte van ongeveer 10 000 voet ontdek en lede van 'n nabygeleë Britse opleidingsbasis het in 2003 'n ekspedisie na die ongelukstoneel van stapel gestuur. Hulle het die vier lede se oorskot nog in die vliegtuig gevind en was gereed om dit saam met hulle van die berg af te bring, maar is op aandrang van die Statebond Oorlogsgraftekommissie beveel om dit eers daar te laat totdat die naasbestaandes opgespoor kon word. Die menslike oorskot is tydelik onder die vlerk van die vliegtuig begrawe. Die Ebo Trust is gedurende 2015 versoek om 'n projek te loods om die vier se oorskot op te grawe en na Suid-Afrika te repatrieer, maar 'n internasionale konvensie bepaal dat geen slagoffers van WO1 en WO2 na hulle land van herkoms teruggeneem mag word nie, maar in 'n plaaslike militêre begraafplaas begrawe moet word. Die oorskot sal waarskynlik in die War Graves Cemetery van Nanyuki, die basis vanwaar hulle opgestyg het en heen oppad terug was, begrawe word”. Gert het oor die tydperk 19 – 23/06/2016 ‘n besoek aan Nairobi gebring om persoonlik met al die betrokke plaaslike en internasionale instansies te skakel en om die beplanning vir die pad vorentoe te doen. Die projek sal volgens beplanning teen die einde van Okt 2016, of alternatiewelik in Jan 2017, afgehandel wees. OBTAINING MEDALS THAT WERE NOT ISSUED 53. Role of the SA Legion Lgr Riana Venter van Zyl of the SA Legion explains that a large number of men and women who served in the SADF during the Border War 1969–1989, the Internal Conflict and during the integration phase leading up to the transition and integration phase between the SADF and the SANDF, are now applying for medals to which they were entitled to but which were never applied for. The SA Legion is co-operating closely with the Honors and Awards Sub-Section of the SANDF by assisting those in channeling applications from applicants to the above. After the medal applications have been processed, the SA Legion assists further in the distributing these medals. The Legion is responsible for planning suitable ceremonies at Branch or Provincial level at which these medals are officially presented to the recipients and in so doing contributing to give recognition to a generation of Military veterans who feel that their service and sacrifices have gone unnoticed and to ensure that the medals are awarded in a manner which befits such recognition. Not for ourselves but for others”.

54. Procedure for Applying for Medals The medals which can be applied for are the Pro Patria with or without Clasps and or attachments, Southern Africa Medal , General Service Medal, Unitas Medal and the Long Service Medals. Veterans requiring medals must apply to the SA Legion on the e-mail address at medals@salegion.org or by fax to 086 403 7879. The application form is then forwarded to the applicant for further processing before submission to the SANDF. Assistance with this medal application process is limited to Veterans, while serving members of the SANDF or Reserve Forces have to apply through their respective units.

55. Outstanding Medals Lgr Riana Venter van Zyl of the SA Legion also reports that “... the SA Legion had on request of three Military Veterans applied for their medals, but due to changes in their contact details, we are not able to get hold of them. Should the SA Legion not be able to contact and deliver them within the next 30 days, the medals must be returned to SANDF’s Medals and Awards Section. These three medals were awarded according to General Order 187/2010 dated 26/11/2010 to the following members:

Force Number Name Medal

68114768RF Col S du T van der Walt Good Service Silver

05555479PE WO2 MD Bradshaw Good Service Silver

88459920 Mr SJ van der Merwe GSM

Obtaining outstanding medals is an intensive and time consuming process with which the SA Legion assists Military Veterans out of goodwill. If a member is deceased, the member’s next-of-kin may receive the medal and certificate posthumously. Due to a shortage of miniature medals, only Officers and Warrant Officers will be issued with these medals. NCOs and Privates will be issued with their miniature medals as soon as additional stock is received. Our telephone number is 011-486 4533 and fax number is 011-486 2855”. SOEKTOGTE 56. Waar is Nico Pretorius van Personeel? Johan van Wyngaardt van Leërinligting wil met Nico kontak maak om informasie vir die boek oor die Kavango te kry wat Johan saam met Paul Els doen. Nico was die SSO Pers by HK Kmdmt OP en het as ‘n brigadier afgetree. Johan se e-posadres is johanvwyn@ruwacon.co.za. GELEENTHEDE, FUNKSIES EN KURSUS- EN ANDER RE-UNIES

57. Delville Wood Commemoration Services Godfrey Giles of the SA Legion advises that the annual commemoration services will be held at 11:00 on 17/07/2016 in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Kimberley, Pietermaritzburg, East London, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Kroonstad. Contact godfreyg@iafrica.com for more details. 58. Fund Raising for Gem Homes Niel Wiid had asked “… the Gunners to attend a fund raising evening ‘A Night in Paris’ on 25/06/2016 in Johannesburg which was hosted by GEM Homes. Details are on the link at www.gunners.org.za/uploads/GEMParis250616.pdf. Please still try and support a worthy cause”. 59. Re-union for Intelligence Functionaries at the School of Tactical Intelligence The Chairman of SAMIVA, Gawie Lotter, states that a re-union under the banner of SAMIVA is planned for the period 7-9/10/2016 in Potchefstroom, but that approval is awaited from GOC SA Army Int Formation. All Intelligence Functionaries will be welcome and not only those with a connection to the SA Int School. Awie Zwarts will be the organiser in Pretoria with Maj A.W. Duvenhage being in charge of arrangements at the School. Detail later”. 60. Infanteriste is Plesierig Albert Peters “… stuur Infanteriegroete en noem dat die maandelikse NUR vergadering en hinderlaag van die SA Infanterievereniging om 10:00 op Woensdag 06/07/2016 by die Bronberg Wynlandgoed plaasvind. Vanaf 12:00 sluit die ander lede en gaste vir die Hinderlaag by ons aan. Bevestig asseblief bywoning op my selnommer by 0833055147 of op die e-posadres by bertus@bfaskills.co.za. Koste is R80 per persoon en daar is soos gewoonlik 'n heerlike spyskaart”. ADMINISTRASIE 62. Webblad van die SAWV Daan Nell van die Springende Seiners verwittig dat alhoewel die Nuusbrief nou weer direk aan lede versprei word, die Militêre Veterane se Wel en Wee steeds op die SAWV se webblad op die Internet by www.sawv.co.za of die SA Infanterie-vereniging se webblad by http://www.sainfantry.co.za/index.php/news.html. gelees kan word. Op die SAWV se webblad kan ook ‘n vorige kopie gevind word. LAASTE LAWWE (EN SOMS ERNSTIGE) STUKKE 64. Recruiting for ISIS Johan Lotter of the Medics says that he “… was so depressed thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, social security and the state of the military hospitals, that I called the Suicide Hotline. I got transferred to a call centre in Pakistan and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck”. 65. Military Business The author, Willem Steenkamp of the CTH, admires the business ability and military ability of the Jews and tells the story of “... the Johannesburg business man who was doing reserve training in Israel when the Yom Kippur War broke out and then fought some amazing successful actions with a mere handful of tanks. Asked afterwards how he managed it, he replied that ‘... it was simple, every time the Egyptians charged me, I over-charged them”.

66. Incorrect Terminology. Theuns Prinsloo of the SAAF asks all members to update their dictionaries, as it has been determined in Mamelodi that the rank of Lt-Col has been spelt incorrectly for centuries, as indicated below:

67. The Global Recession Johan Lotter of the Medics is an expert on the world’s socio/economic affairs and after Brexit has compiled a study on the effect this will have on global affairs. He has found that a global recession is on the cards, which will hit everybody really hard. This will be the effect: Pre-declined credit cards will be issued. CEOs will be playing miniature golf. The Guptas will lay off 25 Parliamentarians. Mormons will be restricted to one wife. If the bank returns your cheque marked with "… insufficient funds" you call them and ask if they meant you or them. Parents in Sandton will fire their nannies and be forced to learn their children's names. Truckloads of South Africans will sneak into Zimbabwe. A picture is now only worth 200 words. When Bill and Hillary travel together, they will have to share a room.

68. Johan Lotter Felt Depressed After his above study, Johan was so depressed thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, social security, retirement funds, etc, he called the Suicide Hotline. He got put through to a call centre in Pakistan, and when he told them he was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if he could drive a truck.

69. Electronic Solutions to Mechanical Problems Deon Potgieter of the MOTHS in Mossel Bay knows all about computers and was horrified when he heard of the following incident that took place in George: Wife texts her handy husband on a cold winter morning with “… windows frozen and will not open”. Husband texts back with “… gently pour some lukewarm water over the edges and tap the edges sharply with a hammer”. Five minutes later the wife texts back with “… laptop really buggered now”. SLOT 70. And on that blonde note, sterkte vir die res van die naweek. Johann VRYWARINGSKLOUSULE

71. Hierdie Nuusbrief bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van Militêre Veterane en die Opsteller van die Nuusbrief kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie.