Welcome to Creative Writing! Mrs. Edge. Class Rules 1. Follow directions the first time they are...


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Welcome to Creative Writing!Mrs. Edge

Class Rules1. Follow directions the first time they are given.2. Be prepared and ON TIME for class.3. Pay attention, listen, and be ready to

respond/participate during all class activities.4. Be respectful and kind towards others (e.g.: respect

others' opinions, offer assistance when it is needed, don’t interrupt, etc.). If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!

5. Check your stereotypes at the door (negative statements about any culture, race, or lifestyle, including slang, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED)

Discipline Policy

Breaking any of the five rules (in any form) will result in one or more of the following disciplinary actions: TEACHER DETENTION (10 minutes after school:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday- You have ONE WEEK to make up your detention from the day it is assigned)

PINK SLIP (referral to assistant principal) GOLD SLIP (removed from classroom and sent to main


Required Materials

pens/pencils notebook/binder with

folder for loose papers/notes

completed assigned homework

Hall Passes bathroom passes will be

given out sparingly do not ask for a pass to

another teacher, guidance, main office, etc.--- you may only go if you are called down or have a previously written pass

sign in/out whenever you leave the room

Absences/Late Assignments Each day an assignment is late, 10 points will be

taken off the grade (ex: an assignment that would be a 95 will become a 85)

Assignments handed in more than 4 days late are an automatic F (50%)

Late/absent assignments must be placed in the appropriate labeled box in the back of the classroom

You may NOT hand in late homework checks (unless you were absent)

If you get caught cutting, you may NOT make-up that work

Written Work

You will receive an automatic F (50%) for incomplete work

Write legibly!!! Typed work is preferred. You must have the following on EVERY

graded assignment or you will lose 1 grade: Name Date Period Assignment Name

Extra HelpIf your grades are suffering or you need extra

help, please stop by AFTER school (any day BUT Wednesday)

Electronic Devices Cell phones, Ipods and other electronic devices are NOT

allowed in class UNLESS I say we are using them for an educational purpose that day.

Please put your cell phones in the holder whe you enter the room.

If you do not, and I see it, it is an automatic pink slip. No arguing.

See contract for more information.


What is Plagiarism? Copying another person’s work Copying from the Internet and claiming it as your

own Borrowing any information from another source

without giving credit (Works cited page/citations) If you plagiarize, you receive an automatic 0

for the assignment and I call home See contract for more information.

Creative Writing

10%=Class participation (writing, sharing, etc.)

20%=Journal/Do Now 30%= Minor Assignments (worksheets, less

than 1 page assignments, conferences, etc.) 40%=Major Writing Assignments (projects,

portfolios, etc.)


97-100 A+ 4.3393-96 A 4.0090-92 A- 3.6783-86 B 3.0080-82 B- 2.6777-79 C+ 2.3373-76 C 2.0070-72 C- 1.6765-69 D 1.250-64 F 0.00


Autobiographical Unit Children’s Unit (fables, fairy tales) Poetry Mythology Short Stories Writing About Art One Act Plays
