What do you think is the point that the artist is trying to make with this picture?



What do you think is the point that the artist is trying to make with this picture?. France Under the Old Regime. 15 th Century - 1789. The Church (the First Estate). About 130,000 individuals 97 % of France was Catholic Owned ¼ of property in Paris and 10% nationwide. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What do you think is the point that the artist is trying to make with this picture?

France Under the Old Regime

15th Century - 1789

The Church(the First Estate)

• About 130,000 individuals

• 97% of France was Catholic

• Owned ¼ of property in Paris and 10% nationwide.

• Tithe = 8-10% of harvest collected each harvest

• Paid only a voluntary 3% of income in taxes

• Was a source of charity

The Nobility(the Second Estate)

• .4-1% of population and owned 1/3 of land. Rights over the rest. Received 1/12 to 1/6 of harvest.

• Divided between nobles of the sword and of the robe.

• Hereditary privileges (exclusive hunting rights, feudal dues, and exemption from taxes and the corvee)

• Nobles at Versailles received most appointments to the church, army and bureaucracy. Others (hobereaux) weren’t always that rich.

Everyone ElseThe “Third Estate”

• Urban poor spend 40-60% of their income on bread. Food riots were common. Worked 14-16 hour days.

• Life expectancy =50 years, ½ of children died before age 5

• 80% were rural peasants, 1/4 - 1/3 of produce to nobility

The Bourgeoisie• 5% of the population

• Law, investment, royal administration, landlords

• Enthusiastic for Enlightenment ideals

• Increased from 700,000 in 1700 to 2.3 million in 1780


• The main colony was Saint-Domingue (modern Haiti)

• >450,000 working in the Caribbean

• Regulated by the Code Noir of 1685: no legal or family rights

• Half died within a few years.


• No written constitution

• Roman law in the South and customary in the North

• Cruel punishments for offenses

Jacques-Louis David
