What have you learned from your audience feedback?


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I have learnt a lot from audience

feedback throughout this process.

Getting audience feedback is vital

because it allows the products to be

moulded by the audience’s views.


From the questionnaire I learnt who to

target my film at; females aged 12-25

I learnt the respondents expectations of

teaser trailers

I learnt what influences the respondents

choice of film to watch

Film Name and Font

I held a vote on which of the final two

names should be the title of the film

I asked for people’s opinions on font

options for the title

Poster Images

From the feedback featured above: I learnt that

this member of the target audience understood

and appreciated some creative decisions: the text

insert, the voice over, music, reviews, ‘based on

real events’, tagline etc

This person recognised my attempts at making

this trailer seem like a professional trailer: the

production company and website

From this audience feedback I learnt:

• The trailer does tease the audience rather than convey the whole plot

• There could be more voice over at the end

• The music works well how it gets more dramatic at the end

• All three media texts look like they advertise the same film

• It is clear to the audience who the target audience is

• The genre is clear to the audience

From this audience feedback I learnt:

• The emotion is evident, through text inserts and camera angle choices

• All three media texts look like they advertise the same film

because of the title font and the same actress

• The target audience is conveyed

• The poster and the trailer convey the meaning of the film

through the tagline and the placement of it

• The magazine cover is ambiguous about what

the film is like but it would expand inside

From this audience feedback I learnt:

• The trailer teases doesn’t explain

• The genre andtarget audience is conveyed

• Reviews made it look professional

• Poster reflects the genre

• Layout of poster is effective

• All three link because girl is featured on all

From this audience feedback I learnt:

• The trailer doesn’t reveal the whole story

• Music conveys the emotional tone

• Questions are created and left open by the choice of shots

• The name of the magazine isn’t obvious

From this audience feedback I learnt:

• All three texts look like they advertise the

same film – the title connects them

• The name needs to be changed on the

magazine to further the effectiveness of the

combination of the three texts

From this audience feedback I learnt:

• The genre isn’t obvious to some, but can be

defined with knowledge

• The target audience is clear, with

acknowledgement of why it may

be that